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食評 (409)
等級4 2024-04-05
419 瀏覽
平時食鐵板燒基本上就只會有熟食,呢間鐵板燒餐廳糅合左海鮮刺身,食嘅時候會覺得好驚喜,同時間有師傅準備時令刺身,仲有熱辣辣嘅鐵板燒🌟😍前菜有北海白粟米,咬落去清甜冇咩渣。沖繩本菇水雲,酸酸地好開胃。刺身北海道先仙鳳趾真蠔食落去酸酸地,原來系加咗青檸啫喱😀蠔味重口感幾香。油甘魚腩 超拖羅食落去好爽口,因為係腩位同時間油脂豐富,好好味呀🌟推左口魚邊壽司上面有大大嚿吞拿魚蓉,之後就係用火燒過嘅左口魚邊😳啲油脂已經滴晒落下面啲飯到,底部就係雪魚乾脆卜卜非常之好食。帆立貝用上新鮮帆立貝,屬於刺身級數超大粒勁新鮮,帆立貝做到半生熟,所以咬落去入邊仲係好軟滑,淋上新鮮海草木魚清湯。面頭加上醃過三文魚子,師傅用心處理過,所以一啲都唔腥沙巴虎蝦啲糕拎咗出嚟整成醬汁,真係超級鮮味,隻蝦好大肉質爽😳而且有彈牙感覺!美國牛 入面夾咗蔥蒜,咬落去好香好香!牛肉油花遍佈均勻,咬開見到裏面仲係非常之粉紅,牛味香。蔥蒜比例平均合適,不夠咸先點鹽,配洋蔥沙律平衡油膩。鵝肝超大件,油脂香,夾埋多士食有多重口感真心正😁炒飯屈機級數,落左黑松露😍所以好香,餐廳真係好有誠意,炒飯都係好高質 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-03
1111 瀏覽
Happy 2024~ 新一年開始梗係食好啲~同fd 嚟試試呢間靚景鐵板燒~一入去就見到高層24樓靚景,我哋選擇了bar枱,同大廚可以有啲交流。大廚十分細心,先詢問我哋的喜好,然後開始製作料理。季節前菜:鮟康魚肝醬,鱈魚片配白松露油。濃味的鮟康魚肝配落脆脆鱈魚片,加上白松露油點綴,食落香口之餘口感獨特。季節刺身:油甘魚腩,梭子魚。油甘魚腩厚切肥美,有鮮味。梭子魚有輕輕燒過表面,令油香更出,2款各有特色。本日精選壽司:日本同中華文化一樣,以紅色為吉祥,通紅意頭吉祥的鯛魚,在日語裡“恭喜”的發音。大廚預備了2款鯛魚壽司,十分好意頭。我比較喜歡微燒過有洋蔥汁的。沙巴虎蝦:連蝦膏汁一齊食,燒到剛剛好,非常爽口。帆立貝配鮮海苔:三文魚子是自家醃漬,食落咸中帶甘甜,帆立貝亦新鮮好味。香煎鵝肝伴藍莓醬:這款真的非常好吃,一般配黑醋會太酸太搶味,呢款配藍莓醬酸中帶甜,剛剛好。美國牛(薄燒)宮崎和牛(厚燒),我哋upgrade了其中一份為和牛,至在2款都試吓。薄燒配大量蔥及蒜片,很香口。厚燒和牛食到油脂滿滿的幸福感。櫻花蝦炒飯及炒什菜:鐵板炒飯炒到粒粒分明,用料充足,每啖都食到櫻花蝦。炒什菜配上一款自家醬料,香口但不會辣,十分美味。我哋都食到好飽,性價比超高。2024開工日第一餐食得好d, 大家都做得開心啲~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Every time I want to choose a restaurant to chill, I immediately think of eating Teppanyaki. I like the visual enjoyment of Teppanyaki, and the ingredients are of a certain standard. So every time I want to reward myself for hard work, I would consider eating Teppanyaki first.Let’s serve the appetizer first, which is made with sweet Japanese white corn and a piece of 螺肉The chef is so considerate and picks up the 螺肉 marinated in the left side!One Japanese oyster per person, paired with some citrus gel to really bring out the umami flavor of the oyster and highlight the creamy nature of the oyster.Then there was season sashimi and a hand roll. This time I did not eat sashimi, and the chef also arranged all the searing processing for me, which forced the fish oil to be more fragrant. The hand-rolled version uses golden and crispy dried cod in instead of the usual seaweed. It feels so fresh!Afterwards, the chef gave us today’s ingredients to check in~❤️ He also gave us a platter of pickles to keep us fresh. Among them, I especially recommend the 山藥and Okinawa 苦瓜🤣First, we served the scallops with seaweed stock.The scallops were cooked to the right level, highlighting the skill of the chef, and I especially want to praise the salmon roe on top. The chef said it was specially pickled, so it is more fresh and sweet, not too salty, and has a good texture. The big tiger prawns are fried with butter, black pepper and salt. Watch as the chef removes the meat from the big tiger prawns in just a few clicks, and then boils the juice with shrimp head