3-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
The popular spicy Ramen shop from Tokyo, the interior decoration is the theme of Japanese gods. There are total 25 kinds of spicy ramen noodles in the store. Spiciness and hemp are divided into 5 levels, from (white bowl) not spicy, little spicy, medium spicy, (red bowl) high-grade spicy to (black bowl) ghosts. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (907)
尖沙咀⽇本過江龍拉麵店•鬼金棒特製麻辣味噌拉麵挑戰味蕾尺度🇯🇵 ⽇本東京過江龍拉麵店【鬼金棒】,店內裝修以日本神怪為主題,主打辣麻味噌拉麵。社長三浦正和憑藉對每種食材的⼀絲不苟,將辣麻元素結合味噌湯底,研製出令⼈欲罷不能的辣麻拉麵。麻辣拉麵的辣度及麻度分成5個級別: 不辣、小辣、中辣、高級辣到鬼增辣,大家都準備好挑戰味蕾了嗎? 🍜 特製麻辣味噌拉麵 $125 (中辣,中麻)特製麻辣味噌拉麵的橙紅色湯底,視覺效果一流,配合大量的蒜和蔥,結合麻、辣、鮮、香於湯底,味道濃郁厚實。半肥瘦的厚身叉燒煮得軟腍易入口,加入綠豆芽和珍珠笋中和拉麵的肥膩感。粗身拉麵保持彈牙質地,當中的味玉(溏心蛋) 選用日本產靚蛋,蛋黃色澤鮮明,味道香濃。🥟 煎餃 $45香脆的煎餃那酥脆焦黃的餃子皮很好吃,餃子內裡充滿肉汁,蘸料的搭配是醋+醬油+一點香辛料,增添惹味感。可樂 $15🐮 #cowing吃在尖沙咀🍽 餐廳:鬼金棒🌐地址:尖沙咀金馬倫道20號地舖@kikan_honghkong @kikan_hongkong @besutoprhk #hkblogger #hkbloggers #hkigers #hkkol #852kol #hkinfluencer #foodie #hkfoodie #hongkongfoodie #852food #852foodie #foodstagram #hkfood #hkfoodblogger #相機食先 #尖沙咀美食 #鬼金棒 #辣麻味噌拉麵 #拉麵 #尖沙咀 #日本菜 #japanese #尖沙咀美食 #香港美食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-11
Randomly searching for a ramen place in Tsim Sha Tsui, ending up this popping out. This restaurant was located in city centre and easy to find. No reservation can be made but easy to get a seat. We were sitting along the bar. Water was self served. We made the order via QR code. Easy and user friendly.Poached egg pork ramen came first. Looks absolutely delicious. Could literally smell the meatiness. Pork was half fatty and half lean. It was moist and tender. Fatty part could melt in my mouth. Ramen was in appropriate portion and well cooked to my selected hard side. Broth was incredibly savoury but not oily. Love the spice level which i went for medium. Very fragrant. Egg was well cooked even the runny yolk absorbed all the flavour.My friend's one was almost the same but the coriander one. It was a mountain of coriander. It was so strong that even I could smell it while the noodle was placing beside. Rest was pretty much similar to mine. Pan fried dumplings were absolutely delicious. I love Japanese dumplings so much because of the crispy bottom and the thin wrapping. Not even oily at all. Stuffing were just right. Half meaty and half chives. Everything was just right. Overall, perfect place for a quick delicious meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
先介紹一下自己先,我係食譚仔三哥雙特辣都覺得唔辣嘅人🤣所以以下嘅食評大家自己斟酌下🤣🙏.嗜辣嘅我每次都係叫最辣嘅🤣但我好想講佢哋個湯底真係熬得好濃郁Creamy,辣同麻係唔會炒埋一齊,條脷最終係會麻痹,但呢種麻痹係爽嘅😎同時亦都眼見喺香港其他過江龍都越做越差,得鬼金棒依然冇令我失望,所以點解每次想食拉麵我都係會去鬼金棒.如果大家鍾意食拉麵嘅話,不妨去支持吓,亦都建議同我一樣食得辣嘅朋友,真係可以不妨大膽啲嗌勁辣,包你話我冇介紹錯🙉💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-27
鬼金棒喺香港都好多年啦,最近更加喺旺角逆市開咗新分店,終於第一次去食,簡直係中伏😐😐炒豆芽菜辣麻味噌拉麵 $105首先拉麵嘅湯底望落好濃,仲有一層香油係表面,深橙色嘅辣味噌湯底賣相好吸引,但食落味道勁勁勁普通,越食越鹹,蓋住曬本身要有嘅辣味同麻味,好單調又冇層次,最後淪落到又鹹又油😓🤢叉燒唔係一片片,而係一塊正方形嘅五花肉。滷得入味但係瘦肉部分好乾,有啲似湯渣😪失望🤢炒豆芽菜同拉麵麵質都係好普通,結論就係試一次都嫌多😅去食碗辣米線仲開心-完全唔知間野出名嘅位係邊度,見到openrice有成700個like真係好難捉摸,定係佢有獨特嘅食法只係我唔識叫🤧? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-23
<味玉麻辣噌拉麵🌶️ 💲105> 我第一次食鬼金棒嘅味玉麻辣噌拉麵,湯頭濃厚香辣,噌味濃郁鮮美,麵條Q彈有嚼勁,加上那顆完美的味玉蛋,真係令人回味無窮。我最鍾意佢地嘅厚叉燒,外脆內軟,調味濃厚,配上麻辣噌拉麵一齊食,食完之後嘴唇仲會有麻感,不過偏鹹,食完碗麵之後一定要飲好多水😂<煎餃 🥟💲45>我地仲叫左鬼金棒嘅煎餃,total有6隻,外脆內嫩,煎得金黃酥脆,餡料鮮美多汁,每一口都充滿著鮮味。蘸上一點醋和辣椒油,會仲好食左,不過份量就唔算太大隻🤔如果想試煎餃都可以試下嘅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)