4-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station; MTR Olympic Station Exit B continue reading
The restaurant in Tai Kok Tsui offers model authentic Thai Isan(North-Eatern) cusine. Pefectly balanced bewtween spicy and salty.Most dishes are grilled. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (408)
Michelin for 3 consecutive yrs Thai restaurant@Tai Kok Tsui..My friend and I went to a restaurant called "Restoran SAYA" located in Shop G701, G/F, Square Mile, 18 Ka Shin Street, Tai Kok Tsui大角咀嘉善街18號利奧坊地下G701號舖..KAENG MASSAMAN NEUAMassaman Curry with Beef Rib finger瑪莎文咖哩·牛肋條HKD$158..the curry is sooooooo rich and flavourful.the beef rib is super soft,tender and juicy.generous amount of beef brisket.dish of the night.highly recommended ..KOR MOO YANGCharcoal Grilled Pork Neck炭燒豬頸肉HKD$138.the pork neck is incredibly juicy,moist and tender .served with sweet and sour sauce .hugeeeeeee portion .delish and value for money..SUEA RONG HAI炭火燒牛肉HKD$208..grilled beef in Thai style.loveeeeeeeee the secret recipe sauce.left the whole dish to the next level.the beef with a hint of nice charcoal flavour..PAD SEE EW (Beef)Fried Flat Noodle with Wagyu Beef牛肉炒寬河粉 HKD$138..the flat noodles act like the sponge soaked up all the essences and flavours of the dish.the noodles are sooooooo al dente .the wagyu beef is sooooooo tender;succulent with luscious grease rendering out continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-03-26
專誠來一趟,米之蓮必比登推介的 Restoran SAYA,裝潢採用湖水綠色背景,配搭藤製傢具和壁畫,充滿泰國風情!我們選擇落地玻璃窗邊位用餐,忙裏偷閑之感強!🍹斑蘭椰林飄香 $88顏色漂亮,斑蘭味香,薄荷般冰涼,可口!🌶️辣椒膏炒花甲 $128辣椒膏香濃惹味,厚厚地貼在花甲身上,為鮮嫩以外增香辛層次,令人欲罷不能,佐酒一流。🦀蟹肉奄列 $178期望落實,奄列飽滿富蛋向,蟹肉新鮮足料,淡淡滋味!🥩炭火燒牛肉 $208燒得好,牛肉充滿炭火香,鬆軟粉嫩。🍜🐓泰北咖喱金麵配燒雞 $128有特色,咖喱汁濃郁,鴛鴦麵條原味及脆麵共存,燒雞皮脆肉嫩,泰北招牌麵,果然唔錯,值得一試!整體來說,食物水準不俗,價錢合理,運作暢順,怪不得客似雲來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日繼續係大角咀搵食,今晚去咗間2023及 2024年獲得米芝蓮必比登推介🎖嘅Restoran SAYA,餐廳環境舒適,裝修帶東南亞風😍。炭火燒牛肉 $208牛肉燒至焦香,5️⃣成熟成度剛好,肉味濃厚帶微微油香,口感十分軟嫩多汁😋。辣椒膏炒花甲 $128花甲即日入貨保証新鮮,配上大量洋蔥、蔥段、青紅椒及秘製甜辣醬一齊炒,非常香辣惹味又鮮甜😍。泰式炭火鹽燒魚 $288燒魚🐟連鱗一齊燒,保持肉質嫩滑多汁,用生菜、幼身米粉及甜醬包住魚肉一齊,鮮味香甜,口更豐富,令人回味🤤。蟹肉奄列 $178圓滾滾的奄列包住勁多蟹肉🦀,混入蔥花加上蛋香又熱辣辣,味道極其鮮香😋。牛肉炒寬河粉 $138牛肉🐂十分軟滑鮮香,薄身寬河粉非常掛汁🥰,粟米仔、甘筍絲及芥蘭炒得好入味,整體香口又惹味😋。小食拼盤 $188沙爹雞串 - 雞肉嫩滑juicy,輕輕的一層沙爹醬汁,增添香味,令雞肉的鮮甜味更突出。豬頸肉條 - 豬勁肉口感彈力,肉味香濃惹味。炸墨魚餅 - 墨魚鮮香,外層非常香脆,口感爽滑彈牙。炸雞棗 - 雞棗肉嫩多汁,炸得十分香口惹味。炸蝦片芒果糯米飯(生日版-細) $128生日版🎂芒果糯米飯一上枱已經非常吸睛,金黃色的芒果鋪得滿滿的。芒果🥭清甜多汁,果肉嫩滑細緻,糯米口感軟糯,加埋甜甜的椰醬,味道更香甜🥰。新鮮椰青 $58巨峰提子梳打 $38泰式奶茶 $38薑味菠蘿沙冰 $38 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於大角咀的 Restoran SAYA連續2年獲得米芝蓮指南,及獲得泰國🇹🇭商務部頒發給海外餐廳「Thai Select Signature」認可,食物質素非常高質😍無須搭飛機去泰國就可以享受到那麽地道的菜式。餐廳環境裝修色調採用湖水綠色背景,配搭藤製傢具和壁畫,仿佛置身於海外,感受濃厚的東南亞風情。最欣賞他們上菜的速度是應客人就餐的快慢,再將下一道菜端上,讓人可以品嘗到新鮮的食物,這點值得大讚!炭火燒牛肉🥩牛肉燒得呈粉色的狀態,炭火慢燒的方式,鎖住了牛肉的肉汁,香氣四溢。小食拼盤🍢(沙爹鷄串🐔、豬頸肉條🐷、炸墨魚餅🦑、炸鷄棗🐓)沙爹鷄串🐔味道正宗,鷄肉配上泰式沙爹風味,味道甜甜的。豬頸肉條🐷切成條狀,乍看有點像蜜汁豬肉條,口感爽口,配上炸蒜,香味十足。炸墨魚餅🦑外皮酥脆金黃,裹著滿滿的墨魚肉,口感爽口彈牙。炸鷄棗🐓泰式傳統小食,用鷄肉、不同蔬菜混合在一起,吃起來口感豐富,味道獨特。印度飛餅🫓餅皮薄脆,内層綿軟,嚼起來層次分明。蟹肉奄列🦀第一次吃蟹肉奄列,將蟹肉和鷄蛋捲起來,外層微脆,蟹肉的分量十足。芒果糯米飯🥭🍚獨特的Q彈,帶糯米的黏性口感,淋上椰漿和新鮮的芒果,作爲飯後甜品,嘴裡咀嚼後濃郁的椰奶香氣不斷擴散開來。凍泰式檸茶🍹紅茶的味道很香,味道帶酸酸甜甜的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-03-18
今日週年紀念日去左依度食飯,整體體驗非常好!餐廳嘅氛圍好有異國情調,裝潢好靚,令人感覺好似身處泰國。燒牛肉,拼盤同生菜包 味道不錯👍🏻😆食得好開心😁咖喱雞,咖喱味道濃郁,雞肉嫩滑,配埋白米飯食,真係超正!另外,餐廳嘅豬豬頸肉都唔錯,外脆內嫩,伴隨住特製醬汁,令人一口接一口。贊服務方面都好周到,員工熱情友善,隨時都可以提供建議同幫助。整體來講,呢間餐廳真係值得再去!如果你鍾意泰國菜,真係一定要試下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)