2015-09-05 2626 浏览
Hokkaido scallops 不過不失,味道鮮甜,配料特別能帶出scallops 鮮味。Bone Marrow 這個是非常肥的菜,如果單吃應該是放不進口,雖然牛味十足,但真係太太太過肥了。個人並不喜歡他的配料,味道帶點辛辣,但與這道菜並不配。這個所謂的today special 真係一d都唔special,首先,說好的black truffle 不見了,而我又食唔到有truffle sauce,這個pasta 跟普通的免治牛肉醬意粉,大同小異,失望之選。
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Hokkaido scallops 不過不失,味道鮮甜,配料特別能帶出scallops 鮮味。

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Bone Marrow 這個是非常肥的菜,如果單吃應該是放不進口,雖然牛味十足,但真係太太太過肥了。個人並不喜歡他的配料,味道帶點辛辣,但與這道菜並不配。

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這個所謂的today special 真係一d都唔special,首先,說好的black truffle 不見了,而我又食唔到有truffle sauce,這個pasta 跟普通的免治牛肉醬意粉,大同小異,失望之選。
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (晚餐)
  • Hokkaido Scallop
2015-08-27 3376 浏览
Very nice food from appetizer to dessert. I had smoked mozzarella and ham for appetizer, so tempting and tasty that I forgot to take a photo. Main was grilled baby squids on coleslaw with peanuts. Loveliest baby squids I've ever had!  There was also prawn slider to share, which was absolutely awesome (also so good that nobody remembered to take photo)! Dessert is ice-cream slider - fantastic!
Very nice food from appetizer to dessert. I had smoked mozzarella and ham for appetizer, so tempting and tasty that I forgot to take a photo. Main was grilled baby squids on coleslaw with peanuts. Loveliest baby squids I've ever had!  There was also prawn slider to share, which was absolutely awesome (also so good that nobody remembered to take photo)! Dessert is ice-cream slider - fantastic!
Ice-cream slider
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Grilled baby squirt on coleslaw
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$190 (午餐)
Grilled baby squirt on coleslaw
星期五晚上7:30pm到達(book左),未full house~ 未仔細講食物前,想説一句,食物係好好味,坐得舒適而且不會很多很多人在等~ 不過店員在用餐尾聲時每10分鐘就過來問可否收走剩餘的食物真的很煩,前後4至5次,其實我們很飽想再擺下先,其實當時又無人等,唔明點解要咁。而且一直幫你倒酒,好似想快d叫你開過支。問了店員recommendation, signature dish 係beef meat balls 同 seafood meatballs。3人行的我們叫了seafood meatball 作為小食,beef meat ball則作為main pasta。另外仲有帶子appetisers, Parma ham pizza~ 這裡酒的選擇也不少,我們也叫了枝Riesling 。btw slinders 原來係mini burgers~面包有2款,有一隻係脆餅質地,都不錯。食物很快陸續地送上,感覺大約20分鐘已經到哂,幸好我們坐沙發位,圓桌比較大。Seafood meatballs有3粒,每人剛剛好,紅色汁很好吃,未試過用海鮮混在肉丸中,好得意Parma ham pizza

星期五晚上7:30pm到達(book左),未full house~ 

未仔細講食物前,想説一句,食物係好好味,坐得舒適而且不會很多很多人在等~ 不過店員在用餐尾聲時每10分鐘就過來問可否收走剩餘的食物真的很煩,前後4至5次,其實我們很飽想再擺下先,其實當時又無人等,唔明點解要咁。而且一直幫你倒酒,好似想快d叫你開過支。

問了店員recommendation, signature dish 係beef meat balls 同 seafood meatballs。3人行的我們叫了seafood meatball 作為小食,beef meat ball則作為main pasta。另外仲有帶子appetisers, Parma ham pizza~ 這裡酒的選擇也不少,我們也叫了枝Riesling 。btw slinders 原來係mini burgers~


Seafood meatballs

Parma ham pizza
大量ham舖面,芝士很moist,不是乾身的,但我喜歡,rockets 混在cheese中,少了苦澀味,大愛這個pizza

Beef pasta
很粗的penne, 有少少咬口,好的那種。又係有3粒肉丸~ 不錯

Scallop appetisers 
賣相好美,不過那個black pudding 吃不出是什麼。價錢overpriced  (好像$180)
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)
2015-08-02 2240 浏览
已經是第二次來到NOM,他們曾經成為某個英文媒體,上年的十大新餐廳之一。記得這裡以前是死位,每間餐廳的壽命不到一年,去到NOM,總算扭轉了形勢。是日晚上,餐廳也有七成滿。閒話少說,NOM的全名為Not only meatball,上次來吃午飯的時候,果然點止肉丸咁簡單。近年喝得多威士忌,還有手工啤酒,Hey Ho ! To Go!的IPA,香橙,果皮,點點鹹的個性,let's go rock and roll!33 month organic Parma Ham Zavoli & smoked Mozzarella platter,軟熟鹹香的風乾火腿,配搭的卻是帶有當歸味的煙燻芝士,非常有趣。Beef meatballs,Neapolitanragout,paccheri pasta,ricotta cheese,是大廚的家傳秘方,像我們吃的肉餅一樣,世上只有媽媽好。鬆軟,有嚼勁的肉丸,以牛肉與豬肉混合,濃香深厚的醬汁,皆被長通粉與芝士吸得乾乾淨淨。Hokkaido scallop,pickled cauliflower,black pudding,broad beans puree的
1257 浏览
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141 浏览
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閒話少說,NOM的全名為Not only meatball,上次來吃午飯的時候,果然點止肉丸咁簡單。

近年喝得多威士忌,還有手工啤酒,Hey Ho ! To Go!的IPA,香橙,果皮,點點鹹的個性,let's go rock and roll!
118 浏览
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33 month organic Parma Ham Zavoli & smoked Mozzarella platter,軟熟鹹香的風乾火腿,配搭的卻是帶有當歸味的煙燻芝士,非常有趣。
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Beef meatballs,Neapolitan
ragout,paccheri pasta,ricotta cheese,是大廚的家傳秘方,像我們吃的肉餅一樣,世上只有媽媽好。鬆軟,有嚼勁的肉丸,以牛肉與豬肉混合,濃香深厚的醬汁,皆被長通粉與芝士吸得乾乾淨淨。
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Hokkaido scallop,pickled cauliflower,black pudding,broad beans puree的北海道帶子質素當然佳,但我的目光,卻放在黑布甸身上。
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上次吃過的Prawn Sliders,今次感覺有點遜色一點點,大抵是今次做得略為油膩吧。
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NOM的薄餅,Mushroom & Black Truffle Pizza,磨菇與黑松露,問你怎樣say no?恰當份量的芝士,帶出黑松露與磨菇的香氣,總是叫人欲罷不能,吃多一件。
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想起數個月前,一個人在倫敦的火車站,以Calzone的近親,Cornish Pastry作早餐,那時的氣溫只得三,四度,任其新鮮出爐,仍抵不過迎面而來的冷風。


