5-min walk from Exit B6, Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station continue reading
The design of this French Restaurant is elegant. It is operated by an experienced team. The dishes are served with high quality ingredients from different countries and exquisite plating. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (616)
餐廳裝修以現代的簡約歐洲風為主🇫🇷由法國藍帶大廚主理👨‍🍳以傳統的法國菜烹調方法🔥混合西歐其他地方特色的菜式,將食材的味道昇華🔝餐廳全部出品從麵包、主菜至甜品皆自家製作。最重要係性價比極高,價錢大眾化便可以食到傳統法國菜的味道😀最新的招牌菜,西班牙紅配自家製手打意大利粉🍝紅蝦色澤漂亮,蝦味濃郁🦐蝦膏香濃甘甜,鮮味十足,意大利粉口感軟軟糯糯,爽口彈牙,每條意粉也掛滿紅蝦汁,香口惹味😋另一道主菜,炭燒美國西冷熟成牛扒🥩大廚先將牛扒Dry Aged 28天📆令牛肉味道更濃烈飽滿,再用230至300℃炭燒而成🔥入口非常油潤甘香,肉質軟嫩,牛味極重😍頭盤更有法國生蠔,口感爽脆🦪海水味很重,鮮味十足,層次豐富😙再來三隻焗蠔,肥大飽滿脹卜卜,蠔味濃,口感非常creamy🤤還有法國無激素鵪鶉脾🍗高蛋白、低脂肪和低膽固醇,口感肉嫩味濃😊三文魚他他配牛油果,有兩種不同口感,很清新,底層還有大量魚籽🥰簡單又美味一款前菜,非常合適夏天享用。以傳統龍蝦湯烹調的方法🦞加入地道材料熬製🥘精髓在於以龍蝦殼炒製熬湯🍲經過多重工序,味道濃縮再濃縮,鮮味香濃,鮮甜無比,令人一試難忘😃法式洋蔥湯也是法國菜的代表之一🧅新鮮焗製,面層鋪上一層芝士🧀入面有炒香的洋蔥和粒粒麵包,口感層次非常豐富😊雪葩是西式甜品的一種,口感類似雪糕🍧製法是將新鮮水果冷藏至結冰後磨成沙冰🍨新鮮生果糖份含量較低,比雪糕健康,感覺更清爽🧊一上枱賣相非常吸引🤩還有冒煙效果,打卡一流📸雪葩口感順滑, 味道不太甜,充滿水果香味,絕對係夏天透心凉之避❄️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間法國餐廳👭🏻孖妹bookmark左好耐,好多人讚無論環境、食物質素、店員服務都好好,👷🏻‍♀️細孖今日有事慶祝😊請左👩🏻‍💼大孖一齊試下法國餐😆餐廳環境好闊落,環境舒適,燈燒調到暗暗地好有情調😳 今日星期都好多ladies光顧,餐廳提供多樣單點項目、晚市套餐,👭🏻孖妹揀左Set dinner,食足4個courses,upgrade左幾樣食物同叫左兩cocktail摸下酒杯底😍🔸 🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🥢法式慢煮廣島蠔✨店員建議食左蘿蔔再先飲湯,蘿蔔煮到好腍入哂味,冇渣,廣島蠔用左慢煮烹調,好濃味鮮甜,另配紫薑喺解廣島蠔腥味🥢蟹沙律酥皮撻✨以0.001mm厚酥皮疊起幾層整成撻皮,加入以沙律醬撈勻嘅蟹肉,以食用花裝飾,好精緻😍蟹肉鮮甜,酥皮牛油香重但絕唔油膩㗎🥢法式洋蔥湯✨ 咁經典法國菜餚一定要upgrade試下廚師手勢😂由大量洋蔥、牛肉湯香料烹製而成,洋蔥好軟嫩,甜甜地嘅口味同湯好夾最後,湯面仲加左mozzarella 🧀 ,芝士鹹香令到洋蔥湯口感更豐富,味道濃厚🥢龍蝦湯 + 💰18✨ 以新鮮龍蝦、香料烹製,湯入面有龍蝦㗎,肉質鮮嫩、彈牙,給湯品帶來了獨特既口感,龍蝦殼熬製令到湯品好濃厚呈橙紅色,配埋暖暖地嘅牛油餐包食一流!🥢燒西班牙伊比利亞豬鞍配味噌蒜香忌廉汁 💰378✨豬鞍要煮到夠濕潤好難㗎😳呢道菜肉質細嫩、多汁,好濃郁豬肉香味,豬鞍經過燒烤,呈現出金黃色外皮,邊邊位咬落帶點焦脆,內部保持著嫩滑口感,配以味噌蒜香忌廉汁,由味噌、大蒜、忌廉基底等調製而成,點埋醬汁食,口感更豐潤🥢熟成21日阿根廷西冷配乾邑燒汁💰398✨ 經過21天熟成處理西冷即刻吸引左👭🏻孖妹嘅眼球,肉質一定會嫩滑同好濃郁牛肉香味,牛扒經過炭燒後,表面焦脆,煎到好粉嫩,5成熟啱啱好!熟成過程中,肉質變得更加鮮美多汁,另配以乾邑燒汁由乾邑白蘭地、肉湯、香料令牛扒多左層果香🍇好好味,仲有菠菜同松子仁增加的味🥢精選甜品 - 榛子蛋糕✨蛋糕質地柔軟細膩,富有層次感,面有榛子粒呈現,以層層疊方式鋪上幾層海綿蛋糕,充滿了焦香嘅香氣,中層有榛奶油脆脆,加埋香蕉、士多啤梨🍓、藍莓🫐擺盤🥢 檸檬雪糕球 +💰38✨外觀圓形雪糕球,面加左檸檬脆粒,色澤bright ,比人一種清新感覺,食落檸檬質地柔軟滑順,口感綿密細,酸甜適中🍋🥢 Le Monde Rainbow 💰68✨飲落好light清爽,橙汁同紅莓汁嘅甜同Gin 酒balance 得好好,橙香果汁甜甜地好易入口,超colorful 好打卡😊🥢 Fuzzy Melon 💰78 ✨由Vodka、桃味、蜜瓜味利口酒、橙汁同菠蘿汁調製而成,飲落非常之清新,果汁甜味令到杯酒更加容易入口,集齊哂桃既甜、橙同菠蘿的酸爽❤️🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹✍🏻總評:加🔟服務費:✅👭🏻推薦指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗👭🏻回頭指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗👭🏻環境評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗👭🏻服務評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹💰人均消費:$500 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-03
