This Simon Rogan’s restaurant is just on the side of Roganic, the Michelin 1-star, and is serving as the development kitchen and chef’s table for customers to enjoy an intimate and interactive dining experience with the chefs, showcasing local ingredients in the cuisine.Arriving early, we are seated at the lounge outside to enjoy a cocktail while the chefs are in preparation. And sharp at 7pm all the guests are taken into the 12-seat chef’s table where the chef is busy getting ready with his sou
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This Simon Rogan’s restaurant is just on the side of Roganic, the Michelin 1-star, and is serving as the development kitchen and chef’s table for customers to enjoy an intimate and interactive dining experience with the chefs, showcasing local ingredients in the cuisine.
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Arriving early, we are seated at the lounge outside to enjoy a cocktail while the chefs are in preparation. And sharp at 7pm all the guests are taken into the 12-seat chef’s table where the chef is busy getting ready with his sous chef.
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The tasting menu is priced at $1,380 and the premier wine pairing at $1,180. To start, I order an extra glass of Champagne Lombard Brut Nature Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs ($240). Made with Chardonnay grapes from the grand cru villages and aged for 48 months in bottle, it has a crisp vibrancy highlighting a chalky mineral tone. Good for getting the palate energized for the foods to come.
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The first three servings are bite-size snacks, starting with Boltardy Beetroot Tart, with the chef using the beetroot to make a puree to add to diced raw Spanish mackerel that has been aged for two days, then drizzle with some coal oil. Rich in umami, on the top is pickled beetroots with young shoots and flowers. The pickles have a nice acidity to stimulate the appetite and matches well with the taste of the mackerel.
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The second is Roasted Three Yellow Chicken Skin, with the skin of the local chicken baked to wonderful crispness and holding some whipped chicken livers, offering a creamy texture and rich taste. The chef also added some preserved lingonberry, a type of small berries reminiscent of cranberry, but with slightly more bitterness and less tartness. Good enjoyment with contrast on the bite, and the lingonberry cleverly used to balance the rich liver pate.  
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The third one is Truffle Pudding, with the homemade bread pudding is made using croissant to provide a more buttery note, with the surface caramelized in birch sap syrup. Inside are some black garlic emulsion and stout vinegar to give a sweet and savoury taste, plus plenty of shaved aged Westcombe cheddar cheese on top. Another example of the chef’s ability to integrate the different flavours into a complex but highly appealing snack.
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After the snacks the first appetizer is Yuniu Young Tomatoes with Set Sea Urchin Cream. The presentation reminds me of Japanese chawanmushi, with a layer of tasty custard infused with sea urchin and lobster meat at the bottom. On top are locally grown small tomatoes, including both dried and fresh ones, which have been marinated with lemon sugar and tomato ponzu. In the middle is the special blend of caviar to add an extra dimension of umami and savoury.
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To pair with the sea urchin cream, the sommelier prepares the sake 木陰の魚 from 嘉美心酒造 in Okayama. Unlike the typical sake, this one is more reminiscent of a white wine, with nice lactic acidity and exhibiting fruity notes of melon, peach, and summer fruit. Good match with the custard and sea urchin.
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The second course is Grilled Brassicas. The baby lettuce has been seared with brine to highlight its original delicate taste, and supplemented with some pickled shimeji, with the chef only using the top part of the mushroom. Together with a winter truffle puree to provide a bit of earthy tone, as well as the creamy fermented horseradish puree on top, this veggie dish demonstrates how the vegetables can combine to provide amazing texture and intense flavours in the hands of a good chef.
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The wine paired is Chateau Brown 2021 from Pessac-Leognan. This Bordeaux white wine has beautiful aromas of pomelo and lemon peel, with floral notes of honeysuckle. Fresh and round, the crisp grapefruit and green apple flavours are good match with the horseradish puree and shimeji mushroom.
