Restaurant: | FUMI |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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FUMI is a Japanese restaurant committed to bringing the best of the country’s food and drinks to Hong Kong. On top of serving omakase dinners, kaiseki meals, à la carte dishes and set lunch menus, FUMI also offers an extensive range of sakes and a selection of Japanese wines.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*最後落單時間: Lunch 14:30 / Dinner 22:30/Sat
(Weekend Brunch) 12:00 - 15:00 (Last Order 14:30)
17:30 - 23:00 (Last Order 22:30)
(Weekend Brunch) 12:00 - 15:00 (Last Order 14:30)
17:30 - 23:00 (Last Order 22:30)
Public Holiday
(Weekend Brunch) 12:00 - 15:00 (Last Order 14:30)
17:30 - 23:00 (Last Order 22:30)
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
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網上見到呢間餐廳好多好評,所以襯節日去試一試☺️一早book左位,但到餐廳既時候好似包左場咁😅一枱客都冇~Menu選擇有好多,我地叫左一set刺身,一set壽司,一set天婦羅,卷物,牛鐵板燒,雞肉串,一個抹茶crème brûlée , order完既時候, waiter問要叫飲品嗎?有紅白酒/Sake/cocktail/茶$28杯😳(對茶另收費有點意外)~整體來講,材料新鮮,但味道尚可,$298/6片 牛鐵板燒,對CP值來說較低,signature 既卷物😅有啲爭鮮既感覺,建議signature 轉做抹茶crème brûlée比較出色~可能網上好評多數係食lunch/brunch吧,晚上用餐有小小失望喔
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Really don't understand why this place would last so long. There were less than 10 tables on the weekend at a prime dinner time. Should have taken it as a sign. Overpriced. MSG bomb. Feeling super thirsty after eating there. Grilled food came out cold. Found bone in the sashimi. Not many choices to choose from. You don't get quality food for the price paid. Staff was nice and did give us some freebies on the house after we complained though, but I still don't wish anybody else wasting money on this place.
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警世 千萬不要在這裏浪費你的金錢!週末和朋友在這裏吃午餐buffet 知道他的主題是北海道長腳蟹 所以一坐下便拿了四隻 蟹腳跟手臂一樣長 啖啖肉 拆出嚟以為好正 點知鹹到揦喉 咸到完全唔自然 一啲蟹味都冇 食咗一隻已經食唔落buffet食物種類唔多 得幾款刺身 壽司 沙律 串燒 全部質素好麻麻主食更加搵笨 除咗鵝肝同拉麵全部嗌晒 鮑魚同和牛關東煮竟然係用返出邊buffet嘅關東煮 加返兩隻鮑魚同啲和牛落去就算店員的態度更為惡劣,已經唔係爆場,店員一啲都唔忙 一餐buffet叫咗五次加茶 唔係主動過嚟加 上嘢食嘅時候見到成枱嘢唔會幫我哋執 淨係識得企喺度等 要客人自己執個位比佢擺 2點行過嚟同我哋講last order 2:30會收晒buffet出面嘅嘢食 2:05已經收晒出面攞嘢食嘅碟 都唔知點攞當我哋仲食緊嘢食嘅時候 有位女同事係咁話要上甜品 我哋多番重複話我哋食埋啲咸嘢先上 佢堅持己見 同我哋講話咪食完甜嘢先再食鹹嘢囉!一嚟個甜品有雪糕😅二來我哋都未食完嘢,點解咁堅持要上甜品呢?我哋重複咗幾次 經理行過嚟都唔識叫佢停 直至我哋同經理反映嗰位女同事先肯行開價錢唔係平 食物質素已經差 蟹腳鹹得好離譜 服務態度仲要咁 性價比非常低 非常失望 難怪假日只有四成入位率
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星期日到FUMI 食 Sunday Brunch,位於中環蘭桂坊德己立街30-32號加州大廈6樓。 店內環境優雅,📌每位$588+10%, 用餐時間由中午12至3。 有日式前菜、刺身、卷物、燒物、吸物、關東煮和甜品, 最正仲有超厚肉肥美鮮甜的北海道鱈場蟹腳,主菜加$28有A4熊本和牛鐵板燒, 入口即溶,牛肉味濃郁。厚厚的香煎鵝肝,煎得很焦香。銀雪魚西京燒麵豉漬肉質細緻,多汁甜美。 最後還有廚師精選甜品盤,賣相精美😊。 整體性價比高,服務好。 🏷️溫馨提示~ 整個用餐體驗均屬個人分享意見, 只作參考😊。 FUMI地址: 中環蘭桂坊德己立街30-32號加州大廈6樓
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