由於情人節將至, 餐廳都已經佈置了情人節裝飾, 有張放滿粉紅及紅色氣球的梳化給大家打卡 ❤️ 餐廳環境比我看到的照片昏暗, 所以更有情調! 本身餐廳環境是不錯的, 可是坐在旁邊的客人說話音量較大, 餐廳部長也加入傾談, 明顯他們是熟客, 但影響不少氣氛 🫥炸蕃茄意大利飯波 $58單看名字有點空泛, 首先所謂蕃茄, 只是配了蕃茄醬, 醬汁含濃濃蕃茄味 😊 其實它是炸芝士波, 蠻脆口的, 不會炸過頭, 芝士有拉絲效果, 芝士不膩, 味道亦不濃, 反而外面脆皮味道更濃厚, 兩邊配合剛剛好, 可惜只有三粒芝士波 🫠烤西班牙八爪魚配焗薯 $158八爪魚軟腍而不韌, 加了不少蒜蓉, 加上八爪魚燒過, 更加香口, 配上煮到冧輿的薯仔, 味道不錯, 但飯波相對出色, 另外這碟菜餚也未免份量太少! 🙃紅酒燉牛仔膝 $238牛仔膝非常冧, 只用叉就能把骨肉分開, 又不會煮到一絲絲, 蠻有口感 😚 食到個汁有輕微紅酒味, 仲有薯蓉墊底, 薯蓉好creamy!海鮮蟹肉闊蛋麵 $158闊蛋麵口感比較煙韌, 相對一般意粉硬身, 個麵幾掛汁, 雖然佢寫住蟹肉, 我唔係幾食到, 不過就有好多其他海鮮, 好似蝦, 墨魚, 青口等等環境方面真係幾好, 完全唔覺得自己係工廈入面 😁 食物都幾好, 不過份量真係偏細, 好彩OP訂位單點餐牌有88折, 唔係就唔太抵, 雖然我知法國菜係咁上下 😅 上面講左個部長問題, 但上菜真係續碟上, 咁先係法國菜應有既節奏 😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
繼續發掘觀塘隱世高質小店😎 Le Monde主打fine dining 環境佈置有聖誕feel🎄 而家仲推出左Christmas dinner set🎅🏻 樓上鋪既關係 價錢比較化算🔸️Appetizer🦪法式慢煮廣島蠔可以先食蘿蔔 品嘗下慢煮高湯既味道 然後將蠔同湯連埋食 鮮味加倍 最後食啲紫薑 清新下準備食下道菜🍴隻蠔幾大隻肥美🦀蟹沙律酥皮撻撻皮好薄又脆身 蟹肉非常多 食落鮮甜😎🔸️Soup🧅法式洋蔥湯傳統做法 面頭芝士焗得香脆 入面洋蔥炒到焦糖化 有用心煮🦞龍蝦湯 +$18味道濃 仲幾cream😚🔸️Main Course🐟香煎劍魚扒配露筍及茴香忌廉汁 $358肉質紮實 煎得岩岩好 入面juicy嫩口 味道有啲似鱈魚扒 師傅花左啲心思 只系保留露筍最幼嫩個部分底下既紫薯蓉都好綿滑🥩熟成 21 日阿根廷西冷配干邑燒汁 $398熟成牛既關係牛味比較濃郁 點少少芥末就可以 叫左5成熟真系煮得岩岩好 入面仲系粉紅色😂西冷扒有咬口 冇渣又吾un🔸️Dessert🍰Dessert of The Day今日系Hazelnut蛋糕 由幾層mousse同榛子醬組成 吾太甜 味道有啲似繽紛樂🤪🍧檸檬雪糕球 +$38檸檬意大利雪糕 入面系柚子唐心 甜甜酸酸 感覺清新 仲帶點酒香另外叫左2杯野飲🌈Flamingo $68用橙汁做layer 顏色鮮豔 再mix埋其他果汁🍹Virgin Mojito $68感覺清新🍃mint 青檸 soda water混埋一齊💭餐廳環境舒適 食物擺盤精緻又好味 聖誕大餐又多個選擇啦✌🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Exquisite indulgence in worldwide cuisines: Best for a comfortable Christmas feastTime flies, Christmas is fast approaching and I still hadn't celebrated my bestie's birthday, that is why she was invited to an exquisite French-style dining establishment located at this relatively quiet spot in Kwun Tong. Here was warmly decorated, ceiling lights with some bulbs meticulously switched out to inverted wine bottles, with Christmas theme songs playing in the background- really wonderful atmosphere. The restaurant is extremely spacious, able to accommodate big or small gatherings, they even have a privately partitioned ballroom-size dining area, certainly a perfect venue to consider if you are planning for a party or cocktail reception. We came for the signature dinner set for two. First up: very delicate appetisers. A scoop of crab meat and caviar in a flaky puff pastry tart, it's creamy with a hint of acidity, very appetising. Japanese oyster cooked with bonito broth, on a block of turnip, topped with caviar and a fine stick of pink ginger. The taste was just like a piece of art. Freshly baked buns, lobster bisque and French onion