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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
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Review (217)
極品雅緻.意大利風情晚餐Giacomo Ristorante 📍香港銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店地下Giacomo Ristorante 位於香港銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店地下,極具歐式風情,提供非同凡響的西式晚餐體驗。資深的意大利大廚擁有20年高級意大利料理的工作經歷,曾在米芝蓮星級餐廳任職,主理Giacomo Ristorante,因而對於食材的甄選和烹飪技巧都有著卓越的掌握。這次品味Giacomo Ristorante的菜餚,感覺餐廳不僅能呈現出時尚動感的意式風情,更能讓人如同欣賞藝術品般地品味每一道菜餚。從精心挑選的新鮮食材,到細緻入微的烹飪工藝,無論是蘊含地中海風情的開胃菜,還是濃郁香醇的主菜和甜點,都能為食家帶來一場視覺與味覺的完美享受。剛剛進場,侍應在門口整齊有序地處理客人入座。等候大堂環境舒適,不負客人盛裝靜候入座。和友人坐下不久,侍應向我們介紹了一款Sparkling Wine,水果味清甜芳香,為其後鹹香典雅的地中海菜式作了鋪墊。麵包擺盤意式芝士麵包條外脆內軟,鮮麥薄片極脆,長棒精美可口。有十五年歷史的黑醋混和義大利橄欖油,點滴撒在麵包上,再配搭帶古典芬芳cocktail,看出餐廳注重義大利料理細節。Scampi Carpaccio($480)(Oscietra caviar, sea urchin and citrus cream)這個高級的擺盤融合多元歐式食材,海膽、魚子細緻點綴鮮甜幼嫩的生蝦刺身。前菜擺盤非常精美,讓人食指大動。青綠的特製汁液雅緻地繞了一周,打開美食盛宴的序幕。Black Truffle Tagliolini ($590)(Gorilla Mushroom)餐廳服務員為我們端出一盤來自澳洲的新鮮黑松露塊展示,證明黑松露食材來源,貨真價實。餐廳介紹道澳洲冬季的黑松露較為高級,屬於上位高貴食材。服務人員現場把一大朵黑松露切割散落在義大利麵之上,份量龐大豐富,讓人滿意。黑松露片片鮮色墨黑,香氣濃郁地滲入麵條之中,久久洋溢不散,是素質的頂級證明。麵條在醬汁的潤滑下細嫩濃香,淡淡的麥香襯托黑松露的魅力和氣息。Red Prawn Spaghetti Chitarra ($680)(With basil and Datterino tomatoes)意籍大廚匠心獨運,細緻烹調西班牙紅,蝦肉巨大,內部彈牙清甜,爽滑勁道。大廚運用特製方法,把紅蝦煮成半生熟,醬汁用香草、蕃茄、蝦膏久久熬煮提煉,融合蝦膏的濃厚醬滑。我喜歡把豐厚鮮橙色美的蝦膏注入絲滑的意粉裡面,相融為一體,口感芬芳再三豐富起來。Chocolate Selection 餐廳服務人員拿出一大盒朱古力,讓我們挑選嘗試。每一款都精緻無比,口味紛呈,如咖啡、杏仁等等,濃香非常,為是次高端的用餐體驗畫上完美無瑕的句號。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-16
我和男朋友最近在Openrice上預訂了一家餐廳,為他的生日慶祝。我們嘗試了他們的Degustation Menu 4 Courses價值$1,280。服務員首先端上麵包籃,裡面有芝士脆片、酸麵包和自家製酸種麵包。酸麵包外酥內軟,搭配開胃的蕃茄莎莎小點,非常開胃。前菜有兩道(不記得名字)。紅蝦配上魚子醬和柚子泡沫,柚子的風味將整道菜提升到另一個層次。另一道是鵝肝配栗子醬汁,口感豐潤,油脂適中。主菜:我選擇了他們的招牌菜 - Red Prawn Spaghetti Chitarra(需額外加$320)。麵條入味,紅蝦頭煮得剛剛好,整碗麵條極為美味。甜品:櫻桃拿破崙蛋糕配櫻桃雪葩。在品嚐了這麼多美食後,這道甜品依然讓人驚艷。外形像一朵花,底部的櫻桃鮮甜爽口,拿破崙蛋糕層層脆口,搭配櫻桃雪葩的花香味,非常令人印象深刻。餐廳還贈送了一個提拉米蘇作為男朋友的生日甜點,讓我們感到十分溫馨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-30
Fassone牛的變化好像有很多記得上一次吃到Fassone Carpaccio記憶猶新牛脂風味豐厚,味濃但又偏偏不會膩拍案叫絕,也不枉其「牛肉界勞斯萊斯」的美譽就這樣,Fassone便成了我的「心頭肉」之一無論熱葷與冷盤,都像蜜糖般吸引· ‒ – — ‒ – ·這次來到銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店 #Giacomo 也是衝著Fassone而來朋友說餐廳大厨的光環也不小 —— 師承多家米芝蓮星級餐廳逾20年烹調高級意大利菜廚藝經驗blablabla ......就可以下省千字反正自己親身感受,無論菜色部局、設計與擺盤以至味道都是滿分之作· ‒ – — ‒ – ·Bread basket Homemade sourdough 內脆內軟配olive oil 吃很perfect,不自覺就吃了大半個Amuse Bouche的Tomato 莎莎甜酸開胃Fassone beef tartare ,一如預期牛油香豐盈沒太多調味,咸鮮來自oscietra caviar酸甘筍也有些街解油作用,這組合不很錯Scallop輕煎軟稔輕煎Scallop入口軟稔鮮香同樣也是沒濃重高味Topping 的Pata Negra Ham 把味道層次都推進了咸中帶甜,配紅酒油禾餘韻更顯悠長Main course 是Fettuccine Al Ragu'Di VitelloFassone煮成的小牛肉肉醬淋在homemade fettuccine上麵條吸收了肉醬的香氣加上恰到好處的嚼勁重碳水但就是令我抗抵不能甜品方面超有驚喜愛cheese 的朋友一定會拍手掌!