2017-04-29 2291 瀏覽
原來好期待跟朋友食間米芝連餐廳, 因為已食過好多間, 見有新嘢就馬上去試。。。。首先, no sevice, 裝修一般, 無high class 的感覺。 然後睇餐牌, hkd780/4 course 和 hkd980/6 course 唔貴。 點知, 原來玩取巧, 食材一般到不得了,高檔收費, 重要玩on top 加錢。。。。跟本係不值,食過其他米芝連都未遇過呢啲餐牌。 結果, 馬上起身走人, 改去另一間好好食的米芝連3星, Latelier Joel Robuchon, 超得。
原來好期待跟朋友食間米芝連餐廳, 因為已食過好多間, 見有新嘢就馬上去試。。。。
首先, no sevice, 裝修一般, 無high class 的感覺。 然後睇餐牌, hkd780/4 course 和 hkd980/6 course 唔貴。 點知, 原來玩取巧, 食材一般到不得了,高檔收費, 重要玩on top 加錢。。。。跟本係不值,食過其他米芝連都未遇過呢啲餐牌。
結果, 馬上起身走人, 改去另一間好好食的米芝連3星, Latelier Joel Robuchon, 超得。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-11-18 5390 瀏覽
Wagyu Takumi was one of our favorite restaurants that my honey decided to arrange for an encore for my birthday! What an exceptional gourmet experience! I have been to almost all michelin star restaurants in HK, and I can firmly say that this tiny 13 seats restaurant still sits on top of my food journey restaurant list as #1. Lunch comes with 4 or 6 courses. I would strongly suggest the 6 courses as it includes my flavour ablanone risotto, which is absolutely delicious. The texture and flav
Wagyu Takumi was one of our favorite restaurants that my honey decided to arrange for an encore for my birthday! What an exceptional gourmet experience! I have been to almost all michelin star restaurants in HK, and I can firmly say that this tiny 13 seats restaurant still sits on top of my food journey restaurant list as #1.

Lunch comes with 4 or 6 courses. I would strongly suggest the 6 courses as it includes my flavour ablanone risotto, which is absolutely delicious. The texture and flavour simply stunning. The slow grilled waygu steak, the tako with pumpkin source, truffle foam, and kyoho. These three dishes are all very good. The flavour, the delicacy of the serving certainly earned their marks.

Upon this writing, we found out it has dropped from 2 stars to 1 from 2017 Michelin guide. However, I would still rank them as high on my list and definetly recommend anyone to give it a try.

HKD 2000 for 2 for lunch.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-10-25 3862 瀏覽
Love it. Great authentic Japanese experience. The meat is one of the freshest I've in in Hong Kong. Melt in mouth kind of meat experience. Totally love it and I would recommend anyone who is into beef t visit this restaurant.
Love it. Great authentic Japanese experience. The meat is one of the freshest I've in in Hong Kong. Melt in mouth kind of meat experience. Totally love it and I would recommend anyone who is into beef t visit this restaurant.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-10-22 5585 瀏覽
今日hubby生日,我們決定再訪心儀的法曰西餐廳慶祝生曰。相隔9個月,不知道性價比有沒有從前的高呢?食物味道未知但餐牌已經轉了!午餐分四course 680/ 六course 980. 之前食四個course 有佢地signature risottos, 現在要點六個course 的tasting menu才可以一嚐。Amuse broche:1.和牛tartar:好美味!鹹鹹地,口感幼滑配上薄薄威化,食到和牛的脂味,不用調味也牛味十足。2.北海道蟹肉凍湯:好intense 的蟹肉鮮味,雖然只有兩三啖,但加上杯底的蟹肉,鮮甜無比!3.炸蝦球:細細粒,外皮炸得十分鬆脆,入口脆脆,內部蝦肉嫩滑鮮美,蝦味一口爆發,正!Appetiser: taco, Japanese octopus cooked with red wine, pumpkin espuma and truffle foam:Taco (日本八爪魚)用紅酒煮得非常入味,配合南瓜茸同松露泡沬,味道的變化豐富!而那半顆的巨峰提子的一點果甜,令這道濃味的菜加了點睛作用,估唔到吾仲意食八爪魚的我也對這道菜讚不絕口。Risotto:Fr
今日hubby生日,我們決定再訪心儀的法曰西餐廳慶祝生曰。相隔9個月,不知道性價比有沒有從前的高呢?食物味道未知但餐牌已經轉了!午餐分四course 680/ 六course 980. 之前食四個course 有佢地signature risottos, 現在要點六個course 的tasting menu才可以一嚐。
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Amuse broche:
2.北海道蟹肉凍湯:好intense 的蟹肉鮮味,雖然只有兩三啖,但加上杯底的蟹肉,鮮甜無比!
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Appetiser: taco, Japanese octopus cooked with red wine, pumpkin espuma and truffle foam:
Taco (日本八爪魚)用紅酒煮得非常入味,配合南瓜茸同松露泡沬,味道的變化豐富!而那半顆的巨峰提子的一點果甜,令這道濃味的菜加了點睛作用,估唔到吾仲意食八爪魚的我也對這道菜讚不絕口。
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Risotto:French barley/abalone and shimanto seaweed with lotus root
雖然上次已經食過,但今次再食,同樣覺得美味。澳洲鮑魚軟得嚟又有爽爽口感,而risotto 是用鮑汁煮過,味道十分濃郁,很鮮同細膩,加上barley口感無一般risotto 咁寡,食落更有口感。強烈推介!
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Fish:"kinmeda"/Japanese snapper/cabbage compote and salsify
金目鯛經過slow cook 處理,魚肉十分嫰滑有魚味,加埋椰菜絲同松露泡沫,托得魚味更突出
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Japanese wagyu:charcoal grill tenderloin with komatsuna puree and braised wagyu stuffed onion(+$200)
和牛是飛驒牛,牛扒烤到半熟,烤肉的時間很準,肉質極緻嫰滑,一切下去,色澤嫩紅滲出肉汁,配上綠綠的小松菜(味道有點像菠菜),加埋和牛煮出來condensed 的汁,嘩!太美味了!好有牛肉味,而這和牛又吾會成口油,tender 得嚟又有口感,真係好好味!
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Dessert: rhubarb
Ricotta lemon icecream with Tonja bean mousse
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Petite fours
1. 綠茶旦糕:淡淡的綠茶味,旦糕烤得焦香,不錯!
2.tiramisu macaroon :marcaroon 造得好精緻,好香tiramisu 的味道,味道吾會過甜。
3 綠茶朱古力:朱古力超級滑,綠茶味濃厚,加上表面的綠茶粉,綠茶味爆燈。咁正的petite fours 劃上完美句號,美中不足的是,今次已經沒咖啡送了。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1100 (午餐)
2016-10-09 3396 瀏覽
今日首次試一間細細的,米芝蓮兩星餐廳。沒太多的人,令我拿手機拍照有點怪怪的。首先由Konishi San出的前菜,我不食牛肉,所以特別做了魚子醬cream roll代替。一出來,很香,之後再加入湯,嘩, 櫻花蝦的香味很突出,個湯即刻變得好特別這道 Risotto 很出色,用了芋頭粒及薏米煮,跳出了我平時食Risotto的框框這個魚,用淋油的方式炸, 令到魚脆得來沒有炸過頭,魚面頭的粒粒是橄欖油,是怎麼做到的?之後主菜是龍蝦,很很很好味,個汁濃厚得來沒有蓋過龍蝦本身的味道我不愛甜,但愛這個甜點,我很飽,但也要吃一口這甜點這個是很細心的傑作,很好味,但對我來說太甜了,只吃了一顆便可以好滿足了。最後,米芝蓮兩星是太少了,可能因為地方問題,沒有靚的景觀,成為拿不到三星的原因吧~

