3-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (394)
Level3 2019-10-02
之前又諗返起5月個陣去日本旅行係京都同宇治食完抹茶之後一直仲好留戀返到香港仲係有心癮想去食下咁所以就不如試下viatokyo睇下搵唔搵得返個個感覺喇•(脆米) 白玉抹茶雪糕 $54/$49:就好似置身日本京都和宇治的感覺先講抹茶雪糕,抹茶味甘甜濃厚,雪糕質感延綿幼滑,正!我點個杯係有加脆米,加咗有啲嚼感口感更加豐富,最後係白玉~總共有4粒,2個綠色2個白色,煙煙unun好好咬,整體計我同朋友都好鐘意!重點係真係可以食返回憶中既抹茶味道,而唔係個啲好假唔知加咗咩落去既味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-22
之前都食過銅鑼灣個間雪糕覺得唔錯,今次經過見到佢新出抹茶刨冰,最愛刨冰既我決定一試平日食完飯過到黎,坐爆左,要等一張,佢係行鋪夏天要企係街到等真係有啲難捱側邊就馬路,條路唔算闊,又車又人又熱咁等既過程都一度想放棄唔食.好彩有一班人埋單,連入左兩三張飛坐低唔洗諗即刻叫抹茶刨冰其實已經好飽,來身想share個刨冰,但佢有最低消費,每人都要叫一樣野食我地叫左個抹茶卷.抹茶刨冰係超大一個,呢個高度食個時係無可能唔跌,所以佢都俾左個tray黎上枱我鐘意佢係刨冷,唔係港式綿綿冰感覺實在啲,解暑啲食落抹茶味都好夠,好彩唔會太甜上面啲抹茶cream反而無咩味,同埋texture 係好light,上面啲波波無咩特別味道,微甜,裝飾用食到底會有紅豆,偏甜,夾埋抹茶冰食中和番係幾好而且佢抹茶醬好足,唔會話食到最後無咩味用兩蚊銀對比就知知刨冰有幾大!.抹茶卷抹茶cream幾幼滑,蛋糕有淡淡茶香食成件都唔會漏未到好出色,而且以呢個價錢黎講都幾細件,CP值較低 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-17
This is a popular dessert place so we waited for about 20 minutes for a table on a weeknight.My friend ordered the ice cream while I ordered the cheesecake because there isn’t a lot of cheesecake that have green tea flavor. I am glad that I gave it a try and it did NOT disappoint me at all!!! The green tea is so strong but yet blended right in with the cheesecake.For the ice cream, I will not recommend as the green tea doesn’t taste as strong as the cheesecake. I much prefer the green tea ice cream shop at the city super instead ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-09
專食抹茶的在香港冒起了一陣,最近都已經不太需要排隊,在金馬倫道SHOPPING後就和好友到呢度,嘆返一杯完美green tea soft serve!! 日藉老闆開設的店果然水準一直保持得好好,抹茶雪糕質素好,抹茶味質感幼滑味濃,入口時奶香滿滿,然後奶味揮發掉就帶出到抹茶自身的甘醇味道,這刻會發現,很多其他的抹茶雪糕都顯得格外普通~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-26
Via Tokyo #尖沙咀呢間嘅抹茶雪糕好出名,一直都係去開銅鑼灣嗰間總店,原來尖沙咀都有分店。好耐冇食,原來而家仲出埋刨冰。抹茶刨冰 $75外貌非常吸晴!望落去亦都好深綠色,覺得抹茶味應該會好重,點知啲抹茶味超淡,連上面嗰pat抹茶醬都係比想像中稀。再加上因為佢係用水整成嘅刨冰,而唔係用牛乳,所以食落去更加淡味,成件事就好似係食緊一啲用水溝稀左嘅抹茶,都真係有啲難食。而且佢個冰亦都唔算刨得好細,唔夠綿滑,整體來講比想像中難食好多,只可以話佢嘅雪糕真係出色個刨冰好多,完全唔建議喺呢間鋪頭度嗌刨冰,Shari Shari 好食過呢個10,000倍。不過佢有一個優勝之處,就係食到中間原來會有紅豆同埋白玉!加埋啲紅豆一齊食,成件事就會有味翻少少!而且佢嘅白玉都算煙韌,雖然有少少黏口同埋冇乜味。味道: 2.2/5性價比: 2/5伯爵茶雪糕 $40一入口,超香濃嘅伯爵茶味!如果你鍾意食伯爵茶一定會超級鍾意呢個雪糕!佢個伯爵茶味分分鐘仲濃過嚟飲一杯伯爵茶,但係又絕對唔會覺得苦澀。而佢嘅雪糕質地係偏實在,絕對唔似好平嘅嗰啲碎冰感覺,但亦都無gelato咁煙韌,雖然唔係我最鍾意嘅質地,但係佢嘅味道真係完勝!黎到 Via Tokyo都係食返雪糕會穩陣啲,佢嘅刨冰真係搞唔掂。味道: 4.2/5性價比: 4/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)