Restaurant: Hotspot
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This creative hot pot restaurant offers special soup based and ingredients from various countries, such as lamb with Turkey Herbs soup pot and Hokkaido specially select 3.6 milk Sakura soup pot. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Hotspot
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (743)
今次再次到訪滿滿異國風裝潢的隨意門,因為下午六點前結帳有68折,真係抵食又高質,主題有異國風情,打邊爐都好似去咗旅行咁,非常IGable! 🥘招牌花膠雞湯鍋職員好細心係你面前剪開花膠,本身原塊花膠真係大過塊面,雞肉鮮嫩彈牙,湯底超級無敵濃,每人飲咗兩大碗🍎蘋果木煙燻手切牛頸脊製作繁複,用上蘋果木把手切牛頸脊放置於窯爐嘅烤板入面,利用高溫瞬間鎖住牛頸脊嘅水分,油花分布平均,入口軟嫩,份量剛好2-3人分享🥟餃子拼盤當中的「蟹黃豚肉餃」真係好少見!用上蟹黃和蟹肉,新鮮製作擺盤精緻,電動轉轉盤有特色🫔黃金雙拼其中一個亮點就係即炸黃金魚皮同響鈴 .ᐟ.ᐟ ‌上台時見到滿滿黃金色已經好期待,炸得乾身之餘鹹蛋黃亦落得毫不吝嗇🥗蔬菜拼盤 有齊娃娃菜、生菜、白蘿蔔、蕃茄、南瓜等等,大大盤新鮮又健康🍹蜂蜜菊花烏龍茶 火鍋唔多唔少都熱氣,飲定菊花茶清熱,甜度剛好,地球儀茶壺超吸睛,自己想斟幾多都得• ───────────────火鍋隨意門 (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣堅拿道西10號冠景樓1樓A室• ───────────────#hkfood #hkfoods #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodshare #hkfoodlover #hkfoodie #hkfoodieblogger #hkfoodies #hongkong #hongkongfood #香港 #香港美食 #吃貨 #銅鑼灣美食推薦 #銅鑼灣美食 #火鍋___🥇Follow @eathkgirls #eathkgirls #食港女 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
♡ 打卡宮廷式火鍋店|火鍋隨意門 ♡-銅鑼灣有好多火鍋店 ~ 而朋友就推薦我嚟呢一間🫶性價比好高 👍🏻 好適合俾我係咁打卡😂而且嘢食都好高質 ❤️ 唔係得個樣呀❗️- ♡ 招牌花膠雞湯 (半隻)♡ 用咗三黃雞去熬製嘅雞湯特別鮮甜 特別濃郁先飲咗補身嘅雞湯 再慢慢品嚐嫩滑嘅滑雞😝冇得彈-♡ 蘋果木煙燻手切牛頸脊 ♡ 牛頸脊肉質鮮嫩 而且又爽又滑 牛味香濃 好容易入口🫶-♡ 餃子拼盤 ♡ 一望到就覺得好吸睛 餃子以旋轉木馬咁樣嘅形式呈現係眼前有五款唔同嘅餃子😝 最印象深刻嘅就係黑松露蟹肉餃一咬落去滿滿嘅蟹肉❤️鳳尾鮮蝦餃 蝦肉爽口清甜韭菜餃都唔錯 每款餃都皮薄餡靚🥰-♡ 特盛蔬菜🥬拼盤 ♡ 蔬菜拼盤擺盤好靚~ 入面仲有金菇、蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、娃娃菜、黑木耳等等~ 食完成個拼盤好滿足😌-♡ 牛舌片 ♡ 一嚟到就已經打卡啦 捲成個玫瑰花🌹形 牛舌片油脂分布平均一咬落去好軟腍 勁好食-♡ 蜂蜜菊花烏龍茶 ♡ 烏龍茶用地球儀盛載 每一口飲落去 都飲到淡淡嘅菊花同蜂蜜好喜歡呢個烏龍茶😜❥#⇢店鋪資料:火鍋隨意門 (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣堅拿道西10號冠景樓1樓A室 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