Spaghetti Sicilian prawns,Datterini tomato,saliornia,用上西西里蝦,其鮮味盡被麵條吸收,美味是不用置疑。
55 浏览
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全晚戲肉為NZ reserve beef short ribs,bell pepper mayonnaise,roasted root vegetables,喜歡食肉者,理應喜歡這道肉味濃郁,軟淋可口的牛肋肉。
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大堆頭的Fennel & Liquorice Panna Cotta ,麥片加堅果,與Fennel味的奶凍同吃,只見同桌女生吃得津津有味,而我則成為強弩之末。
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開宗明義大叫Not only meatball,是信心的表現,肉丸以外的菜式,何止不失禮,簡直令人垂涎三尺呢。

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-07-03 2554 浏览
「NOM」意指食野時間發出的聲響,如果一間店舖以此作招牌,相信是一間餐廳,而這間餐廳也以此命名,絕對令人聯想到了,可是大家又有些誤會了,此NOM的意思卻是「Not OnlyMeatballs」,NOM這個名字已令食客垂涎了。一直想來試一下,可是一直抽不到空,幸好今次與朋友到來吃飯,碰巧又有新Menu推出,終於可以一嚐。未開始前,先來一點麵包,以一個麵包袋盛著,配合了有黑橄欖碎的牛油。先來一點頭盤,【33 month organic Parma HamZavoli & smoked Mozzarella platter】給我一種很特別的感覺,那款煙燻過的芝士令人又喜又恨,喜就是味道很香很好吃,恨的是吃多了會很膩,可是又忍不住口不停地吃,以巴馬火腿包著來吃,煙燻香與火腿的咸香混為一體,好味。接著的是【Hokkaido scallop/pickledcauliflower/black pudding/broad beans puree】,清甜的帶子以牛油香煎,略帶微焦,以血腸來配合吃,一淡一濃,再以醃過的椰菜花及扁豆蓉,口感豐富。眾多款菜式中,最期待的是【Beef meatballs/Nea

