2-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This Japanese grilled fish restaurant feels like the restaurants in Japan. All the fish are coming from Japan and there are around 10 kinds of fish a day. All of them are grilled immediately once ordered. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (139)
Level3 2019-03-31
我嚟呢間嘢食嘅時候仲未拍拖所以自己一個走咗過嚟食 呢次我點做一份燒魚 嘅套餐 然後就自己坐咗喺吧檯度睇住個師傅燒嚟食啦。呢間燒魚同埋隔離食壽司係同一間嚟嘅 好少位置 好似得六七個位 然而佢嘅燒魚真係品質上乘 絕對值得再食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-09-11
本身我同男朋友都鍾意食魚,適逢週年紀念諗住食好啲啲,所以特登訂左依間專門食日式燒魚既餐廳😬店內位置不多,全部都係吧枱位,好似日本小型居酒屋,而今次我地分別點左招牌既呑拿魚額頂柳同BB喜之次黎試😋呑拿魚額頂柳雖然比較貴,但貴得有道理👍🏻本身對燒熟了的呑拿魚無興趣,不過呢個呑拿魚額頂柳燒得啱啱好,內裏充滿油香,外皮燒得香脆,呑拿魚的魚脂和白飯這配搭簡直係無敵!😍.而原條上菜既BB喜之次就完全唔同既感覺,內裏肉質細嫩幼滑,外面既魚皮脆卜卜🤤兩樣都好好食❤️值得一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-07-04
獨沽一味:燒魚夠專,夠美味。無限添飯,可以一試。Grilled fish specialist. Worth a try. 這裏叫得Sakana(魚), 顧名思義就是賣魚的,而且只是賣燒魚。餐牌上大概有十種魚類可以揀,全部都是鹽燒的。老實說,除了喜之次和另外較常見的魚類之外,我也不知道燒出來味道有甚麼大分別,要試過才知道。Sakana is a Japanese restaurant that sells only one type of food: Grilled fish. The menu is one that is very focused. They serve about 10 types of fish, all grilled with salt.一場來到,我點了最貴的吞拿魚腦天,同事則點了喜之次。In for a penny, in for a pound: I ordered the most expensive tuna head. My colleagues ordered grilled Kinki. 全都是即點即燒的,師傅手勢純熟,同時間用明火燒幾尾魚沒有難度。食物稍等一會便到,每個套餐連一碗飯,漬物和一碗很有鮮味的蜆肉味噌湯。同事都點了喜之次。他們都很滿意:吞拿魚腦天其實應該是頭頂的肉,很珍貴。這個不是插在火爐上燒的,而是師傅用火槍特別燒製的。用火灼過果然帶出油香。 吃下去肉質鬆化,魚油四濺, 味道比一般吞拿魚濃郁。這麼美味,轉眼間便吃清光,但略嫌不夠飽。誰不知在埋單後($288)才知道有無限添飯的...整體來說,除了腦天價錢略貴之外,其他性價比都不錯。不妨一試。After not too long a wait, our grilled fish sets arrived. The set came with a bowl of rice, pickled vegetables and a bowl of very flavourful clam miso soup.The Tuna chunks very flavourful and tender. There was quite a lot of fish oil in it. Grilling it with a burner really brought out the umami of the fish. Delicious. I realized that there was unlimited refill of rice - after I had finished my tuna. I suggest that they put it down in the menu.All in all, bit pricey but good.Recommended. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-07
每次經過「坂奈」•心思思想入去試下•皆因燒魚好出色•網上d人又大讚wor•老公公司食annual dinner •我要自己一個食孤獨飯•一於自私食好西🔥鰻魚鰻魚皮脆肉嫩•口感豐富•好好味呀•平時食慣嘅鰻魚上面有好多醬汁•e度嘅鰻魚比較乾身多肉汁•加$30有煮物•刺身•麵豉湯•飯•抵食•刺身款式日日不同•煮物(蘿蔔牛腩)牛腩好淋身•無牙都食到蘿蔔入味無(渣)•相當清甜唐揚池魚仔池魚仔鹹鹹香香•最啱餸酒•甘啱有兩聲咳•下次先啤一啤•一客有十幾條•🔥魚的確與別不同•下次一定同老公一齊開心share❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-06
比目魚邊刺身 HKD38/2切馬刀貝刺身 HKD38/3切話說我都幾鍾意食豉椒炒蟶子,不過印象中,蟶子(馬刀貝)刺身都係第一次食。薄薄一片,口感出奇地爽滑,而且味道新鮮,完全無腥味同異味,一試就愛上咗~螢光魷魚沖漬 HKD58 螢光魷魚嘅外表黑黑沉沉,望落一啲都唔可口,細細隻嘅size同尾指差唔多大細,但食落原來幾驚喜。首先,入口已經感受到佢好滑溜嘅外皮,少少黏口,一咬,鹹鹹鮮鮮嘅汁液瞬間嚮口腔入面噴發,感覺好特別。初時係幾有新鮮感,但食多幾隻之後,個口就開始覺得愈來愈鹹,所以我會建議用嚟送酒食,兩者應該會幾夾~鹽燒BB喜之次 HKD248其實佢初時個樣好正常架,但燒完之後就變到面目猙獰咁嘅款,但都無損佢嘅美味。外皮燒到乾身香脆,而內層魚肉就好嫩滑多汁,甚至仲滑過蒸魚,滑到連筷子都差啲夾唔起。雖然話係鹽味,但食落一啲都唔覺鹹,食嘅係條魚本身嘅鮮味,好食到忍唔住要配返碗飯食,唔係誇張,但可能真係我暫時食過最滑嘅燒魚。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)