8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Tue
Wed - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 23:00
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (81)
Level4 2024-08-31
今日過呢間餐廳法國裝修10分別緻,而且brunch都唔貴,仲包sparkling water.Brunch 有兩個價位,分別係有seafood platter 的$588,或standard$388, 另有$98free flow mocktail/coffee.我哋選擇standard brunch $388每人可選擇兩款前菜、一主菜、甜品同sparking water.Carpaccio de betteravesBeetroot carpaccio, pine nuts cream, rocket leaves.紅菜頭前菜味道唔錯,雖然簡簡單單,就係紅菜頭配上松子,仲有少少芝士,但係加埋黑醋醬,味道非常和諧,味道清新又甜美。Gratin d’escargot Baked snails with potato mousseline, garlic parsley butter, hazelnuts 呢個經典焗蝸牛味道唔錯,熱辣辣的有香滑嘅薯蓉配上香草擁有嫩滑嘅蝸牛肉,味道濃郁,帶些蒜味和香草味,好吃。Beignets de crabDeep fried crab puff, chilli garlic mayonnaise 呢個有啲似迷你版嘅鬼佬油炸鬼,每件配上蟹肉魚籽,味道鮮美鹹香,加上鬆軟的puff,幾適合送酒。Entrecote Grilled rib-eye這個肉眼扒完全比薯條掩蓋,薯條炒得好乾身,又香又脆,下面嘅牛扒已經切成嘅方塊。牛扒幾有肉味,唔係最軟腍腍嘅那種,帶少少嚼勁,但味道都幾ok.Cotelette d’agneau Grilled lamb chop, harissa spicy sauce這個羊架肉質幾嫩身,有羊味,但唔羶,又有D肉汁,沒有太多脂肪,加埋辣汁吊起肉味,好吃。Homemade dessert and ice creamCoconut and mango這個椰子甜品真係正!椰子造型的朱古力,內𥚃有爆汁芒果和楊枝甘露,味道酸酸甜甜,再配上充滿椰子味嘅慕絲,味道味道,味道甜美又輕盈。Flat white這個咖啡口感香滑,又有醇厚嘅咖啡風味,唔會太酸太苦,有水準。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
La Brasserie作為今年香港米芝蓮指南入選餐廳之一,對於初次來訪的我而言當然期望更高。可幸的是結果與米芝蓮指南評價如出一轍——「格調高雅」、「菜單網羅各式法式經典菜式,從馬賽魚湯、煙燻三文魚等海鮮,至肝醬等肉類美食,應有盡有且份量充足,適合分享」、「用餐氣氛舒適自在」、「服務態度友善」。餐包同樣一絲不苟,鬆軟並富牛油香。Crevettes roses ($200/12)法國粉紅蝦肉質較軟而味道鮮美香濃,除了原味蛋黃醬之外另有一款辣味蛋黃醬,再加上檸檬汁清爽開胃。 Escargot bourguignonne ($168)法國蝸牛肉質緊實軟彈,加上香蒜歐芹牛油焗製香氣撲鼻,泡沫帶陣陣煙燻與蒜香進一步將層次昇華。Margret de canard ($488)r此鴨胸不同彼鴨胸,鴨胸獲法國紅牌標籤(Label Rouge)品質認證,經乾式熟成及煙燻,外皮略微焦脆而脂肪豐腴甘香,肉質細嫩多汁且肉味香濃,搭配蜜糖汁與底下橙片酸甜清新,肥而不膩。Poulet crapaudine ($828)傳統烤全雞需要長時間焗製容易導致肉質乾韌,改以蝴蝶式刀法開邊處理令雞肉能夠均勻受熱,同時有效縮短烤烔時間,雞皮焦脆而雞肉嫩滑無比並保留豐沛肉汁,以檸檬味噌醃製入味再配以酸梅汁倍加清爽。Fondant au chocolat ($128)溫熱的朱古力心太軟外層蛋糕濕潤綿密,切開後朱古力醬有如岩漿般傾瀉而出,朱古力味濃郁醇厚。Crème Brûlée ($108)戳破焦糖脆面底下薄薄一層燉蛋,口感軟滑細膩有如吉士醬一樣。Passion Fruit Sour ($80)以熱情果味為主酸甜開胃。Pomegranate Iced Tea ($80)石榴冰茶帶淡淡甘澀但同樣清爽。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-24
朋友仔生日梗係同佢食餐好呢於是同左佢去中環一間由擁有20多年經驗嘅行政總廚Andre L'Herminier主理既餐廳餐廳環境好靚好有外國情調坐低之後佢送上個包一個好鬆軟,超級好味另外佢伴隨煮嘅牛油都好香滑搽落麵包度一啲都唔膩Soupe a l'Oignon 個洋蔥湯超級濃郁平時都好鍾意飲呢一種法式洋蔥湯因為好濃味,而且入邊又有芝士好有口感Bisque de homard $168法式龍蝦湯入邊有好多龍蝦粒龍蝦粒好彈牙個湯好清甜,口感順滑一啲腥味都無Crispy layered potatoes with thyme & rosemary 第一次食呢道菜千層薯仔外皮好酥脆,上面有黑椒同鹽食落好惹味咬落去一層一層,層次好分明內層就軟腍腍,口感好特別𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐮 草飼牛肉他他份量好多入面有酸豆,酸酸辣辣好開胃將雞蛋倒落去拌勻之後軟腍腍嘅牛肉配埋旁邊香脆嘅麵包一齊食口感好好Tournedos Rossini $688 鵝肝煎得好香好正牛既肉質好鮮嫩,熟度岩岩好而且個醬汁好香濃肉下層放左菠菜吸收晒肉汁既味道,好好味Loup de Mer 因為我本身鍾意食魚所以見到有魚都即係點左黎食魚個份量都多外層燒到好香入面鎖緊水份,而且仲好有鮮味食埋呢個就夠晒飽Tarte Tatin最後梗係食甜品呢蘋果批熱辣辣咁奉上即使order完需要等一陣先食得都無所謂啦因為實在太好味個蘋果批有好香既肉桂味餅底鬆脆, 配埋雲呢拿雪糕一齊食又冷又熱,口感好正Yuzu honey Passion fruit sour continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-21
