7-min walk from Exit F, Austin MTR Station
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The Cheesecake Factory is a popular American chain that offers large portions and has an extensive menu featuring many different cheesecakes. Designed just like The Cheesecake Factory restaurants in America, the restaurant serves classic hearty Western food. They also have a glass case that displays over a dozen different cheesecakes made daily.
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Additional Information
Provide lunch portion everyday before 17:00, brunch on Sunday before 14:00, Happy Hour from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 17:00 (except public holidays).
Reservations only for weekday 11:00-17:00.
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
又到出差食好嘢系列,終於嚟到一直都好想嚟食嘅《The Cheesecake Factory 》,再一次感激同行的兩位好同事😍,有佢哋一齊先有機會食到呢間驚為天人的份量、甜品超邪惡👿嘅美式餐廳🩷🩷🩷決定幫襯之前,小妹有預先做定功課,得知《芝樂坊》係一間大份餐點餐廳嚟嘅,所以小妹三人行只叫了兩份午餐及兩件蛋糕,食完兩件蛋糕已經好後悔😂😂應該只叫一件便足矣~每份午餐都附餐飲或餐湯或沙律,為咗方便share plate,決定一份餐湯🥣及一份沙律🥗,落單前先送上一小籃餐包,只係單單兩件餐包已覺得香脆美味😋係好嘅開始😍;再來餐湯是蘑菇濃湯,餐湯香濃,菇粒又大又厚肉,超正🤩;一份套餐沙律份量足夠分俾小妹三人,酸酸甜甜、夠晒開胃🤤!主菜方面,選擇了最基本的《番茄肉圓意大利麵》及Chicken special的《羅馬諾芝士脆皮雞扒》。肉圓意粉🍝,桌球🎱咁大粒肉圓、意粉彈牙、意粉醬清甜;最意想不到的是羅馬諾🫢,睇少兩句英文就嚇親😂一直以為係雞扒既肉食料理,點知上枱後係雞扒意粉,重點重點係呢碟野非常好食囉😍😍😍,超薄的炸雞胸肉,咬一啖有芝士味架,意粉醬亦非常出色,味道比肉圓意粉更香濃,估唔到呢個係意外驚喜🥰甜品方面,餐牌選擇非常豐富,嚟到Cheesecake Factory 又點可以唔叫芝士蛋糕食呢🤭貪心嘅三人,為咗食唔同款式,所以揀咗兩件蛋糕🍰《菠蘿反轉芝士蛋糕》及《Godiva朱古力芝士蛋糕》!🍫Godiva 朱古力芝士蛋糕:高品質朱古力甜品,同事大讚中間的朱古力慕絲勁滑勁厚,簡直係十級邪惡👿🍍菠蘿反轉芝士蛋糕:似美心西餅舊時的菠蘿蛋糕,第一啖偏甜,第二啖有菠蘿肉,第三啖開始覺得唔錯~不過食一次就夠了
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cheesecake factory always good haaa love Pork belly slides yaya very well cooked yayaoh my god i love their before meal bread, super yummy one esp for a brown bread haa, tastes sweetPork belly slides is soso good and highly recommended haaa, super yummy one, yaya so freshly cooked with very crispy ingredients, having slices of slow roasted smoked pork belly with bbq sauce, such a very good combination haaaHappy Hour burger including double pattie’s, double cheese, grilled onions and special sauce on a toasted brioche bun, having strong beef taste haaaLatte having strong coffee taste, would be better if having more milk instead haa, milk lover yayaMilk tea looking great haa, serving milk with a small separate pot haaoutsides:insides:cakes:menu:Tea set is in really good value hahaa, the food is much cheaper than the main menu and you can be served with a coffee or tea too haa Didn’t know offering tea set in cheesecake, and it’s
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Classic Basque Cheesecake👍🏻👍🏻口感鬆軟幼滑猶如雪糕般入口融化配以士多啤梨和果醬酸酸甜甜中和芝士蛋糕肥膩感🥖 and 🧈 黑糖麵包口感較鬆軟另一款較有咬口配以軟滑香口牛油一絕Small kitchen salad 🥗 份量充足(已是全店最細的沙律😅)以醋調味 酸甜開胃Fried Crab Dumpling with sweet chilli sauce 內裏啖啖蟹肉唯蟹的鮮味被忌廉蓋過外皮不夠香脆 Lemon, Garlic pasta with Chicken 清新的檸檬味雞肉稍欠調味強烈建議要求加芝士粉職員會即用芝士刨下去😌
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The cheesecake Factory新出咗秋冬Menu呀,梗係要過嚟試吓啦😋😋呢度嘅裝修充滿美式風格,鋪面超大,坐得好舒服,啱晒一大媽朋友嚟聚餐,我去嗰日勁多人嚟食!聽聞佢啲嘢食好食之餘又大大碟,上枱嗰陣真係有啲震撼!我自己就最推介佢哋嘅「杏仁三文魚沙律」,佢哋個沙律汁清甜開胃,加埋有咬口嘅杏仁,一食就會食唔停!甜品係佢哋嘅「椰子忌廉芝士蛋糕」,好香椰子味,一樣係大大件,啱晒同朋友share嚟食!
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每次去到尖沙咀諗唔到食咩都一定會翻兜食芝樂坊,大件夾抵食,不過假期真係要預早少少拎位🤗😋香辣路易斯安娜雞肉蝴蝶粉每次黎到必點🥰食開10小辣既我最鍾意呢啲少少辣既味道☺️呢塊雞扒就做到喇😗又脆卜卜啲雞仲好嫩🤗其他地方都好少食到蝴蝶粉😞仲要係好食既蝴蝶粉呢度就食到😊個忌廉汁唔會太膩但又煮得好入味🤓😋韓式炸雞要留意番呢個炸雞係有跟飯既🤭好似韓式拌飯咁樣😂勁足料🫣好多舊雞之餘,仲有牛油果、泡菜、青瓜冬菇等等撈埋一齊食口感相當豐富😊整體黎講,其實餐牌仲有好多款式,無論係咸定甜😎,我諗我都要再去發掘下好食既🤤舔舔脷指數👉🏻9😋/10😋滿分 唔試就笨😋
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