港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约6分钟
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:30
11:30 - 16:30
18:00 - 23:00
真係每次經過都被吸引住🤩寶藍色拱門既店面💙一排半露天既座位環境有種外國風,帶點慢活既感覺😌即使唔係Weekend假期,平日慢慢品嚐個Lunch☀️Chill下都可以好嘆🤓~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• ☀️ Lunch Menu (start from $268/pp) ☀️▪Starters (每人揀2款)▫️Chef’s RUSA (+$50)細細罐,面鋪滿三文魚魚籽 • 吞拿魚蛋黄醬 • 薯仔沙律🥔一次過舀到底,配埋卜卜脆多士一齊食,幾重滋味😝.▫️GAMBAS AL AJILLO (+$60)鐵板上🔥熱辣辣蒜油仲係滾住。大蝦爽口彈牙🦐,蒜油味滲透晒蝦肉到。.▫️TUNA TARTARE 脆撻底加入左牛油果蓉🥑 • 新鮮吞拿魚粒 • 三文魚魚籽 • 海藻,口感豐富😙.▫️GEM LETTUCE SALAD (V)新鮮沙律菜🥬 • 脆脆合桃碎。配油醋汁食落幾FRESH😝.▪Mains▫️CARABIMERO RICE (+$150/pp • Min 2 guests)2大隻紅蝦🦐開邊放正正中間,底既飯粒粒都有濃厚既醬汁包住🤎(魷魚🦑 • 洋蔥🧅 • 蕃茄醬🍅 • 慢煮龍蝦汁🦞而成)鮮味得黎唔太膩,啖啖都好滿足😚.▪Sweets▫️BASQUE STYLE CHEESECAKE (+$20)表面微微焦香,芝味濃郁 • 軟心狀🤍.▫️COCONUT AND FRESH BERRIES (V)表面既Cream係用椰子🥥打成,素食既朋友仔都食得💚加埋莓莓幾清新😝.▪Drinks▫️Red Wine (+$50)▫️SENORITA ($130)(White Wine • Raspberry • Peach Liquor • Dry Curacao • Cava).~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• 🔺以上價錢 💁🏻♀️需另加𝟏𝟎% 服務費🔺Menu有素食選擇🌱~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥中環有不少特色食肆,提供不同國家的菜式,西班牙菜算是較為熱門,所以必定要做得出色,才能令客人再次光顧。這間餐廳單項門面的裝修已覺得十分吸引,至於餐廳內的菜式亦充滿內涵,簡直是色香味俱全。Central Hong Kong boasts a variety of unique dining establishments offering cuisines from around the world, with Spanish cuisine particularly popular. To attract repeat customers, restaurants must excel in both quality and presentation. This restaurant impresses not only with its attractive exterior but also with its thoughtfully crafted dishes that exemplify a harmonious balance of flavor, aroma, and visual appeal.Tuna TarTare ($120)這個吞拿魚他他賣上非常精緻,廚師用了一個撻皮去承載著吞拿魚蓉,雖然吞拿魚非常濕潤,但撻皮卻沒有因此而變腍,至於吞拿魚蓉,吃得出是經過調味,再加上用料十分新鮮,所以非常美味The Tuna Tartare is exquisitely presented, using a delicate pastry shell to hold the finely diced tuna. Despite the moistness of the tuna, the shell remains intact and does not become soggy. The well-seasoned tuna, paired with fresh ingredients, makes for a delightful and flavorful dish.Iberico Ham by “Arturo Sanchez ($180)這個風乾火腿,並非如部分西班牙伊比利亞黑毛豬火腿一般,這個不會太鹹,吃後口腔內充滿了油香味道,配以香脆的的手指餅,增加了口感的層次The Dry-Cured Ham is a standout; unlike some Iberian hams, it is not overly salty. Instead, it offers a rich, buttery flavor that lingers in the mouth. Paired with crisp breadsticks, it adds a satisfying textural contrast.Iberico Ham Croquettes ($70)這個伊比利亞黑毛豬炸薯蓉球,外表炸得非常香脆,內裏的薯蓉及黑毛豬火腿非常幼滑The Iberian Black Pig Croquettes are perfectly crisp on the outside, with a smooth and creamy filling of mashed potatoes and ham that melt in your mouth.Spring Chicken ($160)燒春雞燒得非常香,內裏充滿了肉汁,但一點沒有油膩的感覺,至於薯條,是非一般的薯條,廚師應該是以新鮮的薯仔去製作這個薯條,所以薯仔味非常濃郁The Roasted Spring Chicken is beautifully cooked, maintaining its juiciness while not being greasy. The accompanying fries stand out as they appear to be made from fresh potatoes, delivering a robust potato flavor unlike typical offerings.Spinach Canelon ($170)這個菠菜卷非常特別,菠菜煮得非常腍,至於用粉皮包著的菠菜,外面的粉皮吸收了忌廉汁,加上菠菜,不能是味道或口感都有更多的層次The Spinach Roll is particularly unique, with the spinach cooked to a tender consistency. The exterior wrapping absorbs the creamy sauce, enhancing both the flavor and texture.Apple Tart ($90)這個蘋果甜品不會太甜,充滿了蘋果的清新味道,由於是暖暖的,配合了旁邊冰凍的雪糕,令人有一陣驚喜的感覺The Apple Dessert strikes a perfect balance, not overly sweet, and showcases the refreshing taste of apples. Served warm with a side of cold ice cream, it offers a delightful contrast that surprises the palate.1906 Dark Amber ($70)這款啤酒十分容易入口,不會有苦澀的感覺,喝後有一陣麥香,留在口中The beer selection is notably smooth and easy to drink, free from any bitter aftertaste, leaving a pleasant malty aroma.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物不論是賣相及味道多十分好,擺盤十分精緻,味道亦不會太過油膩或濃烈,而且還會有時令菜式給客人選擇The food is visually stunning and delicious, with artistic presentation that enhances the overall dining experience. Dishes are not excessively oily or overpowering in flavor, and seasonal specialties are available for guests to choose from.❌餐牌菜式的選擇不算太多,亦建議可以加添更多蔬菜類的菜式However, the menu could benefit from a greater variety of dishes, particularly vegetable options.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅環境裝修非常雅緻,而且枱與枱之間亦有足夠的空間The restaurant features elegant decor, with ample space between tables to ensure a comfortable dining atmosphere.❌無Nil💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生非常有禮,而且還會主動向客人介紹餐單Service is courteous, with attentive staff who proactively introduce menu options to guests.❌無Nil💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅備有套餐給客人選擇,讓客人可以一次過品嚐到更多不同的款式Set menus are available for diners, allowing them to sample a broader range of dishes in one visit.❌由於菜式的份量比較少,所以男士們可能要多點更多的菜式Given the portion sizes, gentlemen may find it necessary to order additional items to fully satisfy their appetites.