先食個法式焗蝸牛<Escargots bourguignonne>,肉質口感軟腍,廚師將蒜蓉牛油醬打成🫧泡沫🫧鋪喺上面,令菜色食落清新唔會太過Heavy👍🏻👍🏻然後再試一個海鮮濃湯<Bouillabaisse>🦐🐟🦑🍲湯頭比較厚身,味道香濃又充滿着貝殼類海鮮嘅鮮甜,絕對係會令你一啖接一啖咁飲。海鮮先經過處理,再加入湯汁烹煮,所以唔會過熟,但亦沾滿湯汁嘅味道。✨肉類方面揀咗香煎熟成鴨胸🦆🦆<Magret de canard>外皮煎得香口,唔會覺得油膩。鴨胸肉烹調後仍然粉嫩,可以鎖住肉汁,配上特調蜜糖🍯醬汁,多食幾嚿都無問題👌🏻Side dish點咗個千層薯塊<Crispy layered potatoes with thyme & rosemary>🥔Potato lover一定要試👍🏻口感香脆之餘,仲食到片片薯仔,雙重口感享受🧡最後以一個Soufflé Pitache作呢餐生日飯嘅結尾♥️ C'est parfait continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Newly opened in Hong Kong in 2023, La Brasserie is a classy French restaurant serving authentic cuisine in a convivial atmosphere. It is now included in the Michelin Guide, offering classical dishes prepared with finesse and an extensive selection of charcuterie, pastries, and wines. Signature includes lobster bisque, sole meunière, côte de boeuf, followed by millefeuille and apple tart tatin as the conclusion on a sweet note. 𝘽𝙤𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚, $528 (8/10)A true showcase of the chef's skills. The crustacean bisque provided the backbone, with an intense oceanic and briny flavor that tied the stew together. Each variety of seafood was perfectly cooked to retain its natural textures. A smidge of rich rouille and the flaky snapper elegantly rounded out this harmonious ode to the sea. 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙙𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙙, $488 (8/10) The dry-aged duck breast impressed with its subtle wisp of smoke enhancing but not overpowering the rich meat. Portion-sized slices released effortlessly from the bone to enjoy alongside thinly sliced oranges, which offered appropriate sweetness and acidity to balance the meaty dish.𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙮 𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙮𝙢𝙚 & 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮, $90 (7.5/10) Perfectly crisp and layered, the resto presented a satisfying potato dish. Each slice retained the distinct texture with crispy exterior but gradually melt-in-the-mouth interior, elevating this simple side dish to pure delight. 𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚 𝙁𝙚𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚, $118 (7.5/10) The mille feuille layered buttery puff airy pastry with vanilla-hazelnut cream that paired divinely with the coconut ice cream. Every crisp, creamy, nutty bite was a blissful ending to the meal.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)