《🚪火鍋隨意門📍》————————————————————✨ 特色古典風火鍋!仙氣逼人!✨ 特色火鍋湯底,款款都高質又足料————————————————————🌟 黑蒜特色卜卜蜆濃湯鍋---鍾意重口味既實會鍾意呢個黑蒜湯底🖤黑蒜味超濃超惹味,仲要咁足料咁大鍋好多隻大大隻蜆肉,食落鮮甜冇沙😋————————————————————🌟 蘋果木煙燻手切牛頸脊---擺盤精緻夠氣派!份量質量有驚喜😍牛肉唔韌夠嫩滑,牛香味重夠鮮甜片片手切,油花紋好靚,牛魔王必點🐮————————————————————🌟 黃金雙拼---鹹蛋黃魚皮 + 鹹蛋黃響鈴 = 完美組合🤩炸魚皮好夠脆口,響鈴就外脆內鬆化我呢d鍾意食鹹蛋黃邪惡野就必點😈————————————————————🌟 餃子拼盤 ---!第一次見咁夢幻既旋轉餃子拼盤🎠餃子皮薄餡靚,款款都好足料鮮蝦雲吞、黑松露蟹肉、蟹黃豚肉等🥟————————————————————🌟 豐盛蔬菜拼盤 ---食完呢個,打邊爐都覺得打得健康😂娃娃菜、木耳、蘿蔔、番茄、南瓜...七彩顏色既蔬菜有營養又索湯🍲————————————————————🌟 竹蔗茅根 ---以為只係飲品。誰知是童話世界❣️唔係講笑,剩係個look,已經贏左味道都好清甜解膩,清熱氣就啱灑🎋————————————————————🍱 醬介九宮格,調味任你揀!————————————————————🔴 總評:9/10---💰 性價比:4/5📸 賣相:5+/5🏞 環境衛生:4.5/5👩🏻‍🍳 服務態度:4/5 ———————————————————— continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間充滿異國風情嘅隨意門火鍋店,真係不得了!😄 下午六點前仲有68折優惠,抵!進去店內就好似去咗旅行咁,土耳其吊燈、歐陸風情、仲有中國屏風,每一個角落都好IGable!📸🌟 推介菜色 🌟•香蒜特色卜卜蜆濃湯鍋:蜆嘅份量多到笑,仲無沙!每隻蜆都肥美鮮甜,蒜香撲鼻,香到令人停唔到口!🐚•蘋果木煙燻手切牛頸脊:蘋果木嘅煙燻香氣配合嫩滑牛肉,口感一流,絕對係必試之選!🍎•餃子拼盤:有多款口味如蟹黃豬肉、鮮蝦雲吞等,擺盤都好精緻,尤其係電動轉盤設計,好適合影相!🥟•豐盛蔬菜拼盤:有齊多種新鮮蔬菜,擺得好似盆栽咁,色彩繽紛,食落新鮮脆口!🥗•即炸黃金魚皮:炸得好乾身,鹹蛋黃鋪得好香,絕對係一大亮點!🐟•蜂蜜菊花烏龍茶:地球儀茶壺超吸睛,菊花香結合蜂蜜甜味,飲完清熱又解渴!🌼🔥 #火鍋隨意門 #異國風情 #抵食高質 #銅鑼灣美食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-25
之次去咗間朋友介紹嘅打邊爐店 佢話呢間店分左多個主題 有獨特嘅裝飾 入面充滿異國風情 環境最適合打卡秘製消暑椰漿雞濃湯鍋湯鍋入面有大量椰子肉 滾起先飲啖湯再等5分鐘就可以食埋雞 湯底非常清甜 入面嘅雞肉都好嫩滑 粟米都好香甜  蘋果木煙燻手切牛頸脊一片都幾厚身 脂肪分布均勻 牛味濃郁 肉質鮮嫩  餃子拼盤拼盤一共有10隻 有鮮蝦雲吞、韭菜豬肉餃、蟹黃豬肉餃、黑松露豬肉餃等 每隻都好飽滿 餃子擺盤精美以旋轉木馬形式呈現係眼前相當吸睛蔬菜拼盤拼盤份量非常多 入面有好多唔同款菜 例如油墨菜、南瓜、生菜、白蘿蔔、蕃茄等索埋湯汁更好味竹蔗茅根地球儀茶壺超吸睛 清涼之選 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)