13-min walk from Exit B, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
HIKARI的日文意指「光」,上下兩層都充滿自然光,讓人倍感寫意。供應多款西式輕食、甜品及飲品。7月,HIKARI展開新的章程,每晚九點至十二點,都會變身成一家清吧,在這裡可以享受美酒,聆聽動人的live music,盡情地放鬆自己。 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
2-floor Japanese Café in Sunshine Style
‘HIKARI’ means ‘light’ in Japanese. The restaurant is designed in white color which is very comfortable and pleasant. It serves light food in main, as well as Western-style dishes such as toasts, pasta and desserts.

About Reward Scheme
Review (988)
Woke up slow, and fancy some Hikari (meaning radiance in Japanese) in-between heavy summer rains. So here I am for their handcrafted liqueur coffee and artsy sourdough toast. This hot cup of Cointreau Latte is enough to get me tipsy!~ ♫ Just appreciate how beautiful the latte art is. A slice of dried orange on the side, the latte has a strong alcoholic aftertaste from the orange liqueur, smooth and soothing. Another absolute piece of art:*Breathless* My ham & figs sourdough toast looks incredible. There are twinkling honey pearls sprinkled around the forest of Serrano Ham and pink wedges of figs, all layed on a sourdough mattress smeared with lemon cream cheese. On the side: Braised Iberico pork meatballs cooked in bolognese sauce and served with French fries. Portion is perfect for an entrée. Note: There are music live shows featuring local independent artists, check out their schedules at @hikari__coffee continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-26
今日喺荃灣行街行到有啲攰, 諗住搵間chill嘅餐廳食晚餐。 經過荃灣廣場隔離嘅一條食街, 見到呢間餐廳環境清幽, 就吸引咗我入去。店內嘅裝修行日式風情, 平實不奢華, 好啱同朋友一路食飯一路傾計。 餐牌主打西餐菜式, 有意粉,risotto, 小食同甜品等。 我哋就嗌咗幾款菜式:1) 黑松露豬腩雜菌意大利飯- 巨型既豬腩,啖啖肉, 每一口都充滿住香濃黑松露嘅味道, 好滿足2) 水蓮廣島蠔意粉- 有驚喜, 意粉有著濃濃嘅蠔香味, 每一條意粉都好掛汁,配上大大粒嘅蠔同水蓮, 好創新既食法3) 水牛城雞翼- 香脆可口, 外脆內軟, 醬汁放喺旁邊, 可控制辣度4) 黑芝麻鮮奶- 店員將飲品拉花, 好漂亮, 飲落去有濃鬱嘅芝麻味, 好暖心呢間舖頭除咗食之外, 每日夜晚仲有live唱歌表演, 滿足曬味蕾及聽覺! 我同朋友都坐咗好耐。另外而家消費每300蚊, 即可兌換咖啡一杯, 下次同朋友行完街,順便可以去餐廳攞一杯😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-24
荃灣休閒Cafe,環境舒適平日晚上還可以享受現場音樂表演1️⃣ 慢煮美國安格斯牛肩肉(80Z) - $198 經慢煮處理,肉質鮮嫩根據個人喜好,可加上粗鹽調味,肉味更鮮2️⃣ 脆炸軟殼蝦墨汁意大利麵- $158 炸完了蝦殼都可以一次過食墨汁意大利麵加上配菜,蘑菇同蘆筍,十分夾3️⃣ 朱古力(熱)- 跟餐+$12 味道好濃郁,夠熱增添甜蜜的享受4️⃣ 黑芝麻鮮奶- 跟餐+$17 黑芝麻好香濃有營養又好飲同朋友享受美食同音樂絕對係一個好地方#荃灣必食 #荃灣餐廳 #荃灣好去處 #荃灣美食地圖 #餐廳推介#假日好去處 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【荃灣靚靚拉花Cafe☕️ HIKARI】-話說約咗朋友喺荃灣睇破地獄😜所以就搵咗間評價唔錯嘅Cafe『HIKARI』食咗個晚餐先😚拉花好靚好用心,嘢食味道都超高質,而且做緊週年慶OpenRice訂枱仲有折扣‼️-HIKARI係荃灣廣場後面,荃灣西站行7分鐘就到~餐廳玻璃畫咗好多Chikawa公仔超級可愛! 仲擺放咗啲多肉植物so QQ😜餐廳有兩層,上層有榻榻米座位,夜晚仲有Live Music😂不過小編同朋友趕住去睇戲錯過咗~-😋日本櫻花蝦海鮮飲管粉 $118+1櫻花蝦超香😜飲管粉中間唔係實心口感幾特別😙重點係個山葵忌廉汁🤩忌廉味香濃帶少少Wasabi嘅辣味😗幾好味!好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗-😋西班牙風腸八爪魚新澳爾良飯 $148+1燴飯硬度適中,充滿西班牙腸油香,臘腸用咗大蒜、辣椒粉調味🌶️食落香辣惹味!好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗-😋君度橙酒朱古力咖啡🍊$54-30跟主食加配飲品,即享$30折扣🤩所以呢呢杯咁靚嘅酒味咖啡只係需要$24!咖啡香醇帶淡淡嘅橙香飲落幾fruity😝個拉花真係非常之有誠意🤎小編話佢係獅子版跳跳虎🦁大家又覺得似咩?😂好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗-😋焙茶鮮奶🍵 $47-30焙茶鮮奶個拉花打卡一流🕊️呢杯奶味香濃茶味冇咁出🥳但甜度適中都唔錯👍🏻好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘-😋焦糖海鹽髒髒提拉米蘇 $88手指餅浸咗咖啡酒☕️香得黎又唔會苦澀😍重點係個cream奶香十足😋入邊仲有啲焦糖脆脆🙂‍↕️好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘-總括而言,係HIKARI用餐體驗非常好😌係一間用心經營嘅小店🤎嘢食同環境都💯而家仲做緊優惠GOGOGO!-📍HIKARI (荃灣)荃灣大壩街21號地舖💸人均消費: $210 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-23
咖啡拉花非常棒!!用心了很神奇,这里居然还有瑞士芝士火锅!!这次没想到会有这个,就没有吃,下次再来试试!!!点一个Main就可以有30元优惠的饮料,真的很好哈哈哈朋友的烩饭出乎意料的好吃,根本停不下来,苹果巴斯克很不错!!微微流心,好吃的!夹杂着几颗苹果,不错吃整个装修非常可爱,尤其是在阳光洒进来,整个店铺都很温暖!!很舒服!!感觉可以坐上一下午上下两层,上面是日式榻榻米,从上往下看,很可爱的空间 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)