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The third course features Scallops from Hokkaido. The large circular shape of the scallop is formed by stacking the scallops before cutting into slices. On top there are smoked pike perch roe, with the poppy fish roe giving an interesting contrast in the bite. Scattered with some chamomile powder, the creamy buttermilk sauce has been supplemented with mustard to good effect.
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The wine paired is Domaine des Marnes Blanches Savagnin Les Molates 2021, from the Cotes du Jura appellation. The wine is aged in old foudres for 11 months, with a classic lemon and saffron flavours, as well as some bitterness on the aftertaste. The Savagnin is a nice pairing with the scallop, matching well the heavier body of the buttermilk sauce.
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The fourth course is Poached Grouper from Aberdeen market. With some tapioca and cabbages cooked in whey at the bottom, the fish is seasoned appropriately to enable its delicate taste to shine through. At the same time the chef has grilled some king oyster mushroom, fermented for two days, brushed with XO sauce before slicing them up and put on top of the fish medallion, before pouring a Kuruma shrimp foam blended on the spot, to provide a rich, intensely flavour.
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Interestingly, the wine paired is a red wine from Tuscany, Le Chiuse Sferracavalli Rosso 2022, served slightly more chilled than usual. The Sangiovese has a sweet raspberry note and its earthy characters match well with the king oyster mushroom. A perfect complement with the shrimp sauce too. I am surprised it does not mask the taste of the grouper or making it unnecessarily fishy.
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The fifth course features Three Yellow Chicken. The chicken breast is poached to retain its tenderness, then browning the skin to give a bit of caramelization, while the thigh has been cooked in confit method using the chicken fat. Mix and match with the local grown Sweet Jean corn, the puree is rich in taste and sweet, with a piece of the corn roasted to go along. Together with the preserved nasturtium, some garlic oil, and a rich and super delicious roasted bone and fats sauce, it is a amazing.
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The wine paired is Abrigo Giovanni Barolo Ravera 2016. With rich red fruit notes of cherries, plum, and raspberry, plus nice floral perfume characters, this Barolo is drinking well at this ‘young’ age. It is great to see the sommelier using the red wine to pair with the famous local chicken because of its richer and more intense taste.
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While I have been wondering all night why there is no bread, we are provided the Homemade Bread together with the chicken. Made with brown sugar with plenty of oats on top, the bread has a bit of crunchy bite. On the side is a brown butter which is creamy and smooth.
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The sixth course is the pre-dessert featuring Frozen Tunworth Cheese, which is known as British Camembert, with a similar taste profile as its French cousin. On top of the cheese ice-cream is a lemon thyme gel to give a nice citrus note to lighten the stronger flavours, with buckwheat crumb underneath offering a good bite, along with the fig compote from the local ‘Zen Farm’ on the side.
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The wine paired is Domaine Belargus Layon Moelleux 2018. This biodynamic wine is from Coteaux du Layon of Loire Valley, with good fresh citrus and apricot aromas, as well as nice mineral waxy notes. The sweetness is beautifully balanced with its acidity, and this is a versatile, not overly-cloying sweet wine, making it a perfect match for different desserts.
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The seventh course features local Strawberries, with the diced fresh fruit sandwiched between the local bee pollen chamomile cake and a dome-shaped set cream, with buttermilk ice-cream inside, offering different texture across the different layers. Scattered with some chamomile powder on top, the dessert has a sauce made from the trimmings of the strawberry added with some chamomile oil, making full use of the ingredient.
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The eighth course is ‘Aulis’, a mysterious dessert encased in wafer showing the name of the restaurant. An interesting concept to use vegetables in the dessert through caramelizing Fuseau artichoke with molasses to make a set parfait, together with some diced pear which has been cooked in brandy, finished with some clarified pear juice and jasmine tea to give refreshing yet complex flavours.
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The last course is Cherry Cake, serving as petits fours, with the top having some whipped earl grey chocolate. A rich bite-sized treat to finish the meal on a satisfying and sweet note, and a perfect complement with coffee to wrap up the dinner.

