2-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
環境優美的樓上餐廳,座位舒適,菜式精緻,價錢大眾化。主力供應多款fusion美食及精釀啤酒。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
16:00 - 23:00
12:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
16:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (988)
Level4 2024-04-15
🌟 Last week, I had the pleasure of dining at Chiba in Mong Kok with my friends. Not only did the food look appetizing, but it also exceeded our expectations in terms of taste. The attentive waiter informed us that the restaurant has recently introduced a selection of cocktails and offers live music on specific days, although unfortunately, the day we visited did not feature live music. Nevertheless, we all had a truly memorable dining experience. Here are the dishes we ordered:1️⃣ 泰式蝦沙律杯 (Thai Prawns salad cup) - $128:This delightful dish consisted of six cups, offering two flavors. The red cup had a slightly spicy kick, while the green cup provided a milder taste. Both flavors were exceptionally tasty, and the freshness of the prawns elevated the overall experience.2️⃣ 墨西哥粟米片 (牛肉) (Tortilla chips with beef) - $88:Savor the perfect crunch of these tortilla chips, accompanied by flavorful beef that adds a delightful twist to this classic Mexican appetizer.3️⃣ 香草白酒芝士藍青口配法包 (Cheese Blue Mussels with bread) - $128:Indulge in the delectable combination of plump mussels and a creamy cheese sauce. The addition of garlic bread creates a harmonious pairing that will leave your taste buds craving for more.4️⃣ 慢煮甜酒燴牛面頰 (Slow Cooked wagyu beef cheek) - $188repare to be amazed by the tender and succulent wagyu beef cheek, slow-cooked to perfection. Its melt-in-your-mouth texture and exquisite flavor make this dish a true standout.5️⃣ 曲奇朱古力奶昔 (Cookies Chocolate Milk Shake) - $686️⃣ 焦糖蜂蜜奶昔 (Caramel Honey Milk Shake) - $68Both milkshakes are served with a crown of cream and sweet popcorn. Initially icy, it can be enjoyed by spooning the ice, and as it gradually melts, it transforms into a creamy milkshake that can be sipped through a straw.💰 The total bill for our party of three, including a 10% service charge, amounted to $735. