港鐵灣仔站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳使用新鮮的食材和傳統意大利食譜,餐點基於真正的意大利口味,品質和價值。 繼續閱讀
Dining duration: MON - FRI Lunch: 90 mins - Lunch Set Menu Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu SAT - SUN & PH Brunch: 120 mins - Brunch Set Menu Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 八達通 AE 銀聯 Apple Pay Google Pay 微信支付 PayMe
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
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食評 (340)
等級4 2024-11-18
1858 瀏覽
不嬲我都好喜歡pirate group旗下既餐廳,知道佢地岩岩新推左tasting menu,緊係即刻要試下!我地叫左sole menu,390/pp,包左兩道前菜,一碟意粉同埋一道主食,仲有甜品前菜分別係tuna tartare同埋buratta cheese and cold cut,貼心侍應知道我唔食生野,比我轉左份warm seafood salad同埋vegetarian version 既buratta chesse burrata cheese pasteurised 食左好安心,warm salad有墨魚 八爪魚 蜆,配上檸檬汁酸溜溜好醒胃意粉佢哋安排咗白松露闊條麵,放落枱面嘅時候已經好香,淡淡松露味飄出嚟,闊條麵當然al dente,一食落口,好似一大堆白松露喺你個口入邊爆發,真係好好食,會為咗呢個意粉嚟encore!主食叫咗黑鱈魚,佢配上咗蕃茄橄欖汁,好醒胃,黑鱈魚魚質非常嫩滑甜品係朱古力Mousse同panna cotta,朱古力mousse用70%朱古力整成,加上Crumble同朱古力碎,口感十足,mousse好滑飲品方便我哋叫咗杯Cocktail同一mocktail,值得推薦佢哋嘅artisan spirit,味道10分獨特,真係得Pitata先有! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-11-07
2667 瀏覽
-𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚 🍝位於灣仔239號30樓高空既正宗意大利菜主打以傳統食譜去烹調出實而不華既菜式環境古典悠閒 服務態度超體貼同細心無論係聚會/慶生/商務晚餐都好岩正值白松露季節 係食最正宗意大利意粉既最好時機今次新Menu 就可以以抵食既價錢去食各種白松露菜式✨ Luna Tasting Menu ($488/pp)原本套餐係for 2ppl 但當晚我地係3個人去食呢個套餐所以額外點多左野食 (以下用 * 號代表套餐以外菜式)Starters🍞 Foie Gras Mousse鵝肝醬配無花果醬意大利麵包 — 個人最中意呢個無花果既果香甜味襯托出濃郁鵝肝既豐富口感 配上酥脆既意大利麵包 非常開胃🦐 Blood Orange Prawns血橙鮮蝦他他 — 血橙同酸甜柑橘味同鮮蝦既甜味互相平衡 口感清新又有層次 同樣開胃🍖 **Vitello Tonnato 小牛肉肉質非常嫩滑 味道濃郁 中意底下奶油吞拿魚醬帶出獨特鮮味 忍唔住一啖又一啖接住食🍖 **Burrata and Cold Cuts 蜜桃既清甜味 + 香濃Burrata芝士 + 鹹香嘅火腿 = 清新又豐富既組合✨Pasta🍝Tagliatelle Truffle (Vegetarian)鮮刨白松露寬扁麵 — 必點✨意粉配上白松露醬、乾蔥牛油同新鮮刨既松露香氣四溢 麵條煮得Al Dente 保證每啖都有松露奢華享受Steak🥩The Butcher's Cut M3 Flap SteakM3 牛後腰肌板 — 係牛隻極少運動到的部位所以肉質相當鮮嫩 脂肪平均又夠肉汁 煎至完美五成熟度 有油脂化開既甘甜 配上火箭菜同蕃茄 簡單但夠晒味 🍅Dessert🍨 **Panna Cotta奶凍甜度適中 質地滑溜 莓果醬唔會太酸 大滿足😌🍨 Bounty三文治形狀既雪糕 濃郁朱古力外皮夾住清新椰子雪糕🥥🍫 Chocolate Mousse 用上70%黑朱古力整成回體慕絲 比想象中較為結實朱古力既甘澀較為突出 almond crumble帶有脆脆口感Cocktail / Micktail🍸Son of a Gun ($68)無酒精飲品 — 粉紅西柚汁配上百里香糖漿、蜂蜜同氣泡水 清爽解渴🍊🍯🍸The Crusher ($68)無酒精飲品 — 蔓越莓汁配龍舌蘭糖漿同檸檬汁再加上茉莉精華 飲落似果汁 輕盈清新 🍇🍋🍸Dangerous Crossing ($108)相對酒精成份高既雞尾酒 — 用上無花果同薄荷龍舌蘭配青檸汁、意大利苦艾酒同龍舌蘭糖漿 飲落微澀帶果香 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-31
2270 瀏覽
今日做嘢做到好攰,於是晚餐想食餐好嘅。嚟到灣仔嘅一間意大利餐廳,佢嘅裝修非常有格調,而且佢嘅吊燈好有特色,坐得好舒服,環境好好。晚餐佢有兩款set Menu可以選擇,分別係sole Menu同埋Luna Menu,我哋今日就揀咗佢比較多食物選擇嘅Luna Menu。鵝肝醬配無花果醬意大利麵包呢道前菜真係令人驚喜!鵝肝醬滑順細膩,配上甜美的無花果醬,兩者的味道相輔相成,唔會太膩。意大利麵包外脆內軟,吸收咗醬汁之後,更加美味,令我一口接一口。血橙鮮蝦他他呢個他他好清新,血橙的酸甜配上鮮蝦的鮮味,味道非常均衡。蝦肉鮮嫩,切得恰到好處,口感非常爽口。每一口都有水果的清新感,特別適合夏天享用。鮮刨白松露寬扁麵呢道寬扁麵真係唔可以錯過!白松露的香氣非常濃郁,搭配滑溜的麵條,口感極佳。每一口都充滿了松露的風味,令人欲罷不能,簡直係一場味覺的盛宴。香烤原條海鱸魚海鱸魚烤得剛剛好,外皮香脆,肉質嫩滑。魚肉非常鮮美,配上特製醬汁,味道更加升華。搭配一些時蔬,整體平衡得恰到好處,令人食指大動。提拉米蘇呢個甜品真係完美收尾!提拉米蘇口感柔滑,咖啡味道濃郁,但唔會過於甜膩,層次感十足。每一口都令人感受到幸福,讓人完全放鬆。除咗食物之外,我哋仲叫咗兩杯Cocktail,調得都好特別,唔係常飲到嘅味道,推介大家不妨一試。Riding the stormFragrant Horizons 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-26
2716 瀏覽
