港鐵九龍塘站 C2 出口, 港鐵九龍塘站 H 出口 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (159)
等級4 2020-06-06
712 瀏覽
原本好期待margherita pizza, 但我地叫左兩個唔同味既pizza之後, 覺得兩個pizza個味道好似都差唔多, 都係果個sauces,都係果D 料是日pasta,賣相美觀, 不過個份量就略為少左D,只可以話係輕食既下午茶, 我地3人叫左兩個pizza加兩個螺絲粉都只係岩岩夠飽薄批pizza既吸引點就係比厚批脆口, 特別係個邊earl grey 茶包好香,幫助消化,但係個玻璃壺太細,一陣已經好濃,最好泡一陣就要攞起個茶包,泡太耐會帶有D 澀味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-03-14
1388 瀏覽
又一城咁多食肆, ciao chow可以話係性價比最高嘅一間, 人流唔多, 加上有訂座app優惠, 啱晒同朋友傾計食飯。作為卡邦尼意粉嘅fans, 梗係試下餐廳嘅招牌菜Carbonara Pizza, 配料有羅蘭葉、洋蔥、意大利煙肉、Mozzarella芝士, 加上黑胡椒同雞蛋調味。餅底厚度適中, 煙韌富嚼勁。蛋黃出爐時仍處於流心狀態, 切開後蛋液溢出, 令整個pizza充滿蛋香味, 亦中和咗芝士嘅肥膩感。小食意式肉丸夠juicy, 配上熱辣辣嘅新鮮蕃茄醬好開胃。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-10-25
1527 瀏覽
Considering this is the closest pizza joint to me, I can't really complain of much because it is a trade.  However, I don't have the warmest feelings towards this place. For my first experience, I felt like a burden to the servers because some of them don't care to be there.  When I asked for certain things, I said "sorry" because they did not seem to want to do it.  I get it, the food industry isn't a fun one, but if I'm spending $100 HKD on a pizza, I'd like to receive a warmer experience from the servers.  The food itself is average.  Most pizzas are between $95-$110 HKD but they are thin and a bit small.  The plates of pasta are a bit cheaper but the portions are still on the small side.  Considering how much I'm paying, I'd prefer to receive a better experience but considering customer service isn't as big as it is in America, I understand not every food experience will be great in Hong Kong.     繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-10-13
1566 瀏覽
在又一城等朋友嘅時候吃了午餐,看到餐牌後覺得還不錯就進來了。點了一份主食同一份甜品。pollo spinachi與Raviolo Nutella Banana。 闊麵比較筋,菠菜口感剛剛好,裡面的烤雞感覺小小膩,總體是OK的。甜品是剛剛烤出來的,裡面的榛子醬不是很甜,外面的巧克力醬甜度高一些,吃起來不會膩。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-09-21
1239 瀏覽
Price is at average range for pizza, pasta... dishes. It was much disappointing when we tried the restaurant for the first time months ago as we chose the self tailored made pizza n pasta. Chose our own ingredients for the dishes didnt come out as what we expected. Service was lousy with no smiles nor eye contact with customers. Thought we wont come here again till today because there were long long queue for all other restaurants except this and we didnt want to wait any more. Food this time was not so bad as last time.But for the caesar salad,it was just a plate of lettuce ,not even a single pc of bacon seen. The Carbonara Penne is too salty with yellow color sauce iso white.Service is still bad with all staff put on a long face with no facial expression. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)