Restaurant: Surasang 수라상
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
1-min walk from Exit C2, Kowloon MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Surasang 수라상
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (372)
Level4 2024-10-02
Since Kowloon station’s just one stop away, I went to Elements for lunch for a change. Picked this Korean restaurant as I haven’t tried before and it’s right at the escalator exit from the station.I was surprised that this restaurant was quite big. We sat at the tatami table by the window, which was a bit hard to get in. Those were long tables. They split the seats so that people could share the table without sitting close to each other, which was great. I was attracted by the oyster in the food shots. When the oyster with shallot stobap came, the oyster was still so large even after being cooked, and there were two. One was really big and the other one was comparatively small. They were fresh and tender. We also had the grilled marbled beef with mushrooms Stobap. That was quite nice as well. They also provided generous portion of appetizers. I particularly liked the lotus in truffle cream sauce. The honey pomelo tea that we added on for the set was so sweet. We added water to it for 2-3 more times and it’s still full of flavour. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-27
今日有野要慶祝下,同男朋友黎到圓方食高級韓餐❤️❤️我地叫左1️⃣辣海鮮生菜包💰135呢個菜我第一次食,超有驚喜,用左辣泡菜包住海鮮,海鮮分量好多,有生蠔、帶子,五花肉等,食得出海鮮嘅新鮮,加埋辣泡菜一齊食,爆汁之餘仲可以帶出海鮮嘅鮮味😌2️⃣清燉牛肋骨💰410呢個我好鍾意,牛肋骨燉煮完好入味,肉質好嫩,湯頭好鮮美,我食曬全部肉加湯,好正,一定要叫😎3️⃣海膽生牛肉💰385呢個海膽生牛肉嘅生牛肉已經調味過,入口完全唔腥,得鮮甜味,加埋綿滑海膽、七款配料同埋紫菜脆片一齊食,口感豐富,必叫👍4️⃣生蠔煎餅💰228呢個生蠔煎餅好有驚喜,餅底煎得好香脆,唔似出面個D咁多麵粉,食落唔heavy,另外生蠔🦪分量好多,每一啖都有生蠔食到,非常新鮮,蠔味滿滿❤️5️⃣牛肉魚籽釜飯➕海膽💰295+68呢個釜飯食得出用左靚牛肉,牛肉非常甘香,油脂味豐富,應該係韓牛🥰。另外加左鮮甜海膽,撈埋個飯本身有嘅魚籽,飯焦、同埋韓式辣醬一齊食6️⃣LAVENDER SEOUL 127💰118呢杯飲落酒精味唔重,加埋花花,賣相幾靚,飲落酸甜,好清新7️⃣荔枝梳打💰48荔枝梳打好啱夏天飲,充滿濃濃荔枝果味,非常解膩,配咩菜式都啱👍消費價錢:2人💰1855,人均💰927.5結論:(10分為滿分)味道:8/10性價比:8/10回頭指數:8/10餐廳名稱:Surasang 수라상餐廳地址:尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號ELEMENTS圓方水區1樓1028B號舖#surasang #韓國菜 #韓式居酒屋 #韓國燒烤 #韓國料理 #韓牛 #韓國直送食材 #elegant #highclass #gathering #elements #圓方 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友👱🏻‍♀️嚟咗呢間喺圓方商場裏邊嘅韓國🇰🇷餐廳🥢食晚飯🤣一坐低就嚟4碟泡菜,一共有7款🇰🇷$135 