「NOM」意指食野時間發出的聲響,如果一間店舖以此作招牌,相信是一間餐廳,而這間餐廳也以此命名,絕對令人聯想到了,可是大家又有些誤會了,此NOM的意思卻是「Not Only
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先來一點頭盤,【33 month organic Parma Ham
Zavoli & smoked Mozzarella platter】給我一種很特別的感覺,那款煙燻過的芝士令人又喜又恨,喜就是味道很香很好吃,恨的是吃多了會很膩,可是又忍不住口不停地吃,以巴馬火腿包著來吃,煙燻香與火腿的咸香混為一體,好味。
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接著的是【Hokkaido scallop/pickled
cauliflower/black pudding/broad beans puree】,清甜的帶子以牛油香煎,略帶微焦,以血腸來配合吃,一淡一濃,再以醃過的椰菜花及扁豆蓉,口感豐富。
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眾多款菜式中,最期待的是【Beef meatballs/Neapolitan
ragout/paccheri pasta/ricotta cheese】。肉丸是大廚的祖母傳承給她的,以牛肉混合豬肉來做,牛肉的香味相對地較重,肉丸有彈性且味道濃厚,而底下的大筒意大利麵藏著ricotta cheese,十分軟滑,整體再以蕃茄來調味,相當之美味。
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再來一個超級邪惡的【Prawn Sliders】,蝦肉漢堡煎得香口,很惹味的,可是中間那塊鵝肝才是精髓所在,油脂甘香,與蝦堡配合度高,當中更有紅菜頭絲來中和油膩,好吃是好吃,不過如果再多一些紅菜頭,相信會更為美味。
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吃得興起時,大家都被剛送來的【Mushroom & Black
Truffle Pizza】所吸引,不但松露香非常突出,半溶的芝士更是非常的吸引,一絲一絲的,一口咬下,原來還有惹味的茴香腸,令大家吃得非常滋味。
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Sicilian prawns/Datterini tomato/saliornia】令我食指大動。麵條煙煙靱靱,掛著香甜惹味的醬汁,蝦味鮮甜,茄味又香濃。
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最後還有【NZ reserve beef short
ribs/bell pepper mayonnaise/roasted root vegetables】 ,牛肋肉煮得很軟腍,肉味很香,在調味方面卻有點清淡,如果喜歡重口味的,就未必喜歡了,幸好我十分喜歡原汁原味的,並且配菜方面都很好吃。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)
2015-07-01 2038 浏览
Hashtag(#)相信無人不認識吧? 自己常用的hashtag之一是 #nomnomnom,到底nom是什麼意思? nom是指當一個人在吃喝時,發出的滿足聲音,在外國較為常用。但Soho的NOM卻有另一種意思,NOM - Not only meatballs,就是為了強調,他們除了肉丸以外,意大利菜亦是餐廳的主要一部分。麵包都很不錯呢,鬆軟又有牛油香~Beef Meatballs $88 很興奮的是頭盤就有這個肉丸! 肉丸的底部是 Paccheri Pasta,即是大水管形的意粉,肉丸比一般的要鬆軟,應該是人手新鮮做的,不用多切便會散開。連意粉和Ricotta Cheese一起吃掉,口感要為豐富。33 month Organic Parma Ham Zavoli & Smoked Mozzarella Platter $258友人們愛喝酒,當然要叫上巴拿馬火腿~ 非常非常邪惡的 Mozzarella芝士,暫時是我見過的切得最厚身的! 煙燻過後的芝士,味道比本身的更為濃郁,帶有淡淡的焦香,感覺比凍食的為實在,一件已經覺得得飽肚。絕對是下酒的不錯前菜。NZ Reserve Beef Sh
Hashtag(#)相信無人不認識吧? 自己常用的hashtag之一是 #nomnomnom,到底nom是什麼意思? nom是指當一個人在吃喝時,發出的滿足聲音,在外國較為常用。但Soho的NOM卻有另一種意思,NOM - Not only meatballs,就是為了強調,他們除了肉丸以外,意大利菜亦是餐廳的主要一部分。
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Beef Meatballs $88
[必食推介] 很興奮的是頭盤就有這個肉丸! 肉丸的底部是 Paccheri Pasta,即是大水管形的意粉,肉丸比一般的要鬆軟,應該是人手新鮮做的,不用多切便會散開。連意粉和Ricotta Cheese一起吃掉,口感要為豐富。
Beef Meatballs
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25 浏览
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33 month Organic Parma Ham Zavoli & Smoked Mozzarella Platter $258
友人們愛喝酒,當然要叫上巴拿馬火腿~ 非常非常邪惡的 Mozzarella芝士,暫時是我見過的切得最厚身的! 煙燻過後的芝士,味道比本身的更為濃郁,帶有淡淡的焦香,感覺比凍食的為實在,一件已經覺得得飽肚。絕對是下酒的不錯前菜。
33 month Organic Parma Ham Zavoli & Smoked Mozzarella Platter
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NZ Reserve Beef Short Ribs $358
[必食推介] 紐西蘭的牛小排,已經細心的切好一片片,疊成一個小山丘,賣相頗特別。牛味得宜,煙靭卻沒有粘牙的口感。
NZ Reserve Beef Short Ribs
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Calzone $188
[必食推介] 以不同形式出現的薄餅,半圓形式的餡餅,有點像新年吃的角仔但是大板~ 入面有火腿、橄欖、磨菇,由於整個被薄餅皮包著,入面的會是剛好熟透,沒被烤乾水份,連芝士都是較為濕潤,所以咬的時候能拉起不少芝士!!
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Mushroom & Black Truffle Pizza $218
[必食推介] 被一陣香氛圍繞著,原來就是黑松露磨菇薄餅! 黑松露的油份滲入了芝士,令薄餅都被黑松的味道而入侵,加上芝士的濃味,不由得愛上。
Mushroom & Black Truffle Pizza
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Prawn Sliders $178
晚上也有小漢堡包供應,但入面是蝦膏打成的,再放上鴨肝和甜菜根。蝦肉很滑,但如能再彈牙會更有咬口! 鴨肝油份極高,但幸好已經印乾油份,少卻膩感,甜菜根帶上甜味,配搭上不錯,甜能帶走鴨肝的油,鴨肝能增加蝦膏的層次感。
Prawn Sliders
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Tiramisu $98
[必食推介] 甜品也算頗有看頭,如其說是提拉米蘇,感覺上更象是吉士的甜品。旁邊是朱古力,中間是橙味的吉士,橙和朱古力是永遠最好的朋友。橙味的吉士頗輕巧,完全覺得能消去剛剛的飽肚感覺。(還是女生吃甜品有另一個胃呢....?)
51 浏览
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Fennel & Liquorice Panna Cotta $98
[必食推介] 茴香加甘草做成的奶酪,倒覺得這兩種香料的味道不算濃烈。把旁邊的麥片、乾果伴在一起吃,比起只吃panna cotta更有口感。
Fennel & Liquorice Panna Cotta
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$350 (晚餐)
Beef Meatballs
$ 88
33 month Organic Parma Ham Zavoli & Smoked Mozzarella Platter
$ 258
NZ Reserve Beef Short Ribs
$ 358
$ 188
Mushroom & Black Truffle Pizza
$ 218
$ 98
Fennel & Liquorice Panna Cotta
$ 98
2015-06-26 1564 浏览
最後兩天在中環,要跟好友道別。從沒好好珍惜一起上班的日子,來到倒數時才發現,從此以後,不能再結伴回家,不能再跟你訴說我又犯下愚蠢的錯,不能再天天相見⋯⋯ 原來這一切都不是理所當然。想試餐廳還有很多,選了有午餐供應的NOM。心想餘下的,晚餐應該還有機會吧。不錯的麵包,加點微暖就更佳。Baby spinach/ quinoa/ beetroot/ goat cheese挺喜歡這個沙律。菠菜葉新鮮爽口,藜麥粒粒分明,有咬口,還有慷慨的芝士和紅菜頭粒。羊奶芝士味道稍重,但配上其他清淡的食材,效果不錯。Baby lettuce/ tomato/ anchovies/ onion/ organic eggs蛋黃帶點濕潤,蛋味甚香。生菜新鮮爽脆,以鯷魚的咸香和少許黑椒調味,清新又天然。Stracciatella/ asparagus/ shaved black truffle把蘆荀刨成一片片,幾爽口,但混了偏咸的醬汁,有點過份了,幸好有希臘乳酪中和一下。沒想到,榛子和黑松露片的組合是如此夾。三道之中口感最豐富。Skate wing/ caperes & lemon sauce/ spinach店員推
最後兩天在中環,要跟好友道別。從沒好好珍惜一起上班的日子,來到倒數時才發現,從此以後,不能再結伴回家,不能再跟你訴說我又犯下愚蠢的錯,不能再天天相見⋯⋯ 原來這一切都不是理所當然。

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Baby spinach/ quinoa/ beetroot/ goat cheese
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Baby lettuce/ tomato/ anchovies/ onion/ organic eggs
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Stracciatella/ asparagus/ shaved black truffle
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Skate wing/ caperes & lemon sauce/ spinach
店員推介的魔鬼魚。魚肉捲起,以黑椒和caper調味。上菜時,店員提醒,魚味較重,而且caper味道偏濃,建議跟菠菜一起吃。魚肉跟一般西餐用的魚,如seabass, snapper, trout等等,都不同,偏實,魚味沒那麼鮮,店員所指的重,不是濃,個人會用沉實形容。 
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Spaghetti meatballs
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9" Pizza organic ham/ mushroom
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NOM's signature ice cream slider
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$150 (午餐)
  • Spaghetti meatballs
When writing a food blog, I usually like to tell a little bit of a story that leads into the meal, sometimes it's pretty easy and other times, well, it can be more challenging. Very rarely do I have a few tales to tell, but it just so happened that with NOM, I had a couple. So, instead of wracking my head to cut it down to one, I'll tell both!NOM stands for Not Only Meatballs, which is ostensibly a specialist meatball restaurant that does serve considerably more than delicious little balls of me
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When writing a food blog, I usually like to tell a little bit of a story that leads into the meal, sometimes it's pretty easy and other times, well, it can be more challenging. Very rarely do I have a few tales to tell, but it just so happened that with NOM, I had a couple. So, instead of wracking my head to cut it down to one, I'll tell both!

