This open-air restaurant attracts a lot of customers with its extremely casual setting. The aromatic smell of freshly cooked dishes acts as catalysts to rouse your appetite. Pairing with beer is highly recommended.
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Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Sha Tin (2011-16), Best Guangdong Restaurant (2015)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 01:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
陳根記以前去得多, 但自從2018年5月19日之後就冇再去過. 或者就將以前某幾次的相放哂係到留個記錄吧wasabi手擲雞必食, 但我建議自己整LOL 因為試過整其實唔難, 仲可以用哂雞比肉, 同落無窮wasabi或蟹籽, 出面的份量總唔夠喉 至於椒鹽瀨尿蝦, 都係出去食好D, 雖然而家好多網賣海鮮係超新鮮, 而且價錢抵過出去食超多, 不過炸野同椒鹽有D麻煩, 有D錢依然係要比人賺的而且出面夠鑊氣, 呢類小炒好野味, 始終屋企唔易整到個種感覺 肉嫩到離奇, 一定係落左鬆肉粉個類LOL就這樣記錄下, 唔覺係特登避開冇再去的, 但可能心底的陰影又唔係咁易發覺, 回望一下先知原來唔係咁想重回舊地
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Was in sha tin already, so coming here was not too difficult. It’s hard for me to say if one really should take a special trip out here, since the food here isn’t, like, completely unavailable in the downtown area. However, the atmosphere here is really great, and I think if you’re already out here, it’s totally worth it to comeI tried the wasabi chicken salad, which was really excellent. We also go clams and a vegetables. Clams are kind of a struggle everywhere you go in Hong Kong, but they were still pretty good. Overall, I thought this was a very fun place to come to. Food comes out really fast, and you are only allotted 80 mins to eat.
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以前o係沙田讀書,或者住開沙田既朋友,相信唔會對陳根記陌生,以前仲o係禾輋時,人山人海,想搵個位都難,上星期陳根記o係石門重新開幕,我同家人當然要去試下佢保唔保持到水準~~~搬左去石門,有部機比你按飛排隊,終於唔洗好似以前咁要霸位XD等左15分鐘就入得佈局比以前寬敞,但仍然係排檔格局!正!我地8個人,叫左8個送!1. 「Wasabi手撕雞」,一開始食好攻鼻,慣左之後覺得件事好夾,好refreshing,食到停唔到口XD2. 「椒絲腐乳通菜」,安全牌,好難唔好食3. 「鼓椒炒蜆」,非常夠味,份量十足!8個人食我都食到成10隻!4. 「椒鹽魷魚」,必點呀!炸得外脆內軟,唔會話乾爭爭or勁厚炸粉!好味!5.「燒鵝半隻」,非常脆皮,肉質都唔錯,可以一試!6.「咸魚雞粒炒飯」,份量同料都好足!又夠咸香,好味!另外仲叫左「瀨尿蝦」、「中式牛仔骨」,我皮膚敏感唔食得!仲有「芒果一口脆」,要另外o係甜品bar買,38蚊8粒,炸多士包住粒芒果,作為飯係甜品好完滿!
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之前食過一次陳根記,果次好遺憾,晚上九點已經食唔倒wasabi 手撕雞,賣哂!知道就快要搬,今次再專程黎食,平日,六點入座,唔使等位。呢度特色係想食乜嘢自己睇完餐牌後自己寫落去張單度,之後先叫職員落order。所有酒類一律自行攞單去酒水部買酒,可能係牌照問題。Wasabi 手撕雞真係好有特色,其實比想像中辣,係wasabi 果隻公鼻辣,唔係點受得辣的我唯有一條雞一啖啤酒。味道方面其實唔係真係好好食,但真心有特色得黎又幾夾,抵唔抵食就見人見智了。其他野食都唔錯,大排檔風味十足,碟頭好夠,份量係普通茶餐廳的1.5倍,大食如我也食得十分滿足,希望搬左之後都keep 住水準,因為聽講大埔果間質素相差甚遠........
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