1-min walk from Exit K, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
The Japanese restaurant is originally from Fukuoka. It was selected as one of the best restaurant in Japan in 2013. The pork is from Okinawa and Kagoshima. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (374)
Level4 2021-05-31
金田家係其中一間係香港小編最喜歡的拉麵店全盛時期佢有6間分店而家淨返最後3間而其中係YOHO MALL的分店就做到6月頭租約期滿了要食就要去銅鑼灣/紅磡了新界牛表示好傷心😢🍜激辛拉麵 $98每次我最喜歡都係叫激辛拉麵佢係幼麵😍可以揀唔同既硬度又可以加多D芽菜 粟米等等既配料湯底對小編黎講係中辣😜🍤海老餃子 $40佢有3款餃子 呢款係最抵食😆因為佢有原隻蝦表皮煎得好脆🥰🍹菠蘿雪碧梳打 $24食辣野來一杯夏日特飲 降降溫😜📌金田家 Kanada-ya📍銅鑼灣登龍街34號地下📍元朗元龍街9號形點一期1樓1023號舖📍紅磡必嘉街112號紅磡灣中心地下9A號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日係元朗食 Lunch,路經呢間金田家就去試下啦!地點位於Yoho Mall,出地鐵都要行大概幾分鐘🚇!餐廳環境不錯,中午時間光線充足,侍應服務相當周到。🍽濃豚骨拉麵 (HK$83) & 溏心蛋1隻 (HK$14) 揀左呢個招牌既豚骨拉麵試下!非常不錯!🍜湯底濃郁得黎唔油膩,叉燒都切得厚度適中!山葵蛋黃醬餃子 (HK$38)見呢個都係目錄推介嘅項目,就決定一試,點知真係有驚喜喎!唔係平時食開嘅味道,特別得來又好食!😋最後埋單$150一個人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-11-11
👩‍🦱母親大人突然間表示想食拉麵🍜金田家開店以來未試過, 一於去試試吧! .🐟🍜魚介豚骨拉麵 $88 ~ 🥚半熟蛋有點太失望😔 (如圖)! 🐖豚肉較肥 所以入口即溶…紫洋蔥有點太生唔甜, 湯底味濃層次豐富, 有點少辣! 麵質軟硬適中! 餸比較失望, 濃底不錯! 🐖濃豚骨拉麵 $83 ~ 細麵, 湯味濃, 豚肉同樣較肥少瘦! 所以食落都幾肥膩😑! 麵質唔錯! 🦐🥟海老餃子 $40 ~ 一客六隻, 皮薄餡靚, 蝦肉爽口彈牙!🍓草莓乳酸梳打 $24 ~ 太甜, 味假! 😑🙄普遍來說, 失望的! 性價比低! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-10-08
放工太肚餓嘅關係即刻開個openrice睇下最近會有咩食好耐無食過拉麵嘅關係就搵左間係西鐵站隔離嘅拉麵鋪食好彩去到仲要唔洗排隊就入得座佢晚市有個二人set嘅 不過一碗其實都夠左面果碗係黑蒜而右邊就係黑豚食拉麵第一個動作當然係飲啖湯先黑蒜呢碗好重蒜味(我tick左多蒜 唔洗加錢)但佢本身個黑蒜味都好夠 不過塊叉燒就細舊左d 而且切得比較薄麵質都煮得岩岩好黑豚果碗係豬骨湯塊叉塊就大塊 不過都係太薄口感唔夠個湯就無黑蒜果碗咁好飲未試過嘅可以試下但呢個價位可以再搵下其他餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-10-08
成日都經過金田家今次終於第一次試同朋友食左「黑豚拉麵」同「辛子黑蒜拉麵」湯底非常濃郁 尤其後者黑蒜味超級濃係其他拉麵店都未食到過鍾意黑蒜的話真係推介試下☺️另外 位置好闊落 坐得好舒服服務態度都好好👍🏻會比7/10 性價比一般 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)