5-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Matsubishi Japanese Restaurant located inside the Renaissance Harbour view hotel offers traditional Japanese cuisine with attentive service. They serve sushi, sashimi and sizzling teppanyaki. The ingredients are shipped over from Japan to ensure freshness and quality. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Diners Club
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Mitsuwa Beef Tempura Matsu’ Teppanyaki Course Grilled Eel Grilled Cod Fish Grilled Fish
Review (150)
Level4 2024-09-18
有些餐廳,真係由細食到大。兒時一年一次半次,老爸會帶我去食鐵板燒。牛肉薄燒卷住蔥蒜一直都穩守在我十大最愛食物的第一位,直至12年前我戒了牛肉,「薄燒」呢件事就從此在我的生命中消失。今次返嚟好耐好耐好耐好耐無來過嘅松菱,那一股傳統鐵板燒的味道依然,沒有失色,沒有走樣,就像是回到我的那些年。兩大不同的是:1) 以前食鐵板燒是極奢華的一頓飯,今次來到松菱,我揀的是豬肉套餐,五百幾蚊就有交易。說真的,今日的香港,五百幾蚊已經不是窮奢極侈的事,比起三十年前的鐵板燒餐還要便宜;2) 這個豬肉套餐,用豬肉片整成「薄燒豬肉」,同樣滿足到我極鍾意食薄燒的口味。這一餐,我食得非常開心,也給我帶回了與老父的回憶。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-03
毗鄰Renaissance 嘅松菱係香港老牌鐵板燒店 (仲老過我 lol),主餐區有鐵板位,而食得鐵板燒就就緊係要坐鐵板位睇住師傅席前炮製~午市鐵板套餐分為松竹梅三款,由二百幾到六百幾都有,算係豐儉由人~我哋通常都係揀性價比最高嘅竹餐,三百幾蚊有沙律;有燒蝦/帆立貝;有燒魚;厚薄兩款燒牛肉;仲有Miso;炒飯同甜品~食物入面薄燒牛肉,燒海老同炒飯係勁好食嘅。燒海老肉質彈牙不在話下,最正係煎香咗嘅蝦頭,脆口得嚟蝦油香四溢🦐薄燒牛肉油花豐富,外香內嫩,包裹會住靈魂蒜片同青葱,簡單但好味師傅會用牛肉切出嚟嘅牛油脂去一齊炒飯,經過反覆炒到無油又乾身先會奉上,每一啖都充滿香氣再加埋牛粒粒好香口,師傅比咗🦖好大一碗都係完美清曬~ 🤭午餐嘛,同師傅無互動都預咗😂 不過今次去唔知搞乜勁慢,食咗兩個幾鐘。真係慢活人生。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-15
以前食過,朋友想再食, 但係見呢到d食評講到有d嚇人, 一直拖得就拖,等到佢生日還佢一個心願。 牛排無之前某d食評寫既咁差 (話薄過茶記快餐), 海產類都好新鮮, 係鰻魚質素差d , 不過都明既,而家鰻魚難求, 無奈自己鐘意食。 其他咩炒飯炒菜中規中矩。 服務方面, 呢類餐廳服務總會帶點ego , 但佢地反應好快而且盡量係你未開口已經幫你處理好, 呢方面我覺得無咩好挑剔。 可惜食到咁上下有一群印藉人士入座肆無忌憚高談闊論仲坐到逼埋我朋友到, 餐廳都主動話幫我地換位,不過個環境實在變得太吵鬧(真係嘈過午市茶記) 就埋單走, 唯一遺憾無得傾多陣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I’ve been coming here for years now, I would say 20+ years, always loved the food and atmosphere. The food is always good but I think the staff changed and it’s only natural as I suppose the old staff must be retired by now. Regardless, I still love coming here and will be coming back whenever we get a chance. The lunch sets are still pretty good value despite the slight increase in prices. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-01
我們三人上星期六去吃鐵板燒午餐,他們要食兩輪,我們訂了1:30那一輪。到達時只有幾台客十幾人,侍應卻要我們緊接在一組5人的旁邊一字排開坐。我們想坐在長枱的另一端,避免擠迫及談話互相騷擾,卻要和兩個着西裝的captain 理論後他們才同意。我們坐下後都沒有見到新的客人入座。我們補錢要了美國prime beef鐵板燒套餐,兩份簿燒一份厚燒,6、7成熟。我們吃了30多年的鐵板燒從未見過厚燒的牛扒那樣薄,比茶餐廳的牛扒飯還要薄。不知是牛扒太薄還是那廚師經驗太淺,上碟時牛扒是全熟的,很難食。差不多$500一份午餐十分不值得。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)