5-min walk from Exit B1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station
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There is an Instagram-worthy restaurant, minimalist interior with white and wood elegance. Chef adding new elements to traditional desserts to create new homemade desserts, as well as a variety of Western dishes.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
*Last order: 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
I saw their Apple dessert on social media and decided to try it but their savory and drink was just as good. I was quite hungry that day but if you have a normal appetite, please do not order dessert and you likely be to full, especially if you drink their yogurt.If you order their set menu, the drinks and desserts have a discount. The Red Dragon Fruit Yogurt came first and already it was amazing. It was nice and thick almost like a smoothie. You need to mix your drink well as the bottom is a bit more tarty.The tacos and soft shell crabs were nice and crispy. The mentaiko sauce gave it just the right amount of seasoning without turning the dish to a soggy mess. Love the potato wedges as well. What I would have loved more would be the tomato sauce to be replaced by the mentaiko sauce as the sauce left me wanting more.The apple puff pastry came and it was really stunning. The bottom part was more like a napoleon they controlled the sweetness really well.It was surprsing they added more fillings inside the apple to give it more additional flavors.Looking forward to trying their other meals and dessersts.
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[ 迷你毛 Minimal ]深水埗有唔少coffee shop,其中「迷你毛」都幾受區外人歡迎👏🏻,最近推出咗全新菜式👏🏻👏🏻,今日約埋朋友嚟放鬆下食下野。全新菜式🍽️✿ 香辣伏特加茄子肉醬貓耳朵粉(h.) $88醬汁包裹住每粒貓耳朵粉,入口濕糯,香辣惹味🌶️🌶️,鐘意食辣既朋友可以一試👅👅。✿ 明太子醬脆炸軟殼蟹夾餅 配 薯角 $112脆炸軟殼蟹🦀大大隻,誠意之作,外皮夠薄脆。墨西哥夾餅🌮裡面有紅洋蔥牛油果蓉配自家制明太子醬,令蟹味更突出👍🏻。甜品🍮✿ 自家製薄脆拿破崙配軟雪糕 $84自家製薄脆既特別又有口感,味道有d 食緊tiramisu😋,雲呢拿&朱古力軟雪糕🍦上有爆炸糖,令整體口感更豐富。飲品🥤✿ 抹茶鮮奶(西村番茶屋“媛”使用)熱 $46✿ 薄荷朱古力(Valrhoha朱古力粉選用) 熱 $42抹茶鮮奶🍵茶味濃郁,而且唔會好甜;薄荷朱古力香甜濃厚。兩款飲品拉花精美💕總結🫦全新菜式特別得來別具特色,而且餐廳環境舒適,好啱同朋友邊嘆飲品邊食🫶🏻🫶🏻。✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿迷你毛 Minimal地址: 深水埗鴨寮街121-123號地舖電話: 55890967✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿
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深水埗有好多Cafe,今次嚟試 Minimal 嘅甜品❤️Tiramisu 外型同平時食嘅個樣唔太一樣,佢一個波嘅形狀,夠晒別緻,Tiramisu 頂部鋪滿可可粉,底層有濕潤嘅咖啡酒蛋糕同朱古力脆脆,口感十足~蘋果酥盒擺盤特別,視覺效果滿滿,原隻蘋果外層有啲啫喱,酸甜味好有記憶點,蘋果中間有蘋果蓉,同酥餅一齊食好夾,整體嚟講,推薦蘋果酥盒多啲唔好嘅係環境有啲嘈,音樂太大聲,枱同枱之間好逼,食完就好快走咗~📌意大利芝士蛋糕 $80📌蘋果酥盒 $84📌Latte $40📍迷你毛 Minimal深水埗鴨寮街121-123號地舖#深水埗 #迷你毛 #Minimal
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第2次食都係覺得好好食•Jumbo炸雞煎蛋麻糬窩夫 $106炸雞真係炸得勁脆口,雞肉又滑,卜卜脆窩夫都唔錯,不過我比較鍾意食普通窩夫😝•朋友叫咗個焗芝士龍蝦扁意粉 $146見佢都有半隻龍蝦,都幾多肉朋友話味道都唔錯👍🏼•Baileys 朱古力無乜Baileys味,不過朱古力味都唔錯•因為同朋友慶祝生日問咗店員推介我邊款甜品佢幫我揀咗椰子奶蓋芒果白脆 $80影相又真係幾靚都幾好食,不過後面就越食越甜佢都幾重椰子味,唔錯👍🏼
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