Service is good, with the staff attentive and friendly, the chef also happy to share with us the ingredients and the details of the dishes. The food is delicious and creative, successfully showcasing the concept of farm to table. The bill on the night is $4,763. Knowing Roganic is going to relocate soon, I hope Aulis will be part of the move and this development kitchen can continue to showcase the HK ingredients.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2382 (晚餐)
2024-03-25 453 瀏覽
We thoroughly enjoyed the presentation, design and taste of the food. But the wine service was so horrible from rude sommelier arguing with all 5 of us whether the wine he picked tasted off to waiter trying to decant using a decanter filled with water at the bottom. We didn’t end up touch the wine and they still charged us the full price of the bottle (HKD1500), although they did offer to waive our welcome drinks. Because of this, we will NEVER GO BACK to the restaurant. The service does not des
We thoroughly enjoyed the presentation, design and taste of the food. But the wine service was so horrible from rude sommelier arguing with all 5 of us whether the wine he picked tasted off to waiter trying to decant using a decanter filled with water at the bottom. We didn’t end up touch the wine and they still charged us the full price of the bottle (HKD1500), although they did offer to waive our welcome drinks. Because of this, we will NEVER GO BACK to the restaurant. The service does not deserve the price they charge.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2024-03-23 478 瀏覽
We had a birthday celebration at the restaurant. however, the services were so disappointing. we ordered a 1,500HKD bottle of wine, and it was off. The Somm flat out refused to recognize that, and we ended up having a debate for the theoretical definition of corked. His attitude and arrogance absolutely ruined the entire experience. We ended up returning the wine, and the restaurant still charged us the full price for the wine. The decaner they brought even had water in it. There was so little
We had a birthday celebration at the restaurant. however, the services were so disappointing. we ordered a 1,500HKD bottle of wine, and it was off. The Somm flat out refused to recognize that, and we ended up having a debate for the theoretical definition of corked. His attitude and arrogance absolutely ruined the entire experience. We ended up returning the wine, and the restaurant still charged us the full price for the wine. The decaner they brought even had water in it. There was so little empathy from the management.
To make it worse, they did so little accommodate allergy and food preferences.
For the price they charge, I expect so much more.
The whole team should really reflect on this.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🌱Aulis和Roganic 是姊妹餐廳,但這裡僅有十二個座位以chef table 的互動形式用餐, 每一道菜都在餐桌前完成最後的擺盤和介紹.👨🏻‍🍳延續主廚Simon Rogan忠於食材的烹飪風格。🌝 整體的調味恰到好處地突出了每一種原食材的自然風味和特性, 展示了廚師對食材的深刻理解和尊重. 🍃🍂💗💗💗💗 重要感受要先提及 : 甜點有被驚艷到🤨- 🟥🟩⬜️草莓搭配酪乳和伯爵茶奶油,這款甜點充滿層次,入口先有鮮甜+微妙的酸度,緊隨一抹淡淡的茶香和奶油的滑順 🍓🥛🍵💁🏻‍♀️ 另外不得不提,少有調酒和甜品這般搭配🫣 他們醇厚咖啡糖般的Espresso Martini與兩款甜品相互映襯,使得每一口都充滿了驚喜和滿足🤯- 🥂 甜點前,侍酒師推薦了兩款白酒給我。對於一向不好甜酒的我,有驚喜到。- 🍯 Moscato Bianco, Marco Capra, Bricco Delle Merende, Moscato d'Asti, 2022 輕盈的氣泡加上細膩的花香蜂蜜味道。- 🥂 Peter Lauer Kupp Faß 18, GG, Riesling, Mosel, Germany, 2
🌱Aulis和Roganic 是姊妹餐廳,但這裡僅有十二個座位以chef table 的互動形式用餐, 每一道菜都在餐桌前完成最後的擺盤和介紹.
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👨🏻‍🍳延續主廚Simon Rogan忠於食材的烹飪風格。🌝 整體的調味恰到好處地突出了每一種原食材的自然風味和特性, 展示了廚師對食材的深刻理解和尊重. 🍃🍂

