美食之最大賞 (2014)
06:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
爸爸生日,去左食呢間就來結業的中菜,又係一間比飲食傳媒過分渲染嘅一間普通餐廳。去到, book咗位,都要等左成半粒鐘先入到去。當坐低之後,可能因為結業嘅關係,好多都係賣晒,成張餐牌有一半都係賣晒啦!好嬲!呢碟所謂嘅豉油雞,定唔知白切雞,真係普通個唔普通,但係一啲都唔平。(推薦指數:唔好食)第二碟係炸蠔,炸粉太多,普通推介嘅係呢碟酒豬手豆腐海鮮煲,普通跟住就愛左一個炸黃鱔鮮奶球,好老實真係好多中式酒樓都做得好食過佢,條鱔炸到乾晒,我先帶佢又唔係揸到入邊係好甜嘅鮮奶有少少流出嘅感覺,入邊凍哂仲要結踢踢。有懷舊菜嘅,蝦子燴柚皮,我唔識欣賞。呢碟係煲仔菜,中間係魚嚟㗎,但真係都係冇乜特別啊。
得知老闆身體不太好,準備結業。點都要來回味一番,冇留特色金錢雞,在此想著舊時烤的燒味,便叫了一碟叉肉飯。這種舊式燒法,有種連鎖食店食不到的美味。之後叫話梅豬手,汁味少甜帶甘,味道平衡得很好,豬手食落口感爽滑,很好的一個佐酒菜式。山楂咕嚕肉,椒鹽鮮魷, 豉椒鵝腸 ,也是小菜必叫的。咕嚕肉不太酸,食時還小脆還熱,鮮魷外脆內爽,炸粉粉漿上得薄,食落也不太油膩。最惹味就係豉椒鵝腸,這個大排擋菜式,上枱已覺很有鑊氣了,味道不太濃,配菜很香口,唯一係鵝腸不太爽。
長話短說 , 我知佢都就黎結業 我喺度表達不滿都冇用 但真係過份 不得不講一行14 人 知佢就結業 就 book左 琴晚 食, 點知佢話因為太多人 所以分6點 同8點9 時段 我地14 人 全部準時 845 pm到達 叫我地等等 等左成個鐘先入得 不知所謂 中段問佢 要等幾耐又唔應 又話 等等等 問佢點解甘趕 6點嗰枱走又唔出聲 喂 大佬 你一早講好左分兩個時段 6點同8點9, 你唔趕人走 要我地9點9 先入得 有冇搞錯呀! 你要遲成個鐘咪一早同我講囉 我可以即刻拉大隊走 架。 唔洗煩到你地呀嗎 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9點9 坐低 食佢既餸菜 同5 年前我食已大不如前 不過太爺雞 同燒鵝尚算唔錯 燒得夠香同脆皮 ,太爺雞有煙燻香味 蝦子柚皮都夠香淋 然後最過份既黎 la . 竟然係唔通知我地既情況下 1030pm唔俾點餸 . 大佬 我地9點 9 到 野都食唔切 你唔早講 一句 duck埋黎1030 唔接生意, 而且佢有漏單 嗰 d都唔加得 !你就黎執即 都唔洗做到甘過份呀嗎 識唔識乜野叫尊重呀 唔關客唔客人事, 而係基本尊重都冇 . 就算第時你地再開 我都一定拉大隊唔會幫襯 ! 再見 !
This traditional Chinese restaurant is located in San Po Kong, started in 1963 and now under the second generation. With the dedication of the owner throughout the years, the restaurant had established itself in the neighborhood and beyond. Even if it was not as famous as some other old tea-house in HK, there was quite a group of loyal customers down the years.Recently there was news that the restaurant would be closing down in Nov, as the owner was feeling the weather of age and could not handle the hardship anymore with deteriorating health. Trying to try it out before that, I was fortunate to be able to book a table and took my mother and wife to sample it this evening.There were a large crowd waiting outside the restaurant when we arrived by 7pm, apparently a lot of people was like us trying to pay homage here. Waiting a short while we got our table, and the decor was very traditional, and honestly it was quite messy and unhygienic. But we were not here for nice environment, but more for the food. We forgot to pre-order the signature Grilled Ham & Chicken so could not try it out. Instead we had the 'Grandfather' Chicken ($218), one of the four most famous ways to prepare chicken in Canton. The chicken was first marinated with special soy sauce till 70% done, then smoked with tea leaves so it got a smoky fragrance on the skin. The chicken flesh was tender and juicy too. A good start. We also ordered another traditional dish, Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable ($100). Unlike many restaurants which tend to braise the pork belly till very soft, Tak Lung kept the meat firm and not having too thick a layer of fat, making the health-conscious less guilty in eating them. There was some preserved mandarin peel which added an extra aromas. A nice one but I would prefer there were more preserved vegetable included in the dish. The other dish we had was Pea Sprout in Salted and Preserved Egg ($108). The pea sprout was young and tender, but maybe because of the salty egg was, the whole dish was just too salty for us. It might not be something the chef could control and in these traditional restaurants we might also not be realistic to expect the chef to taste the dish probably. A bit of a let-down. Finally we had the Steamed Cantonese Sponge Cake ($88). It was generous in size and good for 4-6 people, with a spongy texture, and I would say it was a bit too sweet for the modern taste. But considering this from the traditional recipe it might be of the proper level. A decently good effort.With three bowls of rice, the total bill on the night was $623. There were certainly lots of history and memories for a lot of customers, but for someone coming the first time without those emotional values, the restaurant might not be particularly impressive.