2015-05-07 3393 浏览
PMQ自開幕以後,已逐漸成為中環區內的新熱點,而大樓裡的幾個餐廳亦備受各界關注。而當中Aberdeen Street Social 以英式新派料理為主打,充滿玩味和創意,深受歡迎。前菜小食已可見一斑,賣相看似簡單的爆谷,原來加入了松露油,十分香口。而且餐前的麵包非常香脆,盛牛油的用碟亦非常特別,足見餐廳的用心。新餐牌上,不少菜式也隨著改變,但前菜的這道卻保留著 – 北海道帶子剌身配魚湯啫喱、蘋果、紫蘇、牛油果和芥末 。絕對是餐牌上備受食客愛戴的一道菜,不但賣相精美,味道層層遞進,讓人印象深刻。松木燻鵪鶉配薏米,茶及鵝肝多士。以煙燻盒帶到檯前,再拿出已燻好的鵪鶉,那煙燻的木味撲鼻。而薏米非常煙韌,鵝肝慕絲多士和茶的清新中帶點穩重,飲了後覺得味道收歛回來,著實不錯。前菜這麼吸引,難得讓人更期待主菜。黑毛豬柳配洋蔥及紅椒酸辣醬,賣相出色,上菜時已看到粉紅色的豬柳,非常香嫩。香煎鱸魚配藜麥、黃蘿蔔、酸忌廉、韭菜和黑咖喱,藜麥大家都會想到健康食品,但配在這道菜裡,差點搶了鱸魚的角色,全因那黑咖哩酸忌廉和它的味道是多麼的搭配,讓你不禁會仔細地想了解每一種味道。牛肝菌燴飯,配上香酥的金菇和芝士,讓人
PMQ自開幕以後,已逐漸成為中環區內的新熱點,而大樓裡的幾個餐廳亦備受各界關注。而當中Aberdeen Street Social 以英式新派料理為主打,充滿玩味和創意,深受歡迎。前菜小食已可見一斑,賣相看似簡單的爆谷,原來加入了松露油,十分香口。而且餐前的麵包非常香脆,盛牛油的用碟亦非常特別,足見餐廳的用心。
Popcorn with truffle oil + Bread
84 浏览
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新餐牌上,不少菜式也隨著改變,但前菜的這道卻保留著 – 北海道帶子剌身配魚湯啫喱、蘋果、紫蘇、牛油果和芥末 。絕對是餐牌上備受食客愛戴的一道菜,不但賣相精美,味道層層遞進,讓人印象深刻。
Raw Hokkaido scallops, dashi jelly, apple, shiso, avocado and wasabi puree
104 浏览
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Heritage and heirloom tomato salad, burrata, chilled tomato consomme, frozen basil
153 浏览
2 赞好
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Pine smoked quail
98 浏览
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Pine smoked quail, “brunch” cereals, tea and toast
72 浏览
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Iberico pork chop, spiced onion petals, red pepper chutney
82 浏览
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Sea bass, quinoa, yellow carrot, sour cream and chives, black curry
90 浏览
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牛肝菌燴飯,配上香酥的金菇和芝士,讓人感覺到它的香滑和濃郁的味道。意大利飯煮得剛剛好,軟滑得很,和金菇的香脆剛好成了美麗的對比。 而另一道主菜,羊肉配茄子和四季豆,羊肉有別於一般的羊架,肉質較幼長,放在底部的茄子吸收了肉汁,非常美味。
Risotto of cepes, crispy shallots, truffle mascarpone cheese
102 浏览
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Lamb rump, confit neck, kidney powder, pale aubergine, French beans
108 浏览
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雖然這天食午餐,但也不忘一試這裡出名的雞尾酒。選上了無酒精的Apple A Day 和 Get Lucky! 兩杯都非常清新,主要以果汁及薑啤組成,而且以紅色為主調,十分吸引。尤其以Get Lucky!的那張$1000更可說是話題之作。
Apple a Day
95 浏览
1 赞好
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Get Lucky
243 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$250 (午餐)
Popcorn with truffle oil + Bread
Raw Hokkaido scallops, dashi jelly, apple, shiso, avocado and wasabi puree
Heritage and heirloom tomato salad, burrata, chilled tomato consomme, frozen basil
Pine smoked quail
Pine smoked quail, “brunch” cereals, tea and toast
Iberico pork chop, spiced onion petals, red pepper chutney
Sea bass, quinoa, yellow carrot, sour cream and chives, black curry
Risotto of cepes, crispy shallots, truffle mascarpone cheese
Lamb rump, confit neck, kidney powder, pale aubergine, French beans
Apple a Day
Get Lucky
  • “brunch” cereals
  • tea and toast
  • Iberico pork chop
  • spiced onion petals
  • red pepper chutney
2015-04-21 2975 浏览
呢家餐廳嘞,就大有來頭。主廚Jason Atherton係米其林嘅星級廚師,再之前仲係地獄廚神戈登拉姆齊嘅行政總廚。佢在灣仔嘅西班牙餐廳,22 Ships同Ham & Sherry,都超级出名。講完背景,講下餐廳個名啦,其實都是有意思嘅。名嘅前半部分“Aberdeen St.” ,係因為餐廳所在嘅街啦,而“Social”嘞,則取自“餐廳都係喝酒談天嘅社交場所”呢個概念。我係同朋友夜晚去到嘅。仲沒行入去,已經係出邊見到環境好舒服,餐廳出面有幾張臺,小夜燈就係腳邊著住,餐檯隔離仲有小花台,加上有陣陣涼風吹過來,氣氛輕鬆又好有情調嘅感覺。餐廳入面嘞,就有啲似lab咁,一排排酒樽擺滿酒櫃度,個墻面嘅瓷磚仲要係黑白格仔,超級有型有feel咯。佢上面都仲有一層,係主要用餐區來嘅。不過夜晚上面好full,我同朋友都係坐樓下一層嘅sweet social。雖然好多人都推薦poached eggs,但夜晚冇啊嘛。我就叫咗個Prawn sandwish,麵包脆到震有熱辣辣嘅,加上生菜好新鮮,sauce都幾惹味,一口咬落去覺得勁幸福 lol 。
呢家餐廳嘞,就大有來頭。主廚Jason Atherton係米其林嘅星級廚師,再之前仲係地獄廚神戈登拉姆齊嘅行政總廚。佢在灣仔嘅西班牙餐廳,22 Ships同Ham & Sherry,都超级出名。

講完背景,講下餐廳個名啦,其實都是有意思嘅。名嘅前半部分“Aberdeen St.” ,係因為餐廳所在嘅街啦,而“Social”嘞,則取自“餐廳都係喝酒談天嘅社交場所”呢個概念。