soup were delectable. Very hearty soups with rich flavours, we liked them both. Shoutout to the onion soup as it was served extremely hot, plus it followed the authentic French recipe, with a generous amount of baked cheese and crouton. Our pick for the mains were two plates of guilty pleasure: MEAT. I couldn't decide which was better, both were up my alley. Premium Argentina steak that aged for 21 days was well-seared, drizzled with cognac dressing. The salad with pine nuts and cheese croquettes were totally noteworthy as they were really delicious too. Grateful that she rethought and decided to get medium for our steak, because it was how we liked it. The Spanish Iberico pork chop on a bed of smoothly mashed potato, was accompanied by a very sweet grilled tomato salad and a creamy miso garlic dipping sauce. Bestie liked the grilled tomatoes a lot, and I loved the pork. Pork chop was succulent and tasted fantastic even before dipping the sauce, the fatty parts were grilled crispy and I finished them off the bone. As it was a doubly festive birthday+ Christmas celebration, let's make it even better with some cocktail/ mocktail. My Baicolate was Bailey's mixed drinking chocolate and topped with whipped cream, a sweet retreat for sure. Her virgin mojito was light and refreshing with lime and mint leaves. Seriously consider the alcoholic beverages because she kept on sipping my Baicolate and wanted more. The grand finale: tartufo limoncello and hazelnut layer cake. Tartufo is an ice-cream dessert that hails from Italy, here they covered the icy ball with lemon meringue crunches, when you cracked open the inside revealed a yuzu sugar core, it was sweet and sour, very memorably tasty. The hazelnut layer cake was served with a swirl of lightly bruleed banana slices, dices of strawberries and cantaloupes. I equally liked it as there were some crispy layers in between the sponge cake, and the hazelnuts were fragrant and crunchy too! Le Monde, like its literal meaning: the world, had our taste buds travelled around the globe and kudos to the staff as he helped to take very beautiful portraits for us. Their Christmas menu even adds extra delicacies to the signature dinner set: fresh French oysters, Japanese scallop tartare, Spanish red prawn carpaccio, Bottarga and homemade pasta, macarons... Most importantly the offer is moderately priced and not expensive at all, in terms of quality French-setting and during Christmas seasons. Kindly enclosed for your perusal, santé! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)