💗💗💗💗 重要感受要先提及 : 甜點有被驚艷到🤨

- 🟥🟩⬜️草莓搭配酪乳和伯爵茶奶油,這款甜點充滿層次,入口先有鮮甜+微妙的酸度,緊隨一抹淡淡的茶香和奶油的滑順 🍓🥛🍵
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💁🏻‍♀️ 另外不得不提,少有調酒和甜品這般搭配🫣 他們醇厚咖啡糖般的Espresso Martini與兩款甜品相互映襯,使得每一口都充滿了驚喜和滿足🤯
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🥂 甜點前,侍酒師推薦了兩款白酒給我。對於一向不好甜酒的我,有驚喜到。
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- 🍯 Moscato Bianco, Marco Capra, Bricco Delle Merende, Moscato d'Asti, 2022 輕盈的氣泡加上細膩的花香蜂蜜味道。
- 🥂 Peter Lauer Kupp Faß 18, GG, Riesling, Mosel, Germany, 2021 有著獨特米香以及豐富礦物質的一款Riesling。這款酒的複雜性和深度有帶來意想不到的驚喜。

📝 餐單以農場直送為理念,每道菜的食材都有標明出處。

本期餐單 - 餐廳的Sustainability可持續發展哲學重點放在了🐷上。變相吃了個「全豬宴」 🤣


- Espresso Martini
- Gin & House Tonic 煙燻感較重的GT
- Miso Old Fashioned 帶有鹹香調的OF

💁🏻‍♀️ 個人認為Aulis是香港fine dining 中CP值不錯的選擇。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2024-02-04 480 瀏覽
Been meaning to try this 12-seater chef’s table given the recent pleasant experiences at Roganic. Dinner. Supposedly starting at 7 (with an eventual 15 mins delay waiting for some latecomers to turn up). One tasting menu. Here’s what we had.Tartlet filled with caramelized pumpkin, accompanied by a light preserved pumpkin juice.Truffle infused pudding from the group’s bakery in Wanchai, topped with shavings of corra linn (a firm cheddar-style cheese made from sheep’s milk). Texture resembles the
Been meaning to try this 12-seater chef’s table given the recent pleasant experiences at Roganic.
Dinner. Supposedly starting at 7 (with an eventual 15 mins delay waiting for some latecomers to turn up).
One tasting menu. Here’s what we had.
Tartlet filled with caramelized pumpkin, accompanied by a light preserved pumpkin juice.
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Truffle infused pudding from the group’s bakery in Wanchai, topped with shavings of corra linn (a firm cheddar-style cheese made from sheep’s milk). Texture resembles the traditional British Bread n butter pudding.
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Doughnut with pork cooked for 48 hours, topped with a layer of pork belly fat and caviar.
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Sunrise tomatoes with leaves of nasturtium (edible plant) served with black garlic oil.
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Hoikkado scallop (raw at bottom) served with caramelized brine jelly, mushroom stock and buttermilk topped with smoked pike perch roe. The smoky flavors and the smooth acidic buttery sauce balanced well with the sweetness of the scallop.
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Sweetheart cabbage cooked in marjoram (a herb, similar to oregano but milder and sweeter); hen of the woods mushrooms cooked in miso butter and fermented horseradish. The dense, savory meaty texture of the mushrooms and the slightly charred flavor of the cabbage were a perfect combination.
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Steamed egg custard with poached akasaki iwate oyster, broth made with roasted roasted bones of grouper; topped with shreds of sweet kombu.
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Poached grouper from Aberdeen (not the one in Scotland…) On the side: rainbow chard (leafy vegetable with large green leaves, tasting similar but milder than spinach and not as bitter as kale) mixed with elderberry and shiso leaves. Sauce was made with brown butter and roasted tiger shrimps, went well with the meaty texture of the grouper.
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Stuffed pork (head, loin, shoulder which had been diced, steamed and torched) with tokyo turnips (smaller than normal ones and white-coloured, similar but with a milder taste than radishes). Sauce was made with pork bones and infused with lemon thyme mead (ie fermented honey), accentuating the natural flavours of the meat. Served with a delicious slice of bread and camarelised butter.
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Tunworth cheese (a soft white-rinded English Camembert-style cheese), frozen in liquid nitrogen served with custard, alpine plum jam from Taiwan, lemon thyme and malty wheat crumbs.
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Diced strawberries served with buttermilk, earl grey cream, strawberry jus, mint oil and strawberry meringue and seaweed crackers.
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Artichoke mousse served with molasses, infused with pear and jasmine. Loved the starchy texture coupled with the roasted buttery nutty sweetness.
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To finish off: rhubarb tartlet.
In summary: wonderful experience at the chef’s table. Nice balance of textures and flavors.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) Aulis | 📍Causeway BayWhat sets Aulis apart from other fine dining restaurants is its impeccable service and a delicious tasting menu featuring the freshest seasonal produce. The ingredients were versatile, the chefs were meticulous in preparing the food and Julia, the server, was always attentive to our needs and created a relaxing ambience.My favourite dishes are• Truffle pudding caramelised in Birch syrup, aged sorghum vinegar and berkswell• Mushrooms in miso butter, crispy cordyceps,
Aulis | 📍Causeway Bay

What sets Aulis apart from other fine dining restaurants is its impeccable service and a delicious tasting menu featuring the freshest seasonal produce. The ingredients were versatile, the chefs were meticulous in preparing the food and Julia, the server, was always attentive to our needs and created a relaxing ambience.

My favourite dishes are
• Truffle pudding caramelised in Birch syrup, aged sorghum vinegar and berkswell
• Mushrooms in miso butter, crispy cordyceps, with soft yolk and mushroom sauce
• Seaweed custard, hanasaki crab, yam bean noodles and caviar

The list can go on and go. As you can see, the dining experience is truly one of a kind. Reserve a seat to expand your palate!