佢上面都仲有一層,係主要用餐區來嘅。不過夜晚上面好full,我同朋友都係坐樓下一層嘅sweet social。

雖然好多人都推薦poached eggs,但夜晚冇啊嘛。我就叫咗個Prawn sandwish,麵包脆到震有熱辣辣嘅,加上生菜好新鮮,sauce都幾惹味,一口咬落去覺得勁幸福 lol 。
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$150 (晚餐)
說好了的lunch終於在早前兌現了~ 話說, 這店於星期一至五供應的set lunch很抵, 朋友試後透過相片與我分享, 已令我極有衝動翌日去吃, 可是自己一人前往…太悶吧~ 終於約好了一天, 來個中環遊, 第一站就是Aberdeen Street Social.餐廳共上下兩層, 有室外及室內座位. 當日天色不太好, 有點納悶, 所以還是坐室內較佳.我坐的位置, 正好看到廚師在半開放式廚房內專注地為人客準備午餐.Starter, main course及dessert 都各有三款選擇. 選好後, 侍應會先送來法包及小食. 烤得外脆內軟的法包塗上牛油最滋味, 食過一件後還想多吃一件, 可是又擔心會填飽肚子, 所以暫時放下.忘了這碟小食的名字, 較遠的那件芝麻酥有濃濃的羊奶芝士味, 口感鬆化; 而像薯片這款, 味道則是帶點印度風味的, 有少少羶.前菜我選了露筍、血橙、烤粟米. 看上去已夠健康吧~ 露筍是用上大條粗身的, 爽口是重點! 首次吃血橙, 質感介乎橙與西柚之間, 味道甜甜的. 最喜歡烤粟米, 基本上是可整件放進口而不會咬到粟米骨.這道主菜十分推介- 慢煮羊肉、豆及薯仔千層. 醬汁是
說好了的lunch終於在早前兌現了~ 話說, 這店於星期一至五供應的set lunch很抵, 朋友試後透過相片與我分享, 已令我極有衝動翌日去吃, 可是自己一人前往…太悶吧~ 終於約好了一天, 來個中環遊, 第一站就是Aberdeen Street Social.
268 浏览
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餐廳共上下兩層, 有室外及室內座位. 當日天色不太好, 有點納悶, 所以還是坐室內較佳.
534 浏览
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416 浏览
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我坐的位置, 正好看到廚師在半開放式廚房內專注地為人客準備午餐.
100 浏览
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Starter, main course及dessert 都各有三款選擇. 選好後, 侍應會先送來法包及小食. 烤得外脆內軟的法包塗上牛油最滋味, 食過一件後還想多吃一件, 可是又擔心會填飽肚子, 所以暫時放下.
71 浏览
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忘了這碟小食的名字, 較遠的那件芝麻酥有濃濃的羊奶芝士味, 口感鬆化; 而像薯片這款, 味道則是帶點印度風味的, 有少少羶.
44 浏览
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前菜我選了露筍、血橙、烤粟米. 看上去已夠健康吧~ 露筍是用上大條粗身的, 爽口是重點! 首次吃血橙, 質感介乎橙與西柚之間, 味道甜甜的. 最喜歡烤粟米, 基本上是可整件放進口而不會咬到粟米骨.
To Start - Asparagus, blood orange, roasted corn
55 浏览
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這道主菜十分推介- 慢煮羊肉、豆及薯仔千層. 醬汁是於上枱一刻才淋在碟上的, 帶有較濃的羊味. 我想先介紹這碟同為主角的烤薯仔千層, 烤得金黃脆口, 每層都是均勻的厚薄, 有帶燒烤的口感, 比普通伴碟的忌廉薯蓉來得健康及有誠意.
To follow - 24 hours lamb neck, peas, potato, cucumber
85 浏览
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以慢煮方式保持肉質嫩滑多汁, 外層是全熟透的, 而從中心伸延至外都是粉嫩的肉. 若把肉沾汁吃, 羊味更進一步提升.
41 浏览
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甜品當然又是我喜歡的蘋果 - 焦糖蘋果千層伴黑蜜糖雪糕及榛子. 賣相十分精緻啊~ 兩大塊的薄荷葉放在千層上, 很有春天植物盛放的意境. 黑蜜糖雪糕是偏甜的, 但一小口絕不嫌多.
To finish - Granny Smith
84 浏览
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大小均一的蘋果片, 一層一層薄薄的疊上, 焦糖味夠但不搶蘋果原有的甜酸味, 每次品嚐幾層, 更有蘋果汁溢出. 不要看小榛子的存在價值, 它, 能增加甜品整體的爽脆感!
114 浏览
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吃過一頓滿足的午餐, 沿著樓梯往下走, 開展我們慢遊中環及上環的一天.
235 浏览
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题外话/补充资料: 以$288+10%在舒適兼帶歐陸式的餐廳吃到三道菜, 無論食材和presentation 都是一流的, 而且服務也很好, 每吃完一道菜都會問客人覺得食物如何, 了解有甚麼需要改進的地方, 感覺很互動. 另外, 每碟菜上枱時, 侍應都會講解有甚麼材料, 好讓客人清楚明白, 而這亦是西餐常見的舉動.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$316 (午餐)
To Start - Asparagus, blood orange, roasted corn
To follow - 24 hours lamb neck, peas, potato, cucumber
To finish - Granny Smith
  • 24 hours lamb neck
  • peas
  • potato
  • cucumber
  • Granny Smith
  • Asparagus
  • blood orange
  • roasted corn
2015-03-24 2423 浏览
打算於充滿藝術氣氛的PMQ與朋友共進一個悠閒的午餐, 一去到就被譽為HK Tatler Magazine -HK best restaurant Top 20 restaurants - Aberdeen Street Social 吸引住, 毫不猶豫就入了餐廳, 因為係平日, 不用等位, 上了二樓,充滿英倫味的裝潢, 非常喜愛。看見餐牌, 每樣菜色都很吸引, 當然選了三道菜啦! 餐廳內的待應為不同國藉, 令你至身於外國旅遊的感覺, Order完,待應先送上餐前小吃, 芝麻脆餅, 還有內有肉絲的炸餅也好香口。 前菜- 薯仔湯好香濃,配上脆口的薯片非常夾, 另一道為鴨腿,肉質好滑,配上清甜的醬及旁邊有果仁的配菜, 好有層次。主菜 - pork belly & sea bass ,賣相很不錯, 豬腩肉煎至脆面, 完全不膩的口感。還有,個魚好有質感,味道好鮮甜,完全不腥。To Finish - Dessert- 非常驚喜, 好似幅圖畫咁靚。味道也好清新, 不會太甜。 最後,額外Order 了泡沫咖啡, 原來還會附上有五件的甜品架, 非常貼心及超值。真係一間聞名不如一試的餐廳, 環境, 食材及
打算於充滿藝術氣氛的PMQ與朋友共進一個悠閒的午餐, 一去到就被譽為HK Tatler Magazine -HK best restaurant Top 20 restaurants - Aberdeen Street Social 吸引住, 毫不猶豫就入了餐廳, 因為係平日, 不用等位, 上了二樓,充滿英倫味的裝潢, 非常喜愛。
178 浏览
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473 浏览
2 赞好
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194 浏览
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看見餐牌, 每樣菜色都很吸引, 當然選了三道菜啦! 餐廳內的待應為不同國藉, 令你至身於外國旅遊的感覺, Order完,待應先送上餐前小吃, 芝麻脆餅, 還有內有肉絲的炸餅也好香口。
3936 浏览
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120 浏览
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前菜- 薯仔湯好香濃,配上脆口的薯片非常夾, 另一道為鴨腿,肉質好滑,配上清甜的醬及旁邊有果仁的配菜, 好有層次。
Leek & potato soup, purple potatoes, barbecued leek
93 浏览
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Duck Leg ballotine, tamarind, cashew nuts
59 浏览
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主菜 - pork belly & sea bass ,賣相很不錯, 豬腩肉煎至脆面, 完全不膩的口感。還有,個魚好有質感,味道好鮮甜,完全不腥。
Confit pork belly, braised endive, walnuts, pear & orange
78 浏览
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Sea bass, celeriac, sea vegetables, red wine sauce with pistachio
56 浏览
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To Finish - Dessert- 非常驚喜, 好似幅圖畫咁靚。味道也好清新, 不會太甜。
Strawberry ,white chocolate dessert
83 浏览
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JAAL 75% Chocolate and banana
91 浏览
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最後,額外Order 了泡沫咖啡, 原來還會附上有五件的甜品架, 非常貼心及超值。
63 浏览
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真係一間聞名不如一試的餐廳, 環境, 食材及味道都非常有水準, 絶對要再來欣賞的餐廳。
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
1 分钟 (堂食)
$350 (午餐)
  • Duck Leg ballotine
  • Confit pork belly
  • Sea bass
  • celeriac
  • sea vegetables
  • red wine sauce with pistachio
  • Leek & potato soup
  • purple potatoes
  • barbecued leek.
2015-03-07 6178 浏览
I first came across the name Jason Atherton while watching one of my all time favourite cooking shows out of the UK. Great British Menu is a program that pits the UK's top chefs, often with two or three Michelin Stars, against each other in daily cook offs. It's like a cage battle where many go in and only a few come out. Jason Atherton was one of the contestants in 2008 and in his first appearance, won through to the main banquet, no less preparing the main course (the most coveted spot).It was
I first came across the name Jason Atherton while watching one of my all time favourite cooking shows out of the UK. Great British Menu is a program that pits the UK's top chefs, often with two or three Michelin Stars, against each other in daily cook offs. It's like a cage battle where many go in and only a few come out. Jason Atherton was one of the contestants in 2008 and in his first appearance, won through to the main banquet, no less preparing the main course (the most coveted spot).

