港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约8分钟 继续阅读
深夜居酒屋,是屬於日本上班族的解憂之地。在居酒屋 Fukuro 的晚上,就如一個個未眠東京夜,愈夜愈熱鬧。來開懷吃喝,輕鬆消遣一整夜,煩惱瑣事,就暫時拋諸腦後吧。 继续阅读
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 00:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 美国运通 银联 微信支付
食记 (215)
等级3 2024-11-22
487 浏览
Team,I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my disappointment regarding my recent experience at your restaurant on 22/11/2024. As someone who has fond memories associated with your establishment, I was looking forward to enjoying a special evening with my partner. Unfortunately, the service we received fell far below our expectations.I made a reservation for 9:15 PM and arrived at 9:05 PM, only to find myself waiting unnecessarily. When I inquired about the situation at the front desk, I was asked about my payment method, but did not receive any information regarding our table. To my surprise, I noticed that several couples who arrived after us were seated immediately, which left me feeling frustrated and overlooked.Additionally, when I approached a staff member for clarification on our wait time, I was met with an unprofessional attitude. The staff member, although not local, displayed a level of service that was disappointingly poor, especially compared to what one would expect in a restaurant setting. It felt as though our reservation and the importance of customer service were not prioritized.While I understand that busy times can lead to challenges, I hope you can appreciate that a reservation system should ensure that customers are seated in a timely manner. If the restaurant is unable to honor reservations properly, it might be worth reconsidering the implementation of this service altogether.Furthermore, the food quality did not meet our expectations either, which added to our disappointment. However, the main issue lies with the service we received. My partner and I were hoping for a pleasant dining experience to reminisce about our relationship, but instead, we left feeling disheartened. 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-10-21
1314 浏览
經此平台預先訂了兩人食生日飯🥳餐廳座位不多 環境不大 但燈光到位坐吧枱氣氛反而比普通table更好但係場內既音樂嘈到完全傾唔到計待應既對話都聽唔到先講食物餐廳既食物的賣相及味道都尚算不錯刺身拼盤 正正常常 份量不多不是太特別 算叫做新鮮枝豆係乾煸四季豆既味嚟 我覺得合格既蔥花吞拿魚丼 好味 生牛肉他他 最出色 😛招牌和牛漢堡竟然賣哂 (唔知可唔可以先預留?)所以替代就點了雞肉漢堡 一樣出色明太子意粉 香味濃 但值得highlight 侍應service都算差生啤漏單 要提起先斟但呢個情況 不只一次 食物都係會漏單牛肉他他一坐點已經叫咗又係問佢先即刻整另外食食下無啦啦上甜品?完全冇講聲,放低就係咗另外訂了生日甜品 無生日快樂字句都算我已經再三強調要蛋糕,可以當係order甜品最後只係得三舊糯米糍 + 1支蠟燭就算其他客人不經open rice訂就有生日蛋糕全場員工同佢唱生日歌完全差別待遇不愉快一餐 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-10-02
1717 浏览
之前網上見到人話態度唔好搞到有少少驚但嚟到發現服務員態度友善,而且怕大家睇唔明英文Menu仲會俾埋中文版連圖由於係男朋友生日,餐廳都會幫手提供連蠟燭的甜品食物質素都不錯,尤其是煎餃,令人感到驚喜!天婦羅蝦也炸得很酥脆!份量跟價錢也成正比! 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级4 2024-08-21
2121 浏览
又要被爱了😻雪蟹乌冬面🦀软嫩鲜甜的雪蟹穿过乌冬面和酱汁相互交融,让浓稠的酱料用将二者完美的包裹🍜,鲜香嫩滑又弹牙Crispy Caramel 酥脆的外壳很给力,🌽甜玉米穿上了美丽的酥皮,而焦糖的香甜浓郁在每一颗玉米粒之间拉扯,吃起来是口口爆汁🍤鲜虾天妇罗的面衣很轻薄,酥脆之余还能吃到虾肉的弹与甜🌤️可惜没吃到最想吃的和牛三明治,但是时候弥补遗憾了 继续阅读
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呢間位於中環嘅日式fusion居酒屋環境昏暗幾有feel 🫶🏻 無論for慶祝定係平日放工後黎chill下食好西都好適合🥰🌟🌽 Crispy Caramel Butter Corn 香脆焦糖牛油粟米 $128餐廳招牌菜之一,外層炸衣好薄脆,滿滿嘅牛油焦糖香加埋甜甜哋嘅粟米好有驚喜😋🍝 Yaki Udon 蟹肉烏冬 $228烏冬好滑身有咬口,蟹肉分量都幾多幾鮮甜,仲有濃郁嘅味噌蟹膏汁,鹹左啲但係好味😛🍗 Spicy Chicken Karaage 香辣唐揚炸雞 $148炸雞外面沾滿左辣醬,但係都仲有啲脆香,加埋嫩滑有肉汁嘅雞肉好正☺️📍Fukuro中環俊榮里伊利近街1-5號永利大廈地舖🍽️ 8.3/10 继续阅读
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