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日收工同老公去油麻地撐枱腳朋友介紹左間指定日子會有Live music 既餐廳同埋有cocktail飲。不過今日就唔打算飲酒下次可以試下😆我地叫左3款小食,分別係:蜜糖咖喱脆雞$88熱辣辣,甜甜地好juicy 既雞球~好味。原汁炸乳鴿$108外皮好脆口仲保留肉汁,仲有好多蝦片。墨西哥粟米片牛肉$88呢個老公幾鍾意,香口得嚟又可以蘸唔同醬汁。飲品:曲奇朱古力奶昔$68外型超驚喜,好多爆谷,仲係用椰子殼裝住,睇得又飲得,朱古力味香濃,好似甜品咁。炭燒榛子咖啡$58唔錯炭燒味濃重奶味。主菜:香煎智利比目魚柳配檸檬牛油汁$188比目魚片有兩塊,同老公一人一塊,魚皮煎到脆卜卜,魚油豐富。配菜有黑醋椰菜花同埋蒜蓉西蘭花苗,兩者都唔錯。西班牙海鮮飯$178熱辣辣好足料,有兩大粒青口,兩隻大蝦有蝦膏,兩粒帆立貝仲有D辣肉腸粒,好惹味,飯既口感都唔錯煙煙unun,大推🤤環境幾舒服,座位寬敞,店員好Nice,希望下次嚟會撞正有Live Music continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-25
去完旅行返來即刻约朋友聚吓,哩晚去咗旺角一間有live band樓上餐廳,餐廳雖然唔算很大,但乾淨企理,另外吧檯位置是落地玻璃可望住繁忙旺角街頭。睇吓我地點咗乜?🔸️原汁炸頂乳鴿外層很香口,仲鎖住肉汁很香口🔸️香草白酒芝士籃青口配法包白酒芝士汁很濃,青口份量很多,蒜蓉包好香脆🔸️燒花魚一夜干吃落肉質都唔乾得,魚肉保持嫩滑🔸️伊比利亞煙燻豬架上枱時又要準備拍攝📸有煙燻效果,哩個真係要快食咗先,廚師將豬架已經切開一片片;很方便食用,肉質好爽好腍,底層薯蓉加了椰菜花粒,吃落好有口感👍飲品很多選擇仲有cocktail添🔸️點咗杯‘’Piggy" Ocean賣相好吸睛,飲落酒味比較濃但偏香甜,容易入口🔸️熱情果接骨木花茶成個花瓶送上枱很別緻🤩打卡一流📸味道微酸清淡幾好飲今次撞唔正Live Band係度🎤🎸原來佢地每逢星期五或者星期六,是但一晚先在場,下次再來先。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-21
成日都覺得旺無咩食,同埋覺得樓上cafe 果類舖頭好普通,但今次機緣巧合下到坊旺角樓上cafe,都令我改觀哂。餐廳位置寬敞,食物種類都多!同朋友一齊食都試到好多唔同款食物😚1️⃣凱撒沙律🥗個凱撒沙律好特別用一個玻璃罐裝住🫙,上埋鋪上煙三文魚🐟,原來沙律醬料已經撈好,倒出黎就可以食到,同埋佢地有埋凱撒沙律獨有嘅半生熟蛋🥚,超好味😋2️⃣香草白酒芝士藍青口配法包🍲🥖藍青口都好大隻,又新鮮,而且芝士醬勁厚身😍,將麵包沾上勁香濃白酒味嘅芝士🧀🥂,超好味!3️⃣炸椰菜花🥦第一次食炸椰菜花😍,椰菜花炸到金黃色脆卜卜😳,咬落去食到菜嘅質地又有香脆嘅口感,絕對係一款健康零食,哈哈!4️⃣水牛城雞翼🍗水牛城雞翼都炸得剛好!外脆內軟😋,沾埋酸忌廉就更加好食!5️⃣燒花魚一夜干🐟一夜干都比得想像中大條😳,肉質鮮甜又唔腥🤩6️⃣西班牙海鮮飯🥘主食叫左個海鮮飯🥘,海鮮料都絕不吝嗇,而且蕃茄醬汁🥫都夠濃郁😋,飯粒又粒粒鮮明火喉剛好!7️⃣伊比利亞煙燻豬架🐖佢嘅豬架都非常推薦!煙燻味勁重,豬架肉質厚但非常軟淋,食落去淡淡肉🤤,仲會有煙燻味嘅餘香!另外油脂分布都平均👍🏽,配埋墊底嘅薯蓉同蔬果,可以中和豬架嘅油膩感😋8️⃣青檸鹹檸檬梳打🍋/薰衣草蜜糖梳打🍯/熱情果接骨木花茶🍹飲品款式都有好多選擇,同埋飲品調配勁有心思,就好似接骨木花茶用傳統中式花樽⚱️,配搭裝飾花,成件事好睇得黎仲要好飲😆總括黎講,餐廳食物同飲品都好多選擇,亦感受到廚師用心炮製,後來發現佢地不定期有live music 同 新增唔少cocktail ,要約定朋友再黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-26
很久沒來這裡吃東西啦,在附近工作完就來吃個晚餐吧。坐在窗邊看著街道進餐,感覺挺寫意欵,晚上去別有一番風格😏。食物和飲品選擇多元化,價格不算太貴🙈。-▪︎熱班蘭朱古力 HKD$56|Denia's Island HKD$68點了兩杯朱古力飲品,熱飲的味道挺香。班蘭朱古力味道香甜,散發著很香的班蘭味。Denia's Island 是無酒精飲品,用牛奶和酸奶製成,面層灑上朱古力,味道酸酸甜甜的😙。-▪︎西班牙煙火腿蜜瓜 HKD$78等待食物來個小吃,這個組合愛了,平常也喜歡吃欵!咸香味的煙火腿,拌著香甜多汁的蜜瓜😎,忍不住一口接一口,是YYDS的組合。另有酸洋蔥吃,口感豐富又開胃。-▪︎椒鹽雞軟骨|水牛城雞翼 HKD$88小吃的選擇有很多,點了兩款香口小吃。雞軟骨金黃色的賣相口感爽脆,配醬汁吃更惹味。水牛城雞翼皮脆肉嫰,醬汁濃稠味道微辣,單骨版面挺方便吃。-▪︎西班牙海鮮飯 HKD$178用料豐富的海鮮炒飯,用了多款海鮮配料製成,所以味道挺多的。食材用料新鮮鮮味,飯質口感煙韌,醬汁味道香濃挺入味。- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)