It was Atherton's only appearance on the show as a contestant, but he later returned to the show as one of the Mentor's and weeknight judges. Great British Menu has a history of taking amazing chefs and putting them in the spotlight, which certainly doesn't hurt their careers and many of the chefs who have appeared have seen their restaurants flourish. Not that Jason Atherton needed the attention! He worked for Gordan Ramsey directly and was the executive chef of Maze in London before leaving in 2010 to establish his own restaurant, Pollen Street Social, which won a Michelin Star in its first year.

Aberdeen Street Social is Jason Atherton's flagship restaurant in Hong Kong and is part of his growing stable of International restaurants, including Singapore, Dubi and Shanghi. Located at the super cool PMQ complex, Aberdeen Street Social combines a fine dining restaurant with a more casual and relaxed bar section that also serves food. We'd decided that a Sunday night visit was in order, so rocked up without a reservation, after misreading the website stating that no reservations were required. We were greeted with a puzzled look, one that said 'no reservation? how dare you?' but after a few minutes were shown upstairs and granted a seat.
67 浏览
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Given Atherton is a UK chef, there was a certain styling to the restaurant that was half old English pub and half contemporary modern bistro with open kitchen. Designed by award winning Shanghai based firm Neri & Hu the restaurant is designed around the garden terraces surrounding the building. The upstairs is cozy but also has an outdoor patio that looks over the terrace gardens. It's really quite comforting.

While Jason Atherton is the owner and creative mind behind Aberdeen Street Social, the Executive Chef is long time employee and friend Chris Whitmore, who was Atherton's sous chef at Maze in London. Together they have created a menu that will be instantly recognisable as British, but with twists of the orient. There were A Lot of great looking items available and we really struggled with our choices, definitely a place that would require multiple visits!

Orders underway, our meal kicked off with a huge loaf of warm and crusty bread, with the accompanying soft hand churned butter, along with a couple of amuse bouche. Or first few bites were a blue cheese biscuit with a pea puree and a squid ink toast with ponzu, which both being punchy and full flavoured. Interestingly for me, the blue cheese didn't overpower the pea puree and enhances its sweetness.
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SC kicked off her meal with a very busy looking starter of yellow fin tuna tataki with cucumber salad, radish, avocado and ponzu dressing. It looked quite different from most tataki's I've seen but it had all the right ingredients and tasted the goods. Usually tataki has thinly sliced beef or tuna, which is bathed in a delicious ponzu sauce, but the Aberdeen Street Social version was chunkier and came with lots of pickled vegetables. The tuna was lightly seared and very fresh, with an ever so slight sweetness that worked beautifully with the ponzu.
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I'd also gone for a seafood starter, this time the completely raw Hokkaido scallops with dashi jelly, apple, shiso, avocado and wasabi puree. Both starters had a very Japanese feel to them and the large Hokkaido scallops reminded me of the very best sashimi I'd eaten. I loved the presentation and the placement of each of the ingredients, which screamed practiced care but didn't look overly manufactured. The sweetness of the avocado was given a slight bite from the wasabi and both combined to enhance the natural sweetness of the scallops - beautiful.
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Main course for SC was the decadent sounding butter poached lobster, hen of the woods mushroom and thyme linguini. We weren't disappointed with the very generous serving of lobster, the claw sitting atop a perfectly rolled pile of expertly cooked linguini. Butter poached anything is superb, but the flavour of the lobster was from another world, simply stunning. While it tasted superb, the tail piece was a little over cooked and slightly rubbery - the claw was exquisitely cooked. The combination of mushrooms and lobster worked well, brought together by the lobster bisque for an overall very satisfying main.
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Breaking away from the seafood orientated meal to date, I went for the duck breast with duck heart, honey spiced beetroot, pickled pear, date and Earl Grey tea puree. This was again a very generous plate of food, with two very large pieces of perfectly cooked duck breast and an assortment of excellently matched ingredients. I particularly liked the skewers that contained the duck heart, a little chewy as it should be but full flavoured and wonderful. The combination of the honey spiced beetroot, pickled pear and duck was inspired with the contrasting sweetness working well together. A jus finished off the plate but I would loved just a little bit more of the sticky sauce to bring the dish together.
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Dessert time and with so many great looking options, we had to refer to our waitress for her recommendation, one of which we took, the other I regretted not choosing. SC wisely chose the recommendation of the 'hibiscus' which turned out to be a beautifully presented dessert and instantly gave me food envy. With ingredients like elderflower, rose apple and guava, it sounded the perfect blend of Asia and England. The guava ice cream was the highlight, but the different textures and colours really appealed to the eye, as well the palate.
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I've had a lot of luck ordering strawberry desserts over the years but I guess every now and then you lose and unfortunately, this time I lost. I definitely should have gone for the recommended Apple tart, but didn't want anything too sweet after my huge main. Presented on perhaps on of the loveliest plates I've ever seen, the strawberry dessert just didn't match up to the rest of the meal. It did meet one of my requirements, it wasn't overly sweet, but it just felt a little disconnected, something that could have been resolved with a sticky berry sauce.
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After calling for the bill, we were presented with a cool looking and multi dimensional plate covered with some petit four, including a chocolate that had an insanely high cocoa content, a sweet jube and a short cake, all fantastic ways to finish the meal.

We had a pretty awesome meal at Aberdeen Street Social, and apart from the initial response when we asked for a table without reservation, we found the service to be right on the money. Oh, if you think we got what we deserved by not booking, I'll just highlight that the restaurant was only half full for a dinner sitting, so I'm not sure why it was such a big deal.

Only scratching the surface of a menu that literally had dozens of options that we wanted to try, there is no doubt that we'll be back to enjoy more of Mr Atherton's take on fine dining. We'd even love to get along for the brunch menu (for breakfast) but unfortunately, the place doesn't open until 11:30am daily. Oh well, we'll just have to settle for dinners in what is definitely one of our favourite restaurants (so far) in Hong Kong.

With food like this, it's no wonder Jason Atherton's idea of food is spreading across the globe. Perhaps his old mentor Gordon Ramsey needs to watch his back?!
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The plate that the petit four came on was brilliant!
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There was a pre dessert treat of a delicious pear soup with thyme ice cream and lemon jelly
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Dark and all so British cool inside the restaurant
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We love watching the kitchen at work

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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$1000.00 (晚餐)
2015-02-21 4220 浏览
British chef, Jason Atherton has quite a pedigree. He worked under Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsay and even has Michelin Star restaurants of his own after he left the Gordon Ramsay group. In Hong Kong, he has three restaurants. 22 Ships, Ham & Sherry and Aberdeen Street Social. I had tried Ham & Sherry and I really liked it. I have yet to try 22 Ships. So, on this day, since I was at PMQ to look at their Chinese New Year exhibit, I tried lunch at Aberdeen Street Social.Located in PMQ on Hol
British chef, Jason Atherton has quite a pedigree. He worked under Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsay and even has Michelin Star restaurants of his own after he left the Gordon Ramsay group. In Hong Kong, he has three restaurants. 22 Ships, Ham & Sherry and Aberdeen Street Social. I had tried Ham & Sherry and I really liked it. I have yet to try 22 Ships. So, on this day, since I was at PMQ to look at their Chinese New Year exhibit, I tried lunch at Aberdeen Street Social.