NOM stands for Not Only Meatballs, which is ostensibly a specialist meatball restaurant that does serve considerably more than delicious little balls of meat. I'd developed a little bit of a fetish in 2013, when I spent a month in Manhattan and went on a meatball finding odyssey (see post here). New York is often considered one of the central spots globally (Italians would have something to say about that) when looking for meatballs and I have to say, I found some spectacular little spots, often in unusual circumstances.

So, when the girl suggested we check out NOM, I was pretty darn excited, I wanted to see what the Hong Kong version of meatballs would be like. Look, I know that HK is a global city and there is an amazing array of western style restaurants, but I can tell you now that there is a gulf between the good and the bad.
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Which leads me to my second little tale... Unbeknownst to me, I'd read an article about a Hong Kong chef who'd copped some grief about wearing a t-shirt in his kitchen (mind you, it does get pretty darn hot here). As a response, that chef posted a photo online (and found its way into my Facebook feed), the photo was a great piss-take, where he was wearing full suit and tie. That chef? Fabrizio Napolitano of NOM.

Quite serendipitous that we would be in NOM that very same week!

Our secret to getting seats at hard to get into restaurants is to book really early, at least by HK standards, so we arrived for our NOM sitting at 7pm and entered a mostly empty restaurant. Unusually, we weren't the first seated in the restaurant, which I took as a good sign. We were quickly given some menus to look over, which had a pile of great looking options, as well as the NOM Philosophy statement.....

"Here at NOM, each guest is treated like a family member. That's why we cook the way we would for loved ones"

The menu went on to explain Chef Fabrizio's approach to cooking, where he consciously and carefully picks every ingredient, looking for only the healthiest of produce. He only chooses meats from Australia and New Zealand for their well known adherence to ethical and moral approachs to livestock farming. Going one step further, Chef Fabrizo only chooses fish from wild and sustainable locations in New Zealand, Finland, Italy and Australia. We were sold before we even ordered, so there was a lot to live up to from the promise in the menu!

Orders taken, a little fabric container filled with crusty bread was then placed on our table, along with a little plate of just-the-right-softness butter. I was pretty hungry, so I munched away on the bread and butter and before too long, I'd polished off the lot and committed the cardinal sin... I'd filled up on bread!
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I hoped that it wouldn't impact towards the end of the meal, but suspected it might once the first round of meatballs were delivered. The first of which was a wonderful looking plate of beef meatballs, covered in a Neapolitan ragout and sitting on ricotta parcels wrapped in Paccheri pasta. It was quite the vision and compared favourably with any meatball dish we'd sampled while in NYC. There were three large moist looking meatballs, with a little melted cheese sitting atop and after grabbing one each and trying, were declared amazing! The ragout was perfect but the ricotta wrapped in pasta added an extra dimension that elevate the dish to classic status. There was no argument over who would get the last piece, I left it for the girl as our next set of meatballs had arrived.
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Regular readers of my blog know that I love chorizo and octopus, so you can imagine how happy I was when I saw that NOM had a chorizo and octopus meatball, which came with a carrot puree, hazelnuts and bottarga (dried fish roe). Looking an absolute vision in the iron skillet in which it was delivered, albeit a rustic vision, there were four meatballs piled high sitting on a bed of thick carrot puree. I wasn't sure how the combination would go, but as it turned out, it was superb. There was the right level of heat with the chorizo meat, and an interesting contrasting texture from the nicely cooked octopus. Normally SC would steer clear of such a dish, but after prompting, tried one of the meatballs and loved it too. It was a spectacular meatball dish!
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This was where my earlier folly of filling up on bread impacted, especially after consuming some delicious meatballs. We'd been optimistic by ordering a pizza each from the Not Only Meatballs menu! In hindsight, a pizza to share would have probably been more appropriate. Anyway, live and learn.
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SC had spied and ordered the Diavola pizza, which was a thick tomato sauce accompanied by plenty of mozzarella and some spicy salami. The pizza looked great on the plate, with a pizza base that was perhaps a little thicker than we would have liked. It was good pizza, the salami was hot as hoped and the pizza base was nice and crispy, it was just too much food.
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My pizza was the Margherita DOP, which stands for Denominazione di origine controllata, a protected designation of origin law which guards the names of regional foods, and for pizza normally means a genuine Neapolitan pizza. My pizza certainly looked the goods, and half of it was as good as any pizza gets, tasty and just a little bit sweet from the tomato sauce. But, the other half was just a little thick and doughy, so I ended up leaving that half. I would have had to leave it anyway, I was stuffed, it just meant that I didn't have to make myself sick by trying!
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We were way too stuffed to even think about dessert and we had to decline the offer to take the pizza home and also reaffirm that there was nothing wrong, we'd just suffered from eyes-bigger-than-belly syndrome. While the wait staff took our half eaten plates away, there was a quite discussion about the need to come back to NOM soon, to try out more of the menu and the next time leave room for dessert.

Service on the night had been great, with plenty of wait staff around to top up water glasses and keep the meal flowing. We did feel a little guilty about leaving the food and refusing the teams hospitable offer to pack up the food for us to take, but after a number of reassurances, felt that they finally understood that we'd just eaten too much food.

The partnership of ex international ruby player Ricky Cheuk and Fabrizio Napolitano, who'd worked in a number of Michelin starred restaurants has churned out a great little restaurant. It's located in one of the most competitive restaurant strips in HK (probably the world) and seems to be doing a roaring trade, but with food that good, and a head chef that clearly doesn't take himself too seriously, its no wonder that NOM is now on our list of must re-vist restaurants.
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The beef meatballs were something special
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But you can't go past chorizo and octopus! NOMs indeed!
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One pizza each? A bit optimistic!
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NOM is quite a large space and getting in early is definitely the ticket!
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Some comfy booths on offer, these filled up quite quickly!
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And there is a bar area too, it was still too early for the bar to be pumping