趁週末同老公去行吓食吓野chill 下,揀咗呢間位於中上環的西班牙菜餐廳,裝修好優雅,以藍白色為主,感覺舒服,仲有窗口位置好chill。週末的Brunch Menu $489/位 up ,包海鮮拼盤、2 款頭盤、主菜、甜品,仲可以 +$238 / 位有兩小時Free-flow🥂✨Royal Grilled Seafood Platter✨賣相好靚又豐富嘅海鮮拼盤🤩🔸生蠔🦪: 好新鮮肥美,仲可以噴上醬汁🔸海膽虎奶酸辣汁醃海鮮:用貝殼裝住帶子、龍蝦肉、魚等海鮮,肉質鮮甜,醬汁酸酸辣辣好開胃。🔸虎蝦🦐:新鮮爽口彈牙🔸吞拿魚牛油果他他:吞拿魚肉配上牛油果醬底下仲有好多脆脆,好特別的口感有層次。✨Startes✨🔶Chef’s Rusa 🔶Crab Roll 🔶Iberico Ham with Tomato Bread 🔶Gem Lettuce Salad 最喜歡係Chef’s Rusa ,鋪滿三文魚籽賣相超吸引,裡面係Tuna蛋黃醬薯仔沙律,配香脆小多士食好正。Crab Roll 也是很推介,鬆軟的麵包夾住炸得很酥脆的軟殼蟹,配埋蟹肉他他醬,超好食✨Main✨🔶Carabinero Rice 西班牙紅蝦飯呢個主菜是二人份,上枱已聞到好香的蝦味,紅蝦好大隻,蝦肉好鮮甜,加入了洋蔥、蕃茄、魷魚一起煮,每粒飯都吸滿汁的精華,加埋飯落去食埋蝦頭的蝦膏精華😚✨Dessert✨🔶Ice cream sandwich 威化餅夾住雲呢拿雪糕,仲可以自己加朱古力醬。🔶Coconut & Berrie 個cream係椰子味,下面有士多啤梨+紅莓,口感幾特別。
朋友今日特登到中環搵我食午餐,我當然唔敢怠慢,最後搵咗間充滿格調🥰,食西班牙菜嘅餐廳 - Chueca。lunch menu $298/位Starters (選二)Tuna Tartare新鮮吞拿魚粒🦆上面放上三文魚魚子和海藻,底層撻皮入面加了牛油果泥🥑,口感非常豐富😋。Ham Croquettes可樂餅入面充滿了芝士🧀和火腿🥓,外層薄薄炸皮香脆可口😋。Chef's Rusa (+$50)上面舖滿醋浸過嘅三文魚魚子🐟,中層為吞拿魚蛋黄醬,底層為薯仔沙律🥔,記得連埋卜卜脆嘅多士一齊食😋。Gambas Al Ajillo (+$60)大蝦🦐爽滑彈牙,煮得香口入味,香草麵包條十分軟熟,點上香濃嘅蒜香汁一齊食,每一口都充滿濃濃的蒜香味🤤。Main Carabinero Rice (min 2 guest) + $150每位紅蝦🦐爽滑彈牙,但最正係個飯🍛,個醬汁由洋蔥🧅魷魚🦑蕃茄醬🍅及龍蝦汁🦞慢煮而成,每啖飯都充滿着龍蝦汁嘅香味🤤。SweetsCoconut and Berries用椰子🥥打成嘅忌廉再配上底層嘅草莓🍓和草莓醬汁,酸酸甜甜夠哂_😋。Basque Style Chessecake +$20芝士蛋糕🍰味道香濃又,唔太貼,啱哂我。Chueca Gin Tonic $160賣相一流,主要係Gin + 湯力水,最特別嘅係冰🧊都係由Gin酒造成😋。Peach Tea $90朋友就嗌咗杯蜜桃茶,冰涼又清爽😋。