Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
This branch features unique art installations. The dishes are always surrounding the different parts of pork and focusing on the English and European cuisines. According to different seasonal ingredients, the dishes will be cooked in different ways. Besides, it also provides chickens, beef, lamb and seafood for you to choose. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (602)
唔係太滿意d嘢食。我試咗呢間店嘅招牌菜,豬肉質地偏硬,咬落去冇乜嫩滑感,反而有啲乾柴。而且調味方面太鹹太甜,個人唔鐘意。配菜方面d沙律菜就係加沙律醬,太酸,唔鐘意。就個意粉正正常常,Spaghetti 'OmniPork' Bolognese,menu寫有cheese唔知點解冇🥲😅😅定係融喺意粉入面😅😅不過薯條就ok好食,好脆,算係咁最後,價錢方面雖然唔算貴,但以食物質素來講,唔會有下次。呢次用餐體驗唔算好,希望可以提升食物質量。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-05
Salted Pig's mac and cheese is a rich and comforting dish, with creamy cheese and perfectly cooked pasta. The truffle fries are a delightful indulgence, with a satisfying crunch and a hint of luxurious truffle flavor. Both dishes showcase the restaurant's dedication to quality and flavor. The cozy ambiance and attentive service further enhance the dining experience. Overall, Salted Pig's mac and cheese and truffle fries are a must-try for those seeking classic comfort food with a touch of gourmet flair. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-02
每次光顧這間專門店,總是會至少點一款豬肉菜式的,只因這裡豬肉料理水準特別出色,好想試晒咁多款菜式。餐廳地方寬敞,環境舒適,非常適合聚餐。若是多人同行,完全可以享受一場盛大的豬肉宴。Skinny Pig Salad $138瘦瘦豬菠菜藜麥沙律沙律雖然沒有豬肉,但菠菜又幾好食,毫無澀味。淋了橘子汁增加了香甜味道,搭配藜麥、西柚、紅菜頭和烤杏仁等配料,口感層次豐富,健康又美味。Slow-Cooked BBQ Baby Back Ribs $288慢煮醬燒豬肋骨豬肋骨熟度剛好,肉質軟嫩多汁,燒烤醬汁濃厚惹味,酸酸甜甜幾好味。配以椰菜沙律清新開胃,還有粟米香甜,薯條粗炸香脆。Seafood Paella $235西班牙海鮮飯燴飯飯粒軟淋入味,配料十足好多海鮮,有蝦、大蜆、青口,魚柳、魷魚、辣肉腸、煙雞肉,鹹香惹味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-29
趁放假,中午出沙田市中心食個精緻高質嘅午餐。呢間The Salted Pig想試好耐,今次終於都有時間可以試下,餐廳有自己網站可以提早預約用餐時間咁就唔使等。午餐時間有lunch set, 番茄湯超大一碗,食得出好新鮮唔係用粉溝出黎,好好飲好開胃。主角係「BBQ PORK RIBS」:醬燒豬肋骨真係超大一塊,我諗三個人食都夠,烤到岩岩好,肉質鮮美,又嫩又多汁,真係食過算一算二嘅嫩!因為媽咪想食飯就叫左個「雜菌松露意大利飯」:簡簡單單,但都有質素保證。原本驚唔夠食仲叫左個「意式凍肉芝士拼盤」:點知一上黎超驚喜,真係爆大份嘅前菜呀!意大利風乾火腿份量十足又高質,唔係出面超鹹果只,配上新鮮又甜嘅無花果同雜錦芝士、醃菜、酸麵包同其他堅果,真係好鐘意。呢盤野真係好抵食好鐘意! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-26
On Friday afternoon, we decided to try a new restaurant. This was my second time exploring the food scene in Hong Kong, and I quickly realized that sharing a meal with a friend is much more enjoyable than dining alone. Not only is it more fun, but we also get to sample a wider variety of dishes for less money.The atmosphere was pleasant, and we were lucky enough to get a big table without any wait time. We ordered the Grilled Double Pork Chops ($268) and the "Skinny Pig" Salad ($138).Both turned out to be great choices. The pork chops were a wonderful surprise; they were thick and cooked perfectly. The combination of the fatty and lean meat was just right, and the sauce complemented it beautifully. We even asked for extra sauce because we couldn’t get enough of it. I highly recommend this dish!The salad, however, was just okay. There was a red ingredient in it that had an unusual taste, and we didn’t particularly enjoy it.Overall, it was a great experience. With the 10% service charge, our total bill came to $447, or $223.50 per person.If I get the chance, I’ll definitely come back to try more of their dishes! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)