2-min walk from Exit N3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (281)
Level4 2021-01-17
三訪上岸料理,刺身依舊keep到水準,撞正今次黎係秋刀魚刺身既季節,秋季既秋刀魚魚脂特別豐厚,質感濃郁偏重味,配上餐廳特製既酸汁同薑蓉,解膩提鮮,一試難忘!侍應招呼周到,會細心講解進食順序;刺身點左吞拿魚腩、金木鯛、紅衫魚、黑鯥魚、深海池魚,全部都新鮮甜美,當中最有驚喜係紅衫魚同黑鯥魚刺身,經火炙後更帶出魚鮮味,質感嫩滑,忍唔住再點多一round.除左刺身外必點之選有鮑魚、海膽白身魚卷、生蠔,鮑魚以湯汁慢煮後再冷凍上菜,肉質軟稔入味,大概係食過最好食既磯煮鮑魚🤤 第一次食海膽白身魚卷,白身魚清爽鮮甜,卷上濃郁creamy既海膽,配搭得剛剛好,唔會搶味之餘更突出左白身魚既鮮甜.人均消費二千樓下,已經可以享受到一流既日本菜,不論食材、刀工、環境、服務都係水準之上爽口彈牙既白身魚卷上鮮甜嫩滑既海膽,淋上秘製沙律汁鮮味更加出! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-12-07
晚飯池魚 (厚切)$288好食 有魚味 彈口明太子薯仔沙律沒有太驚喜,名太子味唔出 比薯仔蓋過爐端燒 豚肉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻明太子雞奕 - 明太子唔夠味 唔喊又唔辣,一般般牛舌- 本身冇調味,比較prefer落鹽多過芥末北海道生蠔清新,大隻,個汁教得好好Encore 壽司整體很不錯冷蕎麥麵麵質好彈👍🏻👍🏻可惜個湯好淡.. 要自己加豉油服務服務員姐姐態度非常好,解釋得到好清楚好勤力行來收拾加水👍🏻但可惜見到廚房嘅師傅疫情下竟然拉低口罩..😡😡😡😡我指一指登大隻眼,服務員姐姐可能提一提他們,兩秒後見到帶返口罩..但已經徒手切緊魚生中! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-07-05
好耐冇去棉登徑 朋友生日 佢鍾意日本野 冇得去日本 就搵間質素好的既 叫做止下渴冇失望既 質素一流 不過就樣樣都好細份量 我哋4個人 叫左 雜錦魚生雜錦壽司 (好明顯懶 唔願一件件揀) 雞件 枝豆 鵝肝多士 烏冬 飯 魚干 清酒煮蛤 ⋯ 都唔係飽 😱因為樣樣細份 搞到我地平日唔多客氣 都成日剩返個件唔好意思夾 😂😂😂魚生 入口溶化既口感 不過相對魚味冇甘濃 睇吓閣下好邊種嘞 正如a5和牛都唔係個個like 總體來說 好滿意既 服務態度又好不過叫我再尼又⋯應該唔會 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-04-29
What do you say about a Japanese restaurant in a city full of Japanese restaurants? Kamigishi stands out for simple and natural tasting dishes. Green pepper and gingko skewers are usually quite plain with a dash of salt but here it’s served all natural sans salt, with a dollop of minced ginger by the side. The natural taste (and the freshness) of the ingredients really comes through. My favorite must be the onigiri...lightly roasted with a few strand of shisou leaf. So simple yet so good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-02-17
突然很想食日本野 ,所以今晚放工同同事去了尖沙咀區的「上岸料理」!一入到去,我哋感覺地方很寬敞,環境很舒服!雜錦壽司:針魚、池魚、深海池魚、三文魚卷、紅衫魚、赤貝, !每款刺身也十分新鮮,不但很肥美,而且很鮮甜,值得推介!玉子燒:蛋煎到鬆鬆軟軟,一層層綿密的,口感很軟滑,很好吃!關冬煮: 熱呼呼的關東煮看似很簡單的菜式,但味道很不錯,湯也很會清甜。牛舌: 牛舌表面燒到略焦,能帶出一點香氣,而且牛舌好有咬口,很有肉汁! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)