港鐵灣仔站 B2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 20:00
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食評 (12)
等級1 2014-09-15
1930 瀏覽
Life Deli is conveniently located on Ship Street nearby 22 Ships and Ham Sherry, and for me an easy 10 minute walk from the office. The food here is always extremely fresh and nutritous, and a great fix for those of us looking for a healthy option in a sea of cha chan teeng and pubs in Wanchai. There is a small bench enough for 3-4 people to sit down on but the majority of customers here are clearly take away, so this is not a place to bring a group!Prices are reasonable for the takeaway salads, which almost always include a quinoa-based option, a vegetable-based option and a legume-based option, which by and large all deliver a pretty tasty meal. Even the small salad box is more than I can handle for lunch so the "cup" option will suffice for most. Perhaps my only issue with these salads is that there is almost always a huge amount of garlic and/or red onion in them - not great if you have work meetings in the afternoon...Lunch salads aside, there are also kombucha and kefir water drinks, raw food snacks etc which are great for keeping in the office to avoid snacking on other, less healthy options.I'd recommend Life Deli to anyone looking for a good, healthy alternative to the usual options in Wanchai and the surrounds. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-01-21
2529 瀏覽
I always believe there is a strong correlation between the food and the body. What you eat will affect your look directly. Hence, in order to look healthy and beautiful, the first step is to have a healthy lifestyle and eat healthily instead of focusing on make-up or fashion.That’s why I have done mass researches regarding nutrition of food, healthy food mix, and lifestyle pattern recently. I am not a total vegetarian but just try to consume more. The result is quite nice as I can feel my mood becomes more peaceful and pleasant after eating veggie. Also, I concern much about the global issue and want to be environmental friendly. Eating veggie is definitely advantageous to cut the release of carbon. Let’s have a quick move to contribute for the planet today.However, I find that it is quite hard to find a vegetarian restaurant in the heart of main district. Well.. I prefer some modern and western vegetarian food to Chinese, Indian vegetarian food. The former looks and smells more enticing than the latter. Both are wholesome and healthy though.In Wan Chai, there are not many vegetarian or organic restaurants. Life Deli is one of them. Indeed, the location is a bit secluded as it is not at the main street, but at the corner that you may miss it easily. It is not so noticeable that only one staff and a few seats are in the store. The customer flow is not too busy during my whole stay in the restaurant. In the fridge, the labels clearly show the ingredients and state which food is optimized for vegetarian.Here is my order:Life Quiche ($50)Actually, life quiche refers to Egg and Spinach Tart. Please feel free to ask the staff to heat up your food. It tastes better when it is tepid. For the texture, it is like a bit harder than Chinese steamed water egg but softer than marble cake. The flavor of egg is slightly lighter than the normal ones. Maybe it is made from organic eggs. It is also rich in spinach. I think not many people like spinach but this one is baked so it is not bitter at all.Carrot Cake ($50)The feeling is quite special to try dessert in a vegetarian restaurant. Normally, the sweet tooth may doubt whether they have to cut all sweets if they go