首先由Konishi San出的前菜,我不食牛肉,所以特別做了魚子醬cream roll代替。
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一出來,很香,之後再加入湯,嘩, 櫻花蝦的香味很突出,個湯即刻變得好特別
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這道 Risotto 很出色,用了芋頭粒及薏米煮,跳出了我平時食Risotto的框框
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這個魚,用淋油的方式炸, 令到魚脆得來沒有炸過頭,魚面頭的粒粒是橄欖油,是怎麼做到的?
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$800 (午餐)
Located in Wanchai and near where my secondary school is, this Michelin 2-star Japanese French restaurant may take you a while to find. Fortunately(?) we saw some mainland tourists taking photos with the restaurant sign so could readily tell where it is.Once inside, you would find it is only a small restaurant with seating around the open kitchen, maybe around 14 in total. Immediately we were greeted by Chef Mori and his team and seated at one end of the counter, which was more private. Honest s
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Located in Wanchai and near where my secondary school is, this Michelin 2-star Japanese French restaurant may take you a while to find. Fortunately(?) we saw some mainland tourists taking photos with the restaurant sign so could readily tell where it is.

Once inside, you would find it is only a small restaurant with seating around the open kitchen, maybe around 14 in total. Immediately we were greeted by Chef Mori and his team and seated at one end of the counter, which was more private. Honest speaking the decoration might not have a big wow factor, but the close proximity to the chef and kitchen allows you to have a first-hand close-up experience on the cooking and delicate preparation of the dishes which is also a great experience on its own.
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We had decided to go for the tasting menu, which has 8 courses and I also opted for the wine pairing. To begin with, we have the Amuse Bouche, comprising three seasonal items. The first is a beef tartar on rice cracker, which is seasoned perfectly and giving a nice contrast on texture with the cracker. The second is a fennel soup with some crab meat, full of flavors and delicate, and the last is a deep fried scallop ball which got a puffy outside, with the scallop soft and melting inside. The presentation is also impeccable. This certainly reminded me of some similar experience from Amber and L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon. The wine paired is a Blanc de Blancs from Champagne.
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Second course is Sanma, which is Bourghour with Fresh Herbs and Sweet Bitter Sauce. The fish is very fresh and tasty, having been marinated and slightly pan-fried, with some onion, cucumber and tomato chopped very finely underneath. A fantastic dish and is one of my favorite on the night. The sauce is also phenomenal, made by the fish reduction to provide a anchovy notes to further enhance the taste. The wine paired is a Sancerre.
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Third is Uni, which is Hokkaido Sea Urchin with Lily Root and Caviar. Once again the presentation is very beautiful, with the sea urchin fresh and complemented by the caviar. There are also some shrimp with the lily root jelly to give a different bite to the enjoyment. Probably because we had experienced some of the best sea urchin back in Hokkaido, this one is a bit short of expectation, but it is still a very good one. The wine paired is a Chablis Grand Cru.
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Fourth is Japanese Octopus, which is cooked with red wine, pumpkin espuma and truffle foam. The octopus has the right texture and can easily be cut by the knife, and got a bit of chew to offer, and the red wine sauce added a nice note on the finish. To pair with this sauce, the chef has a grape on the side which got some spice sprinkled which added an extra dimension to the palate, and the pumpkin espuma and truffle foam further increased the complexity on the flavors. The wine paired is a Pinot Noir from Alsace.