해물 김치 쌈 HAEMUL GIMCHISSAMSeafood with Spicy Kimchi Wrap 海鮮包括有 鮮蝦仁、魷魚、蠔仔,仲加咗五花腩,咁當然有泡菜,然後用生菜包住呢啲材料,再用泡菜汁煮,幾惹味 🤣$385 수육 Boiled Pork Belly 上枱嘅時候五花腩放喺個蒸爐上邊,下低有個火爐,旁邊有個沙漏,沙漏漏晒之後就即係蒸熟 🤣;五花腩 大約45%脂肪55%瘦肉,咁當然係極甘香啦🤣$215 해물전 HAEMULIONSeafood Pancake有好多細細條嘅魚仔、切粒嘅魷魚、仲有蠔仔,差不多每一啖「煎餅」都食到呢啲材料,真係豐富又足料🤣$295 쇠고기 명란스토밥 SOEGOGI MYEONGLANSEUTOBABBeef and Salmon Roe Rice有牛肉粒有三文魚籽有香蔥仲有隻生雞蛋黃,睇落靚靚,仲見到有啲南瓜添,連白飯撈勻全部一齊食,好味😋,蓋飯仲竟然煮到有少少飯焦👍$385 성제육회 SEONG GE YUGHOESea Urchin Tartare生牛肉剁碎咗仲攪得黏度好高,整到成個 Tartare(法文同英文一樣叫法🤣)咁樣,生牛肉好鮮味,旁邊仲有切成極少粒嘅 蒜頭、蔥頭、松子、青瓜、泡菜 同埋脆卜卜嘅厚身紫菜片,再撈埋少少辣紅卜卜嘅醬汁一齊食,真係出奇地美味,充滿 umami 😋$118 라벤더서울 127 LAVENDER SEOUL 127 :材料包括 BUAN SEA BREEZE MULBERRY WINE (KOREAN), LAVENDER SYRUP, LEMON JUICE 😋;少少甜,凍凍哋,酒精量極低,好適合女仔飲 🤣$118「SNOWING NIGHT 눈 내리는 밤」:材料包括 SEOSUL CHEONGJU (KOREAN), MARMALADE, LIME 😁;都係相當清新,甜甜哋又鹹鹹哋因為杯邊黐咗啲鹽,呢杯都係好適合女仔飲 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好適合同朋友慶祝既餐廳🖤有時想食豪啲高質啲 呢間就最好不過啦🥳雖然價錢偏貴但質素完全對得住🥹仲要有得望住個海景🤩特別要講下佢地既前菜 有5款咁多😍仲要竟然有泡菜魷魚😳全部都係可以免費refill架😉🐽海膽生牛肉 $385超高質既生牛肉❤️配上特別調製既醬汁 好食好新鮮✨海膽好鮮甜creamy😳配埋炸紫菜同按個人喜好加上配料 好幸福🥰特別要提個生牛肉份量好多😍啖啖肉勁正💖🐽牛肉魚籽釜飯 $295 (海膽+$68)又係一樣必叫既釜飯🍚我地揀左牛肉配三文魚籽🫣再任性咁加左海膽 好豪華🤤海膽一樣咁creamy 牛肉肉質軟腍 仲有少少油脂感 但又唔會太肥😚仲好有牛味👍🏻篤穿生蛋黃配埋三文籽撈匀一齊食 味道更加提升😋🐽白泡菜牛肉包 $135超有驚喜既一道菜😍係用左白泡菜包住滿滿既牛肉同粉絲🤤超濃味好爆汁🫣好好食 好juicy💖🐽韓式辣泡菜牛肋骨 $390牛肋骨煮得好軟淋嫩口🤤一啲都唔會韌‼️淋上汁之後店員就會剪開一片片 好貼心✨🐽海鮮煎餅 $215幾大份既海鮮煎餅🫓口感好香脆 食到好多魷魚🤤🐽SEE U $108🐽SNOWING NIGHT $118 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-18
家人生日,有藉口試試這家高級韓食,超幸福🥹跟住網上推薦的點無誤,大家都一致讚好,有值回票價的感覺😚餐廳空間感足,卡位像半個包廂,燈光有情調,私隱度高 服務也很好,用餐體驗👍👍👍✿ 前菜 $0多款前菜任食😋 個人最喜歡菠菜,很嫩而且調味輕柔👍 ✿ 水刺床刺身盛合 $528又是Google時間:“水刺” 在韓文是指古代朝鮮宮廷御膳料理,而”床” 則是指桌子,所以水刺床是指擺放御膳的桌子,象徵著待客如君,為客人獻上有如宮廷御膳般的頂級料理實物和名字一樣氣派👸各項刺身,包括牛肉他他、海膽等,全部已經調味,帶出鮮甜,而完全沒有腥味!配上紫菜脆脆,我想一人獨食整份🥹 ✿ 韓牛大蔥卷 配生蛋黃飯 $880不用動手,有職員幫忙燒,還可以確保成品是最佳狀態😋韓牛的油花分佈超美,一路燒,一路飄落油脂香,未吃先流口水🤤口感不負眾望,軟嫩得輕嚼數下就化在口中配了兩碗生蛋黃飯,很滿足很滿足 ✿ 海鮮煎餅 $215海鮮分量肉眼可見的誇張,鋪滿彈牙鮮味的配料餅底微脆,最難得的是很乾爽! 即使放涼後,也不覺油膩,高分之作٩(♡ε♡ )۶ ✿ 牛肉魚籽釜飯 $295• 加配海膽 +$68外表豪華,內裡還有香噴噴的飯焦😎配上了甜麵醬(?),每口都是豐富滋味不過好像加價了,見其他人介紹,之前海膽是不用加錢的🤣 但既然要試,就試個最精彩的版本! ✿ Snowing Night $118 | See You $108點了兩杯cocktail,切合一下氣氛😜感覺酒精含量很低,偏向果汁般易入口,不喝酒的也不妨試試兩杯相較,前者更驚喜😋柚子香氣足,而且甜度不高,很舒服的配搭🍴加一服務費:✔ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)