Located in PMQ on Hollywood side, Aberdeen Street Social is split into two floors. The bottom floor is a cafe/bar area that is geared for more casual eating. The top floor is their dining area. During weekdays, a lunch menu is offered on the second floor. Two courses cost $238 and three courses cost $288. Bread and amuse bouche is included. Tap water is provided.
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The dining area is spacious and very modern chic. There is  both indoor and outdoor dining area. There is an open kitchen where everything is made. Including their own bread! You can see them kneading away on one end.
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Bread. Bread was fantastic. Soft center. Crunchy exterior that wasn't so hard that I could break my teeth with. This was really good bread.
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Amuse Bouche. On the left is squid ink crisp with squid cherviche. This was interesting. The crisp was like a potato chip. The squid cherviche just popped into my mouth. Was amazingly good. On the right is a sesame cracker with pistachio cream. This was interesting as well as the pistachio cream was like a pop of juice in my mouth. Combined with the crunchy cracker, it was an interesting texture.
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Starter: Duck Leg Ballotine, tarmind puree and cashew nut crisp.  Chose this as my starter. It was beautifully presented almost like a drawing. The duck leg ballotine was moist and delicous. The cashew nut crisp was ok. I could have done with out it. The only thing I didn't like was the tarmind puree. I expected it to be more sweet and sour as tarmind is but it had a bitter taste after taste. That I found odd. It threw the whole thing off.
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Main: Sea Bass with celeriac puree, potatoes, red wine sauce with pistachio. The celeriac puree was smooth and nice. The red wine sauce was not too strong. The sea bass was cooked perfectly. The potatoes were a bit too starchy. Over all, the main was average and nothing exceptional. What I did find interesting was skin of the sea bass was removed purposely and deep fried to have a potato chip like texture. It felt like eating that fried fish skin you get at noodle shops or hotpot.
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Dessert: Strawberry. This was beautifully plated. Almost like I was staring at a painting. It included fresh strawberries and grapes. A crumble of hazelnuts. There was scoop of white chocolate frozen yogurt in the middle that wasn't too sweet. The sides of the frozen yogurt had two mini pink meriginues. Or at least I thought were meringue but when I put it in my mouth, it melted away into a strawberry infused liquid. There was some frozen pink grapefruit bits. And the orchids were pickled. I don't like sweet desserts so everything wasn't sweet at all but rather more tart and I liked that. I liked this the most out of everything in my meal.
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The main was a bit disappointing. Though the dessert was really good. Service was attentative. Plates were cleared quickly. Food was described in full when placed in front of me. I was checked on constantly. It is, however, extremely noisy from the chatter of people around me. To me, it was  bit noisy and I can imagine if I was with someone, I would probably be screaming to be heard over the chatter. I would probably return again as I think I would have friends who'd be interested and I'd be ok to go again.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$320 (午餐)
2015-01-12 3047 浏览
選擇呢個地方係純粹就腳兼夾想食下brunch,一坐低諗都冇諗就叫左個Egg Benedict同一杯Latte,跟手就餵個仔食奶。趁個仔食奶都望下呢度究竟咩環境,modern bar嘅感覺,如果有時間坐喺度飲下嘢吹下水應該唔錯,夜晚坐室外會幾好feel。餐廳右手邊有個open bakery,未有機會試,感覺好似幾好咁。阿仔飲完奶我就係時候食嘢:Egg Benedict $98其實一上枱嘅時候有少少shock,可能我呢啲師奶仔心態啦,個碟真係淨係得egg benedict,少少side salad仔都冇,個感覺好dry。$98喎⋯⋯ 中上環喎、PMQ喎。 FINE!味道正路,冇驚冇喜。
選擇呢個地方係純粹就腳兼夾想食下brunch,一坐低諗都冇諗就叫左個Egg Benedict同一杯Latte,跟手就餵個仔食奶。

趁個仔食奶都望下呢度究竟咩環境,modern bar嘅感覺,如果有時間坐喺度飲下嘢吹下水應該唔錯,夜晚坐室外會幾好feel。餐廳右手邊有個open bakery,未有機會試,感覺好似幾好咁。


Egg Benedict $98
Egg Benedict
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其實一上枱嘅時候有少少shock,可能我呢啲師奶仔心態啦,個碟真係淨係得egg benedict,少少side salad仔都冇,個感覺好dry。
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题外话/补充资料: Service低分原因之一:唔知係我去嘅時段問題(3點左右)定咩,個場一係好多個侍應(1樓室內外場最少5個),一係一個人都冇;之二:落order落左三次 - 同侍應落order,佢轉個頭再返黎問一次,跟住經理再黎問多次個order...
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$150 (午餐)
Egg Benedict
2015-01-02 4085 浏览
一直都說, 其實飲食業在香港來說可謂百花齊放. 中西日泰台印法等等幾乎全球大部分國家的菜色都可以找到. 而近年更有不少過江龍甚至國際級星級名廚紛紛來港分一杯羹, 從此想吃美食就不用下下坐飛機或發夢才吃到了. 而隨著今年四月由警察宿舍變身成設計坊的PMQ開幕後, 越來越多餐廳亦相繼進駐, 當中最強勢的當然要數由名廚Jason Atherton帶來的Aberdeen Street Social了. 某天宅女跟同事們談起, 原來大家都很有興趣, 就無謂空口講白話, 一於相約某天下班後齊齊來個HAPPY DINNER!如果對飲食有點研究的朋友來說, Jason Atherton這個名字一定絕對不陌生. Jason早年就曾效力Gordon Ramsay的米芝蓮餐廳Maze, 及後自立門戶於倫敦, 新加坡, 上海等地開設了十多間餐廳, 當中甚至有幾家都在米芝蓮榜上有名, 因此說他是米芝蓮名廚實在不過份. 而近年他亦開始進軍香港, 先有的是位於灣仔船街, 以西班牙TAPAS為主的22 SHIPS 跟HAM & SHERRY, 曾吃過這兩間水準的確不錯, 所以這次來到這家位於PMQ內的Aberdeen
一直都說, 其實飲食業在香港來說可謂百花齊放. 中西日泰台印法等等幾乎全球大部分國家的菜色都可以找到. 而近年更有不少過江龍甚至國際級星級名廚紛紛來港分一杯羹, 從此想吃美食就不用下下坐飛機或發夢才吃到了. 而隨著今年四月由警察宿舍變身成設計坊的PMQ開幕後, 越來越多餐廳亦相繼進駐, 當中最強勢的當然要數由名廚Jason Atherton帶來的Aberdeen Street Social了. 某天宅女跟同事們談起, 原來大家都很有興趣, 就無謂空口講白話, 一於相約某天下班後齊齊來個HAPPY DINNER!
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如果對飲食有點研究的朋友來說, Jason Atherton這個名字一定絕對不陌生. Jason早年就曾效力Gordon Ramsay的米芝蓮餐廳Maze, 及後自立門戶於倫敦, 新加坡, 上海等地開設了十多間餐廳, 當中甚至有幾家都在米芝蓮榜上有名, 因此說他是米芝蓮名廚實在不過份. 而近年他亦開始進軍香港, 先有的是位於灣仔船街, 以西班牙TAPAS為主的22 SHIPS 跟HAM & SHERRY, 曾吃過這兩間水準的確不錯, 所以這次來到這家位於PMQ內的Aberdeen Street Social, 都算是有點信心保證的.
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店子設在近PMQ門口的一幢兩層大樓內, 原來這裡樓齡都有六十多年, 沒有經過太大的修飾, 看起來仍是有點懷舊的味道, 但走進內裡完全又是另一番光景, 整個設計又是帶點摩登型格的味道. 餐廳地面那層主要就是酒吧跟咖啡店, 走上二樓才是吃晚飯的地方. 我們周五晚上來到食客都坐滿九成, 當中以外藉人士居多, 幸好我們一早有訂位便不用等. 餐廳地方不算好大, 椅桌及通道更是有些狹窄. 不過整個店內氣氛熱鬧又不會太拘謹, 而且都算整潔企理, 天氣涼一點的話更可以選擇二樓的露台用餐, 環境更舒適. 而店內盡頭更是一整個半開放式廚房, 跟用餐區只以一面玻璃窗相隔著, 大廚助手忙著什麼完全一目了然.

