5-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station
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53772234 (WhatsApp)
Offers a variety of teppanyaki set, popular main dishes such as: abalone, lobster, and other fresh seafood. Chefs will communicate with the guests during the teppanyaki process and takes care of the guests' tastes.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
一行4人叫左兩個套餐,$2188及$1388。 有龍蝦🦞鮑魚、鹅肝、牛扒、銀雪魚⋯⋯ 食材好新鮮,龍蝦係西澳龍,師傅手勢好好整得好好食,醬也不用點已夠好味,鮑魚用南菲鮑夠林又鮮甜,鹅肝大大件厚切👍。牛扒🥩高級貨,入口即溶。 餐館已私房型式運作,要食必須預訂,所以海鮮係即日入貨,保證新鮮。
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本身諗住book鐵板燒慶祝男朋友生日,但係點知太遲book好多都full左,咁啱見到呢間價錢適中而且又有位,所以就預約咗呢間餐廳。去到之後先知道原來得我哋一台人,師傅同老闆娘特登返嚟招呼我哋。呢間餐廳係有兩公婆經營,一邊食一邊同我哋傾偈,成件事好窩心。好鍾意呢啲人情味好重嘅餐廳,而食物方面我哋嗌咗一個龍蝦set餐,最後加咗兩隻鮑魚,食得好飽,不過食物偏油少少如果可以少啲油嘅話可能就更加好。最後因為提前有同師傅講男朋友生日所以整咗個柴犬Happy birthday,我同男朋友都食得好開心。
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A wonder dining date, reserved us with the car seats. We had left a message that we are celebrating our anniversary and they kindly contacted us with further details, such as any preference for cartoons.The food is fresh and lively caught from the container. They allowed us to take picture with the lobster.Meat is nicely cooked, and they didnt waste the rest of shells, they used them into soup making, and serving to us in the end.Excellent food. Menu is extensive and seasonal🦐🐚🦪🦞🐟 to a particularly high standard. Definitely fine dining. It can be expensive but worth it and they do different deals on different nights so it’s worth checking them out before you book. Highly recommended.🙋🏻
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自己生日想食鐵板燒,路過山林道行尾有間小店鐵板燒先生,睇左菜單好吸引,決定一試, 訂位時話俾係我地生日,佢地就幫我整左個生日蛋糕圖案係鐵板上,品嚐中可以同老闆同老闆娘傾計, 好窩心好似一家人甘,食材新鮮,老闆鐵板燒嘅功架十足,炒飯炒到金黃一粒粒,十分回味
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