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趁復活節放假,同媽媽黎到位於尖沙咀既la mer restaurant and louge嘆afternoon tea。原本想打high tea,不過突然記得睇過一篇文章,高級既下午茶英文正解應該叫做afternoon tea, 而唔係high tea🙈我以後有機會去英國食下午茶既話唔會叫錯俾人笑架啦。Tea set ($288) for 2 savouries x 6pastries x 8scones with jam x 2tea or coffee x 2分別係toast, shrimp bread, smoked salmon, lemon cake, strawberry tart, chocolate mousse, and macaron😋toast with cheese and ham好味shrimp bread,麵包稍硬smoked salmon,煙三文魚中間包忌廉,下面有一塊脆餅,口感同味道都唔錯lemon cake,普通,幾有檸檬香strawberry tart,批稍為lumchocolate mousse,媽媽同我都好鍾意,濃朱古力味又唔會太膩macaroo
Tea set ($288) for 2
savouries x 6
pastries x 8
scones with jam x 2
tea or coffee x 2
分別係toast, shrimp bread, smoked salmon, lemon cake, strawberry tart, chocolate mousse, and macaron😋
toast with cheese and ham好味
shrimp bread,麵包稍硬
smoked salmon,煙三文魚中間包忌廉,下面有一塊脆餅,口感同味道都唔錯
lemon cake,普通,幾有檸檬香
strawberry tart,批稍為lum
chocolate mousse,媽媽同我都好鍾意,濃朱古力味又唔會太膩