vegetarian. Then, it is proved not! From the ingredients, the carrot cake is made from carrot, nuts, grains, orange juice. Honestly speaking, it does not arouse the appetite from the appearance as the colour looks pretty dull, ya, just a piece of “stuff” in dark green, brown. You can say the natural colour then. Given various kinds of nuts, you may produce some crunch when you eat it. Hahaa. Wow! Although the carrot cake is lumpy, it’s incredibly lip-smacking! You can taste different layers in a bite. The magic should be the orange juice which makes it a bit sweet as well as juicy but not over the top.Besides the light food, you can also purchase some organic food here, such as energy bar in the cupboard or coconut water in the fridge which are rare to find in elsewhere. The food here is a little bit pricey but you pay a great effort to the planet. Okay. I gonna try the salad next time!  繼續閱讀
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等級3 2013-05-25
1428 瀏覽
你是食肉獸嗎?你吃得重口味嗎?小妹以前很愛吃肉,而且味道愈濃愈好!但由於要減肥,便開始進食清淡和簡單,進食少鹽少油的食物。可以的話,肉類都吃瘦的,甚至直接只吃素菜。這間位於環仔的小小cafe,大部分賣的是外國口味的素食,而且每樣都標榜有機。門口是非常亮麗的落地玻璃,是不是因為她在橫街,較少塵埃和廢氣呢?外表用上木材的小店其實不容易看見,因為潮濕天氣會令木材發晦。但這小店看起來簡潔舒服而且通明,真是很討人喜愛。看到這poster,我開始想著這小店是有靈魂的了。Life is good.. 我覺得讓生命好的食物是建基於新鮮的食材,簡單的調味和足夠的份量。或許這一刻遇上不如意的事,但我相信大魚大肉,煎炸炆焗烹調,以不同調味來刺激味蕾的滿漢全席,並不能舒緩你激動的情緒。我不敢說大魚大肉或加工食物令生命就變差,但至少身體會。一進去,喜歡健康食物的我便眼花撩亂。想試的食物非常多啊~~~沙律已經有五款!你知道在街外要吃幾條蔬菜是有多難!! 而且好貴,通常亦會落很多油!有必要這麼油嗎?甜品櫃亦非常豐富!這裡的蛋糕是不用雞蛋和白砂糖的,有留意食物營養的朋友便會知道,白砂糖這精煉的糖是沒有營養,只得卡路里的。Apple Quinoa Cake (HK$50) & Herbal Black w/ Soya Milk (HK$30)Quinoa 是很有營養的五穀食物,有著豐富的蛋白質和礦物質,而且非常高纖!將蘋果加入玉桂,再與Quinoa結合,有著清新的甜味。Quinoa彼此黏著卻鬆化,吃下有一點脆。整個甜點份量很大,一口口吃下並沒有漏的感覺。 但它並不是蛋糕,因為此糕沒有蛋。如果你決心成為素食者但嗜甜,這個絕對要成為你的好朋友。而咖啡就沒有太多驚喜,可能我口味重。這咖啡很淡,飲起來很稀…或許我要牛奶會比較好… Pita Sandwiches (HK$35) & Chocolate tofu mousses cake (HK$50)小妹超愛Pita bread... Pita bread吃起來鬆軟但油份極少 而且這個一看便知道有用全麥麵粉的了!上面有三粒車厘茄,而黃黃的醬,我說不出是什麼熟悉的味道,但有如加了印度香料的薯蓉,有點辛辣卻不刺激,味道比較濃。Pita裡面包著豐富的沙律菜,賣飛佛!菜並沒有調味,簡單到不能再簡單,但這叫我吃得出新鮮。平日堅持要沙律醬或其他汁伴菜吃的你,懂得蔬菜真正純樸的味道嗎?它會給你飽足和舒暢,並不是飽濟和口乾。吃到底部有香濃的芝士,我猜也是素芝士cheshire cheese來的吧!最後是慕絲蛋糕…沒有蛋沒有牛奶…是做silken tofu做的,感覺仍然是很細滑,朱古力和豆腐的味道同等強烈,但一個濃味一個淡咪,一同吃起來也蠻合拍!但開始吃還不錯,吃下去感覺很單調得怪,沒有令人繼續吃下去的動力。我最喜歡她的餅底,是用葵花子等果仁做的,十分健康卻不失口感啊!消化餅也牛油的餅底是很好吃,但很多飽和脂肪和糖份啊,比動物脂肪更差更差,人的quota有限,要吃便吃最好的,有誠意的餅才值得易肥的我吃下去啊…對吧…這間cafe的食物很合小妹主張的飲食習慣:食得簡單和新鮮。雖然我沒有堅持茹素,但認為真正的美食不是那些很多油份的焗飯和小炒,亦不是很多味精和防腐劑的加工食物,也不是任叫任食的自助餐,打邊爐和放題。而是返璞歸真,尊重食物的本質,了解身體對食物真正的需要,不吃過量並有節制。吃過後沒有激情和瘋狂的喝采,但是感到淡然和安寧,亦同時為自己的健康負責。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-02-16
1053 瀏覽
跟老爸拜年後,離第二場約會仍有空檔的時間,老公跑去灣仔按摩了,而我則去了圖書館。兩人會合後,肚子有點餓,找不到 Yoghurt 專門店,不如就到開業己一段時間的 Life Deli 一試。Life Deli 是專售有機食品的小店,咖啡、麵包、蛋糕、三文治、沙律、湯及罐裝飲品等盡是清一色選用有機的食材。架上擺放的少不了有機的薯片及乾糧等。老公要了Life Quiche,是菠菜批。菠菜份量可不少,每每能挑出長長的菠菜來,不過質感過乾,不易入口。罐裝的 Organic Mango Lemonade,果汁取自 Concentrate,與市面的果汁汔水比較,味道較為自然,甜度適中,而且是帶有氣泡的飲料。我要了小的沙律,可自選3種不同的款式。我要了粟米、Bell Peppers & Bean 與及一款叫 Quinola 的。第一次留意到 Quinola 的存在,它是一種完全沒有膽固醇、含豐富植物蛋白及良好的碳水化合物的農作物,所以進食後會令您有足夠而長久的飽肚感。這透明的小顆粒,口感有點兒像薏仁,但比薏仁更爽口。可能真不是太餓,吃了幾口後即有肚飽的感覺。沙律大致以原味為主,只輕放一點點橄欖油,用料新鮮,所以絕不會覺得太寡,反而是有營與有機之選。我要了 Organic Soy Milk with Ginger,豆味平淡乏味,薑味則強烈,若兩者能調和得平衡一點,相信味道會較好。要吃得滋味,同時又要講求與健康並重,有機食品會是一個主流,但在美食天堂的香港仍然不算得普及,有待市場慢慢的整合,亦等待更美味的有機食品的出現,迎合港人刁鑽的口味。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-12-31
805 瀏覽
我一向對 organic 的店子都頗有興趣,時常去補給蔬果 不過 organic 的麵包糕點比較罕見,於是特地去 Life Deli 看個究竟。這裡跟我最愛的咖啡店 Pret A Manger 很相似,賣的有三文治、蛋糕、小甜點、湯、咖啡,全部新鮮即日製起。吃了一份 Tofu Sandwiches,三文治不是用麵包,而是很煙韌的蛋皮。豆腐很入味,出奇地非常 juicy。沙律醬汁很特別,不是平常吃到的,帶微辣。我不太愛吃甘筍絲、火箭菜,但混合醬汁一起竟變得好吃啊。以 $30 來說,份量太少,不過「有機」是要付出代價吧 本想喝一杯 pumpkin soup,可惜當天供應的是 carrot, orange & ginger soup。配搭挺特別的,但我不愛薑就沒有試嚕。餐廳內只有一名外藉女店員,顧客可隨意周圍看看,感覺自在舒服。 繼續閱讀
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