不過跟22 SHIPS或H&S都不一樣, 這裡吃的是摩登英國菜, 打開餐牌看看, 主要就分為前菜跟主菜兩大類. 而每個類別的選擇就只有八款左右, 不算多. 我們一行六人而且胃口不少, 所以前菜只打算淺嚐一下, 反而主攻大部份的主菜. 價格方面以中環來說算是中等, 前菜大多由百多到二百多不等, 而主菜就由二百多到最貴的千多元一份的和牛都有. 但吃得飽的話人均四五百元落樓是走不掉的.

餐廳亦有提供各式酒精類飲品, 紅白酒COCKTAILS啤酒通通都有. 當時亦有幾款不含酒精的特飲給我們這種不太能喝的人仕了.

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是夜不太想喝酒精, 所以點來這款沒酒在內的特飲. 名字叫''GET LUCKY'', 喝完會不會LUCKY尚是未知之數, 但上來的賣相就真的幾有玩味. 以厚身玻璃杯盛著橘紅色的小紅莓汁, 內裡的一顆LED冰粒燈還在閃爍著, 不過還是敵不過杯邊用個書夾夾著的兩張千元銀紙那樣吸睛!! 但看真一點, 其實只是兩張迷你道具而已, 不過同事們紛紛拿著來研究一番又幾有趣. 小紅莓汁加入了紅果汁跟薑汁汽水混成, 入口還是小紅莓味偏重一點, 喝起來帶點藥水味, 不算很討口, 反正不是宅女杯茶.

Raw Hokkaido Scallops, dashi jelly, apple, shiso, avocado and wasabi puree (HK$228)
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吃日本菜時北海道帶子刺身就吃得多, 大廚也同上日本食材但以西式手法來呈上, 更顯新鮮感. 厚厚一片帶子上, 以木魚汁來做成啫吐喱伴著, 加上蘋果, 紫蘇, 牛油果作伴, 還有芥末醬點精, 入口除了有著帶子的鮮甜, 更吃出其清爽的層次, 陣陣芥末味道頗溫醇不太刺激, 跟帶子很配, 想不到大部份來自日本的食材, 都能做出那份豐富得來又夠細膩的味道 .

Ravioli of suffolk pork, berkswell cheese, peppered hearts and kidneys (HK$178)
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上來就一大顆意式餃子, 上方鋪滿了絲絲berkswell芝士, 看起來就像個高塔一樣, 單看賣相以頭盤來說都頗有份量感. 把餃子切開來後只見一大用球以豬肺跟豬心做成的肉餡塞得滿滿的. 入口餃皮薄得來都幾有彈性, 而中間的肉餡味道較為濃郁, 但跟蕃茄醬味道很配, 芝士味濃度適中, 也不會搶去肉餡的味道, 整個餃子食味其實是不錯的, 但放在頭盤就略嫌有點太重口味, 如果幾個人分來淺嚐或索性當主菜會比較好.
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接下來主菜上場, 先來幾道較清爽的

Parsley fregola with garlic, mushrooms and asparagus (HK$208)
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幾道主菜之中, 最清淡的要算是這個fregola了. 眾所周知意大利粉種類特多, 除了平時吃慣的意粉, 寬條麵, 餃子類之外, 還有很多奇形怪狀等幾十種類型. 而fregola就是一種小顆粒的粉團, 看起來有如粟米粒差不多, 不過口感就實在得多. 這裡的fregola就用上歐芹來做成基底的醬汁, 再加入香蒜, 蘑菇跟蘆筍等配料, 雖然算是個素食, 但一點都不''齋''. 蘆筍切段但看得出頗粗壯, 入口爽脆沒有渣, 而蘑菇吃起來滑口, 菇柄亦夠粗身甚有咬口, 當中還加了點金菇更添爽勁. 而底下的fregola混入了歐芹醬吃起來十分清新, 也不會好乾. 不過份量不少, 如果一個人吃完都幾飽.

Poached and roasted Boston Lobster, roasted fennel with caraway, cooked and raw English apples (HK$458)
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這道算是繼和牛肉眼扒之後最貴的一道主菜, 食材當然也是有點份量了. 用上了整隻波士頓龍蝦以先灼後烤的方法, 伴以烤過的茴香和蘋果, 抹上少許醬汁, 整個賣相顯得十分豐富又夠優雅, 應該較會討女生歡心. 龍蝦其實都幾多而且亦夠肉厚, 煮出來的程度剛剛好, 入口不會太乾而且還是包著點點鮮甜的肉汁, 肉質甚有彈性. 宅女喜歡伴以少許蘋果肉跟醬汁, 吃起來口感更豐厚而且還帶有蘋果的香甜. 雖然這個主菜價錢較貴, 不過整道菜無論賣相, 食味跟新鮮感都令人相當滿意.

Snapper, clams, celeriac, confit lemons and sauce meuniere (HK$268)
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簡單的把鯛魚煎過, 加入蜆肉, 醃漬檸檬配以文也汁, 也算是個頗清的主菜. 鯛魚扒厚身得來表面略略煎得金黃, 但底下的魚肉依然十分軟棉又嫩滑, 魚油脂不算多, 沒太多調味下更能吃出那份鮮甜的魚香, 加上蜆肉汁的鮮也混進醬汁當中, 兩者配合得相當恰當, 而旁邊的醃漬檸檬薄薄一片但入口帶著微酸的清新感覺, 令整道菜更顯出更輕盈, 就算是怕肥的女生吃完一整碟也不會有太多罪惡感吧.

Roasted sea bass with cauliflower couscous, fried oyster and sea vegetables (HK$308)
74 浏览
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接下來的也是魚類, 這次換來了烤鱸魚, 配上墊在底以椰菜花做成的小米飯, 上方還有隻炸過的生蠔, 旁邊亦有些椰菜花作伴, 看來比起剛才的鯛魚更豐富. 炸蠔體型雖迷你, 但表面炸得金黃亮麗, 炸漿不算好厚, 而且中間還是頗多汁的. 而爐魚烤出來的魚肉嫩滑得來帶點嚼勁, 肉質亦有彈性, 不過亮點還是表面那塊魚皮烤得甚為香脆. 底下的椰菜花米粒口感新鮮, 伴著旁邊的醬汁吃味道更豐厚. 這個主菜驚喜度不算好大, 但食味比剛才鯛魚更好一點.