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$350.00 (晚餐)
2015-05-08 1806 浏览
一知道NOM開始有午市,毫不猶豫便相約一班同事去試試。3道菜的午市套餐,從菜單自選前菜和主菜,再配上店家精選的雪糕小漢堡,是不錯的價錢和組合。Once I heard about NOM launching lunch menu, I went trying with my colleagues without a doubt. A 3-course lunch set includes selective starter and main course, pairing with the signature dessert – Ice-cream Slider, with reasonable price and no SC. Really good deal.前菜有3款選擇,藜麥羊奶芝士沙律,非常健康的配搭。眾所周知,藜麥營養豐富,是當代的「超級食品」,這次配上少許蘿蔔、羊奶芝士和菠菜,簡單又美味的配搭。There are 3 different choices of starter, which is just perfect for us to share. Quinoa/Go
Once I heard about NOM launching lunch menu, I went trying with my colleagues without a doubt. A 3-course lunch set includes selective starter and main course, pairing with the signature dessert – Ice-cream Slider, with reasonable price and no SC. Really good deal.
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There are 3 different choices of starter, which is just perfect for us to share. Quinoa/Goat cheese salad is a very healthy option. As you may know, Quinoa is the Superfood of this new generation due to its nutrition value. Just a simple mix & match with carrots, goat cheese and spinach and it becomes a nice dish.
Quinoa/ roasted yellow carrots/ goat cheese
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南瓜沙律配乳酪醬汁及車打芝士, 聽名字也知道是一個又酸又甜的組合,焗軟了的南瓜,配上酸得很醒胃的乳酪醬汁,很討喜的味道。
Pumpkin salad with yogurt dressing and sharp cheddar is a very refreshing combination. Soft baked pumpkin with the sour yogurt dressing gave you a hit and preparation for the main course.
Pumpkin salad/ yogurt dressing/ sharp cheddar
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Bacon, chicken confit and beetroot was the favorite starter out of all three. It is a healthy salad mixed with a bit of devil. Beetroot was so healthy and soft, contrasting the crispy bacon. The taste was just right and balance.
Beetroot salad/ chicken confit/ bacon
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食過份量十足的前菜,其實已經半飽。(不是女生的胃特別小,而是真的很夠份量。) 接著來了3道更有份量的主菜,先是店家的名物 – 肉丸意粉。意粉煮得剛好,有點硬身的。肉丸十分香口,配茄醬絕不感到肥膩。
After the big portion starter, we were half full already. (not just because we are gals.) Here came the 3 main courses which were even bigger. Spaghetti meatballs is the signature dish of the restaurant which you can’t miss. Spaghetti was cooked al dente, and meatballs worked perfectly with the tomato sauce.
Spaghetti Meatballs
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9吋辣肉腸批薩,試想想9吋的批薩,女生可以獨力食光嗎? 熱辣辣的批薩,香軟的芝士,惹味的辣肉腸,任它再美味,也真的食不了一整個。
9′ Spicy salami pizza. Yes i’m talking about a 9′ pizza at lunch hour. Were we able to finish it? No, but the pizza was so freshly baked, hot with the spicy salami and smelled so good with the hot cheese.
9′ Spicy Salami Pizza
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Slow cooked salmon with asparagus, hazelnut and cod roe mayo. Asparagus sliced into fine and thin was crispy and tasty with the sauce. Salmon pairing with cod roe mayo was somehow a bit too much while I preferred to have the salmon with asparagus.
Slow cooked salmon/asparagus/cod roe mayo
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甜品絕對不能錯過,雪糕小漢堡配肉桂蓮藕片。沒想到肉桂蓮藕片才是最厲害的配角,還差點反客為主! 炸得香脆又不油膩,肉桂味濃郁,十分美味,忍不住食了一片又一片。而雪糕小漢堡有香軟的很,雲尼拿雪糕已處於半溶狀態,配一點點果醬,非常美味。
You must stay for the dessert no matter how full you are. NOM’s signature ice-cream slider was a wonderful dish with the tasty cinnamon lotus root. The cinnamon lotus root nearly took over the entire dish but the soft melting vanilla ice cream won at last with the ham.
Signature ice-cream slider
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Big portion set lunch with reasonable suits all of you who like enjoying with colleagues and friends. Worth a try.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$138 (午餐)
Quinoa/ roasted yellow carrots/ goat cheese
Pumpkin salad/ yogurt dressing/ sharp cheddar
Spaghetti Meatballs
9′ Spicy Salami Pizza
Signature ice-cream slider
2015-03-24 1937 浏览
意大利菜中,肉球一向被視為傳統美食。尤其當初漂洋過海,去到紐約搵食的意大利人,因多從事體力勞動,對肉丸這種既美味又飽肚的comfort food更加趨之若鶩。每家意大利大媽都有自己的獨門秘方,百食不厭。香港似乎很少見到專以肉丸為主打的意大利餐廳。晚餐整桌肉丸?為免太飽肚,可免則免,午飯我吃得不多,反而可以一試。Rooket、Quinoa、Beetroot、Goat Cheese看到羊奶芝士,就被它吸引。果然口感很好,味道也頗濃郁。火箭菜份量也多,雖然不算非常新鮮,但也不過不失,反而紅菜頭很少。棋差一著的是原來藜麥(Quinoa)是這道菜的主角,份量也很多。雖然這種被稱為”印加之金”(Gold of Inca) 的健康食材近年大受歡迎,可惜自己不太喜歡它的味道,勉強將一大碗藜麥吃下去。Spaghetti Meats不可否認,這裡的Spaghetti做得很不錯,麵身厚實、彈口,尤其是麵質略為偏硬,很適合我的口味。美中不足的是醬汁偏咸,嚴重影響整體味道。另外,肉丸的味道雖然不錯,也沒有甚麼驚喜,可能期望太高吧?!NOM Signature Ice Cream賣相乖巧、討好。Vanilla雪糕
意大利菜中,肉球一向被視為傳統美食。尤其當初漂洋過海,去到紐約搵食的意大利人,因多從事體力勞動,對肉丸這種既美味又飽肚的comfort food更加趨之若鶩。每家意大利大媽都有自己的獨門秘方,百食不厭。
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Rooket、Quinoa、Beetroot、Goat Cheese
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Rooket、Quinoa、Beetroot、Goat Cheese
看到羊奶芝士,就被它吸引。果然口感很好,味道也頗濃郁。火箭菜份量也多,雖然不算非常新鮮,但也不過不失,反而紅菜頭很少。棋差一著的是原來藜麥(Quinoa)是這道菜的主角,份量也很多。雖然這種被稱為”印加之金”(Gold of Inca) 的健康食材近年大受歡迎,可惜自己不太喜歡它的味道,勉強將一大碗藜麥吃下去。
Spaghetti Meats
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Spaghetti Meats
NOM Signature Ice Cream
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NOM Signature Ice Cream
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
2015-03-04 2249 浏览
較早前有來過NOM晚餐, 蠻喜歡的. 不少肉丸的菜式都特別又好吃這次再來, 是試試他們的全新設計的午餐. 其實不能說我是第一批吃他們的午餐, 只是之前他們沒有午餐的, 最近第一次試, CP值蠻高的~ 沒辦法留在中環吃晚餐的話也可以試他們的午餐午市有套餐, $178一位, 有頭盤, 主菜, 甜點, 飲品. 這價位如果說要吃好一點的話是蠻划得來 Baby spinach | Quinoa | Beetroot | Goat cheese 近年藜麥大行其道, 高纖低熱量, 作沙拉又有咬口, 配甚麼沙拉醬汁都沒問題這款沙拉加上菠菜, 紅菜頭, 羊奶芝士, 味道一點也不單調, 特別喜歡羊奶芝士跟紅菜頭這樣的配搭 Smoked swordfish | Seaweed | Capers | Tomato 煙燻劍魚, 配上一些海藻,酸豆, 還有新鮮番茄, 十分清新劍魚吃起來味道較清, 作為開胃菜很適合. 不得不讚番茄每塊都很甜呢Beans soup | Gruyere cheese | Black truffle (add HK$ 20) 平常我不太喜歡吃豆類的東西,但這豆湯做得很不錯.豆子不會太硬,
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較早前有來過NOM晚餐, 蠻喜歡的. 不少肉丸的菜式都特別又好吃

