2-min walk from Exit K, Central MTR Station
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The elegant and gorgeous restaurant serves fine Chinese food. The Peking ducks roasted by applewood is highly recommended. You have to reserve it in advance.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
*Lunch Last Order: 14:30
Dinner Last Order : 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
餐廳環境舒適,設計典雅,適合同朋友慶生聚餐🍽️推介菜式💕1:片皮鴨$980: 鴨皮酥脆,饃饃皮(中式薄餅皮)煙韌軟熟,記得向餐廳預留菜式!另外叫左二食生菜包鴨鬆,加左潤腸提升味道層次,食落好香口!2.叉燒$350: 肉質鬆軟同多汁,肥瘦分明,醬汁調味香甜。3. 炒飯$260: 飯粒分明,蟹肉同蟹子都足料。4. 小籠包$80: 皮薄肉嫩,一定要趁熱食,滿滿肉汁!5. 上海拌麵$195: 調味香甜,麵質煙韌有咬口!6. 蟹肉扒豆胚$280: 一定唔會差既菜式,豆胚質感較幼嫩,蟹肉亦足料,提升菜式鮮味!7. 辣子田雞腿$165: 田雞腿肉質鮮嫩,香辣調味香口 外層炸粉夠簿身!📍卅二公館 #中環中菜廳 中環德輔道中4-4A號渣打銀行大廈地庫
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今日屋企人生日,家姐就揀咗呢一間喺渣打銀行中環嘅mott32, 呢一間餐廳非常出名之前已經見過有好多唔同人介紹,我都同屋企人非常期待,我哋首先預訂咗叉燒,當日去到嘅時候,確認咗定位之後就好快入到去!餐廳嘅座位非常闊落,而且入邊係坐得幾舒服,非常適合家人聚會,而且唔會太嘈,我同屋企人都對安排非常滿意!其中佢哋最欣賞嘅就係佢嘅西班牙黑毛豬,呢一個叉燒既肉質好鬆軟,餐廳喺烹調嘅過程做得好好,成個黑毛豬叉燒肉汁好豐富,烤製叉燒時候嘅醬料亦都好香,咬落去嘅時候亦都好有口感,厚切,好perfect!另外嗰個蟹子炒飯都好好,好乾身,屋企人好鍾意食,而且口感好多元化,成個炒飯非常高級!
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I dined at this restaurant for the first time, though I had heard good reputation from friends. Since it was reputed to be delicious, I was really looking forward to it. A friend visiting from the UK was with us, so instead of the signature roasted pork, we ordered the Peking duck. We also ordered the set lunch, which ended up being a bit too much.The cold jellyfish appetizer from the course was very tasty. The soup, made with pureed green beans, was rich and flavorful. However, the main dish, which was fried shrimp, felt a bit heavy, especially after having eaten the Peking duck. The fried rice made with the leftover Peking duck was also good. The dessert at the end was like an ice cheesecake coated in sesame, and it was refreshing. While I probably wouldn’t visit again on my own, it’s a great restaurant to entertain friends from out of town.
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無論見客屋企人食飯定朋友聚會 卅二公館都從未令人失望😎 嚟親都一定會預訂招牌蘋果木燒42天飼養北京片皮鴨(HK$980) 一上枱已經鴨香撲鼻 鴨皮酥脆 入口肥而不膩😚 而軟熟有韌性嘅饃饃皮亦係坊間難得🤓 另外拍薑海鹽蒸東星斑(HK$2,180/1,200g)啖啖肉又重薑味🤩 京蔥燒A5神戶牛柳辣豆醬(HK$1,080)🔥 油花豐富 口感軟腍😋 椒鹽鮮鮑魚仔(HK$290)炸皮薄脆乾身 一啲都唔油👍🏽 今次亦順道試咗八款最新推出嘅「冰茶」創意雞尾酒🍹 靈感嚟自 1920 年代初紐約唐人街酒禁令期間嘅冰茶文化 嗰時好多中餐館會以茶壺供應酒精飲品掩人耳目😼 推薦Darkest Sunrise同Kowloon Coffee俾鍾意飲咖啡嘅朋友特別喺有橙汁嘅Darkest Sunrise 酸爽開胃 啱晒夏天🔆 自己另外都喜歡Smoked Calamansi Margarita🥃 Mezcal底帶煙熏味 味道清爽易入口❗️
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食品質素低 服務質素低! ◎烤鴨 提早一個月訂了片皮鴨店表示到店前一小時要致電 提醒 結果是即使早了一小時致電 到店後仍要等50分鐘才有!跟 侍應反映已等很久,被無視! 一隻鴨連加-$825 結果賣相美但體積超細,肉質略鞋又沒鴨香! 蜜汁西班牙黑毛豬叉燒 另一招牌叉燒不夠肥美就算了,而且過鹹份量極細的炒菜 味道正常水平 甜點 完全不行,糖水死甜,芒果糯米糍超乾身,用料尤如下價酒樓 環境: 全晚只有環境值得一讚服務:不像一家高級餐廳只提供茶餐廳等級水平落單上菜其餘免問
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