Fifth course is Barley Risotto, with Abalone and Shimanto Seaweed and Lotus Root. This is a signature dish of the restaurant, and looking at how the risotto is being prepared throughout you would further be amazed by the skills of the chef, in not only cooking the risotto with the perfect bite, flavor and creaminess, the lotus root further adding a crunchiness to it, the abalone is simply out of this world with a very tender texture, perfect marination which I couldn't stop eating. This dish is my favorite on the night and certainly warrants one to return. The wine paired is an older vintage Gewurztraminer from Alsace.
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Sixth comes Ayu, a Crispy Japanese Sweetfish with Komatsuna Puree and Water Eggplant. The fish is prepared so that it could be eaten whole, with bones and tail and everything, wrapped in a thin rice paper to deep fry, but there is no any oily feeling at all. There is a aioli sauce on the side to pair with the fish, and the finely chopped vegetable giving a good balance to the sweetfish. The wine paired is a Junmai Daiginjo, a Japanese sake.
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Seventh is the main course which got a choice of three to choose. I have decided to go for French Blue Lobster, while Ivy decided to try the Japanese Wagyu. My lobster is cooked with lemon-grass flavor, gnocchi and seasonal vegetables, and there is also a lobster sauce poured on top to bombard my taste buds. Such intensity on the sauce did not mask the lobster taste, a good sign that the lobster is fresh and good quality. The wine paired is a Cote-Rotie from Rhone.
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Last came the dessert, which is Rhubarb, with Ricotta Lemon Ice Cream with Tonka Bean Mousse. Different parts of the rhubarb had been used to prepare this dish, and overall it was such a nice wrap up to the meal with the stem providing good acidity to balance the sweetness of the ice cream and the mousse. There is no wine paired for this but by then I think I also got enough alcohol in me to go for more.

There is some explanation for each dish when they are served, but it is a bit too superficial and I would probably expect more elaboration on how it was cooked and prepared apart from what the ingredients are included. But nevertheless the service is still good, and I have a few words with Chef Mori to say thanks for such a wonderful meal and everything is so tasty. This connection between the chef and the customer is a key element for the restaurant in my opinion and Wagyu Takumi can certainly deliver that well.

The price is quite expensive, with the tasting menu at $2080 and the wine pairing an additional $1080. Overall on the night the bill was $5861. Still I would recommend you to sample their signature dishes and really appreciate the skills and attention the chef put in each dishes.

My overall rating is 68/100.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2930 (晚餐)
2016-01-16 7576 瀏覽
新一年剛開始,要食下大餐慶祝一下新年為自己打氣。餐廳位於頗寧靜的小巷,門面也十分簡約低調,一貫曰本餐廳作風。有聞廚師曾分別在東京,法國等不同的米芝蓮餐廳做過,故此不多不少有D期望。 3 kind of amuse Bouche: 海膽蒸旦:滑得出神入化,並非一般曰式蒸旦,而是法式蒸旦泡沬。超濃郁的海膽鮮味一啖便化作空氣在口中爆發;酥炸墨魚球,十分酥脆,墨丸質地彈牙,而一小撮的沙律醬有畫龍點睛之妙!牡丹蝦牛油果tartre ,蝦肉的爽甜和creamy嘅牛油果蓉好夾,加埋脆脆撻皮,口感豐富。 Signature dish:abalone and shimanto seaweeds with barley risotto 鮮鮑魚非常出色,有口感之餘,非常軟和入味!簡單的黑椒和olive oil已經把鮑魚的鮮味引出來。湯汁非常濃郁!而泡沬充滿鮮味,加上每一囗risotto 都完全充滿鮑魚醬汁的味道,好好味呀!由於是法國薏米同意大利米混合一起的關係,非常煙靭有咬口,叫人欲罷不能,食極都唔夠。Signature dish: charcoal grilled Miyazaki w
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3 kind of amuse Bouche: 海膽蒸旦:滑得出神入化,並非一般曰式蒸旦,而是法式蒸旦泡沬。超濃郁的海膽鮮味一啖便化作空氣在口中爆發;酥炸墨魚球,十分酥脆,墨丸質地彈牙,而一小撮的沙律醬有畫龍點睛之妙!牡丹蝦牛油果tartre ,蝦肉的爽甜和creamy嘅牛油果蓉好夾,加埋脆脆撻皮,口感豐富。
Amuse  broche 
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Signature dish:abalone and shimanto seaweeds with barley risotto
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鮮鮑魚非常出色,有口感之餘,非常軟和入味!簡單的黑椒和olive oil已經把鮑魚的鮮味引出來。

湯汁非常濃郁!而泡沬充滿鮮味,加上每一囗risotto 都完全充滿鮑魚醬汁的味道,好好味呀!由於是法國薏米同意大利米混合一起的關係,非常煙靭有咬口,叫人欲罷不能,食極都唔夠。

Signature dish: charcoal grilled Miyazaki wagyu tenderloin and wagyu beef tartar with monaka biscuits.
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廚師由上第一道菜的時候已經開始用炭爐慢烤牛扒。上枱的時間非常準確,在我們完成第二道菜休息一陣子後便上枱。牛扒呈半生熟狀態,配以和牛tartar. 及三款醬汁。一如廚師所recommend, 牛扒配wasabi 同岩鹽能充分把和牛的原汁原味升華到另一層次。牛肉的肉味非常濃郁,富肉汁,一點和牛肥膩的感覺也沒有,吃的是百份百純牛質感和濃濃的牛肉滋味。雖然和牛tartar 亦是精華所在,但置於如詩美味的炭燒和牛扒旁邊也顯而失色。而爽囗的伴菜也有清清味蕾的作用,令我可以更透澈的品嚐和牛滋味。這塊和牛算是我在香港所食過最好的牛扒了!真是感動!

甜品:French chestnut montblanc with mocha ice cream.
栗子茸mocha  ice cream 
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栗子蓉非常香甜香滑,而中問夾有鮮忌廉和脆餅,加埋甘醇的mocha 雪糕同綠茶脆脆,簡直是栗子交響曲!香濃的栗子味加咖啡雪糕的香甜同綠茶脆脆的質感,讚!