這次再來, 是試試他們的全新設計的午餐. 其實不能說我是第一批吃他們的午餐, 只是之前他們沒有午餐的, 最近第一次試, CP值蠻高的~ 沒辦法留在中環吃晚餐的話也可以試他們的午餐
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午市有套餐, $178一位, 有頭盤, 主菜, 甜點, 飲品. 這價位如果說要吃好一點的話是蠻划得來
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Baby spinach | Quinoa | Beetroot | Goat cheese
近年藜麥大行其道, 高纖低熱量, 作沙拉又有咬口, 配甚麼沙拉醬汁都沒問題
這款沙拉加上菠菜, 紅菜頭, 羊奶芝士, 味道一點也不單調, 特別喜歡羊奶芝士跟紅菜頭這樣的配搭
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Smoked swordfish | Seaweed | Capers | Tomato
煙燻劍魚, 配上一些海藻,酸豆, 還有新鮮番茄, 十分清新
劍魚吃起來味道較清, 作為開胃菜很適合. 不得不讚番茄每塊都很甜呢
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Beans soup | Gruyere cheese | Black truffle (add HK$ 20)
平常我不太喜歡吃豆類的東西,但這豆湯做得很不錯.豆子不會太硬, 軟硬度適中
上面還有一片味道醇厚的芝士, 配著喝連我不愛豆湯的也可以一口接一口. 喜歡更香的話可以再加黑松露, 更香, 整個湯的味道層次亦跟著提升了
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Panfried Mackerel | Fennel gazpacho | Radishes
通常吃日本菜會吃到鯖魚, 西餐的話比較少. 這鯖魚先煎後在放些湯汁配來吃
魚肉不會太乾, 味道也是屬於清新淡味的那種, 午餐吃絕對不會有負擔
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Ultimate Lamb Meatball sandwich
最期待的肉丸三明治~! 其實應該是潛艇堡吧. 之前有來吃過他們的肉丸, 很好吃呢
他們的肉丸是大廚祖母的食譜所做的, 百分百的意大利味道. 記得上一次大廚說, 他用的肉比例比一般的還要多, 麵粉麵包屑的比例下的比較少, 所以肉味是很突出, 配上特調的番茄醬汁, 還有滿滿的起司, 好好吃!
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NOM's Signature Ice cream slider - Vanilla Ice-Cream with Raspberry Jam以為午餐的甜點是tiramisu或蛋糕嗎? 錯了 (雖然這裡真的有這兩款甜點 XD
是這個造型可愛的冰淇淋小漢堡, 每份午餐有一個, 夾冰淇淋的小漢堡比較甜也比較軟
裡面的香草冰淇淋也能看到香草籽呢, 也夾了覆盆子果醬. 旁邊的蓮藕片也是非常好吃, 很刷嘴, 不小心會一口接一口的吃

