Restaurant: Rùn

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

3-min walk from Exit B1, Exhibition Centre Station continue reading
榮獲米芝蓮二星的「潤」中餐廳由星級名廚洪志光師傅執掌,以當代手法演繹傳統粵菜。洪師傅悉心設計的菜單精選優質上乘食材,打造出精緻、創意十足的時令菜餚,為饕客帶來與別不同的餐飲享受。菜式充分展示洪師傅豐富的餐飲經驗和精湛廚藝。 continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2020-2022), Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2023-24)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (156)
Level4 2024-11-24
I finally made it for dinner at this Michelin ⭐️⭐️ restaurant. It’s been a long time since I’ve dined at a Chinese restaurant in HK that delivers this level of quality.🥂 Complimentary Starters Starting off with plum and Tieguanyin tea jelly and deep-fried Chinese yam and sakura shrimp. Both were delicately flavoured. 🥂 Marinated Smoked Duck Liver with Crispy Toast $368 The aroma of Tieguanyin applewood smoke filled the air as the clay pot was opened. The duck liver was silky smooth with a subtle smoky flavour that paired beautifully with the toast. 🥂 Braised Crab Meat Soup with Bird’s Nest $288 🥂 Braised Minced Fish Soup $288 Both soups were packed with flavour and well-balanced, with generous portions of fresh ingredients. 🥂 Deep-fried Wagyu Beef Cheeks $368 It’s our favourite dish of the evening. The curry sauce was rich yet didn’t overpower the tender beef cheeks, and the accompanying crispy Chinese buns were perfect for soaking up the sauce. 🥂 Baked Lotus Roots with Shrimp, Dried Sakura Shrimp, and Shrimp Roe $328 This labour-intensive dish featured finely sliced lotus roots that resembled mashed potatoes in texture. It’s such a unique and enjoyable dish. 🥂 Tossed Fish Noodles with Hairy Crab Roe $188 We enjoyed this handmade fish noodles topped with spring onion oil and rich hairy crab roe. Mixing the roe into the noodles was a must, and the lobster broth on the side added an extra layer of flavour. 🥂 Seasonal Vegetables in Chicken Broth $328 The chicken broth was deeply flavourful, complemented by lily bulbs and yellow fungus, the latter resembling the glutinous texture of sea cucumber.🥂 Sweetened Pistachio Cream $88 Finding a good pistachio dessert is rare, but this creamy sweet soup exceeded expectations. The fried pistachios added an appetizing crunch. 