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Petite four:
Petite  fours
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wasabi cream puff, 非常特別和新奇!wasabi cream微辣中帶香甜,加上脆皮泡芙,好好味!估唔到wasabi 可以做甜點!lemon tart: 撻皮很薄很脆,一口醒神刺激的清新青檸味!味覺立即醒過來。綠茶馬卡龍:綠茶cream 甘甜香滑夾在馬卡龍中間,而馬卡龍也十分煙靱,為這精緻午餐畫上完美句號。

食後感:果然無失望!二星餐廳食物水準有三星!食材用料也十分高級講究,份量恰宜,上菜時間精確。菜式法式主理帶點和式風味很別緻!這午餐絶對是性價比高!一定要再來Echo 一下。

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1010 (午餐)
Amuse  broche 
栗子茸mocha  ice cream 
Petite  fours
2015-06-28 9508 瀏覽
Some of the best meals I've had have been eaten sitting at a bar. Now, that might sound a bit strange, but the type of bar I'm referring to are 'bar style seats' that wrap around a kitchen, taking the drama and theatre that happens in a kitchen and bringing it to the diner. The fact that there are more and more restaurants that either have 'chef's tables' or have open kitchens is testament to the fact that diners want to have more than just a meal. They want the whole experience and that include
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Some of the best meals I've had have been eaten sitting at a bar. Now, that might sound a bit strange, but the type of bar I'm referring to are 'bar style seats' that wrap around a kitchen, taking the drama and theatre that happens in a kitchen and bringing it to the diner. The fact that there are more and more restaurants that either have 'chef's tables' or have open kitchens is testament to the fact that diners want to have more than just a meal. They want the whole experience and that includes interacting with a chef.

I had a suspicion that I was going to have a memorable meal, I mean the very fact that I was heading to a Two Michelin Starred restaurant was enough to almost guarantee a great meal. The fact that a couple of my favourite cuisines were combined surely had something to do with my high expectations as well. We were heading to Wan Chai and Chef Mitsuru Konishi's Wagyu Takumi and my expectations were skyrocketing!

Chef Konishi is no stranger to Michelin Starred restaurants, apart from running one of the few Two Starred restaurants in HK, he spent time at fellow Two Star restaurant, L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Tokyo, as well as a numerous Michelin restaurants in France, including Taillevent, Michael Rostand and L'Hotel De Carantec. It's that type of pedigree that gets my heart aflutter!

In an amazing twist of good fortune, we were able to secure a table for two at Wagyu Takumi on the morning of our Saturday night reservation. The food gods were indeed smiling down on us. It was more remarkable when you consider the size of the restaurant, which seats a cozy twelve diners at a time. As we arrived for our 7:30pm reservation, we almost got lost in the back streets of Wan Chai, but Google Maps had us at the slightly hidden front door just in time. As we announced ourselves, the door slid open 'Star Trek' style and we made our way to one of those few precious seats.
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My first impression of the space was that it was tiny, very much dominated by the kitchen, which was also dominated by the presence of Chef Konishi. Our seats were in an excellent position, right in front of the preparation area and the spot where Chef Konishi marshalled his kitchen troups throughout the night. My excitement level went through the roof when I realised I'd again get to watch a master at work.

There is only an eight course tasting menu at Wagyu Takumi, which suited me just fine, I love tasting menus and degustations, which are the best way for a chef to demonstrate his skill and really get a sense of their style. There was no mucking about, we were asked which main option we wanted, there were three, and which cheese course of which there were two. We also had to choose our type of water, Evian still and for SC, it was time to select her wine of the evening.

We started our Japanese French fusion tasting menu with a '3 kinds of Amuse Bouche', three beautifully presented small bites sitting on a bed of poppy seeds. With instructions to eat from the left to the right, we started with a small glass of Japanese sea urchin covered with a soft and luscious lobster jelly. Next to the sea urchin was a little sour green apple with goose liver macaron (but not a macaron) which had just a little sharpness from the apple. We finished our amuse bouche with a caviar, a decent quenelle of top notch caviar with was lovely and salty.
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We were amazed by the French white asparagus salad with honey vinaigrette and asparagus snow, which looked pretty far removed from your average salad. The incredibly finely sliced asparagus was wrapped around a lettuce salad that had been drizzled in the sweet honey vinaigrette. It was dainty and supremely balanced on it's own, then the addition of some molecular tomfoolery in the asparagus snow helped elevate the salad to mystical levels. The flavours danced around on your tongue for a while and the sweet snow added temperature to the dish.
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Sitting so close to Chef Konishi was not only mesmerising, he and his team were running a well drilled kitchen, but it allowed us to watch the individual dishes being composed. The morel mushroom etuvee with foie gras royal and parsley foam was was perhaps the most surprising of the Wagyu Takumi courses. There was a beautiful, deep flavour from the sautéed morel mushrooms etuvee (French for stew) that was balanced by the sweetness of the foie gras. There was some texture from what tasted like a parmesan crisp and after mixing the stew together, blended the perfect combination of textures and flavours.
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After a couple of courses, we were already comparing Wagyu Takumi to the very best meals we'd enjoyed in HK, but at the next course our comparisons were to the best meals we'd had globally! The abalone shimanto seaweed with barley risotto was an absolute triumph. The abalone had been seared on the grill slowly and then added to a risotto that was quite outstanding. Intense barley flavour with a sweet undertone and slight bitterness from the seaweed became a surprising reward after devouring the slightly chewy but oh-so-delicious abalone.
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It's interesting really, there have been plenty of times when I've had a piece of fish and thought that it was perfectly cooked. It wasn't until I tried the pan-fried Japanese sea perch with basil flavour vegetable bouillon, that I knew what I'd been mission, it was the most exquisitely cooked fish I remember having the pleasure to eat. The fillet was so moist, it fell apart under knife and had to be scooped up with the wonderfully punchy vegetable bouillon. The vegetables were also supremely cooked, firm and super tasty, but the sea perch was from another world. Yum!
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Incredibly, we were up to our main course, where we'd had the choice of three different options. There was no way I'd head to a restaurant with Wagyu in it's name and not order the beef, so unsurprisingly I went for the charcoal grilled Kagoshima wagyu tenderloin and wagyu beef tartare with 'MONAKA' biscuit.
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We'd been watching the preparation of the wagyu all night, and I loved the care and attention to detail in the dish. The Kagoshima tenderloin had been cooking at a low temperature for a long time, which helped retain it's moisture while cooking to a perfect medium rare. The wagyu tartare was an interesting little morsel, prepared like a brûlée with the traditional egg sitting atop and then heated to a golden colour. My tartare went down in one mouthful before I set my sights on the tenderloin, which cut like melted butter and then almost dissolved in my mouth, it was so tender. Hands down the best steak I've had in Hong Kong and a worthy namesake for the restaurant.
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SC had chosen the French blue lobster with green asparagus, lobster jus and cherry vinegar, which looked very busy on the plate. The generous serving of expertly butter poached lobster was surrounded by artichoke and asparagus, then placed on a slightly tart cherry sauce. Initially chosen as a lighter option than the wagyu, the sheer size of the lobster dish meant that I got to sample quite a large size. It was simply superb and while I definitely enjoyed my wagyu, I could easily imagine ordering the lobster on my next visit.
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I normally hate the cheese course on most of the tasting menus I've had, thinking the course as a bit of a cop out, but with a couple of choices on the menu, I was able to enjoy a course I often leave alone. Sure, there was a cheese plate, which SC ordered, but there was also a fruit option which included Macedonia fruit with cream cheese and rosemary espuma. The light cream cheese was very much like a sweet dessert, a feeling which was added to by the inclusion of summer fruits, stewed to perfection. It was a cheese course that I loved!
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Our culinary journey was drawing to an unfortunate close, we'd very much enjoyed watching a master at work, but the end was near. Our dessert was perhaps the prettiest of all the courses, which was saying a lot given the presentation of the meal to date. The hazelnut creme brûlée with lemon sauce and ice cream milk was like a beautiful piece of art, worthy of any wall. The symmetry of the dish was extraordinary, connected by a perfect circle of lemon curd that helped bring the components together. Each component delicious in it's own right, especially that silky smooth milk ice cream, but together they were stunning. It was simply a great full stop to a perfect meal.
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Of course, it wasn't the full stop, with some wonderful looking petite four heading our way (along with the rather pricy bill). A little raspberry tartlet, a passionfruit (I think) macaroon and a little custard cake were almost too much, in fact, they were for SC and I had to help her finish off the tasty little treats!
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We've had some pretty decent meals in our time, many two and three Michelin starred restaurants included, but the Wagyu Takumi meal went right to the tippy top of the list. The meal was so good in fact, that we found it hard to differentiate from all of our previous experiences. Quite simply put, food just doesn't get any better.

