4-min walk from Exit C, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
93302015 (WhatsApp)
The boss comes from Kaohsiung and the restaurant offers a variety of authentic Taiwanese snacks and main dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:45 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:45 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:45 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (179)
五斗米🍚係一間開業多年,仍然屹立不倒嘅台灣菜。店舖由台灣人主理,上網評價意見兩極💬。而我曾經外賣過一次都印象麻麻🫣,而今次咁啱經過,就去堂食試下有冇改善🤔🍑炸物拼盤🐔裡面有炸百頁豆腐,炸甜不辣,鹽酥雞,仲有椒鹽花枝丸。拼盤每樣食物大約都有三粒👍,份量都算充足 ,椒鹽味配炸得熱辣辣炸物係幾好食。但係店舖油益味非常嚴重🫣,抽氣系統唔係咁好,食完之後成身都有浸炸物味道。😶‍🌫️🍑玉米起司蛋餅🌽蛋餅皮食落去脆脆地,同蔥油餅味好相似,中間玉米🌽同芝士🧀份量比得好多,每一啖都可以食到配料,而芝士仲有少少半溶,幾好味🍑滷百頁豆腐食落去有淡淡滷水味,上面配咗醬油糕,但放得太多🫣所以味道就過咸,吾配醬單食百頁豆腐係幾好食👍。🍑滷雞腿肉燥飯🐔滷雞腿肉滷水味偏淡🫢,雞肉容易脱骨,但有啲柴🐔。而肉燥🐽同配菜滷水津白🥬都係淡而無味。另外,配菜滷水汁冇隔走, 所以食到下面飯就有好多滷水汁浸住😮‍💨🍑原汁牛肉麵(轉刀削麵)🐮湯底味道偏咸🍲,裡面有酸菜,同生菜做配搭🥬,而牛肉一般般,加錢轉咗做刀削麵,幾好食口感好彈牙,幾有驚喜😳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-26
玉米起司蛋餅🍳食台灣嘢蛋餅係必嗌既😝蛋餅煎得好香,外皮脆脆地,配上甜甜嘅粟米,邪惡嘅芝士🤩如果沙律醬再多啲應該更加好味!鹽酥雞便當🍱便當入邊已經配埋滷味。便當入邊嘅鹽酥雞炸皮薄脆,幾香口。肉燥飯嘅肉燥吾係煮成汁嗰種,偏向一粒粒肉粒。滷味入邊嘅菜同埋豆腐好入味。但係嗰粒肉丸質感偏腍,覺得粒丸麻麻地😬肉燥乾拌麵🍲入邊包一隻滷水蛋一粒肉丸,呢個拌麵感覺上唔係咁豐富🤣麵質有咬口,唔會煮得太腍。不過覺得如果有少少滷水汁淋上去感覺會好食啲。台灣水煎香腸比起其他台式餐廳食嘅腸仔有少少唔同,冇平時咁乾身,同埋唔係切到薄片,而係一條條。味道都唔錯,不過性價比冇咁高,份量吾多。🥹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見到OpenRice啲食評,諗住應該都安全啦,點知啲嘢送到嚟之後,份量係咁嘅...麻辣牛肉麵(轉刀削麵加咗$6 )$79 係得兩舊仔牛肉,我唔自己落街買個滿漢全席杯麵?完!滷雞腿肉燥飯 盛惠$74^^另外叫左個九份芋圓-凍,黎到係暖架!!!!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈呢個我見到之後真係覺得好好笑留意番 上面所有野呢到係四個細兜兜擺曬係張細圓凳上面,請自行想像佢既份量👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼平時都好少專登寫食評,多謝呢間令我忍唔住寫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友一齊叫外賣🥡本身已經想試,西環區台灣菜唔太多有諗過叫原汁牛肉麵,話晒係招牌菜,不過驚外賣啲麵會𣺉晒,最後叫飯▶️ 滷雞腿肉燥飯便當 ($68.4)有兩隻大滷水雞腿,兩隻都多肉,易拆骨🍗只係肉質比較柴同埋感覺唔新鮮白飯上面加上肉燥,非常見嘅滷肉粒,肉質粗啲相對瘦啲,個人鍾意呢隻入面炒入洋蔥同梅菜,味道十足,肉汁好餸飯兩件百頁豆腐意外地好食,滷得入味juicy,食落又軟又滑但有啲咬口👍🏻白菜滷雖然𣺉咗啲,但同樣好入味另外有兩粒丸:一粒花枝丸同一粒肉丸花枝丸大粒啲,口感豐富啲因為入邊有粒粒肉丸實身啲,食唔出係牛肉定豬肉🙈米飯飽滿,軟硬適中,份量啱啱好▶️ 冬瓜茶 (+$14.4)冇得自選甜度,略嫌甜咗少少🤏🏻不過味道OK,好典型嘅冬瓜茶黑糖味-以台灣外賣嚟講味道算唔錯,成個便當好豐富,肉比飯多😋唯一係賣相比較頹同求其外賣放咗多過半個鐘,都仲有少少暖價錢亦合理,食晒成個set夠飽! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-23
The restaurant is small and simple with tables and chairs. There is an open kitchen. We can smell a bit oil smoke. The lunch box was unappealing and made me lose my appetite. A pleasant holiday but encountering a poor lunch is like a thunderbolt from the blue. The price was not cheap but the food served in the restaurant was not good.Taiwanese sausages boxA small portion of steamed Taiwanese sausage, lettuce in oyster sauce, cabbage, soy sauce tofu and meatballs, it was like a combination of low quality food.The portions of Taiwanese egg rolls are relatively small and the taste is fair so there is no need to try them again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)