6-min walk from Exit D1, To Kwa Wan Station continue reading
This restaurant mainly serves tapas and Japanese dishes. The shop design is mixed arty and sunshine style. Besides, it uses orange, white and green colors to bring out a relaxing vibe. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (229)
Level4 2024-12-18
Dinner set for two HK$698Tapas🔸Grilled OctopusTummy favourite dish 💖The octopus is meaty and the portion is generous ☺️ the highlight is definitely the ink sauce and sesame cream sauce, which is finger-licking good and goes so well with the octopus 🤯😍🔸Grilled Hokkaido ScallopRefreshing 🌱The scallop is served with some thousand islands sauce puree and green apple slices 🍏 the salmon roes also added more flavour to the dish 💓🔸Beef Cheek BourguignonThe beef cheek is so soft and tender. The bourguignon sauce is authentic too😋 I love that some onions and mushrooms are also bathed in the sauce so it feels less heavy 😂Mains🔸Still PaellaInteresting combination- the chef added some cod fish and salmon roes to the paella 🥘 there are some fresh prawns and squid in the paella too 🦑Dessert🔸 Chewy Sweets A must pick choice❣️the churros is sprinkled with the cinnamon and freshly fried 🥹 it’s sooo good! The Japanese mochi is fair 🌸We also picked fruit tea and red sangria 🍷The vibe is chill and quite suitable for birthday celebration 🎉🍭Still🍭紅磡馬頭圍道63號啟岸Shop 6,1/F continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🎀紅磡。享受充滿儀式感精緻西班牙菜式✨👍🎀🪄店名* #Still🔮地址* 紅磡馬頭圍道63號啟岸1樓06號舖🔮🗾分店地區🗾 沒有分店💰價錢$981.2 已加一 (2人)➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖想睇更多同區推介👉地區搜尋🔍🗾#pickyme_紅磡剩系食呢一類👉食物類型搜尋🔍🍜#pickyme_西餐➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🎵餐廳環境🎵平時好少去紅磡果邊食野 估唔到呢度竟然有間甘高質既西班牙小店😍佢位於住宅附近商場內裡面都有好多特色小店 而呢一間空間雖然唔算特別大 但佢地既裝修設計都好有心思💕整間餐廳顏色以橙及白色做主調 再用木系裝修 配以柔和燈光 播住休閒帶節奏感音樂 感覺好chill😍🍽️食物質素🍽️餐廳所有菜式及材料都系主打西班牙及日本元素 全部都係由廚師精心處理及烹調 而且擺盤方面都好有心思 選擇種類好多 仲有好靚既cocktail可供打卡 整間餐廳都有復古感覺😉呢一間餐廳仲有提供包場服務 想開派對都可以考慮✨二人晚市套餐$698👀評分💖💖💖💖💖🪄前菜-蠑螺下單後先上前菜 第一次食呢款螺肉 餐廳已除殼好貼心 佢屬於日本刺食中常見又受歡迎既食材 榮螺螺肉豐腴細膩 味道鮮甜👀評分💖💖💖💖💖Tapas小吃餐廳提供9款小食 可自選3款🪄香煎慢煮八爪魚 +$38賣相超吸引 八爪魚質感外脆內軟 味道帶煙熏香 柔嫩多汁 餐廳以慢煮3小時形式烹調 