1-min walk from Exit C, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
The famous old Chaozhou cuisine restaurant used to locate in Jordan and now reopened in Yau Ma Tei. continue reading
Opening Hours
17:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
17:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (361)
Level4 2025-01-14
Bookmarked this Chiu Chow resto for a long time, and finally had the chance to visit with my colleagues for dinner. .We ordered the following dishes to share:-Chinese Chives with Pig Blood CurdThe generously portioned blood curd was substantial without any unpleasant odour. It had an elastic texture and rich savoury. -Wasabi Sliced Cuttlefish with IceThe cool and chewy cuttlefish, each piece evenly sliced, sat atop a layer of sesame oil. The umami taste of the cuttlefish was enhanced by the wasabi. -Famous Marinated GooseThe nicely-marinated goose was accompanied by flavourful tofu at the base, esp after absorbing the marinade sauce. -Pan-fried Oyster PancakeThe pancake was crispy and the oysters were incredibly fresh, which melted in ur mouth with each bite. -Stir-fried Water Spinach with Belecan in Stone PotThe fragrant water spinach, slightly salty from the belecan shrimp paste, displayed a great wok hei. -Deep-fried Chinese Noodlefish with Spiced Salt The noodlesfish had a crunchy exterior and a soft interior. It was truly succulent and served piping hot. -Chiu Chow Thin Clams This dish was not particularly memorable. .The resto offered a diverse selection of dishes, providing a Chiu Chow style dining experience. With two floors, it could accomodate a good number of customers. The floor was a bit oily though. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小編今日來到油麻地一間潮州餐館「紅伶飯店」,於本地經營超過50年,主打正宗的潮州菜而聞名,經典潮州菜式包括滷水鵝、冰鎮墨魚、蠔煎餅、反沙芋等,每道菜都保持了潮州菜的原汁原味,適合一大班親朋好友共聚一餐👏🏼「滷水雜錦」份量足抵食,當中10款食材包括生腸、鵝腸、紅腸、墨魚、豬耳、鵝腎、豬大腸、豬頭肉🐷、豆卜、大豆芽、滷水汁味道不太鹹,食材不會肥膩,而且處理得乾淨,生腸特別脆爽,鵝腎味道香濃,墨魚新鮮口感脆滑鮮甜🦑,一次過品嚐多款豐富美食,值得一試✨「冰鎮芥辣墨魚片」🦑 雪白切片的墨魚鮮美滋味,墨魚簡單汆燙後再冰鎮,保有食材原來滋味,口感方面咬起來十分彈牙,口感嫩中帶脆,味道帶點麻油香味,加上日式醬油提升鮮味,舖底的是潮洲鹹酸菜,爽口又醒胃,更加增加食慾🙌🏻「馳名煎蠔餅」傳統的傳州菜式,以煎炸的方法將蠔和粉漿混合再煎到兩邊金黃色,入口酥脆香口,粒粒飽滿蠔肉,肥美鮮甜,配搭魚露提升鮮味🦪 「潮州反沙芋」是經典的潮州功夫甜點💜先把砂糖下鑊慢火炒溶成液狀,令芋頂條被糖液全包著後,再轉乾回沙糖狀包著芋頭條,此過程又叫「反沙」🙌🏻 芋頭外層包裹薄薄一層白色糖霜,咬下之後酥香帶甜,裡面鬆軟可口,加入少少葱花增加味道層次,用料簡單而美味,必食甜品之選✅🍽 :滷水雜錦;冰鎮芥辣墨魚片;馳名煎蠔餅;潮州反沙芋👅好味指數:8.0/10;8.25/10;7.75/10;8.25/10💰消費:HK$139;HK$109;HK$86;HK$100📍 地址:紅伶飯店 油麻地砵蘭街10-16號宜發大廈地下D及E號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友團年晚飯,揀間舊式有味道既紅伶飯店🍴必食芥辣墨魚片😋,超爽口,豉油有陣麻油味每枱必點🫶🏼鹵水鵝片,又係好食😋😋驚喜之作,紅燒乳鴿,估唔到咁好食,皮脆肉嫩真係一定要叫😌😋😋😋另外XO醬小炒王又係送酒必備,好好好食🤩個韭菜係爽甜架😋😋😋😋甜品叫咗個焦糖反沙芋😌其餘嘅都Ok ga🫶🏼🍴總數叫咗16個餸難得舊式飯店既服務態度非常良好🫶🏼🍴絕對值得大家支持🍴🫶🏼埋單2千6 7個人食🍴叫咗9大罐啤酒🍺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-11
10/1/2025晚上8:15左右係出面排隊等位,係我哋前邊有兩位,到佢哋時飯店職員就話有張大枱間開比佢哋坐,但到我哋時,已排隊半小時以上,我見飯店入面有一張枱,職員行出嚟竟然係叫我哋後邊嗰五位入先,而我哋仲要繼續喺度排隊,重要既野需要再強調多次,我哋排隊先,排我地後面既竟然可以入先,最終排到我哋嘅時候,飯店職員竟然安排後面五位入先,非常不公平!天氣已經凍喇,仲要受到不公平對待,不開心既體驗,幾好食都係假! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
傳統打冷飯店在香港經已買少見少🧐紅伶這間五十多年的老字號早年經歷結業後重開,仍然長期座無虛席🤩在不少人心目中依然是打冷的不二之選😎———————————————————————滷水鵝下庄肉量頗多🪿鵝皮部分厚得來頗有彈性😃鵝肉肉質軟嫩😊只是整體脂肪比例偏高😈健康人士在進食時自行去掉肥膏會比較少負擔感🤓調味方面,滷水汁未會太鹹👌🏻鵝肉連同墊底的豆腐和花生都十分入味😋墨魚片非常厚切🤯賣相看似平平無奇,但入口非常鮮味🥹口感極之爽彈😆麻油和芥辣醬油的香氣更是為菜式錦上添花🥰炸漿厚薄適中,九肚魚肉質嫩滑☺️即使魚身有水分亦未有令外皮變濕變淋👍🏻整體處理算是十分到位👌🏻雞軟骨爽脆得來帶有少許肥膏🤌🏻口感十足,鹹蛋黃香濃之如未會過分重口味😙但整體上就未夠乾身🤏🏻過分濕潤令香脆度大大降低😐炸蒜香氣非常濃烈🔥辣度十分輕微🫰🏻茄子經油炸後都未會太過油膩👍🏻但略嫌切得太薄😗令口感上大打折扣😣未夠外脆內軟🧐蠔仔粒粒飽滿脹卜卜🦪味道鮮甜😋份量頗多,反而米粒份量就算是偏少😅帶來的飽足感亦相對較輕😆與蠔仔粥一樣,蠔餅的蠔無論是質素和數量都十分出色😚炸漿酥脆不油膩😝而且有兩大塊,CP值極高🤩蜆的份量雖多但很多都未有開口🫨肉質也不算鮮甜😔加上醬汁過多,鑊氣亦欠奉😕算是整晚令人最為失望的菜式😣———————————————————————除了菜式有水準,紅伶的用餐環境都十分有氣氛🥳的確非常值得來體驗🤪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)