那平常晚餐除了之前介紹過的肉丸之外還有沒有其他的菜式呢,這次吃到有些是新的, 有些是改良版, 都值得介紹一下
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Burrata with HeirloomTomato and Watermelon - HK$165
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我愛吃burrata, 因為奶香很突出, 又不會太鹹,搭配蔬菜很美味. 這次吃到的burrata裡面較稠, 但美味依然, 那個奶香我覺得像鮮奶油的味道了. 旁邊的番茄鮮甜多汁, burrata跟番茄永遠都是很搭的, 很喜歡他們這個頭盤
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Chargrilled Mediterranean Octopus - HK$240上次也有吃過這道菜, 這次他們應該有改良過做法, 吃起來一點也不柴
章魚的肉有切更大塊喔, 炭香也蠻突出的. 連旁邊的配菜也做得很認真, 跟章魚配起來很不錯
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black truffle and mushroom pizza - HK$218
他們的薄餅也好吃, 麵粉是進口貨, 吃起來特別Q彈, 厚薄亦適中
菇菌跟黑松露的味道非常濃郁, 簡單的加上一些起司就是一道地道的意大利薄餅了
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prawn sliders - HK$178
這個我真心的推薦給你們, 超好吃的鮮蝦小漢堡~!
裡面是有鮮蝦做的蝦肉丸, 我覺得他們很會做肉丸, 連海鮮肉也做得很美味. 彈牙鮮甜
中間還有一片甘腴的鵝肝, 還有小漢堡是特地加了紅菜頭汁去做的. 是這裡的新品, 一定要試試這個, 非常好吃
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-02-13 3730 浏览
I have always heard how good the meatballs here are, which made me really want to try them! Up the slope, then the staricase brings you to NOM. My friend and I were greeted by a lady and were brought to our table. We were the first table there that afternoon.  Even when a few more tables came in, it remained quite quiet, so it was quite an ideal location for a catch up lunch.  Shortly after we took a seat, the lady came to take our order, but we literally just picked up the menu.  Lunch sets inc
I have always heard how good the meatballs here are, which made me really want to try them! 
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Up the slope, then the staricase brings you to NOM. My friend and I were greeted by a lady and were brought to our table. We were the first table there that afternoon. 
 Even when a few more tables came in, it remained quite quiet, so it was quite an ideal location for a catch up lunch. 
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Shortly after we took a seat, the lady came to take our order, but we literally just picked up the menu. 
 Lunch sets include a starter, main, dessert and coffee/tea for $178. Now here is what we got:
Complimentary Bread
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0. Complimentary Bread This bread was served on a cool stone plate. The bread was fresh and warm, but the butter was an acquired taste. 
 I stared at it at first because it was coated in black stuff. Then, I smelt it and it had such a strong scent. I heard that the black stuff was olive, and I have to admit that no matter how many times I have olives, I still hate them. I didn't like the butter at all, and neither did my friend. 
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1.1 Quinoa with beetroot and baby spinach I had originally chose the smoked sworsfish, but was told that it wasn't available, so I chose the quinoa. I like quinoa a lot but asked them to leave out the goat cheese, because goat cheese is not a cheese I like. The size of the starter was very generous! It was the size of the lunch I used to pack for college! 
 The salad was good, but it was a simple dish that I think I could have easily made on my own. Also, my grandma makes the best pickled beets so I couldn't help but compare. 
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1.2 Beans Soup with Gruyere Cheese and black truffle (+$20) My truffle addicted friend ordered this. Again, the portion was huge. There were so many beans that it was scary. There would be no way that a person wouldn't be full after the soup alone, so maybe it was a good thing that the soup was so salty that my friend had to stop at a few spoons. We could taste no truffle, and the best thing was the cheese stick that came with the soup she said. The waitress asked us how the soup was so we told her the truth, our answer seemed to have caught her by surprise, and she didn't quite know how to respond. Oh well....
Meatball Spaghetti
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2.1 Spaghetti Meatballs This pasta dish was the better dish of them all. There were 3 giant juicy balls packed with lots of herbs. The tomato sauce was rich and tangy, which was very appetizing. 
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What surprised me the most was that there were strands of meat infused in the sauce, which made it even more flavourful. 
 This was quite a nice dish. 
Ultimate Lamb Meatball Sandwich
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2.2 Ultimate Lamb Meatball Sandwich This was a photogenic dish. 
 I was reluctant to try this because of the lamb, but being a foodie I tried it anyways. The meatballs were cooked medium and had that strong lamb taste. The sauce and juicy balls made the soft bun all soggy, which was gross. I was glad that I didn't order this because I didn't really like it. My friend who eats lamb thought that the meatballs were quite good though, so trust her on that. The fries were nice. The colour was very light, so you wouldn't have guessed that they were that crispy. The ketchup on the side was unique. It almost tasted as if it had a floral. taste to it. Ha. It was nice.
Nom's Signature Ice Cream Slider
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Set Coffee
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3. Nom's Signature Ice Cream Slider and coffee The coffee was your regualr coffee.
These sliders were cute looking. There were lotus chips on the side with icing sugar sprinkled on top. They were interesting and innovative in a way. Not a regular item you would have for dessert. Both my friend and I were disappointed by this dish. The vanila ice cream was good, but the bun was dry, and worst of all, the citrus fruit smeared at the bottom was awfully bitter. The waitress took our dish away before we finished our chips. The service was soso. 

Final Verdict:
I feel like I whined about every dish I had. I really don't know if I went at a wrong time, or their food doesn't match my taste. Although a bit pricey for lunch, you definitely won't leave hungry.  
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$180 (午餐)
2015-01-22 3301 浏览
I always wanted to try this place after I read about it in a magazine describing it as a restaurant that served meatballs of all kinds. And more. I decided to try out them out for lunch on my day off.Layout is dark and quite bar/pub like. Dark wood tables and floors with black sofa seats. It felt like a great evening drinks type of place.During weekdays, they have a lunch set menu that costs $178 with no service charge (however, $1 is added to your bill to donate to a charity). It includes a sta
I always wanted to try this place after I read about it in a magazine describing it as a restaurant that served meatballs of all kinds. And more. I decided to try out them out for lunch on my day off.

Layout is dark and quite bar/pub like. Dark wood tables and floors with black sofa seats. It felt like a great evening drinks type of place.

During weekdays, they have a lunch set menu that costs $178 with no service charge (however, $1 is added to your bill to donate to a charity). It includes a starter, main, dessert and coffee or tea. Lunch crowd is well ... the place was empty except for another group. And this was 1 PM. So, if you want a quiet place for lunch, this is it.

I decided on the quinoa salad for my starter and ultimate meatball sandwich for my main.
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Bread platter with olive paste butter. Bread was presented to me on a pretty rectangular gray plate that looked like stone. Bread was ok. Nothing exciting about it. But what made this mind blowing was the butter. I normally don't like using butter on bread but I noted that there was this black ring around the butter patty. I wasn't sure what it was until I tasted it. It was black olive paste. When I spread it out with the butter on my bread, it took it to a whole new level. It was fragrant and .. blew my mind.
bread with black olive coated butter
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Quinoa with beetroot, baby spinach and goat cheese. I didn't expect the portions to be so huge. There was so much quinoa, it was a meal in itself. The goat cheese was creamy. Everything I love about goat cheese. The baby spinach was crisp and soft. The quinoa was light. The beetroot's tartness gave it a nice balance from the richness.
quinoa salad
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Ultimate meatball sandwich with fries. Plated on a wooden chopping board for that rustic look. The first time I had a meatball sandwich was in this Italian deli in Little Italy area of Melbourne. It was the best thing I ever had in my entire trip to Melbourne. After that time, I've been obsessed with finding a great meatball sandwich. When I saw that Nom claimed to have the ultimate meatball sandwich, I had to try it out. Verdict? Not as good as the place in Melbourne, but pretty close. The meatballs were soft and cooked to a medium rare. It was packed with herbs. The tomato sauce was tangy and rich. It soaked into the soft sandwich bread. Biting in, cheesey strands strung out into my mouth. It was pretty good. The fries were super crispy and not oily. I love that they gave me a good small saucer plate full of ketchup.
ultimate meatball sandwich
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Look how beautiful it looks inside!
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NOM's signature ice cream sliders. Isn't this the cutest thing ever? Beautifully presented on a tiny cast iron plate, a tiny hamburger with a ball of ice cream with fried lotus root. Dusted with powdered sugar. The lotus root was crunchy like chips and great when I dipped them into the ice cream. The ice cream was vanilla in flavor and very creamy. It had a spread of yuzu in it which gave it a bitter tartness that balance all the sweetness. The burger bun was actually cake. This was not only cute but delicious.
ice cream slider
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I was so full afterwards. I actually couldn't finish most of my meal. I was that full. This is definitely a great place for men or those with a huge appetite. Will return and would recommend it to friends especially certain male friends of mine who eat nothing but meat and no veggies.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$178 (午餐)
bread with black olive coated butter
quinoa salad
ice cream slider
2014-12-08 4289 浏览
Had a wonderful evening at NOM celebrating a friend's birthday. The atmosphere there is excellent - very lively and noisy (in a good way). Service is attentive without being overbearing and our waiter was very helpful.We started with the Hokkaido scallops with pancetta, cauliflower and black ink - they were cooked perfectly and you could taste all the individual components. And the Burrata starter was also tasty - the cheese was very creamy and worked (suprisingly) well with the watermelon.For m
Had a wonderful evening at NOM celebrating a friend's birthday. The atmosphere there is excellent - very lively and noisy (in a good way). Service is attentive without being overbearing and our waiter was very helpful.

