八月二十三日 (星期六)1881 Heritage 是個既陌生又熟悉的地方,前身是水警總部,位於尖沙咀鬧市,一星期總會經過一兩回不過,能夠吸引我倆走進去,除了其古跡文物,維多利亞時代的建築,當然還有裡面的餐廳美食就在這個晴朗的中午,大伙兒來到主樓層的隆濤院,來一個午茶聚 還記得兩年前亦曾來訪隆濤院,已給其古色古香的四合院所吸引,加上保育得宜,差不多全部的古建築物也給保留下來,走進隆濤院,真的有如回到過去,感覺非常特別跟上次一樣,這裡中午時段仍是以任點任食形式款客,客人可從點心紙中選擇心頭好,當然,喜歡的話,也可從餐牌中單點其他特式點心和小菜,依我倆上次來的經驗,單是要嚐盡每一款點心紙上的點心已有點吃力,種類和款式也很多,所以除非大家真的有十分喜歡吃的點心,否則就可以先吃罷任吃的點心再算任何點心有分時段的:星期一至五 l 12:00-14:00 l 成人$190/小童$120週六日及公眾假期 l 11:15-13:15 / 13:30-15:30 l 成人$230/小童$160簡單的說,就是任點任吃兩小時喇~每天也會供應「是日涼茶」,是日供應的是羅漢果茶無添加,尤如在家喝到的一樣,散發着
位於尖沙咀前水警總部,現已易名為 Hullett House 內的「隆濤院」,古意盎然,古色古香,洋溢著一股難得的中國風,兩年前曾往訪,對這雅致骨子的地方,留下一個極佳的印象。事隔兩年,「隆濤院」的班底原來已經有所改變,換來一番新的氣象。就在個多星期前,得到相熟食友邀請,再次來到這兒吃了一頓寫意的午餐,坐在獨立的廂房中,一嚐這裡的多款精選點心和大廚潘師傅的特選菜式。先來難得在中餐館喝到的「羅漢果茶」,清潤中帶點羅漢果的苦澀,為這頓午餐揭開序幕。再來是六道點心,分別是「三文魚春卷」、「焗叉燒餐包」、「皮蛋蝦筒」、「淮山滑雞扎」、「蟹籽鮮蝦燒賣」和這裡最有名的「粉紅香檳蝦餃」。「三文魚春卷」,炸得香脆的春卷皮內別出心裁地用上三文魚為餡料,效果甚佳,好味道。「焗叉燒餐包」不算特別,但熱燙的餐包配以濃味的叉燒餡,也不差。「皮蛋蝦筒」是自己前次到來都有吃過的點心,脆身蝦筒上撒上黑白芝麻,裡面以蝦肉、子薑與皮蛋為餡料,口感豐富,味道也配合得宜,是道挺有新意又好味的點心。「淮山滑雞扎」以淮山包裹著裡面的雞肉、芋頭、魚肚等材料,大有昔日傳統點心的風味。這懷舊點心雖然味道不算突出,但在多款新派點心之中,
位於尖沙咀前水警總部,現已易名為 Hullett House 內的「隆濤院」,古意盎然,古色古香,洋溢著一股難得的中國風,兩年前曾往訪,對這雅致骨子的地方,留下一個極佳的印象。
We have a penchant for all-you-can-order dim sum brunches and found ourselves voting this restaurant as one of the best providing this genre of cuisine. The two of us must have appeared ravenous and tried almost everything on the free menu (note that some items come with a surcharge). The salmon spring roll was hot and crispy, but one could only vaguely taste a hint of salmon. The sesame roll was nicely deep-fried and went well with the thousand year egg. The carrot-turnip roll was fair - felt s
We have a penchant for all-you-can-order dim sum brunches and found ourselves voting this restaurant as one of the best providing this genre of cuisine.
The two of us must have appeared ravenous and tried almost everything on the free menu (note that some items come with a surcharge). The salmon spring roll was hot and crispy, but one could only vaguely taste a hint of salmon. The sesame roll was nicely deep-fried and went well with the thousand year egg. The carrot-turnip roll was fair - felt slightly lumpy on the palate. The "cheung fun" rice flour roll with barbecued pork and the BBQ pork bun was of the usual restaurant standards only - no surprises there. The Siu Mai (meat dumpling) with shrimp was exceptional; the shrimp was fresh and the pork well marinated.
The crown of the meal was the "champagne shrimp dumpling" - not only were they aesthetically appealing with a pretty pink colour, the tinge of sweetness, fruitiness and alcohol (from the brut) blended to create a unique taste. The deep fry rice flour roll was crispy but the taste was a bit bland. The turnip cake was rich with herbs, BBQ pork and dried shrimps - much better than most commercial turnip cakes. The taro crisp roll was good but a bit heavy and too solid on the bite. The triangular dumpling ("salt-water dumpling") was slightly too filling with the glutinous rice, peanuts and pork. The beef balls were more no doubt more pricey with sliced abalone and more zesty with orange peel - but the marinated beef was still beef. The "chicken combo" was a pleasant surprise - the chicken was very tender and matched the other ingredients (mushroom, vegetable, pork skin) smoothly.
Finally the carbohydrates and the desserts: the fried rice was on the dry side but the grains didn't stick together. The noodles were hot but too bland - tasted like someone rinsed them with hot water prior to serving. The vegetables were quite fresh. Loved the deep fry egg twist in syrup - they were almost like prawn crackers 😍! The green tea red bean rice dumpling was not too sugary but the flavour of the sticky rice overshadowed the green tea. I guess the pastry chef should work on his buns - the vegetable bun and the lotus paste yolk bun were both hard - a sign of over-kneading the dough. This sumptuous meal ended with tofu dessert which was smooth and sweet.
