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本來見到咁多好評慶祝生日,我哋就去試吓。點知結果大失所望,完全影響我生日嘅慶祝心情。食物質素有待改善,但意粉係食得出真係新鮮製造,雖然係咁,但都唔鍾意彌補其他過錯。其中一道菜 ravioli wagyu beef喺上菜之後我哋覺得完全未煮熟,你咬開之後完全可以見到白色粉狀。所以我哋同員工同經理反映呢個問題,而且我哋都好婉轉去問係唔係本來個味道就係咁。然而,佢哋認為我哋係麻煩食客,反問係咪我哋唔鍾意道菜而唔係佢哋煮唔熟。之後開始同員工喺我哋背後講壞話,令我哋覺得開始被“特別對待”。 我哋喺訂餐廳嘅時候,餐廳並沒有同我哋講,如果你要慶祝生日需要點一份甜品。而作為我伴侶為我舉行嘅一個生日驚喜,我當然唔會知道我係需要點一個甜品去換一張即影即有同生日歌。當我伴侶同員工/經理詢問關於生日歌嘅時候,佢好粗魯而且好大聲用英文同我嘅伴侶講你唔叫甜品 我地係唔會送上生日歌 (大聲嘅程度係我坐喺對面 餐廳放住歌 我都聽到佢講乜)。 如果你係諗住俾一個驚喜俾你朋友嘅話,佢咁樣做完全係一個敗北。完全破壞你所有嘅計劃!我去過好多餐廳,慶祝生日係唔需要另外收費。就算需要收費,佢都會事先打電話通知,而唔係喺人哋有疑問
其中一道菜 ravioli wagyu beef喺上菜之後我哋覺得完全未煮熟,你咬開之後完全可以見到白色粉狀。所以我哋同員工同經理反映呢個問題,而且我哋都好婉轉去問係唔係本來個味道就係咁。然而,佢哋認為我哋係麻煩食客,反問係咪我哋唔鍾意道菜而唔係佢哋煮唔熟。之後開始同員工喺我哋背後講壞話,令我哋覺得開始被“特別對待”。 我哋喺訂餐廳嘅時候,餐廳並沒有同我哋講,如果你要慶祝生日需要點一份甜品。而作為我伴侶為我舉行嘅一個生日驚喜,我當然唔會知道我係需要點一個甜品去換一張即影即有同生日歌。當我伴侶同員工/經理詢問關於生日歌嘅時候,佢好粗魯而且好大聲用英文同我嘅伴侶講你唔叫甜品 我地係唔會送上生日歌 (大聲嘅程度係我坐喺對面 餐廳放住歌 我都聽到佢講乜)。 如果你係諗住俾一個驚喜俾你朋友嘅話,佢咁樣做完全係一個敗北。完全破壞你所有嘅計劃!
My recent visit to this restaurant has compelled me to break my usual silence on food reviews. Unfortunately, the experience was far from satisfactory, prompting me to share my thoughts. I recently celebrated my birthday at Pirata, and the experience left much to be desired. Our anticipation for a delightful dining experience quickly turned into disappointment. Please see below.
Beef Tartare (Rating: 5/10): This version lacked the typical elements like egg yolk and mustard, making it far from special. I had high expectations, but it turned out to be quite disappointing, earning it a mediocre 5/10.
Tagliatelle Truffle (Rating: 7/10): While the handmade pasta was evident, the flavor was not as robust as expected. A decent dish, but the taste could have been stronger.
Ravioli Wagyu Beef (Rating: 0/10): The low point of the night. The dish was undercooked and nearly impossible to chew. Expressing our concerns to the staff and manager was met with an indifferent response. They failed to acknowledge their mistake and instead treated us as if we were the problem customers of the night. The attempt to rectify the situation by allowing us to order a new dish felt more like a forced compromise than genuine concern. They removed the dish immediately so we can't take a pic of it.
Adding to the disappointment:
Lasagne alla Bolognese (Rating: 3/10): Despite being highly recommended, this dish fell short. The pasta sheets were overly soaked in oil, making it an unappealing and greasy choice.
What made the evening more regrettable was the mishandled birthday celebration. The birthday celebration took an embarrassing turn when, after patiently waiting for 30 minutes, my partner inquired about the expected birthday song celebration. Instead of a joyful acknowledgment, the staff responded loudly (imagine how loud it was, I was sitting in front of my partner not next to her) stating that dessert orders were a prerequisite for such festivities. This unnecessary revelation shattered the surprise element and made the entire celebration feel contrived.
Price: HKD300+ per person
******Important Note for Future Customers******
If you plan to celebrate your birthday at Pirata, be prepared to order desserts, regardless of how full you are. Otherwise, don't expect any birthday song or special treatment. Considering the poor management, unimpressive responses to our dissatisfaction, and the overall lackluster experience, I would strongly advise against choosing Pirata for your birthday celebration. There are undoubtedly better options available for a more enjoyable experience. To the restaurant, if you dispute any of my claims, feel free to reach out.