The only reason here is the legendary hot chocolate cake 是日來到Grand想一嘗他們家出色的心太軟,看看時間已經差不多飯點,不如就順便dinner啦~menu上選擇頗多,salmon、mussle看起來都挺吸引的。不過menu右邊有一大個colume都在介紹steak,看起來應該不錯,最後選擇了8o.z. 30天谷飼牛排。sarter則叫了一個scollap。最後自然是以招牌chocolate cake做結尾啦。另外,酒單方面cocktail方面也有兩三款蠻特別的酒。starterd scollap 不推薦,雖然scollap新鲜口感不錯,但是烹調并沒有加到分。帶子只是略加海鹽烹調,保持原味。但tomato saurce酸味不夠重,沒有很好的襯托出帶子的鮮味。味道偏淡。steak(medium) with wild mushroom and mushed truffle potato. 牛肉頗嫩,上來時鐵板熱氣很足,能夠看到steak周圍誘人的肉汁 肉汁很嫩很juicy.配菜水準也很好 oishi .最後的最後,choco
The only reason here is the legendary hot chocolate cake
Be honest i dont like write the review, but in this case i have to do that.I been in this restaurant yesterday with my family, wife and 2 kids, and i want so excited about enviroment.We order kids menu for my son, hamburger and french fries, loabster for my wife and i order augus beef hamburger, plus on the side truffle mush potato and buffalo chicken wing.Nobody asked us how we wish to have the cooking beef or hamburger ( medium rare rare and whatsoevr ).The food was delivered in reasonal time
Be honest i dont like write the review, but in this case i have to do that. I been in this restaurant yesterday with my family, wife and 2 kids, and i want so excited about enviroment. We order kids menu for my son, hamburger and french fries, loabster for my wife and i order augus beef hamburger, plus on the side truffle mush potato and buffalo chicken wing. Nobody asked us how we wish to have the cooking beef or hamburger ( medium rare rare and whatsoevr ). The food was delivered in reasonal time but the quality was really bad. The augus burger wad cold and overcooked i guess was rest of the saturday might and the chef even try to make warm. Truffle mush potato was totaly cold. The fries was cold and could be chew. THe hamburger of my kids was totally burned and cold. The loabster of my wife was half and no fresh. In the end we try to order sandwich, but same, cold and cutted really big: just bred nothing inside. I am surprise how can the restaurant with those good position and enviroment got this kitchen. I suggest the owner to change all kitchen staff meantime i will not go there anymore. Thank you
其實我大多給哈哈笑的才寫會食評,這家餐廳因為消費高但有些食物質素和服務也不太理想,所以想寫一下作記錄。Grand Central 的環境很有美式酒吧的風格,深木色的裝修,大大的酒吧櫃,大型電視直播足球節目。Clam and saffon chowder with crispy bayonne ham,$88. 周打蜆湯很稀,質感像是普通老火湯。顏色是蛋黃的黃色,就是下忌廉很輕手做成的吧。最主要是,湯的味道帶酸。我們問侍應,侍應叫了經理來。經理只是不斷強調他們的周打蜆湯跟坊間不同,是不濃厚的。說說下我覺得他開始暗示我們不懂吃,便問是不是這裡的周打蜆湯會帶酸。他說應該不會,然後提議加錢更換一個三文魚周打蜆湯。加了三文魚的周打蜆湯比較厚身一點點,魚肉很滑,但還是帶酸,不過酸度減少了。經理再問意見,但無視我們說還帶酸這點,只說這個較好就走了。如果客人已經說帶酸,經理到廚師也不試一下是否有材料出了問題,就做新的給客人,這家餐廳對食物衞生的要求也很低。經理也不應該暗示客人不懂吃,相信在九龍站消費的也不是大鄉里,如果你要證明這稀水的周打蜆湯是特色,就跟客人說明吧,可借好像連湯裡有什麼材料也不知道,只
生日時朋友原來訂左GC食晚餐,近排愛上左食著條漢堡包,第一次試尼間,雖然價格有D貴,但味道同環境都一流,推介!首先叫左個Crab Cake,雖然味道都OK,但就冇咩蟹味,冇想像中咁好食,有小小失望。然後叫左Lobster Club Sandwich同French Fries,三文治好好食,有小小烘底食落好脆,材料好新鮮好鮮甜!D薯條都好好食,唔會太咸!叫左個Meshed Potato,好滑而且味道岩岩好,雖然望落好似唔多,但有總食極都仲有既感覺,讚!我同朋友各叫左一杯飲品,Native New Yorker同Passion Fruit & Strawberry Mocktail,朋友話Native New Yorker雖然有酒味但同樣都帶出到檸檬同蘋果既清香!我就試左Passion Fruit & Strawberry Moctail,有果肉同埋唔會太甜,好清新同natural!本來已經食得好飽,原來朋友準備左個legendary hot chocolate cake同我慶祝生日!GC既心太軟真係好好食,雖然已經好飽,但實在抗拒唔到,雪糕同心太軟冷熱交融,食既時候真係覺得好幸福好好食!