It helped that we were able to watch our food composition and it also helped that the service was spot on, but our time at Wagyu Takumi was immensely satisfying. Look, it's not cheap, but it's not the most expensive meal we've had in Hong Kong. In fact, even though it's on the pricier side of a meal, it was probably worth spending the money. The meal took almost three hours and we were able to enjoy a show as well as a meal.

It's definitely a restaurant that I'll recommend my friends visit, and there is little doubt I'll be back. Yeah, it's pretty good!

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Such concentration from Chef Konishi - no wonder the meal was perfect
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Beautifully flavoured soft butter - hand churned
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Perfect for the crusty bread
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The chopsticks were there for one course only
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The fine details make the difference
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What's that green leafy substance?
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Such precision and accuracy with each of the dishes
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The generous lobster dish
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The cheese course
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Beautiful symmetry with the dessert
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Stoically standing in his kitchen - awards in the background

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1200.00 (晚餐)
2015-06-21 7069 瀏覽
吟彩和Sushi Rozan的姐妹店 只有14個吧台座位 餐廳裝修很像鐵板燒 晚餐只供應$1980+的菜單不好意思有點懶得寫中文啦 所以就直接粘貼了我個人美食博客missneverfull.com的點評接下來都是英文了 先來個簡單的總結:很滿意的一餐 食材非常棒 對得起米芝蓮二星和這個價格 下次還會去Wagyu Takimi is awarded 2 stars in Michelin Guide Hong Kong and Macau 2014-15, thehidden gems housed immediately to its sibling restaurant Gin Sai and Sushi Rozan. Wagyu Takumi is the only michelin-starred restaurant that serves authentic French food with a Japanese twist. The food here blends the finest French culinary traditions with Japanese in
吟彩和Sushi Rozan的姐妹店 只有14個吧台座位 餐廳裝修很像鐵板燒 晚餐只供應$1980+的菜單
不好意思有點懶得寫中文啦 所以就直接粘貼了我個人美食博客missneverfull.com的點評
接下來都是英文了 先來個簡單的總結:很滿意的一餐 食材非常棒 對得起米芝蓮二星和這個價格 下次還會去
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Wagyu Takimi is awarded 2 stars in Michelin Guide Hong Kong and Macau 2014-15, thehidden gems housed immediately to its sibling restaurant Gin Sai and Sushi Rozan. Wagyu Takumi is the only michelin-starred restaurant that serves authentic French food with a Japanese twist. The food here blends the finest French culinary traditions with Japanese ingredients and sensibility to create a unique cuisine that is rarely found elsewhere in Hong Kong.
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The dinner starts with a basket of warm breads, consists of traditional baguette and sourdough. The skin was pretty crust while the center was soft and fluffy. The smoked sea salt butter was very special, high in flavor and makes the simple bread flavorful. The manager recommended some traditional sake to paried with our meal.
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We began with a trio beautifully presented snacks. The fronter one was an olddie but goodie, the lobster jelly with fresh sea urchin and mustard cream. Scoop down from the top to bottom, the mustard cream works wonderfully with the refreshing but umami lobster jelly on the bottom, the natural sweetness of the sea urchin lifted the overall texture and flavor.
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First course was soon beautifully presented in front of us. The salted baked beet root has a very deep flavor, underneath the thin beet root layers was marinated bonito fish. The fish was minced into a fish ball shape, the meat was moist and has a very clean taste.
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Next came the Gazpacho, which is a Spanish cold soup usually made with a tomato base. The soup tends more appealing after the finishing tomato soup. It was hard to see the crab meat pysically but when i scooped down, the generous portion of fresh Brittany Crab made me mouthwatering, its juicy and sweetness made the soup really delicious. The entire dish was very refreshing.
