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前日見天氣咁舒服就決定喺東涌海濱散下步,無意中喺Sheraton隔離發現左個高級嘅美食廣場,決定入去醫下肚🤰🏻The Upper Deck餐廳就快到開張兩週年,同一個集團下仲有提供唔同料理嘅姊妹店😎 A food plaza right next to Sheraton holds many western cuisine, one of which is The Upper Deck, who has opened for nearly two years. 呢間就主打西餐,大廚曾經做過唔少米芝蓮餐廳,對食材同擺盤都好講究👨🏻🍳 Menu上面超過90%嘅食物都係又頭做起,例如漢堡、甜品等都係自家製架👏🏼 依家終於有返live band,一路聽著音樂望著海景食飯真係好寫意❤️They specialise in western cuisine, led by a head chef who has worked in a handful of Michelin Star Restaurants, therefore most of the menu items are made fro
A food plaza right next to Sheraton holds many western cuisine, one of which is The Upper Deck, who has opened for nearly two years.
呢間就主打西餐,大廚曾經做過唔少米芝蓮餐廳,對食材同擺盤都好講究👨🏻🍳 Menu上面超過90%嘅食物都係又頭做起,例如漢堡、甜品等都係自家製架👏🏼 依家終於有返live band,一路聽著音樂望著海景食飯真係好寫意❤️
They specialise in western cuisine, led by a head chef who has worked in a handful of Michelin Star Restaurants, therefore most of the menu items are made from scratch. Nothing can beat a meal with a nice view and some live music.
特選沙律 $158
Upper Deck Special Salad
沙律菜有生菜同羽衣甘藍🥬 仲有橄欖、紅洋蔥、蛋、橙、合桃等配料,同埋唔少得嘅羊芝士,鹹香嘅味道另食材嘅鮮味更特出😉 淋上微辣嘅蜂蜜芥辣醬食落更醒胃🍯
Apart from lettuce and kale, there are also olives, red onions, egg, oranges, walnuts and feta cheese. The honey wasabi sauce added a nice kick into this appetising salad.
牛骨髓配多士 $168
Bone Marrow and Toast
牛骨髓烤焗後變得入口即溶,味道油美帶香🤤雖然望落去油令令,但加上酸甜嘅洋蔥果醬同埋阿根廷青醬變得香而不膩🧅 加上蒜蓉多士薄脆嘅口感就更有層次啦👍🏼
Bone marrow was so fatty and melted in my mouth straight away. The onion jam and Chimichurri sauce helped to alleviate the oiliness. Together with the crispy toast, the combination of texture was impeccable.
手工全蛋麵質地煙韌又重蛋味,又闊又厚嘅麵身令每條都掛著唔少醬汁🍝 特級初榨橄欖油味道清淡,加上巴馬臣芝士片後味道一清一濃,令鹹香味更為突出🧀 義大利煙肉同英式煙肉唔同,選用三層豬五花黎整,相對口感會更有層次😋 雞油菌具備獨特嘅杏香味同紮實嘅口感,同意粉一齊食就最啱啦🍄
This egg tagliatelle pasta had a unique bouncy texture, which held onto the sauce quite well. pancetta, chanterelle mushroom, shaved aged parmesan, extra virgin olive oil, fresh herbs
熱烤阿拉斯加 $108
Baked Alaska
將雪糕放喺海綿蛋糕底座上,外面再包一層厚厚嘅蛋白霜可以阻隔焗爐嘅熱度,令雪糕係烤焗嘅過程保持冰凍嘅狀態🥳 三者嘅口感、溫度同味道都截然不同,層次分明🍰
A thick layer of strawberry ice cream on top of sponge cake is covered by meringue, which can prevent the ice cream from melting when baking. The textures and flavours of this dessert was so special.