主打拿坡里手工薄餅,提供多款經典口味配搭和特色街頭小食。來自拿坡里的總廚 Gavino Pilo 精益求精,薄餅均是即叫即做,手工製作過程相當認真講究。薄餅麵糰按照傳統技術發酵及搓揉,配上獲DOP原產地認證的新鮮食材餡料,放進由拿坡里訂製巨型石窯爐高溫速烤90秒,外脆內軟的薄餅即新鮮出爐。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮必比登推介 (2024)
17:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 八達通 銀聯 PayMe
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (115)
If you’re on the hunt for the best pizza in Hong Kong, Little Napoli is a must-visit! This cozy pizzeria has quickly become my favorite spot for authentic Neapolitan pizza. I decided to try their MARGHERITA pizza, and let me tell you, the tomato base was incredibly fresh and vibrant. You can really taste the quality of the ingredients, which is a hallmark of true Italian cuisine.I also ordered the ZINGARA pizza, which features a delightful combination of Parma ham, San Marzano mini tomato, buffalo mozzarella, Pantelleria oregano, black pepper, basil and olive oil. The flavors are beautifully balanced, with the sweet and fragrant characteristics of the ham shining through. The crust was perfectly cooked—crispy on the outside yet soft and chewy on the inside. It’s clear that they take their pizza seriously here, with each pizza crafted to perfection in their traditional wood-fired oven.Overall, I highly recommend Little Napoli for anyone craving authentic pizza in Hong Kong, you won't be disappointed! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-12-01
1240 瀏覽
硬件upgrade、軟件又upgrade、Little Napoli 強勢回歸灣仔大王東街、當日早午餐都留力、就係為了當晚決戰紫禁之巔😊等pizza期間、更推出全新前菜讓大家邊食邊等、窩心程度絕對猛烈、雖然Pizza才是主角靈魂,但我認為這些前菜都不能忽略,可能你會覺得Cold Cut , Burrata 簡單、主要用料上乘、不惜工本,容易處理、但主理人是意大利人幫你刪減坊間N咁多選擇、取最好的貨、正等如個個都知牛腩要食爽腩、但你去街市與牛肉叔叔取爽腩絕對不及你直接向本地牛肉買手或透過時間經營等牛肉叔叔給你最好的部位. 蕃茄🐙醬汁濃郁、大廚巧妙地把它輕輕煎一煎、八爪魚的吸管頓時變得有點焦香、再加上八爪魚經過按摩、假牙都咬到、極度煙靭、誠意可加,個人最欣賞是那個本人自稱茄子芝士三文治,喜歡芝士及茄子的朋友第一口絕對有幸福的感覺Pizza一如以往穩定高質、蘋果對蘋果的比較,個人認為Margarita絕對係一個Pizza好食指標,等於去潮州店必須要來一個普寧豆腐考牌一樣。根據Pizza上枱即食為依歸,坊間的拿玻里pizza 一般都會過濕、當你對接Pizza的時候,蕃茄醬汁完全滲落餅底,令到餅皮變到「黑雨」導致過淋,毫無生氣,相反Little Napoli 能夠高手地把餅底及蕃茄醬汁各自發揮作用、一方面既能能夠食到餅底的鬆軟、透過幾噸重的Pizza 爐具增添麵粉的香味、加上大廚Gavino 精準拿捏Pizza出爐時間、又可以享受到濃厚蕃茄Juicy醬汁,技術可見一斑最幸福的莫過於能夠可以品嚐到Off Menu Gavino 特製黑松露pizza、無需任何醬汁、務求令到黑松露的香味兜口兜面湧過嚟、發發聲、好味道Soft Opening 無論食物、環境、服務都上乘、相信正式開店將會賓虛場面、我下次帶定帳幕,牙膏牙刷排隊等位、祝生意興隆、貨如輪轉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-26
1952 瀏覽
I Ordered this pizza as emergency ( I live near by) and came pretty quickly but they forgot to cut the pizza so I back and ask for cut. Not apology, nothing … perhaps they were thinking is normal to not say sorry. The moment I mentioned about this, the owner jumped in and he was not nice and I knew already to go immediately out as I didn’t want to argue with him. I Back home and pizza was completely wet … full of water from cherry tomato’s and the dough was swimming in the box. They cannot fooled customers like me as I was a few times in Italy and I know good quality pizza . Anyway, I will never come back and I’m glad they are moving to different locations and Dough Bros coming back to happy valley. The place and price for pizza is not worth it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-22
1915 瀏覽
以石爐烤出來高溫處理是賣點。我們點了DIAVOLA:番茄味道突出很juicy,芝士用量足。餅底較薄和濕。進食時建議將Pizza左右兩邊摺起來吃,這樣更好盛住材料,更可避免醬汁流出來。全間餐廳只有Pizza menu,兩個人吃一個pizza未有飽足感。店裡沒有小食如沙律、雞翼etc。可能出去要再找其他吃的。我第一次吃石爐Pizza,這家dough雖沒有很煙韌,但亦算鬆軟。朋友有吃過其他石爐Pizza的餐廳。以這家是Asia 50及必比登的標準,我們客觀良心評價有點overrated。應該是這次整體experience一般。原因如下:—-首先餐廳對於seat arrangement和serve order都沒有system可言、亂七八糟。員工把我們的Pizza serve給在我們之後Order的食客!對此店家沒有道歉。既然沒有認得食客樣子,那就麻煩核對一下receipt才serve吧。由於餐廳也頗多外賣單,卒之我們要額外多等15分鐘…—-另外店內環境座位擠逼。坐低後食客之間沒有空間,完全是人貼人坐的。(兩張長枱+約十張高櫈排排坐。)椅子應該選用沒有椅背的那種,坐滿人時根本食客出入困難,大家需要經常起身讓位。執枱都是help yourself 沒有服務可言。—-只針對食物本身OK,把食物和其他一切體驗都分開吧!😂 所以建議叫外賣,但除非住附近。經過跑馬地+不用排隊可能會再來,專程來則沒必要。—- 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-16
2606 瀏覽
Busy evening, walked in to order two pizzas to-go at 18:10Received call to pickup at 18:37Told staff order number, “OK” he said.Waited and waited to find out order was not ready because they missed making one pizza. Found out only from overhearing kitchen conversation, without any form of apology for their mistake by staff nor chef.I asked if they can keep warm the first pizza that had obviously been sitting cold, “No we cannot”.Twenty minutes later at 18:58, the second pizza was finally ready. They didn’t even tie the boxes together like they did for other customers until I requested.50 minute wait for a cold and a hot pizza, one of which is deformed, plus having to endure bad attitude by rude staff (the guy in the glasses)Never again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)