#hongkong #roganichongkong #britishomakase #britishcuisine #aulishongkong

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2022-12-06 2027 瀏覽
講咗好耐終於嚟食咗 @roganic_simon 喺香港嘅chef’s table🤩 餐廳係正對roganic嘅一個房仔 第一道菜radish/ smoked cod roe/ crispy chicken skin已經留下好嘅印象 爽口嘅蘿蔔包住脆口帶少油香嘅雞皮🤩 咬落口有crunchy texture又帶點清甜😚  招牌松露布甸當然係冇得輸😋  外表係一粒普通嘅麵包cube🍞 食落去散發着香濃嘅松露香味 一粒完全唔夠喉😂  當晚最喜歡嘅係mushrooms in miso butter/ soft yolk/ mushroom sauce 口感有層次 個sauce菇味濃郁 撈埋蛋點sourdough食 正!🥰  📸 1️⃣ Mushrooms in miso butter/ soft yolk/ mushroom sauce 2️⃣ Cauliflower/ eel/ caviar 3️⃣ A4 wagyu striploin/ black garlic/ sweet potato 4️⃣ Birch sap glazed truffle pudding/ aged vinegar/ Linco
講咗好耐終於嚟食咗 @roganic_simon 喺香港嘅chef’s table🤩 
第一道菜radish/ smoked cod roe/ crispy chicken skin已經留下好嘅印象 
咬落口有crunchy texture又帶點清甜😚  

食落去散發着香濃嘅松露香味 一粒完全唔夠喉😂  

當晚最喜歡嘅係mushrooms in miso butter/ soft yolk/ mushroom sauce 口感有層次 個sauce菇味濃郁 撈埋蛋點sourdough食 正!🥰  

1️⃣ Mushrooms in miso butter/ soft yolk/ mushroom sauce 
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2️⃣ Cauliflower/ eel/ caviar 
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3️⃣ A4 wagyu striploin/ black garlic/ sweet potato 
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4️⃣ Birch sap glazed truffle pudding/ aged vinegar/ Lincolnshire Poacher 
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5️⃣ Seaweed custard/ cured trout roe 
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6️⃣ Kelp cured salmon/ celtuce/ scallop garum 
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7️⃣ Scallop/ whey/ smoked pike roe 
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8️⃣ Radish/ smoked cod roe/ crispy chicken skin 
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9️⃣ “Aulis” (miso caramel/ fermented apple kombucha) 
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🔟 Fennel seed doughnut

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2022-10-17 1480 瀏覽
📍Aulis Back at Aulis within a short period of time as I thoroughly enjoyed the first interactive experience. Last time, we mostly chatted with @choimingfai and this time we got to chat with @mmmmoooose_ , both are passionate in what they do and they kept striving to improve on their menu, as well as the whole dining experience. Bravo to the two young chefs! Good that their tasting menu changed up a bit so we got to try some new items but at the same time get their staples. We started off with th

Back at Aulis within a short period of time as I thoroughly enjoyed the first interactive experience. Last time, we mostly chatted with @choimingfai and this time we got to chat with @mmmmoooose_ , both are passionate in what they do and they kept striving to improve on their menu, as well as the whole dining experience. Bravo to the two young chefs!

Good that their tasting menu changed up a bit so we got to try some new items but at the same time get their staples.

We started off with the watermelon radish, smoked cod roe and
crispy chicken skin. A very refreshing start.

The truffle pudding is a savory version of a bread pudding as it’s topped with shaved cheese. Can have it any day, any time!

Then there is this beautiful pocket of Hong Kong pea, ox tongue and pineapple mint. Presentation matters 👌🏻

The seaweed custard and cured salmon roe was a bit too salty. I like the last crab version a lot more.

The scallop dish with whey and smoked pike roe was simple. Enjoyed the natural sweetness of the scallop.

The mushrooms in miso butter, crispy cordyceps, soft yolk and mushroom sauce was my favorite. It’s very rich and perfect to dip the sourdough. Nothing fancy but very yummy.

For the two main courses, the kelp cured salmon with scallop garum and local beans. The salmon was very soft. The dry aged wagyu, fermented black garlic and sweet potato was better than the previous chicken dish.

For desserts, we actually liked the free birthday earl grey tart the most!

Don’t forget to order their impressive juice pairing which is a must try!