paste. Everything is done smoothly. It’s really a visual enjoyment! The shrimp meat is sweet and chewy, with an aftertaste😘 Pan-fried foie gras toast with balsamic sauce This is all done to a high level, with a rich and fragrant aroma. In addition, I especially like the two black honey beans that are paired with it. It is so dense and has a contrasting texture with the foie gras in the mouth. American Beef Tenderloin This satisfied my greedy taste, because it has both thick and thin roasts, both of which can be eaten 🤣 The thick roast is just right and can be eaten with fried garlic slices! However, I personally prefer the thin-boiled dish, with the chives and garlic embedded in the noodles making it juicy when you bite into it! Black Truffle Crab Meat Fried Rice The fried rice is not the usual wagyu fried rice. This time it is fried with a little bit of crab meat and black truffle. It is really fragrant when it comes on the table, and the fried rice is dry. It is delicious!Stir-fried mixed vegetables can help everyone clear their taste buds, and the crispy texture can also help relieve boredom. The fish soup is mellow in the mouth, rich and not fishy, ​​and it is so comfortable to drink a bowl of warm soup to warm your stomach after eating so much! Dessert matcha custard Nice ending!The chefs and staff here are very professional and polite. Every time a dish is served, they will explain the special features of the dish and the order of how to eat it. Overall, it is very comfortable to eat and the taste is excellent. For dinner, everyone is recommended to try it! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-06-06
0 瀏覽
最近未有機會去日本,原來天后都有間望到海景嘅鐵板燒餐廳,地點又近天后站同老公去試下先😊呢個感謝祭限定套餐真係好抵食, 記得要網上預訂先!前菜:富山灣山螢光魷魚<--肥美有膏本如水雲菜配日本溫室蕃茄汁<-- 特別細味,呢個份量啱啱好! 令人回味!煮黑梅貝<--有小小鹹味刺身:白松露櫻花雕薄切<--師傅建議我哋卷住嚟食,食落去又真係好夾,又鮮又香。壽司:大池魚壽司碟魚壽司<--某程度上壽司飯都係壽司嘅靈魂, 呢兩件壽司整得真不錯!餐廳自家製嘅漬物都好好味, 開胃又解膩!鐵板燒:澳洲龍蝦<--呢隻龍蝦值回票價, 師傅係個魚缸度撈出嚟,佢放靚靚畀我地睇既時候仲係郁既,超級新鮮! 龍蝦肉配上佢嘢蝦膏,新鮮又濃郁!三文魚子配北海道帆立貝<--- 帆立貝好新鮮 ,撈埋個湯一齊食,好味道!厚、薄切美國牛柳<--- 個牛柳都好好味!鍾意薄切個份多d,佢卷住啲蔥嚟食好香~鐵板櫻花蝦炒飯<-- 個櫻花蝦炒飯炒得好好, 撈勻啲櫻花蝦,淡淡都有脆卜卜嘅感覺綠茶布甸<-- 呢幾十年食過最好食嘅布甸咁嘅價錢食到咁嘅質素嘅嘢,都好少有! 環境好,坐得舒服。 師傅好用心咁講解每道菜式同埋建議食法,令我地一道菜試到唔同感覺。而侍應都好好客有禮! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-06-06
0 瀏覽
天后呢間「宴」可以話係我食過咁多間omakase最impressive,亦係唯一會去第二次既餐廳首先係地理位置勁方便,地鐵站一出就到其次店入面有落地大玻璃,一望出去就係維港景色,如果係黃昏日落時間黎,見到真係嘩一聲當初第一次黎咁岩見到,令我完完全全愛上左呢到Dinner Set人均$1000左右,有刺身有鐵板燒,野食款式多到驚喜不斷前菜冷盤有日本蕃茄,酸酸甜甜好開胃;右邊螢光魷魚好爽口,配上面頭芝士好正日本華蓮蠔,金屬味唔會重,反而係爽口鮮甜,海水味亦唔會太重好咸面頭加左自家製柚子啫哩,令整體味道更甜呢件好似多士咁既係呢到signature由上而下既係拖羅蓉、右口魚、壽司飯、鱈魚乾,一啖食晒口感勁多層次,好味到難以用文字形容帶子大大隻,先係香煎完,再配上紫菜汁同三文魚籽,睇得每道菜都好比心機,好多細節位沙巴虎蝦配蝦膏,勁香口濃郁,而家睇返相都好想瘋狂食香煎鵝肝多士配黑醋汁,醬甜甜地令鵝肝感覺唔會太油膩和牛有厚燒同薄燒兩食,厚燒配岩鹽肉味勁出,薄燒包住香蔥同炸蒜一齊食勁香口,正呀櫻花蝦炒飯,炒到好乾身,睇住師傅炒既時候都見到飯粒係到跳下跳下食落唔會令人失望,夠晒入味最後當然唔少得甜品作結,係麻糬同抹茶布甸,勁滿足! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)