Overall this was still a bargain at this price - if you can gorge yourself within two hours and if you like dim sum. The service was also satisfactory - despite the slightly too expressive reaction by a staff member when enquiries were made about the menu.
Loong Toh Yuen, hidden in Hullett House, 1881 Heritage, in Tsim Sha Tsui. A re-packaged Chinese-Cantonese restaurant serves traditional Cantonese All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Delight during lunch time, 7 days. It really costs some time for me to find this restaurant, to be honest, I just go around over 3 times, trying to locate it by Google Map and myself without disturbing others. Failed, finally, I went across the long dark lane, reached the backyard (quite Beijing old building style, Si-He-Yuan),
Loong Toh Yuen, hidden in Hullett House, 1881 Heritage, in Tsim Sha Tsui. A re-packaged Chinese-Cantonese restaurant serves traditional Cantonese All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Delight during lunch time, 7 days. It really costs some time for me to find this restaurant, to be honest, I just go around over 3 times, trying to locate it by Google Map and myself without disturbing others. Failed, finally, I went across the long dark lane, reached the backyard (quite Beijing old building style, Si-He-Yuan), pointed by restaurant staff by recognizing my searching-something face, and find the door. Of course, not-easy journey didn't bother my sense on those details. I love the simple design of the whole building, meanwhile decorated with a lot Chinese elements, bamboo, water and peony (or camellia? I'm absolutely not familiar to flowers, anyone pls correct me). Full white painted wall is decorated by only one tiny corner of Chinese painting flower or bamboo bird cage - a little Zen.
Cantonese Yum-Cha must have some tea, the best partner for quite oily Cantonese Dim Sum, to make balance for the tongue and the stomach, and you will have 'never-ending' talk with friends and family. Wanna some special, I find they even serve Herbal Drink/Tea. Such south-China traditional drink is quite rarely offered in Chinese restaurants. The All-You-Can-Eat Delight menu includes Fried/Baked dishes, Steamed ones, Soup, Rice Rolls, Rice&Noodles and Desserts. Additional dishes are provided by extra order and red/white wines (Mendoza, Argentina) are also offered. Overall, a lot of choices are provided and average quality is quite good, but personally, I think the design of menu focuses more on fried dishes and oily items (even the steamed ones), so after the whole meal, you will feel 'over-load'.
Salmon & Vegetable Spring Rolls Well-fried to be crispy and light, you can find the super thin layers of spring roll skin, enjoy the crispy sounds when biting it. Deep cooked salmon turns white and tastes soft, but there's not strong flavor of that. Deep Fried Dumpling Stuffed with Diced Shrimp, Pork, Chicken & Black Fungus A big mix of different meat is rolled in the glutenous dumpling which tastes slightly sweet. Shrimp, pork and chicken is cut and mix together giving different layers of flavor, like sweet and fresh from seafood, strong and greasy from pork, while black fungus is the only solid ingredient while tasting.
Shrimp Rolls with Thousand Year Old Egg Full coverage of sesame on the thin and soft roll skin, the texture is softer and looser. Regarding to the thousand year old egg, the flavor is adjusted to be lighter, so it tastes similar to normal shrimp spring roll.
Mashed Taro Pastry Stuffed with Roasted Goose, Pork & Mushrooms Very delicated Dim-Sum has the cute shape and complicated surroundings, which amplifies the crispy taste. Taro is well mashed to be soft and a little dense paired with the strong flavor of roasted goose and pork.
Pork & Fresh Shrimp Dumplings with Black Bean Sauce I appreciate those transparent egg skin rolling up pork mixed with shrimp stuff, and that fresh shrimp on the top, while black bean sauce is not performed outstanding as expectation.
Pork Liver Dumplings Another old-traditional dim sum rarely served nowadays. Of course someone won't take it as pork liver. Liver seems never leave my life since my baby time, (My mother just feeds me by liver congee.) and I am absolutely addicted to it. Liver is well-cooked to keep the soft texture.
Pork Spare Ribs in Spicy Black Bean Sauce Different from normal version with black bean sauce, this one is a little Si-Chuan spicy flavor. The meat tastes soft without doubt and absorb the sauce well, so for those cannot eat spicy foods, this might be a little challenge.
Fried Rice with Barbecue Pork & Sweet Corn Served by bowl, quite normal Chinese fried rice with simple combination. It is handled to be dry enough so that rice and other ingredients won't stick together.
Braised E-Fu Noodle with Mushrooms & Chives Oily in both presentation and taste, while braised E-Fu noodle has good elasticity in texture and well braised and flavored with black sauce in average.
Golden Egg Twist Served with Syrup I fall in love with golden egg twist since my first time to have it without knowing its name in Cantonese. Unluckily, it is not widely served among Chinese restaurants. You can imagine how excited I was at that time I saw it on the menu paper. Rich fragrance of egg, puffy but a little crispy texture, dip with just a little honey-sweet syrup, yummmmmmy!
Deep Fried Water Chestnut Cake Thin coverage of fried flour on the water chestnut, of course some sugar already mixed into the flour when making it. Good side, it's not over-sweet and taste moisture and soft; bad side, too oily again... Summary, whatever dining environment and service, or the quality of foods, are well trained and presented. Some old-traditional dim sum items are introduced is worthy to recommend. Except too oily, I won't have too negative comments on it. While for the price, it is better to go in weekdays, but even price for weekends is still acceptable, for the dim sum 'buffet'.
All-You-Can-Eat Delight Info:
Mondays - Fridays
12nn till 2pm
Adult HK$190
Child HK$ 160
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays
11am till 1.15pm; 1.30pm till 4pm
Adult HK$230
Child HK$160
* Child aged 3-12 years
* Dine-in Only
* 10% service charge