We started with the Hokkaido scallops with pancetta, cauliflower and black ink - they were cooked perfectly and you could taste all the individual components. And the Burrata starter was also tasty - the cheese was very creamy and worked (suprisingly) well with the watermelon.

For mains, we had:
Homemade parppadelle with wild boar ragout - the pasta was excellent, and the meat came in fairly big chunks so you really get a good taste of it. 
Chargrilled Italian Octopus - also delicious, but it could have been a bigger portion!
Slow-cooked NZ lamb with smoked eggplant and black truffle - perfectly pink in the middle and tender.

For dessert, we shared a platter of 3 cheese selections - the honey and fruit & nut accompainment was delicious, especially with the shropshire blue cheese. And the oven-baked ricotta was also a winner.

NOM sits quite well as an in-between Italian feast - not over-the-top fine dining, but not your casual pizza joint either. Between 4 of us, the bill came to $3500 (but this included a bottle of champagne and bottle of chianti).
Great night out. 
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$875 (晚餐)
2014-12-04 3711 浏览
Foodie knows the key to a perfect bite, always stays with 'a bit' meat, 'a bit' cheese and 'a bit' well-done sauce. Who cares that a lot! Especially you know you will be treated with a rich selection of fine ingredients and a good cooking way. NOM, opened about 4 months ago, is kind of place I described above, and I'm very happy to listen to the Chef's words where I figure out the resto is proud of their qualified selection of imported raw materials (including vegetables) and the way they are ma
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Foodie knows the key to a perfect bite, always stays with 'a bit' meat, 'a bit' cheese and 'a bit' well-done sauce. Who cares that a lot! Especially you know you will be treated with a rich selection of fine ingredients and a good cooking way. NOM, opened about 4 months ago, is kind of place I described above, and I'm very happy to listen to the Chef's words where I figure out the resto is proud of their qualified selection of imported raw materials (including vegetables) and the way they are making magic with those good ingredients in their secret kitchen.
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Burrata | Heirloom Tomato | Watermelon

The main purpose for this visit is for their newly launched Lunch Menu, cost $178 (no service charge) which is only served in weekdays so far. Even you can find one item featured with their (already) famous Meanball, the new Lunch Menu actually has more highlight than where the fame is already. The power behind is, a double-fresh idea (to me), which stands for fresh ingredients plus fresh cooking.

Of course, you could order from a-la-carte menu as you wish (but I would say their Lunch Menu setting is more than enough to feed you up). Burrata is one of those out of set menu. With a fresh and juicy companion of watermelon and tomato, we were swimming in the creamy, slightly sweet and milky Burrata (cream and mozzarella - inside part) without even a second of 'drowning'.
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Roasted Pumpkin | Yogurt Dressing | Sharp Cheddar

It's a fantastic but simply presentation with all my favorite ingredients, which I believe even you are piggy and insisting to healthy diet style, you won't say "NO" to this one. The roasted pumpkin cut into a cute large boat-shape which impressed me by its crispy hard biting experience; not flavored a lot even solidly whitened by yogurt dressing. It tasted amazingly light with a strong nuts aroma, and the only salty flavor came from the cheddar, which is hard, semi-dry, firm and of course, cheesy and delicious enough as its dry cheese way.
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Quinoa | Beetroot | Baby Spinach
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Sweet Potato | Sea weed salsa verde | Red onion | Oyster mushroom

The other two starters are awesome as well and as usual, to be a combination of healthy vegetables, lightly roasted and salad. To select any one out of those 3 starters, I would say nothing will go wrong whatever in its taste, presentation or physical diet theory, to color a little more about last point, is all of them are roasted, olive oil dressed, and contained enough fiber.
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Ultimate Meatball Sandwich

One of the main course choices and I'm pretty sure, if you go for this one to continue your Set Lunch in NOM, you will be over-satisfied in mind and by stomach. I simply love the way they are dealing with this Meatball Sandwich.

The dry, crispy and awesome bread aroma, checked!

The very-evil looking of meatballs and melted cheese 'coat', checked!

The thin, light golden French fries, checked!

A bite, I had a hint of fresh sweet tomato sauce in a right level of sweet and sourness to balance the meaty and cheesy side, juicy and soft pork & beef meatball, and the all-around cheesy taste, not too heavy nor too sticky, but just flowing everywhere.
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Prawn Sliders

Another awesome dish from the regular menu is Prawn Sliders. The color wowed us a lot, and it is not difficult to have a successful guess about what's coloring those cute mini-bun. Yes, it's beetroot, a perfect healthy, sweetening and coloring ingredient. The mini-burger is not as heavy as sandwich, while in terms of that thick piece of pan-fried foie gras, the hidden fat you would take from it would be the same or even more. Anyway, it's delicious

The soft and smooth taste of prawn cake made with smashed potato and the full prawn instead of chopped or smashed ones. A rich flavor of juicy, rich and mouth-melting, but everything has a little connection with sweet, which makes a bite more complicated and interesting. The homemade chips are dressed with seaweed and salt.
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New Zealand Short-Ribs

Compared to the outstanding Meatball Sandwich in the set menu, short-ribs might lose its glory. I'm not keen to its fat part so much, while the taste is not bad, mildly salted with a little smoked and roasted aroma.
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Homemade Tagliolini | Crab Meat | Parsley Root Puree

Time to take some traditional Italian food (pasta!) and I was again impressed. The homemade tagliolini is eggy, chewy and in a flat-shape but also twisted a bit itself. It is perfectly matched with the melted cheese on the top and parsley puree at the bottom. I really wish to have more bites but just too full already.
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Ice-Cream Slider

Another slider, but in sweet way. It features Basil Cardamom Ice-Cream and Kumquat Cardamom jam, to give a very fresh mint-like taste. Perfect finishing after a big meal!

题外话/补充资料: * Set Lunch $178 (no service charge) includes 3 courses & 1 coffee/tea
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
  • meatball sandwich
  • prawn slider
  • icecream slider
  • homemade tagliolini