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Move on to the warm dishes. The signature abalone dish, which is also the dish i came for - abalone and shimanto seaweed with barley risotto. The abalone was pan-fried in a very low temperature from the very beginning of the meal, until the dish was served. The buttery and umami fragrance was another sense of the dish besides its presentation. The abalone has a lovely pan-seared skin and incredibly tender center. Risotto was cooked al dante with rich broth, the seaweed made it even more umami. On the top was celery foam, which brought a very clean and refreshing hint. The entire dish was very enjoyable and impressive, definitely worth coming for/back.
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The first main course was pan-fried Japanese sea perch. It smells very fishy when it was preparing. Under its golden-brown crispy skin was juicy fish meat, but there were some mini fishbone which was edible. We don't know if the chef did this for a purpose but we both were a little bit disappointing with this. The vegetable bouillon was very flavorful, the diced vegetable was pan-fried and cooked in the rich fish broth, it balanced well with the fish.
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There were three options for the main dish: roasted duck, French blue lobster and charcoal wagyu. The top pic is no doubt the wagyu, it is like you never eat at Wagyu Takumi if you didn't try the wagyu. Besides the wagyu, we also tried the blue lobster. The whole lobster was peeled in front of us, although not huge in size, the fresh and juicy meat made it very impressive. The sauce was very simple and kept the orginial flavor of the ingredients, which is the essence of Japanese culinary.
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The beef was too cooked from the very beginning of the meal, at the slow-cooked charcoal griller on inside the open kitchen. Start from the raw beef tartar, which was flavorful and juicy. The most impressive part was no doubt the wagyu tenderloin from Kagoshima. It was cooked medium and was so succulent. The outlayer has a very lovely grilled fragrance while inside was incredibly juicy. The sauce was very simple which didn't overwhelm the flavor of the wagyu. On the side was deep-fried garlic and baby romaine to clean the taste. It was the best wagyu so far, it is hard to find words to descrive the sensation, so please try it by yourself.
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We had a more refreshing dessert instead of the cheese platter as a transition to the main dessert. The cream cheese was airy and the rosemary espuma with mixed berries was not over-sweeted. Quite refreshing one but not very impressive.
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The dessert consists of three parts. The hazelnut creme brulee was silky and high in hazelnut flavor, the caramelized surface was neither too sweet. The milk ice cream was not very strong in flavor has too milky for my liking (it was too 'fresh'=positive), on the back was some crushed nuts. The sourness from the lemon sauce brought a excellent balance.
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It was a very enjoyable meal, the most beautiful part is no doubt the main courses as well as the abalone risotto. The end part of the meal was not very impressive but in general, it really worth a try. The wagyu and abalone risotto are seriously worth coming for.There is only one Omakase menu priced at $1980+ per head, quite pricey for 8 dishes, but consider its amazing wagyu steak and quality of other ingredients, as well as its 2-michelin starred standard, the price is among reasonable range. (a price of a steak at any western restaurant easily go up to HKD$500+). We were satisfied with all the dishes and worth a re-visit as well.

0-5 Rating Scale)
Food 4.50
Service 4.25
Ambiance 4.50
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2250 (晚餐)
  • Abalone and Shimanto Seaweed with Barley Risotto
  • Lobster jelly with fresh sea urchin
  • French Blue Lobster
  • Wagyu Tenderloin
2015-04-17 3824 瀏覽
Wagyu Takumi 是一家2013年頭開設的high-end法日fusion菜餐廳, 並於2014年米芝蓮新上榜便摘下了二星. 第一次拜訪Wagyu Takumi時, 因為它與吟彩和鮨魯山舖位雙連, 而它大門又緊閉上需要按制開啟, 店舖並不算十分好找.  餐廳內裝潢簡約, 只有一張吧枱, 每位食客都能與廚師們零距離接觸, 觀看食物的製作過程.其實豆腐上次拜訪此店而有拍照已是2014年尾的事了, 但看見它網上找到的資訊頗為有限, 於是還是決定動手記下當時吃了什麼, 希望能給予大家多一點點參考.是日週末午飯時間, 菜式是大廚設計的tasting menu, 共有七道菜. 顧客可以從兩款starter和三款主菜中選擇各一款, 其餘五道菜為既定菜式, 大都是時令的冬天菜式.第一道菜豆腐選擇了吉拉多蠔配韭葱汁, 皮蛋選擇的則是松葉蟹配北海道海膽.吉拉多蠔配韭葱汁廚師用上了稀有的生蠔勞斯萊斯-新鮮法國吉拉多蠔作食材, 蠔味道獨特而濃郁, 蠔肉肥美軟滑, 結實有彈性, 加上”蠔啫喱”作陪襯和廚師調配的厚身之餘又平滑的韭葱汁, 令蠔的味道更鮮甜, 入口後淡淡的海水鹹味和灑上蠔面上的蔥花和脆脆令口
Wagyu Takumi 是一家2013年頭開設的high-end法日fusion菜餐廳, 並於2014年米芝蓮新上榜便摘下了二星. 

第一次拜訪Wagyu Takumi時, 因為它與吟彩和鮨魯山舖位雙連, 而它大門又緊閉上需要按制開啟, 店舖並不算十分好找.  餐廳內裝潢簡約, 只有一張吧枱, 每位食客都能與廚師們零距離接觸, 觀看食物的製作過程.

其實豆腐上次拜訪此店而有拍照已是2014年尾的事了, 但看見它網上找到的資訊頗為有限, 於是還是決定動手記下當時吃了什麼, 希望能給予大家多一點點參考.

