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位於中環核心的CAFÉ LANDMARK為客人提供具亞洲精髓的國際化美食,致力打造繁廈叢林中的美味桃園,讓顧客忘憂地品嚐國際滋味。 繼續閱讀
09:00 - 21:00
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09:00 - 21:00
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食評 (406)
用餐日期:2024/01/22用餐時段:午餐用餐費用(每人):$490.6餐廳環境:環境整潔乾淨 冷氣足 檯與檯之間闊落 坐得舒服服務:服務員服務態度正常味道:點了 法式洋蔥湯+波士頓龍蝦意大利扁麵+法式芝士白酒焗蟹蓋 送了4片麵包切片+1款牛油1-4片麵包切片: 有2法包+1雜糧包+1提子包 麵包上檯時已變冷 法包還算夠外脆內軟 另2款味道一般 2-法式洋蔥湯$98*2:上檯時餐湯邊有不少湯汁 表面已結了一層絲觀感上不太好 湯夠濃洋蔥夠多夠香甜嫩滑 湯內法包上有溶了的芝士 芝士法包吸了湯後和湯內的洋蔥一起食味道很好 湯如可擦乾淨湯碗邊的湯汁和焗好即送上夠熱會更好 3-波士頓龍蝦意大利扁麵$388: 碟上的龍蝦殼擺盤不錯 但意大利麵和龍蝦肉的擺盤不好 就像把麵和蝦肉撈在一起就隨便放到碟上 連碟邊都有不少沒擦乾淨的醬汁 觀感上很不好 這菜有半隻龍蝦 龍蝦肉已幫忙起肉 龍蝦肉新鮮肉質鮮甜彈牙 忌廉醬汁調得剛好不過黏 意大利扁麵煮得剛好不過稔但麵份量有點少 整體味道好 如意大利麵可多些 擺盤可再細心些+擦乾淨盤邊的醬汁觀感上更好 4-法式芝士白酒焗蟹蓋$308-份量少 有2個有蟹肉的細蟹蓋+炸薯條+沙律菜 薯條不夠外脆 沙律菜味道正常 2個細蟹蓋內有滿滿的新鮮蟹肉蟹肉肉質新鮮彈牙 蟹蓋上最頂的一層已變冷變硬味道一般 如蟹蓋薯條剛煮好就送上檯味道會更好 總結:這家餐廳環境舒適 餐廳位於是置地廣場中庭1樓的開放式座位 有不少座位 客人一般較靜 這家的龍蝦/蟹肉都有提供起肉 很適合想食龍蝦+蟹肉但很怕起肉的人 龍蝦麵和蟹蓋選擇推薦龍蝦麵 缺點:午市入座限時1小時15分鐘 這價位來說有點趕餐牌: 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-16
1834 瀏覽
朋友為我慶祝生日,選了這家餐廳,特點是位置方便,且處於商場中庭,感覺開揚。我們獲安排卡座,環境闊落舒適而寧靜。 我們點了一客是日午餐($350)及一客蕃茄肉醬鵝肝意大利麵($250)。 等候期間,先吃點餐前麵包,鬆軟可口。 午餐的羅宋湯用料充足,菜粒豐富,熱呼呼而暖胃。 主菜煎三文魚,份量巨型,另有蔬菜點綴,擺盤精美,顏色配搭的效果不俗。三文魚柳煎得香噴噴,充滿鮮甜味,肉質亦嫰滑。 蕃茄肉醬鵝肝意大利麵溫度極高,連碟子亦是燙手,令食物保持高溫和鮮味。蕃茄醬汁酸甜醒神,使人開胃。鵝肝應該有一整個,切成四件,入口煙韌。意大利麵份量很多,煮得軟硬度適中,有嚼勁。 最後點了一客朱古力心太軟配雲呢拿雪糕甜品($128),一黑一白的色調,夠型格。剛烘焙的心太軟極之溫暖,把它切開,內裡的朱古力醬慢慢流出來,極之迷人。雲呢拿雪糕香滑而味道吸引。 服務員效率高,態度親切,整體食物及環境良好。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-06-02
0 瀏覽
For some reason I had a sudden craving for Eggs Benedict made the western way, so what better place than the Landmark Cafe right? Well let’s go and see. We got there around 9am on a Sunday morning when it opened and lined up in the que (must be really good 👍 with a que). We ordered 2 x breakfast meals which are served with a croissant and hot tea or coffee. You can add $10 for fresh juice as well, which we thought was a good deal. We ordered: • Steak and Eggs with Roasted Tomato - The steak was tender, but had no beef flavour as it frozen meat (this is well understood for the price), hence it was smothered with the sauce on top. The fried egg was slightly runny and the best things on the plate were the grilled tomato and string beans. It is well presented and reasonable for the price. • Eggs Benedict with Bacon 🥓(take one 1️⃣) - When it arrived it looked the real deal with the toasted English Muffin and Hollandaise