Price: HK$1500 pp (dinner)

Revisit: 10/10

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2022-08-25 703 瀏覽
📍AudisMy last dining experience at Roganic was good and I noticed that there was another restaurant within the same location, so I immediately made a booking to give this interactive dining experience a try. Headed by two young chefs @choimingfai and @mmmmoooose_ , Aulis’s summer tasting menu had quite a bit of Japanese elements with some superb summer ingredients. Some of my favorite dishes include the watermelon radish, smoked cod roe andcrispy chicken skin. It was very refreshing with a compl

My last dining experience at Roganic was good and I noticed that there was another restaurant within the same location, so I immediately made a booking to give this interactive dining experience a try.

Headed by two young chefs @choimingfai and @mmmmoooose_ , Aulis’s summer tasting menu had quite a bit of Japanese elements with some superb summer ingredients.

Some of my favorite dishes include the watermelon radish, smoked cod roe and
crispy chicken skin. It was very refreshing with a complex texture.

The truffle pudding is always my favorite over the soda bread.

The white geoduck, Okinawan sea grapes and fennel broth was super fresh and I didn’t expect such a dish at a British restaurant.

Seaweed custard, hanasaki crab, Yam
bean noodles and caviar. It is like another version of Japanese chawanmushi. Silky smooth steamed egg with a generous amount of crab meat.

The mushrooms in miso butter, crispy
cordyceps, soft yolk and mushroom sauce was very rich and perfect to dip the sourdough. Nothing fancy but very yummy.

For the two main courses, I prefer the salmon over the yellow chicken as the chicken was slightly over cooked.

The desserts were light and put a perfect ending to the meal. Very satisfying.

We opted for their juice pairing and I have to say it is really really impressive. Strongly recommend it! Love @custocrash passion and I can’t wait to try more of your creations by utilizing all sorts of leftover ingredients.

At the end of the meal, the two chefs would come around and chat about their concepts, even though they have been explaining themselves throughout the meal.

Love the whole dining experience. You can feel the whole team’s passion in what they do and it conveys in their dishes and drinks.

Price: HK$1500 pp (dinner)

Revisit: 10/10

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Had been to Roganic once, amazed and intrigued by what/ how the dishes are made, decided to give it a try on Aulis - where we can interact with chefs/ sommeliers and witnessing the whole process on how they transform food from farm-to-table 👨🏻‍🍳🌿🥘𝘼𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙚𝙣𝙪* Smoked eel and cucumber tartlet* 🌟Truffle pudding and stout* Crab and celtuce * 🌟Sourdough and cultured butter (with fermented butter 🧈🤌🏻)* Cabbage, hen of the woods and buttermilk* Salmon, radish and barbecued lettuce* 🌟Three-
Had been to Roganic once, amazed and intrigued by what/ how the dishes are made, decided to give it a try on Aulis - where we can interact with chefs/ sommeliers and witnessing the whole process on how they transform food from farm-to-table 👨🏻‍🍳🌿🥘

𝘼𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙚𝙣𝙪

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* Smoked eel and cucumber tartlet
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* 🌟Truffle pudding and stout
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* Crab and celtuce
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* 🌟Sourdough and cultured butter (with fermented butter 🧈🤌🏻)
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* Cabbage, hen of the woods and buttermilk
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* Salmon, radish and barbecued lettuce
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* 🌟Three-yellow chicken, sprouting broccoli and black garlic
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* Rose and strawberry
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* Caramelised apple tart, verjus and white tea
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🌟 ᴍᴜsᴛ-ᴛʀʏ ᴅɪsʜᴇs

💌 Such a delightful lunch - loving the experimental and innovative concept of Aulis. After all, fine dining is not just about bringing the most luxurious ingredients to the plate, but the technicality and extensive trial & errors on turning the most common/ local ingredients into something that could get customers blown away - and Aulis definitely did that ☺️☺️

📍: Aulis - Causeway Bay, HK
💰: HK$ 888/person (Late Lunch Menu)
🎖: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) 

