Champak Restaurant by ATUM (THE FOREST)
4-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
新派東南亞菜 ,採用充滿東南亞風味的食材及醬汁作主調,配合不同手法的烹調,繽紛色彩令菜式更別具風味。 餐廳裝修天然色系作主調,配合餐廳柔和採光,落地玻璃窗,感覺開揚舒適。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
*last order: 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Fresh Thai Food in Mong Kok! Nature Atmosphere Heals You From Bustle of City Life
“The Forest” is a rare comfortable place in Mong Kok. The main tone of the restaurant is natural colors, also floor-to-ceiling glass windows reveal soft light. Here you can taste fresh Thai food and temporarily escape from bustling city life for a while. Ingredients and sauces are full of Southeast Asian flavors, and they are combined with various cooking methods to present new Southeast Asian dishes. The colorful plating and IGable drinks are a choice for gatherings full of joyful atmosphere.

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IG @https://instagram.com/atumchampak

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Review (1501)
Level4 2024-09-23
//16 09 24 晴天🌞20:00 旺角 The FOREST@atumchampak鬧市中的小綠洲 ☺︎大自然嘅柔和感,舒適嘅環境,將新派煮意糅合,除了享受一頓充滿繽紛色彩嘅「泰菜🇹🇭」,更將獨特嘅東南亞風味🌴,逐一呈現給大家~𖤐ˊ會有加一服務費🔻芒果蟹肉沙律 HKD$118ꕀ新鮮蟹肉加上清甜芒果果粒 及沙律菜 已經顯得格外清新 再將炸乾蔥 & 芒果醬撈勻後 甜中帶鹹嘅味道 滿滿東南亞特色作為開胃前菜 的確唔錯🔻雞皮卷 HKD$82ꕀ薄薄一層𝘘彈雞皮 緊緊包住裏邊嫩滑雞肉咀嚼嘅時候 同時會感受到 油香跟肉汁喺口腔內 不停互相交織 🔻油酥手抓薄餅 (3片) HKD$52ꕀ外皮酥脆 內裏鬆厚柔軟 自帶濃濃嘅奶油香 非常誘人🔻香辣蟹蒜炒麵 HKD$118ꕀ炒麵夠鑊氣 有海量鮮味蟹肉 配料豐富;椰菜|紅蘿蔔|粟米仔|洋蔥|菇…其中炒碎蛋 簡直係神來之筆再加埋帶少少微辣 食起嚟相當惹味 🔻班蘭椰汁糕 (4件) HKD$48ꕀ賣相整到好似朵玫瑰花入口暖暖哋 做到軟糯煙韌嘅質感而且每啖都會散發出淡雅嘅班蘭香氣🔻蝶豆花椰子奶蓋 HKD$48ꕀ夢幻嘅粉藍色 十分吸引當香滑濃郁嘅椰奶 搭上鹹香滋味嘅奶蓋鹹鹹甜甜嘅組合 令人愛不釋手🔻泰國鹹檸梳打 HKD$36ꕀ呢杯完全係𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦鹹檸獨特嘅鹹酸 𝘮𝘪𝘹 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢梳打水後飲落去超級解渴 嗰種爽 & 𝘎𝘜𝘙 即時湧哂出嚟ꕀ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-21
琴日早左收工就去左朋友家探貓貓同狗仔~同佢哋玩完一輪後就食埋個晚餐先返家,朋友建議係附近THE FOREST到食,最後我哋就去左食泰菜~.惹味拼盤(小) $96 拼盤有大份細份可以選擇,我哋就揀左細份,可以叫多啲唔同野食。拼盤有雞皮卷、酸腸、魚餅同雞棗。每樣都惹味,酸腸幾特別,而我最鐘意係雞皮卷,雞皮煎到微脆,內裡雞肉嫩滑有肉汁~.荔枝菠蘿紅咖哩大蝦 $128由於係用左荔枝同菠蘿煮嘅關係,所以呢個咖喱係會比一般咖喱甜。第一啖食會有少少酸,大蝦爽彈鮮甜~除左蝦外,仲有好多配料,有茄子、秋葵、菠蘿、腰果同荔枝。荔枝同菠蘿嘅甜味提升了咖哩既層次好特別,唔食辣既朋友都岩食.香辣蟹蒜炒麵 $118呢款炒麵我揀左少辣少油,用左蒜同辣椒黎炒令個炒麵好香好惹味,而且面頭鋪滿蟹肉勁滿足。不過少辣對我黎講都有啲辣,如果有微辣就更好.油酥手抓餅(3片) $52叫得咖喱當然唔少得手抓餅!手抓餅好酥脆,最重要係唔會好油膩!配埋咖喱食真係一流.班蘭椰汁糕 (4件) $48椰汁糕整成玫瑰花形狀,賣相精緻。有淡淡既班蘭同椰汁香,呢個要襯熱食口感煙煙韌韌,凍左個邊會有少少硬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇭🇰Mong Kok 旺角|ATUM Champak RestaurantWho also loves pad Thai as much as I do? 