5-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
New Punjab Club harkens to the liberated era of post-colonial Pakistan and India. This boisterous tandoor grill house is a salute to the era’s regal yet flamboyant attitude and brings the dynamic cuisine to a sophisticated setting. Awarded one Michelin star in the 2019 Guide, New Punjab Club becomes the world’s first Punjabi restaurant to receive the honour. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2019-24)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
18:00 - 22:30
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
Wed - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (137)
最近我去 Punjab 餐廳試咗佢哋的 Keema Pau同Tandoori Sawa Rawas真係好正,值得推介俾大家!首先講下 Keema Pau。呢道菜用咗香料燒製的絞肉,通常係羊肉或者牛肉,再加上超柔軟嘅白麵包(Pau)。一咬落去,肉香同香料味即刻爆出嚟,絞肉煮得啱啱好,完全唔油膩,仲有啲微辣,食得真係好開心!Pau 外面脆脆,裡面又軟,正啱用來沾住食,吸收所有肉汁,簡直好味到爆!跟住就係 Tandoori Sawa Rawas。呢道菜用新鮮嘅鱸魚,先用香料醃製,然後放入 tandoor 烤爐烤。魚肉外脆內嫩,香氣四溢,每一口都帶有微煙燻味,配埋酸奶醬食,真係無敵!魚肉質感鮮嫩,完全唔會乾柴,食完真係想再食多幾塊。呢兩道菜搭配真係一流!Keema Pau 嘅濃郁同 Tandoori Sawa Rawas 嘅鮮嫩,讓我每一口都驚喜。如果你去 Punjab 餐廳,一定要試試呢兩道!我下次肯定會再點,推介俾所有鍾意印度菜嘅朋友! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-26
冒險進入印度同巴基斯坦美食,承認係我最唔熟悉嘅判斷領域,呢個用餐體驗帶嚟咗一個獨特嘅挑戰。喺中環行上,我哋碰到一間裝修獨特嘅餐廳,枱面嘅安排雖然唔緊湊,但係可以容納我哋五個人喺似乎係佢哋最大嘅枱上面...緊。如果佢哋有私人房間,建議提前確認大型派對。服務同食物都以佢哋嘅個性脫穎而出。好多菜式都係陌生但係專業噉呈現,展現出調味料嘅均衡使用。根據侍應嘅推薦,我哋選擇咗羊肉,呢個係一道出色嘅菜式,雖然特別貴,但係我哋嘅侍應微妙地暗示咗呢個事實。雖然味道值得讚賞,而且影相視覺上都好吸引,但係共識係一致嘅 — — 確實係過價。可能我嘅表情出賣咗我嘅諗法,因為喺我哋食完飯嘅時候,侍應送咗一杯免費嘅威士忌畀我哋,令我哋好驚喜。總括嚟講,呢個體驗係愉快嘅,但係價值主張仍然唔夠我考慮返去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說好姊妹生日🎂想揾個decent既地方慶祝有朋友推薦過印度菜的話呢間易book同好食過Chaat🤭所以即管試下~▫️我地大刀闊斧地order四個女仔order左5個Main 2個side dishes 同2個dessert😳唔知係咪因為驚我地限時交唔到枱所以有兩個Staff幫我地分食物同切野定因為張枱唔夠擺?🤔▫️全部都好好味😋係個Naan好失色我地咬左一啖之後都放低左好淡又好淋 唔夠香又唔脆 好失望大家可以Skip呢個😵▫️最後Order甜品會寫Happy birthday同會影張即影即有送俾你既不過真係食得好趕好趕我地90分鐘食左$4xxx 真係。。。。。🙄🙄🙄🙄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-31
Delicious Food We were seated after 3 minutes of wait, the food was delicious service was prompt and friendly.We order the curry was delicious,  the portion was good for 2 persons, we had also the grill fish the fish was juicy and tender the highlight of the evening.The dessert was excellent very sweet perfect for a person like myself that loves to eat sweet goes amazingly with a shot of expresso The only downside is the price is on the overprice side.Had a good overall experience  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-27
想食印度菜一排,見到呢間米芝連既印度餐廳,氣氛好似幾好就book咗,其實食物就還好,不過不失,但服務就差得難上忘懷。首先係book枱既時候,個接線既店員就好有禮貌同我地confirm booking,但事後驚遲到就改晏啲,再打去就由另一個店員接聽,佢突然話有每人最低消費800港元,咁我聽到就話之前冇講架喎,亦都有問係咪weekend既收費,佢就表示係每日都係咁,咁我就回應咁我地都係cancel先,有機會再嚟啦。好笑係,個店員又突然改口話,唔緊要可以特別為我地waive咗呢個800人頭低消requirement lol,咁佢咁講就照食啦。夜晚一入餐廳,餐廳既裝修好有風味,係幾靚同埋坐得好舒服既,舖頭唔大,大概坐到6-8組客人,氣氛幾好,安靜既。之後到戲肉既服務喇,咁有個外籍既店員就同我地介紹有咩好食啦,又話一般都建議叫四至五款食物,咁我同一frd total兩個女仔食,就諗住叫一個前菜加兩個main同2杯嘢飲都好夠,但個店員sell機我地都唔諗住叫5樣嘢,佢就變面,收起笑容,好不耐煩咁就話ok,之後佢就冇再過過嚟serve我地loll老實講,嘢食我覺得係還好既,未至於好食到想再番去食,而杯mango lassi更是少得離奇,平時玻璃杯一半既份量都冇但就差唔多百元咁,真係定價有啲過高。個人覺得山頂間印度餐廳更好食!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)