由主廚精選的3款cheese selection  搭配自製果jam與乾果三款thick cut cheese 都太好味遇有little sweet bites 分別是檸檬tart 與松露朱古力不覺太full的朋友,強烈建議要追加個餐後酒Good food, good vibes good ending treats continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友慶祝生日於是帶佢黎到香港銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店fine dine入座後先送來麵包籃當中我最鍾意食sourdough成個麵包睇落好綿密外皮香脆 內裡口感軟綿綿配橄欖油同醋真係perfect👍🏻仲有Amuse Bouche甜甜酸酸 好開胃 👅"FASSONE" Beef Tartare用上來自北意大利既牛肉靚牛自然唔需要太多既調味廚師只用鹽同胡椒 就帶出生牛肉嘅鮮味香軟既牛肉他他 配上高貴得黎又百搭既魚子醬加上薄切蘿蔔既爽脆 係好豐富既口感啊🫶🏻.👅Roasted Scallop帶子既產地係北海道輕輕煎香過令帶子既香味出晒黎加上48個月既風乾火腿咸香得黎又軟滑.👅Amadai馬頭魚用左立鱗燒既方式外皮燒到脆卜卜 好似食緊薯片咁!魚肉新鮮juicy又軟滑 沒有魚腥味用埋意大利青瓜 槍烏賊及海鮮煮出黎既醬汁鮮味重 又fresh又健康.👅Chocolate and Hazelnut黎到極邪惡既甜品時間每個小桶外層都係朱古力脆脆裡面係非常香濃既榛子醬啖啖都甜入心😍.總結黎講用餐體驗係非常好服務態度有禮親切 好注重食客既體驗食材用料都睇到大廚既用心同執着非常推介朋友黎體驗一下👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-07
I was attracted by their Red Prawn Chitarra and finally got a chance to try their lunch. Their interior design is simple yet elegant. Able to take a few photos before it filled up.The menu and each item was introduced in detail by the server.When the bread came out, I nearly thought they served the wrong appetizer. The focaccia was freshly made and the olive scent was intoxicating. I think this is the first time I even rated the restaurants bread as 5 stars.The hamachi was another excellent starter. The stronger flavor of the caviar and lighter flavors of the hamachi was already well balanced but their tofu yuzu cream made it more appetizing and brought a feeling of summer to the appetizer.Next came their signature dish and the supplement was definitely worth it. The prawn was large and springy. The chitarra slightly resembles a square shape rather than the usual round shape, allow it to soak the sauce more in each bite. The amount of sauce seems not a lot in the photo but that's the exact design of this dish as the sauce inside the prawn's head acts as remaining sauce for the pasta. Each bite of the pasta was extremely rich. This skin of the toothfish was fried to a perfect crunch while the toothfish was really tender. They later explained this toothfish has a higher content of fat than usual, giving its tenderness. Later came the Apricot themed dessert. The aroma of the rosemary was just right without overpowering the apricot and the tartness was perfect for the hot summer.The menu does not mention this but coffee is included.Definitely coming back again continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)