搭配三款自調醬汁突出鮮味🪄 松露白毛豬火腿飛碟麵包有烘過更加香脆 火腿味道與金華火腿有少許相似 偏薄身 入面有滿滿的松露醬及芝士 超有滿足感😍🪄慢燉澳洲牛頰肉估唔到竟然有三大塊 牛頰肉呢個部位我本身都十分喜愛 帶有膠質 肉質又軟淋 加上配有炒香蘑菇 味道相當出色👍👀評分💖💖💖💖💖🪄主菜- 招牌西班牙烤豬 +$58餐廳提供兩款部位選擇 分別系前脾會較肥,肉質軟熟啲 以及後脾會偏瘦,肉質較實 由於小食已經享受左好多邪惡美食 所以今次選擇左後脾 但都系相當出色 外皮超香脆😍肉質一絲絲 好有口感~份量剛好足夠兩人分享👀評分💖💖💖💖💖🪄甜品- 煙韌之選呢款甜品系有churros及麻薯 賣相方面已經好適合打卡 churros細細件 唔會有膩感 咬落好脆及有濃濃肉桂粉 而麻薯都係好軟熟 外面沾上黃豆粉~👀評分💖💖💖💖💖買一送一🪄飲品-Forever 21 & 熱情的蘋果特飲 $98飲品賣相好靚~甜度剛好 cocktail酒精濃度不算重 味道不錯 而特飲酸甜清爽 推薦👍(5個💖為最高)✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️⚜️整體評級⚜️🎈味道評分*😋😋😋😋😋🎈環境質素*🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎈抵食程度*💰💰💰💰💰🎈服務態度*💌💌💌💌💌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-15
“Set Dinner for 2”($698)“Sunset Sangria”($68)“Passion Fruit Apple Cider”($68)啟岸其實都幾多特色餐廳今次就去咗食呢間西班牙x日式菜嘅餐廳食一個提早嘅聖誕大餐😆我地點咗個二人晚市套餐可以揀3個tapas,1個主菜,1款甜品第1款Tapas點咗香煎慢煮八爪魚🐙(+$38)配上蟹膏蛋黃醬,墨汁蛋黃醬八爪魚十分軟熟,一啲都唔韌🥰第2款係西班牙白毛豬火腿虎蝦卷🐖🦐虎蝦大大隻肉質彈牙又鮮甜加上煎香嘅火腿油香十足😋配上牛油果蓉估唔到又幾夾🥑第3款係慢燉澳洲牛頰肉🐂牛頰肉燉到好腍好入味😚用Sourdough點埋啲醬汁好正呀🤤主菜方面點咗招牌西班牙海鮮炒飯除一般西班牙海鮮飯都有嘅魷魚,蝦呢道仲加咗左口魚,三文魚籽呢啲日式元素左口魚嘅魚油香配上海鮮飯份外香口😛甜品就揀咗Chewy Sweets即係有西班牙churros,日式蕨餅自家製churros點埋朱古力醬夠哂香甜😚食埋份甜品真係好滿足呀😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-12
人均$384嘆西班牙菜,就係位於土瓜灣啟岸Still🇪🇸西班牙fusion菜,環境舒適寧靜🥂,我哋2個人點左二人晚市套餐,老板好好,送個Welcome Dish醬油漬螺肉比我哋😍😍而套餐前菜有9選3,揀選了💁🏻‍♀️西京豚肉眼,燒得好香肉質又嫩😋,配合羽衣甘藍作配菜,令口感更有層次感另外香烤北海道带子,外香內嫩,配合西斑牙醬以及三文魚子真係好鮮美😋,仲有💁🏻‍♀️慢燉澳洲牛頰肉配麵包,🐮牛頰肉配合炆煮入口好軟腍入味,醬汁配麵包食亦好美味😋而主菜選擇💁🏻‍♀️西班牙海鮮炒飯,口感豐富好有咬口👍🏻👍🏻甜品揀選西班牙🇪🇸國民甜品吉拿棒,口感甜脆,配合熱朱古力沾住食😋二人晚市套餐$698加一Still馬頭圍道63號啟岸1樓06號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-10
隱世西班牙x日本fusion菜位於啟岸的Still係一間西班牙🇪🇸x日本🇯🇵fusion菜餐廳,餐廳環境舒適寧靜,店員都會仔細地講解每一道菜式,菜式方面更係有驚喜二人晚市套餐($698)包咗:Tapas 9選3、Main Course 4選1同Sweets 2選1前菜係木魚蒜粒,好惹味!Tapes1: 🐚香烤北海道帶子烤帶子會有底下會配搭左青蘋果同埋西班牙凍湯汁。西班牙凍湯味道酸甜,勁開胃Tape2:🐙香煎慢煮八爪魚(+$38)以新鮮八爪魚再伴上柚子汁、墨汁蛋黃醬汁、蟹膏蛋黃醬,八爪魚質感柔軟,食落去有少少辣Tapes3:慢燉澳洲牛頰肉配上紅酒汁,牛頰肉燉到好淋,連啲牛筋都燉到好淋,入口即化,再配上孫種麵包 口感一流 主菜招牌西班牙海鮮炒飯:佢哋呢個飯係西日fusion魚湯自家熬製嘅,加上魷魚、鮮蜆肉、蝦等海鮮,所以就會特別甜,另外都加咗左口魚同三文魚籽,上面仲鋪滿住明太子,會有啲日式嘅元素,甜品:可以簡 煙韌之選 或 朱古力達克瓦茲。我哋兩個都揀咗煙韌之選,包括西班牙經典甜點Churros 及日式抹茶及黃豆粉蕨餅西班牙鮮果特飲($68)呢杯特飲有好多水果,包括有芒果、熱情果、藍莓、蘋果同橙招牌西班牙水果茶($68)內有芒果及熱情果,不會太甜,味道微甜清爽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)