3-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This multi-cuisine restaurant is stylishly decorated with neon lights hanging from the ceiling. Chef Rex, who has worked in famous Middle Eastern and Mexican restaurants, has added CBD (cannabidiol) to the food for its calming and soothing effect. continue reading
Additional Information
The first CBD-themed restaurant in Hong Kong providing fusion cuisine.
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:45
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 23:45
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:45
Public Holiday Eve
18:00 - 23:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation Details
Delivery Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (452)
Level3 2022-10-21
聽到大麻大家可能會有d驚,但今次嚟到呢間餐廳食嘅嘢加咗呢隻大麻係完全合法嘅,講緊嘅就係大麻二酚CBD,仲俾到人一種放鬆嘅感覺添威靈頓三文魚配秘魯黃椒醬+double CBD我哋加錢double咗CBD嘅份量,不過其實味道上係冇分別架,唔會有任何異味苦味嗰d,因為CBD基本上係冇味個酥皮好脆口,配埋入面三文魚又好嫩滑,再點埋個甜甜地酸酸地嘅黃椒醬真係好開胃,我同朋友食完一啖又一啖呀墨汁蟹肉意大利飯配香煎北海道帶子+CBD佢個忌廉味好重,粒粒飯都掛滿墨汁,個帶子煎香咗但入面都好軟好嫩,同埋好夠味頭先講咗CBD有令人放鬆嘅作用,平時經常失眠嘅我食完呢餐返到屋企好快就瞓著咗,仲瞓得好好添!聽聞遲d政府好似會禁埋CBD,大家要試就快喇!#foodie #尖沙咀美食 #厚福街 #hkig #hkfoodieblogger #hongkonger #foodblogger continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍴Med Chef @尖沙咀🍴 好耐之前都已經聽過香港有餐廳係食物到加入了CBD大麻二酚,而CBD大麻二酚有鎮靜及舒緩情緒的作用。聽完覺得好新奇同埋好特別,所以就黎試下係點樣既,但其實CBD係無味既🤣🤣唔會識到有D特別既味道!如果唔想加CBD既話,係可以落單既時候揀返唔要架。餐廳D野食都幾好食,個人覺得價錢就高左少少。當日叫左2人餐,$638加一。------------------------------🔵吞拿魚黑水欖尼斯沙律沙律份量好大盤,上面仲有好多吞拿魚肉,唔係得幾條肉咁,味道好Fresh,都唔錯. 🟢法式龍蝦湯龍蝦湯好好飲呀!口感係比較結身,飲得出唔係溝左好多水好淡咁,完全係真材實料。.🟣帶子蟹肉牛油果他他配薑油黑醋汁呢個前菜深得小編心,因為呢三個組合都係小編最愛加埋一齊更加係無得輸!😍食得到帶子同蟹肉既鮮味。另外配左幾塊多士,可以放他他係多士再沾一沾黑醋汁色。個人覺得可能個油少返少少會好D,感覺無咁肥😆.🔴日式芥末忌廉香煎廣東蠔闊條麵蠔肉大大粒好多有鮮味,廣東蠔唔會令你失望。另外個汁亦夠多掛到係麵到,唔會好稀無乜味,日式芥末味又好重,岩哂鍾意食washabi既朋友.🟠威靈頓三文魚配秘魯黃椒醬威靈頓牛肉聽得多,三文魚就真係第一次聽,所以好有期待。個皮幾脆又唔會太厚粉,三文魚魚味香肉感滑唔會有腥。另外小編覺得個汁幾特別,第一次食到既味道,酸酸地又好夾,沾哂D汁咁制😌好食度:7️⃣。5️⃣/🔟 抵食度:💸💸💸打卡度:📷📷📷📷 舒適度:🛋🛋 🛋🛋服務態度:🗣🗣🗣🗣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-17
Med Chef#朋友聚餐之選The first CBD-themed restaurant in Hong Kong ☘️Well decorated with neon lights and funky songs as well. (Of course, you can choose to leave out the CBD or add $20 for doubling it!) CBD has been known for its calm and soothing effect, but it is more of a gimmick here s the dosage is minimal. A person can take up to 1500mg/day and the CBD here is only 15-20mg per dish. Don’t worry and just chill! Must try ✨1️⃣威靈頓三文魚配秘魯黃椒醬 $238We usually have Beef Wellington but here you get to try Salmon Wellington. Wellington dishes are known for its decadent meat and are usually served on special occasions. It is also the reason why the most tender and juicy part of the cow (and salmon in this case) are cooked. Their salmon was really soft with a nice pinkish colour. The wellington was crispy too and the sauce was quite special! A must try!2️⃣脆炸焦糖西班牙油炸鬼,雲呢拿雪糕 $98Tried churros in other Spanish restaurants before but they were not as good as those served in Med Chef!3️⃣手打流心菲達芝士撻 $68Seems like an enlarged version of BAKE cheese tart with strawberry sauce. Pretty worthy for the price!Other dishes🍴 4️⃣香煎紅酒鴨胸意粉配意大利青醬 $138Duck breast was soft and the skin fat was fulfilling. But the pesto flavour of the spaghetti wasn’t coming out and it was slightly more oily than expected.📍 1/F, The Lamma Tower, 12-12A Hau Fook Street, Tsim Sha Tsui continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-09-15
第一次食CBD餐 都幾特別食物味道好環境好。坐得舒服職員服務超級好。超級有禮貌特別其中一個女職員。每次上餐 比餐具 到我哋嚟離開都超級有禮貌簡直要比100分果位女職員 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-09
CBD主題餐廳,覺得幾得意,同朋友黎試吓。一入到餐廳,紫藍色嘅燈光,環境氣氛👍🏻好合適同朋友食飯傾計。點咗個蟹肉他他,好好味,推介👍🏻意大利飯都好味,最後叫咗個ribs,但就好一般,無影到相。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)