🥂 Baked Purple Sweet Potato Puff (3pcs) $88 The liquid-filled center made this dessert both unique and satisfying. 🥂 Chinese Style Petite Fours Though we were full, the petite fours were too tempting to resist, ending the meal on a high note..Overall rating: 10/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-02
🥰 話說偶然聽到 “飲食達人” 講起 St Regis 嘅 “潤”, 又話係米芝蓮二星, 今日相約老友 “甘仔” 慕名而來.🏘️ 餐廳屬酒店中菜廳, 格局夠晒氣派, 樓面呈正方形, 再佈柱陣, 包著內圍嘅餐枱, 以分隔靠窗外圍嘅枱, 我鍾意個氛圍.🥢 今日點咗行政午市套餐, $888+10%, 另加 酒藝體驗, $348+10%, 另收茶芥位位 $52.🫘 花生. 松露味道, 星級嘅小食, 哈!😱 蜜餞西班牙黑豚肉叉燒. 太腍, 冇嚼口, “甘仔” 覺得好水, 搞唔掂.🐚 油雞樅菌涼拌花膠. 花膠爽身, 但略欠口感, 配合輕微嘅椒味, 不俗!🥣 珍珠肉螺頭燉豬𦟌. 熱辣辣, 鮮甜. 但係呢個味道, 其他餐廳都俾到你.🦞 花雕蛋白蒸龍蝦球. 蛋白滑而味淡, 龍蝦不知所措. “甘仔” 食完都唔知道 “應該” 係有花雕, 非常失望!🤗 鮮沙薑油泡南非鮮鮑魚. 鮑魚高質, 唔靭又有嚼口, 但炒唔出想炒嘅鑊氣, 部份位置偏鹹.🍯 仙翁米桃膠蛋白杏仁茶. 熱辣辣, 又滑溜, 甜味啱啱好, 今餐最滿意嘅菜式.🍪 美點薈萃: 洛神花茶糕, 開心果曲奇. 安全過關!😱 結論: 環境氣氛一流, 人手係夠嘅, 但就係服務有時差, 介紹菜式有點含糊. 論食物, 我唔識欣賞囉, 哈哈. 涼伴花膠 同埋 燉湯 質素普通, 叉燒有點驚嚇, 花雕蛋白龍蝦又食唔出花雕. “甘仔”一路食一路問: 係咪真係二星? 我心諗: 走吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身半個月前打咗嚟book 位食lunch,因為某啲原因,所以取消咗😗輾轉反側,都係想食,即刻打去book位食lunch,book到13:30😚因為無reserve 一份招牌菜-西班牙火腿叉燒,食唔到,嗚嗚~😭留個藉口下次去🤭。service就一如既往既好,staffs 都好殷勤地添加茶水🍵點心上枱時都會介紹一番👍🏻點心方面,一貫作風新穎,風格特出,雖然味道未到好驚艷,但環境同服務,點心新派精緻👍🏻味道方面可以更上一層樓😗。🥢櫻花蝦瑤柱香菇燒賣燒賣上面有瑤柱絲,但味道就係一粒普通嘅燒賣。🥢筍尖蝦餃原隻蝦仁無入面,食唔到尖筍嘅爽口。🥢沙茶家鄉粉果粒粒滷肉、馬蹄,餡料豐富,味道尚可。🐷西班牙黑豚肉叉燒腸粉皮薄軟糯粉皮,夾著黑豚肉叉燒🤤肉質軟腍,回味無窮😍。🦐金蒜龍蝦春卷外皮薄身唔油膩,龍蝦肉質彈牙,溫馨提示⚠️上後快d食~因為耐左會口感會變軟。🐮錦繡球黑椒和牛酥賣相💯 外層係酥脆牛油皮,包住和牛碎,賣相精緻,味道無驚喜 。🥢娘惹鹹水角賣相精緻,味道不過不失。🐟家鄉拆魚羹啖啖都係一絲絲魚肉,味道鮮甜🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第一次係香港食米芝蓮二星餐廳 餐廳不論服務質素、餐點味道同環境情調 完全對得住佢拎住兩粒星既名銜❤️食物方面 我地總共叫左八道菜 前菜叫左「蟹粉土豆餅」外層脆脆包裹住滿滿的蟹肉 再點上鮮美豐富的蟹粉 是一道打開味蕾的出色前菜👍🏻個人最喜歡「桂花陳酒桂鱔」桂花陳酒香氣濃郁 包裹住整件桂鱔 食落好juice 而且口感爽脆彈牙 真係超好味❤️招牌菜「蜜餞西班牙黑豚肉叉燒」又係另一出色之作 每件都係半肥瘦 蜜餞甜度適中 肉汁完全鎖住係肉入面 係一個口感好豐富的叉燒❤️驚喜之作「煙燻滷水鴨肝配脆饅頭」因為有煙燻效果 開蓋時特別有儀式感 很高雅的感覺 鴨肝帶濃濃的煙燻香氣 配上口感鬆化 類似餅乾質地的脆饅頭有一種味道新體驗的享受👍🏻鴨肝同平時食西餐的烹調方式完全不同 第一次食呢種質感的鴨肝 真係超級好味 呢個係必點之選❤️另外仲點了「招牌鹽香雞」、「醬燒蜜椒豬肋排」、「百合腰果蓮藕炒爽脆」、「大澳蝦膏牛崧炒飯」 味道不錯 整體食物體驗相當優質 非常滿意 今次朋友挑選既餐廳真係超好推介 大家想食優質中菜 或者有外國朋友返黎介紹香港 一定要帶佢黎呢到試下👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-25
今日試了米芝蓮兩星粵菜,在灣仔瑞吉酒店內「潤」,菜色特別的,點心好精緻!芝麻卷精緻點心之一!又睇又好食!蛋撻仔,考功藝來整!皮又靚蛋味香濃,熱辣辣的口感豐富!具創意酸菜羊肉煲,肉質鮮嫩,又夠惹味!叉燒,瘦瘦的,好香肉質鬆軟,口感難忘! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)