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Truffle pudding
My partner and I were lucky to get a last minute booking here in early Jan right after the dining restriction was put in place again. Everything from the menu (which was personalised with my name!) to the food and especially the service was impeccable. Julia our server did an excellent job making sure our drinks were never empty, and was super attentive and knowledgeable about the wine pairings! But she went above and beyond: I lost my earring and didn’t realize until I got home, was sure that I
My partner and I were lucky to get a last minute booking here in early Jan right after the dining restriction was put in place again. Everything from the menu (which was personalised with my name!)
to the food and especially the service was impeccable. Julia our server did an excellent job making sure our drinks were never empty, and was super attentive and knowledgeable about the wine pairings!
But she went above and beyond: I lost my earring and didn’t realize until I got home, was sure that I’d never see it again. A couple of days later I recieved an email from Julia saying she found and earring and was pretty sure it was mine! This is the pinnacle of service and now I will probably be disappointed to go anywhere else haha. Go to Aulis, celebrate and enjoy, and I hope you get Julia as well!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2021-10-18 2565 瀏覽
𝑨𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒔📍 UG08, Sino Plaza, 255 Gloucester Rd, Causeway Bay英國名廚Simon Roganic旗下,位於Roganic入面嘅Aulis係一個廚師餐桌型式嘅餐廳。有啲似日本料理嘅廚師發板,因為大廚想令廚師同客人有互動同交流所以佢嘅房間唔算大,一共設置咗12位嘅高櫈座椅圍繞住廚師煮菜可以俾客人目睹廚師準備不同菜式嘅過程。今次我哋食咗佢哋嘅set dinner ($1280pp),一共有13個菜式。其中比較出色嘅係:𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 9/10呢個係佢哋出名嘅黑松露布甸,但實際上佢係一個類似迷你麵包口感嘅前菜識落好香牛油同埋黑松露香味,但食落一啲都唔會有肥膩嘅感覺,又可以一啖食得晒嘅真係一個唔錯嘅前菜。𝑺𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝑬𝒆𝒍, 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 8/10呢一個外型似菠蘿包但入面個涵係行咸。個涵用咗鰻魚整成cream,好重忌廉嘅香味同好似菠蘿包嘅外層味道好夾。𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓, 𝑪𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝑮𝒓𝒖𝒎 8.5/10鯛魚嘅皮燒得好脆好薄,魚肉亦都己有口感。配上佢哋整嘅魚汁同埋椰菜落清得嚟又好香,連我呢個本身唔鍾意食魚嘅人都覺得味
📍 UG08, Sino Plaza, 255 Gloucester Rd, Causeway Bay

英國名廚Simon Roganic旗下,位於Roganic入面嘅Aulis係一個廚師餐桌型式嘅餐廳。有啲似日本料理嘅廚師發板,因為大廚想令廚師同客人有互動同交流所以佢嘅房間唔算大,一共設置咗12位嘅高櫈座椅圍繞住廚師煮菜可以俾客人目睹廚師準備不同菜式嘅過程。

今次我哋食咗佢哋嘅set dinner ($1280pp),一共有13個菜式。其中比較出色嘅係:

𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 9/10

𝑺𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝑬𝒆𝒍, 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 8/10

𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓, 𝑪𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝑮𝒓𝒖𝒎 8.5/10

整體來講佢哋嘅set dinner嘅菜式比起一般嘅fine dinning較清淡所以雖然菜式好多但係食完都唔會覺得好濟。不過略嫌菜式有少少普通冇乜驚喜。員工嘅服務態度亦都好好,都算係一個開心嘅experience嚟嘅😬

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2021-10-13 1509 瀏覽
擺盤需簡單,但精緻,看得出廚師用心烹調我個人最喜愛是黑松露布甸 (一粒不夠 😩)唯一較為失望是帶子是用噴槍燒而不是煎或用其他方式烹調,用噴槍首先令帶子面很焦,賣相不好看 ,其次是感覺要快,有違自然,健康與否不多説了。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Truffle pudding
2021-07-12 1762 瀏覽
Amazing dinner at Aulis in cwb. It’s a British cuisine found by Rogan Simon This is one of my favourite fine dining restaurant in HK. 👍👍👍 Went to sister shop Roganic in HK and London prior to my visit in here. Great food & services & ambience. The restaurant only has 12 seats available- Interactive dining experience, the chef prepare the meal in front of you, just like western version Omakase😜 Only serve tasting menu for dinner at $1500+ for 15 courses. 1️⃣Sea urchin custard w/ caviar:👍2️⃣tart: this
Amazing dinner at Aulis in cwb. It’s a British cuisine found by Rogan Simon