首先叫左個Crab Cake,雖然味道都OK,但就冇咩蟹味,冇想像中咁好食,有小小失望。然後叫左Lobster Club Sandwich同French Fries,三文治好好食,有小小烘底食落好脆,材料好新鮮好鮮甜!D薯條都好好食,唔會太咸!叫左個Meshed Potato,好滑而且味道岩岩好,雖然望落好似唔多,但有總食極都仲有既感覺,讚!
我同朋友各叫左一杯飲品,Native New Yorker同Passion Fruit & Strawberry Mocktail,朋友話Native New Yorker雖然有酒味但同樣都帶出到檸檬同蘋果既清香!我就試左Passion Fruit & Strawberry Moctail,有果肉同埋唔會太甜,好清新同natural!
本來已經食得好飽,原來朋友準備左個legendary hot chocolate cake同我慶祝生日!GC既心太軟真係好好食,雖然已經好飽,但實在抗拒唔到,雪糕同心太軟冷熱交融,食既時候真係覺得好幸福好好食!總體尼講,GC真係一個值得推介既地方,除左Crab Cake有D失望,其他無論係食物定飲品都好正!
Semi-lunch buffet costs HKD148. If you want a main course, you just need to add HKD48 on top. The price is fair enough. In the bar, you can choose corn soup, Caesar salad, pasta salad, grilled vegetables, mini pizza, and ham. The choices from the main course also cater for vegetarian. There are spaghetti with pesto sauce, grilled salmon, and different kinds of hamburgers. There are variety of choices. Yummy.... Three of us choose grilled salmon, spaghetti with pesto sauce and hamburger with frie
Semi-lunch buffet costs HKD148. If you want a main course, you just need to add HKD48 on top. The price is fair enough. In the bar, you can choose corn soup, Caesar salad, pasta salad, grilled vegetables, mini pizza, and ham. The choices from the main course also cater for vegetarian. There are spaghetti with pesto sauce, grilled salmon, and different kinds of hamburgers. There are variety of choices. Yummy....
Three of us choose grilled salmon, spaghetti with pesto sauce and hamburger with fries. Grilled salmon is a little bit over-cooked, but the side dish (spinach with potatoes salad) is perfect. Spaghetti with pesto sauce together with different kinds of vegetables, like broccolis, artichoke, and carrots. You don't feel bored with the green dish. The hamburger is just good. We order medium rare, the steak is cooked to perfection. The fries are so crispy, I can't stop to finish them all.
For the drinks, you can only choose iced tea or soft drink. If you want a cup of hot lemon water, you need to add HKD30. wow... that is so cruel to the expected mother.
The only disadvantage of this restaurant is there are limited seats on ground floor, you need to climb up the stairs after grabbing the food from the bar.
圓方三樓平台,西餐廳與酒吧多的是,不少在中午更會推出半自助午餐吸引客人,有些價錢較為便宜,但食物質量相對沒有那麼吸引;有些價錢較貴,但明顯地食物選擇較多,看來較為吸引。假如中間落墨的話,這間 Grand Central Bar & Grill 記憶中是個不錯的選擇。前次到來其實已是數月前的事,事隔多月,印象已有點模糊,依稀記得自助的各式頭盤和甜品都有板有眼,款式雖不算很多,可也不太少,各款食物的味道整體上不會令人感到失望,加上主菜的漢堡和煎魚也有不錯的水準,餐廳環境也挺悠閒,這頓半自助午餐我還是吃得滿意的。
圓方三樓平台,西餐廳與酒吧多的是,不少在中午更會推出半自助午餐吸引客人,有些價錢較為便宜,但食物質量相對沒有那麼吸引;有些價錢較貴,但明顯地食物選擇較多,看來較為吸引。假如中間落墨的話,這間 Grand Central Bar & Grill 記憶中是個不錯的選擇。