Lamb rump, confit neck, peas with mint and charred baby fennel (HK$378)
71 浏览
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吃了好幾道較''清''的主菜, 接下來當然是一眾食肉獸大展新手的時候了. 先來的有烤羊扒, 但這並不是普通平常吃到的羊扒, 這裡用上的是近羊臀的部份, 肥脂一般會少一點, 但羊羶味更濃郁, 而且肉質更有嚼勁. 羊肉切開來中間的肉還是呈現著粉紅色澤, 實在吸引. 吃起來肉質不乾, 但果然更有嚼勁, 肉味更香濃, 如果喜歡羊羶味的朋友必定會滿意. 沾一點旁邊加入薄荷製成的豆子蓉, 令羊肉食味更突出. 整體來說這個羊做得實在不錯, 其實不用很多調味巳經很好吃了.
96 浏览
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Pork Chop, pumpkin and orange puree, pine nut dressing, endive and roasted Shimeji mushrooms (HK$325)
68 浏览
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如果要選整晚最滿意的一道菜, 這個應該是宅女的心水. 豬排每件都非常厚身, 外皮烤得帶點焦脆, 不過中間作是帶著點點粉嫩, 而且肥瘦度勻半, 入口肉質十分柔軟亦夠JUICY, 肥脂半融口中更添豐厚感. 沾上一點用橙跟南瓜做成的慕絲醬, 醬汁味道本身不會好濃過重, 跟豬排一同入口, 那份橙香包裹著豬肉想不到兩者食味又幾夾, 而且亦能平衡到那份油膩的感覺. 如果餐廳要選招牌菜的話, 這個豬排應該榜上有名吧.
82 浏览
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Braised ox cheek, roasted bone marrow, sourdough crumb, carrot, horseradish mash (HK$318)
70 浏览
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壓軸上陣的一道菜份量當然是最強勁的了. 炖牛面頰伴以烤牛骨髓, 還有蘿蔔跟墊底的辣根薯蓉, 整個賣相重口味得來相當俐落. 牛面頰炖得相當夠火喉, 只需以刀輕輕切肉便分離, 入口軟棉非常, 而且味道亦夠香濃. 但作為重口味人仕, 最關心的當然是旁邊那一碌牛骨髓了. 這裡的出品十分粗壯, 上方伴了少許麵包糠, 用小匙舀出來的全是滿滿的肥膏, 單看畫面都巳經有夠邪惡了! 但入口甘香豐腴, 忍不住又想吃多一匙. 不過''齋''吃其實有點膩, 始終油份較多, 如果能配在片薄薄的多士上同吃, 味道必定會更完美. 而底下的薯蓉吃起來有點芥末的味道, 不算好刺激, 但質地又幾軟滑. 整體來說其實這個味道在坊間其他餐廳不難找到, 驚喜度不算好高, 但做得算是不錯的.
153 浏览
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甜品這裡的有五款選擇, 看看配搭有點新奇. 但不太想冒險點太多, 所以只點了一兩款分來試試.

75 浏览
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以藍莓作主角, 配以一片薄薄的牛奶膜, 旁邊還有以'LAPSANG''紅茶製成的雪芭, 整個賣相紫中帶白感覺十分漂亮. 入口藍莓味道十分突出, 吃起來不會好酸, 帶點甜美, 加上紅茶雪芭吃起來帶點奶香, 味道不是很強. 不過當中加入了MAPLE WHISKY會有點酒味, 整個甜品用上的食材配搭新鮮得來都幾對味, 但說是令人印象非常深刻嗎?又不算是。

82 浏览
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以木盤盛著幾塊曲奇, 軟糖跟朱古力. 看起來倒有點像玩層層疊似的. 曲奇吃起來頗鬆化, 軟糖質地甚黏牙, 個人不是太喜歡. 當中最好吃的還是朱古力, 雖然沒太大驚喜, 但入口幼滑, 屬穩打穩紮的水準.

宅女一行六人吃到8成飽左右, 埋單差不多接近四千元, 計起來每人都要五百左右.

看起來不算便宜, 不過其實我們大胃王, 點了八成主菜又有頭盤, 甜品跟飲品, 在這種環境下, 都算合理的.

食物水準大致不錯, 但感覺頭盤和主菜都做得比甜品好一點.

雖然宅女自己還是比較喜歡22 SHIPS, 但這裡無論食材, 配搭, 味道等有新鮮感之餘亦算討好, 以摩登英倫菜來說巳算是不錯了.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$500 (晚餐)
  • Raw Hokkaido Scallops
  • Pork Chop
2014-09-26 8614 浏览
This is a rather new hot spot and we could manage to secure our booking 2 weeks in advance.2 of us ordered 2 starters, 2 main courses, 1 desert and 3 glasses of wine.  Here are my comments:StarterRoasted Quail Breast, Confit Legs, Sauteed Foir Gras ($245) - this is good especially the roasted quail breast.  We do find the confit legs a bit harder than expected.  Nevertheless, just do not know what to be suggested for improvement. Raw Hokkaido Scallops ($228)- It was well seasoned and presented. 
This is a rather new hot spot and we could manage to secure our booking 2 weeks in advance.

2 of us ordered 2 starters, 2 main courses, 1 desert and 3 glasses of wine.  Here are my comments:


Roasted Quail Breast, Confit Legs, Sauteed Foir Gras ($245) - this is good especially the roasted quail breast.  We do find the confit legs a bit harder than expected.  Nevertheless, just do not know what to be suggested for improvement. 

Raw Hokkaido Scallops ($228)- It was well seasoned and presented.  Overall taste was good and up to expectation.


Snapper, Clams, Celeriac, Confit Lemons and Sauce Meuniere ($268) - this was good.  It could deliver a seaside feel.

Sea Bass ($308) - this was also well cooked and presented.

Dessert ($110)

A bit weak for memory.


A good mix of wine that could be ordered by the glass at comparable pricing to most fine dinning outlets. 

Overall, I think it was an interesting experience of this contemporary British restaurant that I would encourage dinner to try.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • Raw Hokkaido Scallops
  • Roasted Quail Breast
  • Snappers Clams Celeriac
2014-08-29 8790 浏览
We went there for dinner. While we have made reservation, the waitress still made us waiting for 10 minutes. Lucky that their cocktail is delicious, help killing the waiting time. We ordered a few dishes. Nothing special at all, except the black pudding which was surprisingly good. Main dish was so so, and desert can ignore also. Service was good though. I will go back again, but only for the black pudding and to try out the cocktails.
We went there for dinner. While we have made reservation, the waitress still made us waiting for 10 minutes. Lucky that their cocktail is delicious, help killing the waiting time.

We ordered a few dishes. Nothing special at all, except the black pudding which was surprisingly good. Main dish was so so, and desert can ignore also. Service was good though.

I will go back again, but only for the black pudding and to try out the cocktails.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
10 分钟 (堂食)
  • black pudding
2014-08-05 6681 浏览
朋友想去PMQ逛逛,又因為評論而試的餐廳,失望而回。環境装修不錯但是樓下sweet好逼好嘈。幸好在樓上訂左位,但是遲左十五分鐘先有枱,而且receptionists全程面黑,真奇怪。食品,點左lobster benedict (238). 可惜比Bibo的差,本身lobster挺新鮮,可惜是龍蝦還龍蝦,蛋還蛋,三文治還三文治,没有共融,只是碰巧放在一個碟上。Bibo同樣的作品就很有層次很好味。Social这个又貴又不夠好。不過還不是非常不行。Crispy prawn sandwich.比較不是我杯茶。麵包好脆但是蝦不行。没有什麽味道,可惜了。飲品水準不错只是偏贵。beetroot fruit juice hkd75.與星级酒店看齊但環境又與酒店相差一截。應該不會再去了。


食品,點左lobster benedict (238). 可惜比Bibo的差,本身lobster挺新鮮,可惜是龍蝦還龍蝦,蛋還蛋,三文治還三文治,没有共融,只是碰巧放在一個碟上。Bibo同樣的作品就很有層次很好味。Social这个又貴又不夠好。不過還不是非常不行。

