Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
以粵菜及海鮮佳餚馳名沙田,是晚宴聚會理想之選。午市供應精緻點心及各式商務套餐。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
炭燒脆皮小乳豬 杏汁燉白肺湯 白雪明蝦球 蠔皇原隻鮑魚雞煲
Review (81)
Level3 2019-06-23
新帝玉庭係2樓,其實我已經好耐無幫襯,依家嘅帝玉庭枱與枱之間,明顯間格,有私穩又靜靜地、好啱鐘意靜嘅朋友吹水,食物水準一樣有水準。三拼👍🏻(鹵水鵝,海蜇,蜜汁黑毛豬叉燒)每款味道唔錯,只是散件叉燒有d乾。下次會試下原條叉燒,睇下水準有無變(以前我認為帝玉庭叉燒好味過海天)龍躉西蘭花👍🏻,炒得好香,味道剛好,又大件,啖啖肉。鮑魚海鮮湯👍🏻,鮑魚帶子鮮甜,帶子亦好大粒,湯有奶香,夠足料。仲有燉湯及甜品,都唔錯(食完唔記得相) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This Chinese restaurant inside the Royal Park Hotel in Shatin was not my first choice but for the convenience. The food and service was at best mediocre. The beef rice flour roll was ruined by the extremely strong stinging taste of the Chinese onion. The mini egg tarts were not aesthetically pleasing but were well baked, warm and not too sweet. The baked BBQ pork bun looked dry but tasted fine. There was nothing to write home about for the shrimp dumplings. The abalone on the siu mai was a nice touch as it was quite moist and chewy and blended well with the taste of siu mai. The soup dumpling was good; even for me a non-fan, the dumpling coat was just thick enough to contain soup and the pork was fresh and sweet. $220 per capita made this a so-so lunch but the location made it worth our while. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-01
一行7人,要係沙田搵食,無論早午晚都唔簡單朋友生日,訂了帝玉庭,第一次黎,甫坐下就問侍應有無片皮鴨,由於當晚有婚宴,所以無得供應,再問有無乳豬,侍應回應只有一隻,要落單就要快,所以未等朋友到齊,我先決定要半隻乳豬乳豬燒得不錯,皮脆,肥瘦剛好,唔會一口油龍蝦尾粉絲煲,粉絲乾身,味道ok餸菜份量全部都偏細,不過酒店食小菜普遍都係咁上下。其他小菜味道都係平均,無乜特別推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2017-11-30
當晚,跟媽咪出席為我們做 Facial 的街坊阿姨二女飲宴,我們只見過新娘一兩次! 她於沙田帝京酒店 <帝玉庭> 設宴15圍,我們跟媽咪的晨運街坊朋友同枱,大家街坊街里,實話實說!簡單的粉紅色佈置,倍添浪漫氣氛!相信這間酒樓已歷史悠久! 樓底矮,加上音響好【拆】,相對現場較嘈!以侍應分上食物,感覺更得體!免得賓客搶食,場面尷尬!金豬全體大紅袍 乳豬口味死鹹不突止, 豬皮並非香脆,而是硬脆帶韌勁!先入為主的關係,大家對這裡的食物質素期望不大!松露姿彩蚌片蜜糖豆入口爽脆!蚌片及花姿片也算爽口!黑松露提升味道!酥炸百花蟹鉗令人期待的一道,這裡的貨色卻令人大失所望!口感不彈牙之餘,蝦肉及蟹肉不新鮮,食落有腥味!因此,我們一枱絕大部份賓客都有食剩,侍應見狀,還以為我們未食完,所以,不敢收碟,其實,當時,我們一枱已停手嘞!玉環多子瑤柱脯這道菜有祝賀一對新人早日添丁!由於,當時他們早已結婚,只是補擺酒而已!因此新娘已有喜!恭喜恭喜!節瓜脯不太入味,熟透的瑤柱卻有點鬆散!雞茸燴燕窩環保婚宴之下,魚翅真是買少見少嘞!雞茸提升整體口味,加入冬瓜茸及蛋花,味清帶鮮!加上燕窩也是高級食材不失禮!蠔皇原隻鮑魚伴天白菇冬菇柔軟入味,不過不失!但是,我及媽咪也喜歡爽口的冬菇!清蒸海老虎斑老虎斑火候恰到好處!魚身鮮滑,配合蒸魚豉油味道一流!富貴鹽焗雞這隻鹽焗雞都好幾肥美,雞皮甘香鬆脆,肉質柔軟多汁!叉燒蝦仁炒飯略嫌炒飯炒得乾身兼淡口!鴻圖窩伊麵伊麵軟身,浸在味精湯中!甜蜜紅豆沙湯圓湯圓寓意團圓,紅豆沙加湯圓,甜蜜又溫馨!黑芝麻蓉餡軟滑不膩口!美點雙輝這款甜品是酥點,剛剛新鮮出爐熱辣辣,香脆無比!嚐過這裡的貨色,便覺得酒店飲宴不一定讚好!開席前,他們起初還興起走來飲茶,恐怕大家已打退堂鼓吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-09-12
另一半成日自己食好野貴野(其實係同客食),佢知我講左想食花膠扒好耐,趁住提早慶祝相識15周年紀念日,終於帶我去食。雖然唔係米芝蓮個間,但都好過無 😆鎮店叉燒皇: 係的確幾好食既,但若有半份會更好。同場都見有d係2個人黎食,所以建議諗下半份燒味會更好,咁可以叫多d唔同款式!鮑汁燴花膠扒: 塊花膠扒都算幾厚肉,汁都好濃,當然若有多d會更好,否則多人食難分😆鮮菌扒時蔬:怕叉燒和花膠會食滯,叫碟菜balance番先 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)