Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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La Parole is the first restaurant in Hong Kong to donate its revenue (after deducting necessary expenses) to a charitable organization. A couple of their signature dishes include
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
選這間法國菜餐廳, 主要是因為它的社企背景, 最後他的菜式和服務也盡給我們驚喜了餐廳推出五道菜精選 有沙律、前菜、餐湯、主菜和甜品 食品質素好 六折優惠 物超所值 尤其喜愛香醋沙律、特濃龍蝦湯和香酵脆鴨腿服務生貼心招待 給我們大夥人安排了方長枱 非常適合聚餐聊天 而且招呼週到 為着我們生日小星準備的甜品也是驚喜 非常愉快和美好的晚上..............................
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午餐有唔少選擇,不過都係牛扒、豬扒、魚、雞、意粉。款式都係一般港式西餐廳嘅大路款式同埋口味,冇咩特色或者新鮮感嘅選擇。價錢由250至340左右。環境都算坐得寬敞同埋空間感充足。「菠菜忌廉湯配鵪鶉蛋及西班牙火腿絲」味道正常,有一粒鵪鶉蛋,但又唔會為個湯帶嚟唔同層次嘅味道。中間有少量嘅火腿絲,令到個湯有少少鹹香味。整體嚟講,冇咩令人有特別感覺嘅湯。「西班牙黑毛豬」黑毛豬七成熟,味道正常。唔會話特別香甜,比較冇咩味。配以少量嘅黑醋醬,同埋蘋果醬,賦予一啲酸酸甜甜嘅味道。餐仲有綠茶雪糕或者慕絲做甜品。環境: ★★★☆☆ 食物: ★★★☆☆ 推介指數: ★★★☆☆
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如想和4至5位女朋友在上環食lunch就可考慮這社企法國菜!地方夠晒寬躺,環境舒適,食物夠份量及味道合格!因肚餓,今次诀定自己食一份羊架,七成熟剛好,賣相美觀,味道合適。另三位朋友只了沙律,青口及意粉。每樣食物的份量相對豐富,對不太肚餓的三位女士分享也非常足夠。另一位order煎豬排,份量也多,細食的朋友也未能食晒,所以也由其他朋友共享!餐後甜品是美味的拿破崙旦糕一小件,當然少不了一杯回魂咖啡來round up 這一頓美食!
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La Parole3/F, The Pemberton, 22-26 Bonham Strand, Sheung WanThis conscience social enterprise has been started for 10 years and we have the coupons so would like to try, but the waiters refused to let us use it just because we didn’t speak in advance, I think they better add some notifications.The quality of food is not excellent but above the average.The taste and crispness of French buns are good, and the fragrance is average. Foie gras is quite eye-catching, and it’s rich and buttery, worth a try. The dessert is quite good also.
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