Crispy prawn sandwich.比較不是我杯茶。麵包好脆但是蝦不行。没有什麽味道,可惜了。

飲品水準不错只是偏贵。beetroot fruit juice hkd75.與星级酒店看齊但環境又與酒店相差一截。

391 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2014-07-27 1103 浏览
接回上文, 大家在Aberdeen Street Social吃了水準相當不俗的brunch, 故事當然還未完結, 來到這個時候, 就是吃甜品的時間. 星期六來到Aberdeen Street Social, 沒有店方a la carte的甜品供應, 大家想吃甜的話, 就要點選Sweet Social供應的甜品. 不過我們吃甚麼, 就不用我去, 又不由得我去揀, 因為總管跟Min姐已經好心地替大家揀好了. 辛苦晒!Gelato - ‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie $35: 7.5分, 先吃這裡的gelato, 第一款是‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie, gelato質感不俗, 幾香滑, 不會太冰, 用上JAAL 75%朱古力, 不過朱古力的味道未算太濃, 但特別之處在於加入了brownie, 幾有咬口, 增添了層次感呢.Gelato - Strawberry Cheesecake $35: 6.5分, 第二款是
接回上文, 大家在Aberdeen Street Social吃了水準相當不俗的brunch, 故事當然還未完結, 來到這個時候, 就是吃甜品的時間. 星期六來到Aberdeen Street Social, 沒有店方a la carte的甜品供應, 大家想吃甜的話, 就要點選Sweet Social供應的甜品. 不過我們吃甚麼, 就不用我去, 又不由得我去揀, 因為總管跟Min姐已經好心地替大家揀好了. 辛苦晒!
39 浏览
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Gelato - ‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie $35: 7.5分, 先吃這裡的gelato, 第一款是‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie, gelato質感不俗, 幾香滑, 不會太冰, 用上JAAL 75%朱古力, 不過朱古力的味道未算太濃, 但特別之處在於加入了brownie, 幾有咬口, 增添了層次感呢.
Gelato - ‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie
48 浏览
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Gelato - Strawberry Cheesecake $35: 6.5分, 第二款是Strawberry Cheesecake, 不過吃來吃去, 也不太吃得到芝士的味道, 只是吃到士多啤梨的味道, 而味道亦不太鮮甜.
Gelato - Strawberry Cheesecake
39 浏览
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Gelato - Passion Fruit Banana $35: 7.5分, 第三款是Passion Fruit Banana, 熱情果跟香蕉的平衡是做得幾好的, 味道酸酸甜甜的, 是幾清新的選擇.
Gelato - Passion Fruit Banana
49 浏览
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‘Jade’ milk chocolate, lemongrass, Greek yogurt $50: 6.5分, 賣相是相當精緻的, 但牛奶朱古力的味道不夠香濃, 而香草味亦不夠突出, 還好的是加入了希臘乳酪, 感覺上會是健康一點.
‘Jade’ milk chocolate, lemongrass, Greek yogurt
43 浏览
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‘Sweet Social Cheesecake’ strawberry, cream cheese, Greek yoghurt $55: 4分, 接下來的更令人失望, 說的就是用上店名來命名的Sweet Social Cheesecake, 還以為是招牌甜品, 怎知道是沒有甚麼芝士香, 質感不夠細滑, 士多啤梨的味道亦不夠香甜, 麻麻.
‘Sweet Social Cheesecake’ strawberry, cream cheese, Greek yoghurt
59 浏览
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Banana Cake walnut gianduja, caramel $55: 7分, 相比之下, 這款Banana Cake walnut gianduja, caramel會是比較好的選擇, gianduja朱古力味道幾香濃, 香蕉蛋糕味道亦香甜, 配上我喜愛的焦糖, 配合起來, 還是不俗的組合.
Banana Cake walnut gianduja, caramel
44 浏览
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‘Matcha Mascarpone’ matcha, raspberry, mascarpone $55: 5.5分, Min最愛的甜點都是以抹茶為主, 當然也要選一款抹茶甜點作生日小蛋糕, 不過這客‘Matcha Mascarpone’ matcha, raspberry, mascarpone的抹茶香不太清新, 或許是比Mascarpone芝士的味道搶去了.
‘Matcha Mascarpone’ matcha, raspberry, mascarpone
44 浏览
9 赞好
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‘Matcha Mascarpone’ matcha, raspberry, mascarpone
45 浏览
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Lemon Cake $15: 8分, 另外一款生日小蛋糕是Lemon Cake, 應該是當作給我的生日甜點吧. 這小小的蛋糕質感濕潤, 檸檬味道突出, 甜中帶酸, 相當清新, 反而是這天吃道水準最好的甜點.
Lemon Cake
57 浏览
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整體來講, Sweet Social的甜點水準認真一般, 除了Lemon Cake以及Gelato - ‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie, 其他的甜點皆令大家不太滿意. 對比起大廚Jason Atherton的其他出品, Sweet Social就未免未達標了.
73 浏览
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64 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$92 (午餐)
Lemon Cake
2014-07-26 9892 浏览
I have meaning to go to that place since it opened. We decided to start with the brunch for our first visit. I was quite happy to see that they were serving a la carte brunch menu. I’m kind of getting sick of large buffet, free flow, 700 bucks hotel- restaurant brunch places. SETTINGLocated in PMQ, the place is on two floors, first being more like a bar and 2nd the dining area. We were seated on the second floor. It was a Sunday afternoon, around 2.30 pm and the place was fairly busy. One thing
I have meaning to go to that place since it opened.
We decided to start with the brunch for our first visit. I was quite happy to see that they were serving a la carte brunch menu. I’m kind of getting sick of large buffet, free flow, 700 bucks hotel- restaurant brunch places.

Located in PMQ, the place is on two floors, first being more like a bar and 2nd the dining area. We were seated on the second floor. It was a Sunday afternoon, around 2.30 pm and the place was fairly busy. One thing we noticed immediately is how noisy the place was. The place is not small, but I guess it was the combination of rather low ceiling, kids and loud people around us. The décor however is quite pretty with some kind of retro vibe to it.

We ordered the following:
- avocado on toast with two poached eggs (88hkd)
- smoked salmon bagel, cream cheese, lemon and capers (108)
- lobster benedict (238) 

Obviously, those dishes are rather simple but everything was right on the money. Ingredients are quality and the preparation / presentation nicely done. 

To go along we had two bloody English, which were just right.

The service was pretty good and attentive. We had a couple of different waiters taking care of us, which is ok even though I noticed a bit of confusion sometimes.