是日週末午飯時間, 菜式是大廚設計的tasting menu, 共有七道菜. 顧客可以從兩款starter和三款主菜中選擇各一款, 其餘五道菜為既定菜式, 大都是時令的冬天菜式.

第一道菜豆腐選擇了吉拉多蠔配韭葱汁, 皮蛋選擇的則是松葉蟹配北海道海膽.

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廚師用上了稀有的生蠔勞斯萊斯-新鮮法國吉拉多蠔作食材, 蠔味道獨特而濃郁, 蠔肉肥美軟滑, 結實有彈性, 加上”蠔啫喱”作陪襯和廚師調配的厚身之餘又平滑的韭葱汁, 令蠔的味道更鮮甜, 入口後淡淡的海水鹹味和灑上蠔面上的蔥花和脆脆令口感更富層次感.

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另一款頭盤食材同樣矜貴, 包括日本三大名蟹之一 - 冬味之王 - 松葉蟹, 和北海道海膽. 蟹肉和蟹膏還有”蟹啫喱”作主體, 蟹味濃郁, 入口香甜細膩. 海膽肉質豐厚, 味道甘香, 香滑鮮甜, 配合起來真是鮮上加鮮.

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日本大黑蘑菇用了法式Sautéing烹調手法, 以少油大火快煮, 保留了蘑菇本身的鮮甜味道, 質感豐厚濕潤, 咬落去很多蘑菇肉汁. 炸蒜蓉球不油不膩, 香脆可口, 配上用香芹製成的泡沫, 口中盡是清新田園的味道.

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洋薑湯香濃細滑, 亞枝竹的清淡更突出白松露香氣.

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一片一片白松露新鮮刨出來, 落到這個鮑魚薏米意大利飯上, 幽香撲鼻, 令人垂涎欲滴. 用木魚湯慢煮的鮑魚很香甜, 肉質柔嫩细滑彈牙, 用來配意大利飯真是一絕. 廚師並不是用一般的意大利米來做這個意大利飯, 而是用柔軟得來又不失嚼勁的薏米, 黏而不膩, 加些爽口的蓮藕粒粒和紫菜絲, 將整道菜豐富的味道層次推向極致.

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牛柳是近江牛, 廚師用備長炭慢烤和牛約四十分鐘, 再放在鐵板上烤香. 和牛柳油花分佈平均, 每口牛肉都有一致的細膩口感, 無須太多的咀嚼. 牛肉他他同樣精采, 以火炙蛋黃醋調味, 嫩滑無比, 吃來不鬆散, 牛味重, 沒有生肉的腥味, 令人欲罷不能.

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第六道菜是甜品, 最後以咖啡或綠茶作結. 甜品驟眼看去不是非常吸引, 吃落口卻有出人意表的驚喜. 沙冰的口感, 味道卻像新鮮菠蘿肉, 配合青檸皮做的絲, 不會太甜亦不會酸, 非常清新.
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這一餐用上的大都是珍貴或上好的食材, 加上它的獨特法日風情和大廚的功架, 豆腐覺得物有所值.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1800 (午餐)
2014-01-29 8456 瀏覽
每年米芝蓮指南在各地公佈成績表之後,總會為當地飲食界帶來極大的回響,此起彼落的成績,當中自有不少令人意外的賽果。但今年香港區的餐廳名單當中,卻首次未見太出人意表的結果。一如所料,Caprice 隨著總廚 Vincent Thierry 轉戰泰國下,從三星跌至兩星之列,但廚魔的 Bo Innovation 和日本過江龍 Sushi Shikon 順利填補空缺,兩者亦是實至名歸。個人唯一感覺有少許意外的,反而是一摘兩星的摩登法日融和菜餐廳 Wagyu Takumi。好奇心作祟下,決定到網上查證一下有關這間新晉兩星餐廳的消息。資料顯示,原來餐廳的總廚 Chef Konishi 對烹調法國菜甚有心得,之前曾效力 Joel Robuchon 和 Taillevent 等高級的食府,累積到不少寶貴的經驗,技巧十分穩紮,尤其善於加入日本菜元素來炮製時尚矜貴的法國菜。 雜菌配薏米「意大利飯」, 5/5Chef Konishi 採用傳統意大利飯的造法,但材料卻巧妙地換上薏米,出來的效果果然有意外的驚喜。薏米的質感軟綿而充滿嚼勁,吸收了濃郁的上湯精華後,立刻變成人間極品。不同種類的雜菌配上薏米為菜式帶來

但今年香港區的餐廳名單當中,卻首次未見太出人意表的結果。一如所料,Caprice 隨著總廚 Vincent Thierry 轉戰泰國下,從三星跌至兩星之列,但廚魔的 Bo Innovation 和日本過江龍 Sushi Shikon 順利填補空缺,兩者亦是實至名歸。個人唯一感覺有少許意外的,反而是一摘兩星的摩登法日融和菜餐廳 Wagyu Takumi。

好奇心作祟下,決定到網上查證一下有關這間新晉兩星餐廳的消息。資料顯示,原來餐廳的總廚 Chef Konishi 對烹調法國菜甚有心得,之前曾效力 Joel Robuchon 和 Taillevent 等高級的食府,累積到不少寶貴的經驗,技巧十分穩紮,尤其善於加入日本菜元素來炮製時尚矜貴的法國菜。
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雜菌配薏米「意大利飯」, 5/5
Chef Konishi 採用傳統意大利飯的造法,但材料卻巧妙地換上薏米,出來的效果果然有意外的驚喜。


想了很久依然想不出這是什麼食材,Chef Konishi 看見我皺著眉的樣子,便輕輕的跟我說了兩個字,將我的疑團解開 - 原來是蓮藕心!