😍 Are you also a Thai food lover? 🇹🇭 I have got the best place to you to visit! 😉 ATUM Champak Restaurant got so many authentic dishes to offer, it was hard to decide what to eat! 😔 This time, I got to try:🦐 Pad Thai with Tiger Prawn 🦐 Pad Thai is always a must order for me when I visit Thai restos! 😆 Their Pad Thai are on the sweeter side with lots of eggs 🍳 too. Two BIG Tiger Prawns 🍤 were on top, prawns lovers will love it! 😌 Grilled Pork Neck with spicy sour sauce 😌This is such a refreshing and satisfying starter to have! 😋 The grilled pork 🥩 neck had lots of fat (so yummy) and when it was combined with the spicy sour sauce, it was quite refreshing! 👌🏻👌🏻Red Curry Prawn • Lychee & Pineapple with Roti Paratha 👌🏻Every bite of this curry 🍛 was refreshing as it had pineapple 🍍 & lychee in it. It was not very spicy 🌶️. I love dipping the Roti Paratha in the curry which is very satisfying to eat! 🫧 Cha Ba Mau Milk Foam 🫧 (MUST TRY‼️) I absolutely love ❤️ everything about their drinks and desserts! Not only the presentation is top tier, I am sure all sweets lovers will adore it! 😏 This drink was topped with 3⃣ coloured sugar shreds. The drink itself was coconut-y 😎 So satisfying and must try if you do visit! 😃 🥭 Mango Sticky Rice 🥭I find it the best to end off my Thai food experience with their traditional dessert - Mango 🥭 Sticky rice! I loved a bite with sticky rice, 🍚 mango, 🥭 coconut milk 🥛 and shreds. So satisfying to have! 🤪📍 The FOREST Shop107-108,1/F, 17 Nelson St, Mong Kok💲Price per person: $281 + 10% service charge continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-14
旺角鬧市中一點靜😆餐廳裝修色調超柔和,又舒適仲設有室外打卡添呀!🔸馬沙文奶油咖喱雞超推薦💕食落超creamy,好香奶油味食落唔算好辣!雞肉份量都算多超鐘意佢仲有好多蔬菜類!蓮藕好爽脆,茄子都好入味🔸油酥手抓薄餅(3片) 叫咗咖喱點可以唔叫番個薄餅!3塊份量都夠哂,仲好脹卜卜🔸豬腩生菜包估唔到呢個山菜包嘅豬腩咁大嚿!食落都好惹味~包埋生菜食真係一流🔸炭燒豬肉串燒沙嗲 申燒值得叫,沙嗲醬超濃郁豬肉仲好juicy唔會好乾身🔸馬拉盞炒芥蘭芥蘭食落爽口,仲好濃嘅蝦醬味,超惹味 📍 青花 (THE FOREST) (旺角)旺角奶路臣街17號THE FOREST 1樓107-108號舖#旺角美食 #旺角泰國菜 #泰國菜 #旺角好去處 #旺角打卡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-13
環境舒服 服務唔錯可能咁啱去果日人流唔算多我地傾左2個鐘都冇催我地
✨泰式虎蝦金邊粉 $138+
兩隻虎蝦都勁大隻 夠新鮮彈牙擺盤勁打卡able
✨冬蔭公單骨炸雞翼 $82+
再挑戰第2隻, 又辣得幾過癮
單骨方便食星星推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5✨芒果糯米飯 $78+
芒果少少酸 個人覺得可以接受到
但如果甜d會更好糯米飯加左蝶豆花幾特別 加埋椰子碎食多重口感味道主要靠椰漿去carry 唔會甜到膩 唔錯!星星推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐️/5✨三色冰奶蓋$48+
好震撼 勁多龍鬚糖係杯面既三色冰
飲左一半飲唔到落去星星推薦度:⭐️⭐️/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)