All in all, we were very satisfied with our first experience at Aberdeen Street Social and will definitely be back for more at dinnertime.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (其他)
  • lobster benedict
2014-07-23 6548 浏览
一直很喜歡星級大廚Jason Atherton, 年前他還在Gordon Ramsay旗下的時候, 就曾經到訪過他在倫敦的一星店Maze. 他自立門戶之後, 在倫敦及世界各地開設了十五家店子, 當中的Pollen Street Social已經連續四年取得一星, 而Social Eating House也在14年版的米芝蓮初次得到一星. 近年, 他的飲食版圖來到香港, 第一家店子是22 Ships, 在14年剛剛得到必比登的推介, 看來他實是米芝蓮的常客. 第二家店子也是在船街開設, 說的就是Ham & Sherry. 最近, 他在香港的第三家店子也開業了, 再不是在船街, 而是在人氣熱點PMQ, 店名是Aberdeen Street Social, 回歸到他的星級Social系列.是日約了總管, Min姐跟亞茵來到Aberdeen Street Social午膳, 兼慶祝生日. 原來這裡不是在PMQ那兩座大樓, 如果由山下走上來, 就在第一個入口內進就可以. 其實這裡是樓高兩層的獨立屋, 地下是Sweet Social, 而二樓才是Aberdeen Street Social的位置.
一直很喜歡星級大廚Jason Atherton, 年前他還在Gordon Ramsay旗下的時候, 就曾經到訪過他在倫敦的一星店Maze. 他自立門戶之後, 在倫敦及世界各地開設了十五家店子, 當中的Pollen Street Social已經連續四年取得一星, 而Social Eating House也在14年版的米芝蓮初次得到一星. 近年, 他的飲食版圖來到香港, 第一家店子是22 Ships, 在14年剛剛得到必比登的推介, 看來他實是米芝蓮的常客. 第二家店子也是在船街開設, 說的就是Ham & Sherry. 最近, 他在香港的第三家店子也開業了, 再不是在船街, 而是在人氣熱點PMQ, 店名是Aberdeen Street Social, 回歸到他的星級Social系列.
210 浏览
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是日約了總管, Min姐跟亞茵來到Aberdeen Street Social午膳, 兼慶祝生日. 原來這裡不是在PMQ那兩座大樓, 如果由山下走上來, 就在第一個入口內進就可以. 其實這裡是樓高兩層的獨立屋, 地下是Sweet Social, 而二樓才是Aberdeen Street Social的位置.
260 浏览
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這裡的裝修是幾型格的, 不少擺設亦見心思. 開放式廚房就讓大家能夠遙望廚師團隊在工作. 看看餐牌, 星期六的下午是以吃brunch為主, 要注意的是這個餐牌在星期一至五是沒有供應的. 甜品方面, 也沒有a la carte甜品供應, 反而是供應Sweet Social中的甜點. 如果大家有興趣吃到Aberdeen Street Social的甜品, 就要留待晚市光臨了.
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285 浏览
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Eggs Benedict $118: 9分, 吃brunch, 當然少不了的是吃Eggs Benedict, 可惜文迪是日還未能夠參與, 唯有日後跟她再來吧. 說回這客Eggs Benedict, 切開看看, 流心度不俗, 但不算很澎湃. 波蛋帶蛋香, 配上香濃的荷蘭醬, 撈在火腿及鬆餅上, 自是人間美物. 一早起來, 吃到有水準的Eggs Benedict, 真好.
Eggs Benedict
81 浏览
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Eggs Benedict
151 浏览
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Lobster Benedict $238: 9.5分, 除了傳統的Eggs Benedict之外, 我們也點選了一客豪華版的Lobster Benedict. 其實我本身是不太捨得吃那麼名貴的早餐, 但在豪氣的總管及Min姐面前, 我還是不敢做次, 不作無用的抗爭吧. 不過也真的要感謝他們的神聖決定, 因為這客Lobster Benedict是相當精彩.
Lobster Benedict
126 浏览
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在正前面, 是份量相當的龍蝦肉, 就算我們四個人分吃也足夠. 龍蝦肉質感嫩滑, 鮮味十足. 把波蛋切開之後, 龍蝦肉點上蛋汁, 味道是提升了不少呢. 我就推介大家先吃剩龍蝦肉的版本, 再吃點上蛋汁的版本, 就能夠享受兩個不同的層次了. 另外, 不要忘掉的是後方的蟹肉多士, 鮮甜的蟹肉, 配上脆身的多士, 教人怎能抗拒呢. 來到Aberdeen Street Social, 這客Lobster Benedict, 是必選的項目.
Lobster Benedict
278 浏览
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Crispy prawn and romaine sandwich $128: 9分, 接下來的Crispy prawn and romaine sandwich也是高水準之作. 包身很香脆, 配上入面的鮮蝦, 剛剛炸起的, 脆卜卜的外皮, 加上那惹味的沙律醬, 實是相當醒胃的配搭. 其實如果一個人享用的話, 不妨拿起全個包去吃, 應該是更加滋味的.
Crispy prawn and romaine sandwich
199 浏览
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Crispy prawn and romaine sandwich
135 浏览
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Flatbreads 6” - Garlic, cheddar cheese, rosemary $88: 9分, 除了輕食之外, brunch的選擇也包括6寸flatbreads, 其實flatbreads本身是相當香脆的, 跟薄餅是有點相似. 配上的材料包括有蒜蓉, 車打芝士以及迷迭香, 入口帶香濃的車打芝士味道, 而蒜蓉亦很突出, 再加上點點迷迭香的味道, 實是相當香濃的組合.
Flatbreads 6” - Garlic, cheddar cheese, rosemary
151 浏览
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Flatbreads 6” - Garlic, cheddar cheese, rosemary
86 浏览
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作為大廚Jason Atherton回歸Social系列之作, Aberdeen Street Social的brunch是相當有水準, Lobster Benedict是必吃之選, 鮮嫩的龍蝦肉跟波蛋這個組合是教人怎能抗拒呢, 而Crispy prawn and romaine sandwich跟Flatbreads也是相當令人滿意. 單計這部份的價位, 每人是$157. 至於甜品部份, 就留待在Sweet Social那篇博文內分享了.
153 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$157 (午餐)
Lobster Benedict
Crispy prawn and romaine sandwich
Flatbreads 6” - Garlic, cheddar cheese, rosemary
Eggs Benedict
  • Flatbreads 6” - Garlic cheddar cheese rosemary
2014-07-21 1031 浏览
繼前文,在Aberdeen Street Social的午餐也加了很多Sweet Social的甜品,甜品可以加在Aberdeen Street Social的帳單上,一併埋單。先介紹三款Gelato($35@),分別是‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie、Cheesecake、Passion Fruit Banana。三款中以Passion Fruit Banana最為酸甜清新,中間還有朱古力脆脆,更添口感了。Strawberry Cheesecake就比較一般,根本就是士多啤梨雪糕,就算加上脆餅底也不似cheesecake啊?最後是‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream,朱古力味算OK,也有粒粒朱古力增加口感,但講香濃嘛還是早前吃的Venchi迷人多了~甜餅就更加失望,最前方的‘Jade’ milk chocolate, lemongrass, Greek yogurt ($50),精美但香濃香醇度只一般,中間的‘Sweet Social Cheeseca
繼前文,在Aberdeen Street Social的午餐也加了很多Sweet Social的甜品甜品可以加在Aberdeen Street Social的帳單上,一併埋單。
35 浏览
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先介紹三款Gelato($35@),分別是‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream with chewy brownie、Cheesecake、Passion Fruit Banana。
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三款中以Passion Fruit Banana最為酸甜清新,中間還有朱古力脆脆,更添口感了。Strawberry Cheesecake就比較一般,根本就是士多啤梨雪糕,就算加上脆餅底也不似cheesecake啊?最後是‘JAAL 75%’ our custom chocolate ice cream,朱古力味算OK,也有粒粒朱古力增加口感,但講香濃嘛還是早前吃的Venchi迷人多了~
31 浏览
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甜餅就更加失望,最前方的‘Jade’ milk chocolate, lemongrass, Greek yogurt ($50),精美但香濃香醇度只一般,中間的‘Sweet Social Cheesecake’ strawberry, cream cheese, Greek yoghurt ($55) 更加不似芝士餅之餘,還特別押上店名,抵打!最後是Banana Cake walnut gianduja, caramel ($55),大定都說面層的butter milk cream還算不錯,下面襯以香蕉蛋糕也挺特別。算是較好的一件。
38 浏览
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‘Jade’ milk chocolate, lemongrass, Greek yogurt
46 浏览
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‘Sweet Social Cheesecake’ strawberry, cream cheese, Greek yoghurt
40 浏览
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Banana Cake walnut gianduja, caramel
33 浏览
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綠茶小公主Minnie急問,還有一件綠茶呢?原來‘Matcha Mascarpone’ matcha, raspberry, mascarpone 是連同 Lemon Cake slice,一起點上蠟燭上檯。雖然已經遲了數天,仍祝CEO及Min姐生日快樂~成品為主角帶來少許驚喜,但與訂位時一早答應好安排的生日蛋相比,還是差了一截...
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講真‘Matcha Mascarpone’ matcha, raspberry, mascarpone ($55) 的抹茶醬太甘了,沒有清新的甜味,平衡做得麻麻。反而後方賣相平平無奇的Lemon Cake slice ($15) 檸檬味夠突出、酸甜清新,同時質感十分moist,好好吃呢~
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29 浏览
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29 浏览
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26 浏览
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194 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • Lemon Cake slice