呢間打卡餐廳居然推出Sole☀️Luna🌙 Dinner set,2個set各有特別。呢到環境靚靚坐得舒服,特別日子黎慶祝🍾一定掂,佢哋啲職員好yo會好熱情主動傾偈。個set包括前菜,主菜、意粉甜品,性價比高。一坐低就有酸種麵包,配橄欖油同黑醋。Luna🌙鵝肝醬配無花果醬意大利麵包本身都好鍾意食鵝肝,鵝肝醬嘅份量超多,入口柔滑香口冇嘢可以取代😋鵝肝嘅香氣配上甜甜地嘅無花果醬味道好夾。血橙鮮蝦他他呢個前菜醬汁帶少少酸,味道好新穎之前冇咩地方食過,蝦咬落爽脆,份量都幾多成碟鋪滿晒。瑞可達芝士開心果半管麵(素)近來開心果真係大熱,開心果同芝士混合之後,奶味香濃😋每一啖都好似食緊開心果奶,但帶鹹香,半管麵大大塊,有咬口。M3 牛後腰肌板肉配火箭菜及番茄呢個位置唔係好常見,含有恰到好處的油脂,有非常豐富的肉汁😋牛肉仲係粉紅色,本身切得比較厚身咬落去有口感,上面落咗少少岩鹽已經好能夠帶出香味!Tiramisu入邊嘅lady finger充滿咖啡香氣,忌廉打得幼滑😋每個分層都做得細緻,唔算好甜。Pirata (灣仔)灣仔軒尼詩道239號30樓 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-23
2702 瀏覽
Bookmarked this restaurant for years and finally got a chance to spend my evening here celebrating my best friend's birthday.Staff was welcoming with bright smiles all the time. Appreciated to arrange a seat with some privacy. Restaurant design was modern and cozy. We SOLE set covering two appetisers, one main, one protein and a dessert. Tuna tartare came clean and neat. Staff asked if helping to pour the parsley sauce. It was absolutely appealing with the sauce. Bright green with tie-dye like pattern. It was appetising. Tuna cubes were in perfect size. Tangy and refreshing. Could taste a hint of dill but mild. Love the herbiness. Burrata with cold cuts were also drooling to eat. Burrata was well drizzled with good quality olive oil and cracked black pepper. Burrata was so soft that melted into mouth. Creamy to coat the charred peach and cold cut. Perfect with the sweetness and savoury ham. Arancini was kind of let down. I was so looking forward to try their arancini which could barely find any Italian serving with arancini. It was deep fried perfectly with gooey centre. Couldnt taste much rice texture which could imagine how indulgent the texture was. Sadly, mushroom flavour and pieces were barely tasted. However, their marinara was kind of saving the dish, it brought a good tomato acidity flavour to the dish. Risotto carbonara was another surprise. I was going to ask for cracking black pepper which I usually does. After a well mix, their bacon bites gave a good crunch and smokiness. It was well sesaoned. Neither heavy nor rich at all. I was impressed. Perfect portion. We picked cod alla livornese. It was a light protein dish. Even it's again in tomato sauce, it was not boring at all. By adding olive pieces, sauce was extra savoury with the olive itself taste. Perfect well with the soft cod pieces. Cod was cooked perfectly and coated well with the sauce. Potato cubes were also mixed together with. Tiramisu was served at last with a surprising mini birthday celebration. Thanks Pirata team, it was so warming and memorable. We enjoyed a lot. Absolutely in love with their classic. Topped crunchy cocoa nibs were my favourite. Not as heavy as many tiramisu tasted. Perfect portion to round up tonight.A dining experience I wish to come back again and again. Staff was helpful and efficient to keep refilling water and change plates between dishes. Observant to serve mains and dessert after dishes. Highly recommend. 繼續閱讀
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