港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘
59935958 (WhatsApp)
last order 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
17:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
*last order 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Recently, I have dined at El Vaso de Oro HK, and it was an experience that tantalized my taste buds from start to finish.Salmon Tartare The meal began with the salmon tartare, which was a delightful start. The salmon was incredibly fresh, finely diced, and perfectly seasoned. Each bite was a burst of flavor, complemented by a hint of citrus that elevated the dish. The presentation was vibrant, making it as pleasing to the eye as it was to the palate.White Bean Salad Next up was the white bean salad. This dish was a refreshing medley of textures and flavors. The creamy beans were paired with crisp vegetables and a tangy dressing that brought everything together. It was light yet satisfying, making it an excellent complement to the heavier dishes to follow.Lamb Spareribs The highlight of the meal was undoubtedly the lamb spareribs. Cooked to perfection, the meat was tender and succulent, falling off the bone with ease. The marinade was rich and flavorful, infused with aromatic spices that enhanced the natural taste of the lamb. Each bite was a savory delight, and I found myself savoring every morsel.Catalan Cream For dessert, I indulged in the Catalan cream. This classic dessert was silky smooth and decadently rich, with a perfectly caramelized top that added a delightful crunch. It was a sweet ending to an already impressive meal, leaving a lasting impression.Butterfly Pea Rose Tea To wash it all down, I opted for the butterfly pea rose tea. This visually stunning tea not only looked beautiful but also offered a unique floral flavor that was both refreshing and calming.
今晚黎到依間係上環隱藏係巷仔入面既西班牙餐廳, 都可以話係hidden gem, 去到餐廳得番室外既位, 原來都幾多外國人黎食野飲野架喎Classic wagyu beef tartar with toast - 和牛他他食落口感好好, 配埋牛油同烤到脆一脆既toast絕對係完美既配合呀!Potato Omelete with Onion. Bodega Style - 薯仔蛋餅味道適中, 食落口感好鬆軟既感覺, 鐘意食薯仔既唔好錯過~Crispy Potato with Spicy Sauce - bite size 既薯仔炸到岩岩外脆內軟,雖然係spicy sauce 但我覺得只係微辣, 唔太食得辣既我都覺得唔錯Bikini. Iberico Ham and Melted Cheese Sandwich with Black Truffle - 依個真係必點, 上到枱亦都要盡快食, 黑松露多士配熱溶cheese+ham 依個組合無可挑剔Fresh Squid with Garlic and Parsley - 原條既厚切魷魚,魷魚既口感特別有彈性有咬口,淋上香芹醬與檸檬汁,食落個味道幾refreshing喎Chocolate cake 70% - 朋友鐘意食朱古力, 所以就叫左依個dessert, 濃郁既朱古力配埋lemon sorbet, 兩人share 岩岩好飲品方面叫左杯 White peach Earl Grey, 出奇地夾既一杯無酒精飲品, 又可以解解膩
充滿西班牙酒莊主題木系主調配鮮艷麗彩瓷磚懷舊異國風情,俾人感覺好relaxlunch 3道菜 chill住嘆Set Lunch $188/up include an Appetizer, a Main course and Dessert餐前包🥖欖油法包香脆可口Sweet Potato Soup with Poached Egg濃郁甜薯湯甜甜地,添上流心蛋口感變得雙重CreamyBaby Octopus Stew in Confit Onion八爪魚糅合秘製油封汁,配合得非常鹹鮮Spanish Lamb $258羊排配秘製 Chimichurri sauce獨特肉層與油脂分隔肉嫩無比,微脆嫩滑Juicy配菜薯角和蕃茄Black Ink Paella $198 黑鼆鼆嘅燴飯吸收咗墨魚汁精華,米粒鹹鮮分明配蘆筍魷魚Catalan cream賣相似Crème brûlée,表面既焦糖香脆,口感軟滑,一陣陣肉桂和檸檬香Daily ice cream scoop熱情果雪芭,透心涼酸酸甜甜,清新怡人。
⭐️評分:4/5-上環有各種小店,滿滿驚喜深度遊必到!!這次更找到值得收藏小店-✳️Baby Octopus一隻隻原隻的小八爪鱼,洋蔥蒜汁特濃,好入味,八爪鱼鮮味強烈,質地略軟熟-✳️White bean salad獨特,白豆沙律配搭鱈魚碎,淋上黑松露黑醋醬汁,調味豐富多元,酸甜中和海鮮鹽鹹鮮味,口感軟糯帶膠質感-✳️Spanish lamb👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻推介🔥逼出羊架油香,儘管保留脂肪層,羶味都不會過重,反而保留羊肉特色肉質一梭梭,油潤有光澤,配搭青醬更可口特別推介💥超輕脆薯角,平常的都是厚重實在內量綿密,但這家的外在飽滿,但實際薄身輕脆,散發濃郁薯香-✳️Oven roasted chicken 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻出色!肉質柔嫩滑溜,油份稍稍偏高,但肉質真的有驚艷到!感謝朋友讓出了雞腿哈哈,蒜香調味融入雞肉南瓜柔滑,綿密感重,甜度高! 香菇軟熟,用牛油炒香-✳️餐前包 👍🏻👍🏻加上檻欖油烤焗,質地輕薄乾脆,中間的面團紋路清晰可見,空氣感滿滿,感覺新穎,很過癮-✳️Dessert 👍🏻獨特,外表像焦糖布丁,但內裡稠密結身,帶淡淡奶香,不似布丁的滑溜Q彈--⭐味道 4.5/5⭐️特色 4/5⭐️環境 3.5/5⭐️性價比 3.5/5 ⭐️服務 3.5/5
上環摩羅街附近一向都中西交融,嚟到附近行吓見到呢間好good vibe嘅西班牙餐廳,食物好似幾正宗,拉咗朋友入去佢哋試佢哋set lunch 🥗唔使煩,大家叫左以下食品分享:-Appetizer🥢Croquettes of the day with mix green salad - 即係類似可樂餅,新鮮炸起,脆卜卜,外脆內軟,配合旁邊Fresh嘅沙律菜平衡返🥢Baby octupus stew- 呢個八爪魚煮得啱啱好唔會太硬,好有西班牙風味Main dish:🥢Spanish lamb spareribs - 非常喜歡羊既我哋毫不猶豫揀左呢個主菜,一食就知道個好好嘅選擇,羊獨有既蘇味好配合佢特制既Sauce,而配菜嘅薯角亦都係新鮮炸起,並唔係返炸嘅感覺😌🥢Fresh mussel- mussel 亦冇令我哋失望,青口份量好多,而每粒嘅肉質都好好亦唔係細隻,配合埋啲Sauce, 食唔停口甜品 🍧Catalan cream- 招牌燉蛋,我覺得係佢嘅招牌菜之一!面頭嘅焦糖非常脆,而燉蛋亦好濃嘅蛋香同雲呢拿味,非常滑口❤️