Sauce on top. Most places in HK substitute the English Muffin for sourdough bread, which just ain’t proper ! When I cut into the fluffy looking poached egg it was instead a hard boiled egg 🥚 the yolk was a like a stone and this was not acceptable. Usually I don’t like to complain, as firstly the chef might give your remade dish his special recipe sauce, and secondly, your remade dish goes to the back of the que and you need to wait even longer for it. However, an overcooked poached egg for an Eggs Benedict is unforgivable and I couldn’t ignore it. Therefore I pointed this out to the server and they immediately understood, apologised and offered to remake it (hope for the best). • Eggs Benedict with Bacon 🥓 ( Take 2️⃣) - My new dish came back quicker than I expected and this time the poached egg was runny and cooked perfectly. The hollandaise sauce was creamy and smooth but lacking acidity (needed more lemon 🍋 juice. The bacon was shoulder back bacon, I prefer crispy streaky belly bacon as it is more tasty. This time the dish was acceptable, and considered ok. We had to follow up with the croissants 🥐as they were not timely served. The croissants were hot and crispy. We added an orange juice and apple juice, both were ok but it seemed the apple juice may have been more fresh due to the foam on top. The hot tea and coffee was served last and a great way to finish our meal.For the size of the meal, the price paid is value for money especially given the location. Customer service is good, and they were apologetic about the first take of my Eggs Benedict’s. I would definetly come back again due to the convenient location and the atmosphere of dining in the Landmark. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-25
323 瀏覽
好開心,有兩位靚女請我食飯。佢哋因為消費滿咗一定嘅金額已經成為咗呢度嘅高級會員。泊車唔使錢,所以就帶咗我嚟呢度食。其實成日都經過呢度,不過都冇試過。而家佢做緊promotion,有個晚餐嘅set買一送一都係九百幾蚊,又唔算太貴。我哋嗌咗三個set share。個龍蝦湯好濃郁,入面重有d蝦肉。而個蝦肉好似有炸定煎過,好香口。跟住試咗佢嘅招牌龍蝦spaghetti個龍蝦好彈牙好juicy。都幾接近係新鮮嘅龍蝦肉㗎喇。如果啲面就加咗超多嘅芝士粉。承諾超級飽肚😜和牛扒就比較普通,覺得唔夠多肉汁,好似有小小乾乾地個香煎鱸魚就非常好食,個被係先到非常脆,超級香口。但係入面啲魚肉仲係好嫩滑👍👍👍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-24
197 瀏覽
男朋友好掛住依度既lobster linguine就來了。我自己食過一次個linguine覺得好制,我就不了,就試下grilled seabass。個鱸魚烤得好好食,無骨,juicy,入口即化。原以為會唔夠飽,不過鱸魚下面係菠菜同埋有舊薯仔既物體,成個配搭好好,都ok飽又感覺健康!另外叫左份鵝肝,之前係1大件,今次變左3小塊。飲野方面叫左白酒Masi,好lucky之happy hour有第二杯半價,我覺得都幾岩女仔飲,易入口又唔會話好高酒精。總結係野食唔錯既,每次黎都keep到水準,服務就見仁見智,環境都坐得舒服。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)