This is one of my favourite fine dining restaurant in HK. 👍👍👍 Went to sister shop Roganic in HK and London prior to my visit in here. Great food & services & ambience. The restaurant only has 12 seats available- Interactive dining experience, the chef prepare the meal in front of you, just like western version Omakase😜 Only serve tasting menu for dinner at $1500+ for 15 courses.
1️⃣Sea urchin custard w/ caviar:👍
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2️⃣tart: this kind of small bites is my fav element in British fine dining cuisine😋
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3️⃣Chicken skin
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4️⃣Truffle pudding
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5️⃣Raw Scallop/ oyster/ cucumber juice: the only dish I don’t like in here- fishy and cucumber juice is...😐
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7️⃣mashed potato
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🔟Beetroot ice cream
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Price:$1500+ for dinner
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
  • Truffle pudding
Hidden away off the busy streets of Causeway Bay in a plaza is the wonderful British cuisine restaurant Roganic, and inside there is a private room which is Simon Rogan's own intimate Chef's Table dubbed Aulis.With just 12 seats it’s almost the feeling of being at an Omakase Bar serving Western Cuisine.With frosted doors splitting you off from the main dining room. Just sitting down you already feel special.The atmosphere set feels sophisticated but yet not rigid or uncomfortable that you feel y
Hidden away off the busy streets of Causeway Bay in a plaza is the wonderful British cuisine restaurant Roganic, and inside there is a private room which is Simon Rogan's own intimate Chef's Table dubbed Aulis.

With just 12 seats it’s almost the feeling of being at an Omakase Bar serving Western Cuisine.

With frosted doors splitting you off from the main dining room. Just sitting down you already feel special.

The atmosphere set feels sophisticated but yet not rigid or uncomfortable that you feel you have to talk quietly like in a 3 star Michelin.

The chef introduced himself with vigor and was always smiling and friendly and with this seating you all have to sit down at 19:30.

If you arrive late, you'd miss out a course. Because it is a performance not just a meal.

I opted for the wine pairing (HK$680) and also tried some cocktails, and especially liked the Mango based one with spice added! 🥭🍸
Wine Pairing
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First course, the Salmon Roe Tart, was wonderful with the ikura popping in your mouth and the tart case incredibly thin. A taste of umami.

After such a veritable treat the chef served us some of his aged Fermented Dill Kombucha (fermented cultured yeast and bacteria) he let us try it prior to explaining what it was. It was very unique and flavorful but I doubt I would have tried it outside of this unique setting.
I was surprised 😮 

The next course was a Truffle Pudding which came in a small cube. The truffle flavor on the top blending with the base making a wonderful play on the tastebuds. One of my favorite courses that night! 

To follow came a translucent clear dome with a dollop of caviar on top garnished with micro greens, this kohlrabi dome with the apple and smoked eel brought me to Japan 🇯🇵 but then back to UK like the Apple onto Issac Newton’s head. It was a combination you would never thought would work, but it just did! 

The next smell filled the room was this cute mini loaf of Brioche 🍞 which came freshly out of the oven in front of our eyes. Served with Chicken Liver pate 🐔 and Tomato Jam 🍅. It was rich in flavor and goodness but the tomato kept the flavors in check which meant you could keep eating and eating without it getting sickly and bland.

Then it looked like the chef was cooking pasta. But when served, it opened our eyes again, the spaghetti actually was Celeriac which gave it a healthy twist with a delicious Lincolnshire poacher white sauce. 
 Another favorite of the night! 

The next dish brought me into the true British Basic flavors scene.
Cauliflower scallops but then flavors infused with hazelnuts into the aioli and sauce. You see the dish and think 🤔 way too much sauce. But I was using my bread to finish the sauce! Loved this course too! 

The next dish I thought was OK, standard stuff British Salmon Roulade. But it wasn’t just any Roulade, the dashi like broth and garnish of wild vegetables on top lifted the dish and made me want more!

Finally Pigeon prepared two ways in a Pithivier and breast served medium rare. Small but adequate portions cooked to perfection and in my opinion just the right amount, the sauce with the blackberries cutting through and making the pigeon sing from its grave. 🕊️

Then to refresh our mouth out came a Rose infused Strawberry pickled Sorbet 🍓. This was fresh and interesting as after all the wine pairings cleansed my mouth ready for the best dessert to come.

The Coffee ☕ Custard Tart. Two such simple ingredients but brining them together was marvelous. The tart base was nice and crusty and the flavors of the custard reminded me of crack pie 🥧 it’s one of those desserts you cannot put down.

Finally a twist at the end, Black Garlic Macaroons. For me this could be given a miss. Yes it was interesting but I like garlic with my savory and not after my sweets because then I have the aftertaste in my mouth all the way home. 

Overall the meal was a unique star performance
Well executed, timely, flavorful and most important good value.

Dinner:  $1280 p.p.  (+ HK$680 wine pairing) 
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2000 (晚餐)
$ 1280