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香煎馬頭魚配法國甘筍蓉、鮮蕃茄醬, 4.5/5
精彩的頭盤之後,接著是魚類菜式的香煎馬頭魚登場。這款香煎馬頭魚之前也在 Liberty Private Works 試過,魚皮香煎至金黃色,入口香脆惹味。馬頭魚肉的肉質不算肥美,但勝在味道鮮甜,配以底層的法國甘筍蓉和表頭灑上以新鮮蕃茄做的醬汁,鮮味中略帶酸酸甜甜,感覺十分醒胃。
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 炭燒和牛配砵酒炆牛舌, 4.5/5

廚師特別為這片頂級和牛度身訂造了三種配搭的調味醬 - 蛋黃醬、胡椒汁和芥茉。不過個人還是喜歡原汁原味。
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白朱古力慕絲、士多啤梨、開心果雪糕, 3/5

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頭三道菜都表現非常出色,甜品有少許失色,但依然無損整頓午餐的滿意指數。唯一美中不足的是抵食程度略為偏低,由其以$880 的價錢,份量絕對可以比較慷慨一點!

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$880 (午餐)
2013-08-14 11646 瀏覽
Wagyu Takumi is the first and only restaurant in Hong Kong to provide French-Japanese fusion a top a charcoal grill. The team behind this amazing restaurant is also the group behind Wagyu Kaiseki Den, in Sheung Wan. As you walk into the private, hidden, small alley way in Wan Chai, through the practically hidden sliding doors…you see a gigantic open kitchen, grilling, charcoal station. I was fortunate enough to go during their soft opening period, and was 1 of the only 6 diners…the place is priv
Wagyu Takumi is the first and only restaurant in Hong Kong to provide French-Japanese fusion a top a charcoal grill. The team behind this amazing restaurant is also the group behind Wagyu Kaiseki Den, in Sheung Wan. As you walk into the private, hidden, small alley way in Wan Chai, through the practically hidden sliding doors…you see a gigantic open kitchen, grilling, charcoal station. I was fortunate enough to go during their soft opening period, and was 1 of the only 6 diners…the place is private…12 people max private. (This place is great for business, dates, or small private parties!)
Make sure you reserve…from the ‘deliciousness’ level of this place….I assure you, it will most definitely fill up fast. Expensive though...Omakase (x2) $4,760
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Caviar; Carpaccio of Scallops & Lobster Jelly
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Caviar; Carpaccio of Scallops & Lobster Jelly-Delicious, refreshingly cold, and the jelly melts as soon as it hits your tongue. Incredibly decadent..I loved this. The crisp crumble of the crouton, freshness of the seafood jelly is such a great mix of texture and simply put, divine!! EXCELLENT START.
Teppanyaki Abalone & Lily Roots w/ Chorizo Sauce
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Teppanyaki Abalone & Lily Roots w/ Chorizo Sauce- I’m not a fan of abalone..But, let me tell you this was SOOOO good!!! A giant, plump, juicy and tender abalone that was soft and tender with fresh crispy lotuses. All atop a creamy white lotus mash that was whipped together with chorizo sauce (AMAZING. You can not go wrong with bacon flavored anything). The chorizo gives it a nice spicy kick, meaty, smokey taste, with hints of crisp bacon bits and fresh herbs…..My mouth is drooling.
Deep Fried Frog Leg w/ Wheat Glue & Watercress Risotto
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Deep Fried Frog Leg w/ Wheat Glue & Watercress Risotto- Came out piping hot and just a simple mix of creamy sauce and crunchy watercress. The frog leg was gently fried, perfectly firm, tender, juicy and flavorful.
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King Crab Roll of Kadaifu Apple Flavor-This was soooooo good! It was deliciously CRUNCHY, crispy, semi sweet (apple taste) but light. Perfectly warm with jumbo juicy crab meat and dip in clear teriyaki soy dressing. Excellent fried outer layering….My God.
Charcoal Grilled Omi Wagyu & French Pigeon Roast w/ Puree of Eggplant
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Charcoal Grilled Omi Wagyu & French Pigeon Roast w/ Puree of Eggplant
Wagyu Beef- It had this reddish pink center, at the verge of bloody and cooked, and perfectly seared. However, it wasn’t fatty yet still so soft that it melts in your mouth. Tastes like meaty butter. And, you can dip it in 3 accompanying sauces: black pepper soy steak sauce (SO GOOD), clear light soy sauce with hints of green onion, or a simple dash of wasabi and salt.
Pigeon- The skin and pigeon meat is thin, tasty, and crispy, but like the wagyu- not fatty. The sauce is a smokey, soy creamy sauce that melts in your mouth. They really pay close attention to detail. Everything comes out perfectly and not a spot out of place. The eggplant mash is just as hearty and tasty! GOD, I loveeeee this place.
Eel Rice in Ochazuke Style
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Eel Rice in Ochazuke Style- The rice comes scooped fresh from a stone pot w/ very thin mushroom pieces inside a hearty, rich seasoned rice. Then they add a separate seafood broth onto the eel rice. There’s two small lightly fried eel pieces (which was moist, rich and really had me wanting more). It tastes just like seared sashimi….all along a side of fresh Japanese pickles and radishes.
Strawberries & Lemon Cream w/ Rose Ice Cream-
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Strawberries & Lemon Cream w/ Rose Ice Cream- Loved it….the homemade rose ice cream tastes rich milky and creamy. (Eat it fast…cause it melts just as fast!) There’s peanut cake crumbles and the main attraction- a vertical waffle/crepe like egg roll encasing a lemon and strawberry sorbet-like foam. It literally stays all together until it crumbles together in your mouth.
Great finish to the night.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2,400 (晚餐)
Caviar; Carpaccio of Scallops & Lobster Jelly
Deep Fried Frog Leg w/ Wheat Glue & Watercress Risotto
Charcoal Grilled Omi Wagyu & French Pigeon Roast w/ Puree of Eggplant
Eel Rice in Ochazuke Style