Restaurant: The Charcoal Room
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
52999620 (WhatsApp)
The decoration is merging with fashion and traditional Korean style. The specialties are 1++ Korean beef, Jeju Black pig and Iwate A4 Wagyu. The pear paste will be added in flavouring the beef for soften the texture and enhance the fruit taste of the beef. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay BoC Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: The Charcoal Room
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (490)
今晚,我來到銅鑼灣的柞木炭家吃晚餐。餐廳的裝潢時尚而舒適,柔和的燈光和簡約的設計讓人感到放鬆,適合與朋友或家人聚餐。😚menu長這樣,有圖有真相 ☺前菜包括泡菜、蘿蔔、菠菜和蓮藕。這些小菜顏色很吸引,而且富有韓式風味。😁青檸梳打酸酸甜甜的口感,讓人感到清爽,特別適合搭配辛辣的菜品。😆柚子檸檬梳打水我朋友說柚子的香氣與檸檬的酸味很配。韓式炸雞 (半半) 一半原味、一半甜辣的組合。這道菜的外皮炸得金黃酥脆,內裡的雞肉鮮嫩多汁。原味炸雞外皮的酥脆感讓人一口接一口,而甜辣口味的炸雞則是另一番風味,甜甜辣辣的口感搭配鮮嫩多汁的雞肉,很加分!!泡菜五花肉煲五花肉的油脂與泡菜的酸辣交融,搭配年糕的Q彈口感,讓人感受到層次分明的美味。壽喜燒和牛三筋肉壽喜燒和牛三筋肉的搭配非常講究,配有米飯和生蛋黃,讓整體口感更加滑順。和牛三筋肉肉質細膩,油花分布均勻,讓人感受到極致的肉香。壽喜燒湯湯底升級版的棉花糖為湯底增添了一絲甜味,讓整體口感更加圓潤。大蝦蝦肉的彈性十足,鮮甜的味道讓人驚豔,配上醬汁,簡直是絕配。牛肋骨最上等的牛肋骨肉質極為細膩,肉質的油花分布均勻,燒烤後的外層微焦,內裡卻依然保持著多汁的口感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-27
今日去左銅鑼灣食燒肉,店舖環境寬敞舒適,有大量卡位及4-6人座位。餐牌~前菜豐富,有泡菜、醃蘿蔔、芽菜、菠菜、薯仔沙律同芝士粟米,泡菜仲成盅放左係枱面,可以自己加~🔸壽喜燒和牛三筋肉和牛三筋肉肉質嫩滑,配有4份雞蛋及飯糰,蘸上蛋液之後用和牛包住飯糰食,非常好食~🔸鰻魚 鰻魚肉厚嫩滑,外皮燒得焦脆,旁邊附上鰻魚醬汁,可以先試原味既鰻魚,之後再蘸醬汁食,試晒兩款唔同口味。🔸最上等牛肋骨牛肋骨有成大條,店員會幫手剪開兩份,入口肉質軟腍,牛味香濃,帶有牛香同肉汁。🧊黑水冷麵 冷麵入面有冰塊保持溫度,凍冰冰好啱夏天食。冷麵入面有雞蛋、青瓜絲、蘋果片,加啲醋同埋芥末落去一齊食,清新開胃。🍗炸雞炸雞外皮香脆,配有沙律醬。🍸🍹柚子檸檬梳打、青瓜青檸梳打🌟 #優惠情報🌟餐廳係8月1號至8月31號期間舉行六周年慶典👉🏻六重賞💥包括$6無限暢飲(無酒精飲品)、6份燒肉 FREE 1份、6秒挑戰送炸雞半份、IG Happy Share 全單6折等。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-08
係銅鑼灣金百利既韓燒店,地鐵站一出就到,好方便。餐廳有好多款美食,燒肉、海鮮、炸雞、煎餅、鍋物,花多眼亂😍燒五花肉肥瘦相間,肉嫩多汁,搭配新鮮生菜和醬料,簡單卻讓人回味無窮🤤和牛壽喜燒肉質鮮嫩,輕輕一燒即可,搭配甜醬油和生蛋黃,令肉質更滑,令人驚艷。燒鰻魚會由店員幫手燒,外酥內嫩,搭配特製醬汁,香氣四溢。魚肉鮮美,口感滑順,讓人每一口都充滿滿足感。韓式炸雞外皮酥脆,肉質鮮嫩,沾上香辣醬或蜜糖醬,味道更加分。海鮮煎餅口感酥脆,裡面包裹了各種新鮮海鮮,配上特製醬料,更是美味加分。韓式石鍋飯米粒Q彈,底部的鍋巴香脆可口,搭配新鮮的蔬菜和蛋,營養均衡又美味。柚子檸檬梳打酸甜平衡剛好,讓人感到神清氣爽。而菠蘿梳打甜而不膩,清新的菠蘿香氣非常解膩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
年尾當然要對自己好啲🥰喺金百利望嚟望去都係呢間最想食😁-應該環境裝修得好有韓屋嘅感覺,抽風都唔錯~-佢哋啲小菜都好多款式揀醃料調味啱啱好❤️仲有芝士粟米可以點啲肉食😋-我哋叫咗個套餐🍴和牛盛合和牛肥瘦均勻油花靚配四隻生雞蛋加醬汁有少少似壽喜燒咁🥰超正🤩-牛舌好有彈性和嚼勁👍🏻-五花肉五花肉口感豐富油脂烤至金黃外脆內嫩香氣四溢🥰-挑骨雞翼非常貼心挑左骨🥹啖啖肉好正雞肉好Juicy好滑嫩-水果醬油雞腿肉因為用咗水果醬油所以食落甜甜地一樣都係啖啖肉滑嫩Juicy-鰻魚呢個真係要店員幫手燒燒得外皮香脆內裏油脂滿溢且非常彈牙配上檸檬汁同鰻魚汁送飯一流😎-海鮮煎餅超足料勁多材料外層脆卜卜就算放咗陣都唔會淋點埋佢哋嘅醬汁好提鮮-傳統石頭鍋飯呢個都係店員幫手拌既我諗如果我自己撈嘅話應該會加好多醬但係原來加少少已經好上色同埋好夠味😆仲有啲飯焦好正🥰-半半炸雞炸雞真係必食外面炸到好酥脆尤其係鍾意有醬汁喺出邊酸酸甜甜咁凍咗都仲係脆仲好好食🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-05
咩都想試所以揀左special menu ,有6款燒烤食物和3款韓風經典菜式燒和牛盛合-澳洲和牛雪花紋理好似大理石,油脂甘香即溶-欣賞有專人燒烤掌控火候,鎖住肉汁精華又唔會浪費左塊肉🤓燒牛舌-薄切,炙燒後邊緣微焦脆燒五花肉-三層肥瘦分明,炭火逼出油香水果醬油雞腿肉-唔知係唔係用果醬漬過,雞肉特別嫩滑多汁-烤完後唔洗點醬都好夠味燒鰻魚-原條鰻魚大大件,新鮮彈牙,分量十足 -魚皮脆卜卜,外脆內軟海鮮煎餅-外層酥脆內餡爆料,魷魚蝦超足料-配搭韓式辣醬食更惹味傳統石頭鍋飯-熱辣辣石鍋形成黃金飯焦 ・撈流心蛋+多款配料半半炸雞-甜辣醬vs原味雙拼 ・脆漿薄身不油膩,最緊要係仲保留到滿滿嘅雞肉汁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)